The Jewish Encyclopedia states: :The cross as a Christian symbol or "seal" came into use at least as early as the second century (see "Apost. Const." iii. 17; Epistle of Barnabas, xi.-xii.; Justin, "Apologia," i. 55-60; "Dial. cum Tryph." 85-97); and the marking of a cross upon the forehead and the chest was regarded as a talisman against the powers of demons (Tertullian, "De Corona," iii.; Cyprian, "Testimonies," xi. 21-22; Lactantius, "Divinæ Institutiones," iv. 27, and elsewhere). Accordingly the Christian Fathers had to defend themselves, as early as the second century, against the charge of being worshipers of the cross, as may be learned from Tertullian, "Apologia," xii., xvii., and Minucius Felix, "Octavius," xxix. Christians used to swear by the power of the cross.
Although the cross was known to the early Christians, the crucifix did not appear in use until the 5th century.
There are few depictions of a lily crucifix in England. One of the most notable is a painting on a wall above the altar at All Saint's Church, Godshill, Isle of Wight. Other examples include:
Though significant in the history of religious doctrine, the Byzantine controversy over images is not seen as of primary importance in Byzantine history. "Few historians still hold it to have been the greatest issue of the period..."
The Iconoclastic Period began when images were banned by Emperor Leo III the Isaurian sometime between 726 and 730. Under his son Constantine V, a council forbidding image veneration was held at Hieria near Constantinople in 754. Image veneration was later reinstated by the Empress Regent Irene, under whom another council was held reversing the decisions of the previous iconoclast council and taking its title as Seventh Ecumenical Council. The council anathemized all who hold to iconoclasm, i.e. those who held that veneration of images constitutes idolatry. Then the ban was enforced again by Leo V in 815. And finally icon veneration was decisively restored by Empress Regent Theodora.
Today icons are used particularly among Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Coptic and Eastern Catholic Churches.
Category:Christian iconography Category:Religious symbols
ar:رموز مسيحية ca:Símbols del cristianisme cs:Křesťanské symboly da:Kristne symboler de:Symbole des Christentums es:Simbolismo cristiano hr:Kršćanski simboli hu:A keresztény liturgia jelképeinek listája nl:Christelijke symboliek pl:Symbolika chrześcijańska ru:Христианская символика fi:Kristilliset symbolit sv:Kristna symbolerThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
David Vaughan Icke (born April 29, 1952) is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he has written 18 books explaining his position, and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His 533-page ''The Biggest Secret'' (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.
Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose. In April 1991 he said on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was a son of the godhead—though he said later he had been misinterpreted—and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public.
He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years—''The Robots' Rebellion'' (1994), ''And the Truth Shall Set You Free'' (1995), ''The Biggest Secret'' (1999), and ''Children of the Matrix'' (2001)—set out a moral and political worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.
Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as "New Age conspiracism," writing that he is the most fluent of the conspiracist genre. Richard Kahn and Tyson Lewis argue that the reptilian hypothesis may simply be Swiftian satire, a way of giving ordinary people a narrative with which to question what they see around them.
After the war, Beric got a job in the Gents clock factory, and the family lived in a slum terraced house on Lead Street, near Wharf Street in the centre of Leicester. When Icke was three, they moved to a housing estate known as the Goodwood, one of the 1950s council estates the post-war Labour government built. "To say we were skint," he wrote in 1993, "is like saying it is a little chilly at the North Pole." He remembers having to hide under a window or chair when the council man came to collect the rent—after knocking, the rent man would walk round the house peering through the windows to see whether anyone was at home. His mother never explained that it was about the rent; she just told him to hide, and Icke writes that he still gets a fright when he hears a knock on the door.
He was always a loner, spending hours playing alone with toy steam trains, and preferring to cross the street rather than speak to anyone. He attended Whitehall Infant School, then Whitehall Junior School, where he spent most of his time feeling nervous and shy, often to the point of feeling faint during the morning assembly and having to leave before he passed out. The family doctor suggested a referral to a child psychologist, but his father put his foot down. He made no effort at school and failed at practically everything, but when he was nine, he was chosen for the junior school's football team. It was the first time he had succeeded at anything, and he came to see football as his way out of poverty. He played in goal, which he writes suited the loner in him and gave him a sense of living on the edge between hero and villain.
He worked for BBC Sport until August 1990, often as a stand-in host on ''Grandstand'' and snooker programmes, and also at the 1988 Summer Olympics, but a career in television began to lose its appeal for him. He wrote in ''Tales from the Time Loop'' that he found television workers insincere, shallow, and vicious, with rare exceptions. His contract with the BBC was terminated in 1990 when he refused to pay his poll tax, a controversial local tax introduced by Margaret Thatcher. He ended up paying it in November 1990, but his announcement that he was willing to go to jail rather than pay prompted the BBC, by charter an impartial public-service broadcaster, to distance itself from him.
In 1989 he began to feel a presence around him; he wrote that it was a time of considerable personal despair for him, though he gave no details. In March 1990, he had an experience in a newsagent's that felt as though a magnetic force was pulling his feet to the ground, and he heard a voice tell him to look at a particular section of books. One of the books was by Betty Shine, a psychic healer in Brighton. He decided to visit her to ask for help with his arthritis. She told him she had a message for him, and said he had been sent to heal the Earth. He would become famous, but would face opposition. The spirit world was going to pass ideas to him, which he would speak about to others, sometimes not understanding the words himself. She said he would write five books in three years; that in 20 years there would be a different kind of flying machine, where we could go wherever we wanted and time would have no meaning; and there would be earthquakes in unusual places, because the inner earth was being destabilized by having oil taken from the seabed.
In February 1991, he visited the pre-Inca Sillustani burial ground near Puno , Peru. He writes that he felt drawn to a large mound of earth, at the top of which lay a circle of waist-high stones. As he stood in the circle, he again felt his feet pulled to the earth as if by a magnet, and an urge to outstretch his arms. His feet started vibrating, and his head felt as though a drill was passing through it. Two thoughts entered his mind: that people will be talking about this in 100 years, and then, "it will be over when you feel the rain." He said his body started shaking as though plugged into an electrical socket and new ideas began to pour into him. Then it started raining, and the experience ended as suddenly as it had begun. He described it later as the "kundalini"—a term from Indian yoga describing a libidinal force that lies coiled at the base of the spine—exploding up through his spine, activating his brain and his chakras, or energy centres, triggering a higher level of consciousness.
He returned to England and began to write a book about the experience, ''Truth Vibrations'', published in May that year. At a Green Party conference in Wolverhampton on March 20, 1991, before the book appeared, he resigned from the party, telling them he was about to be at the centre of "tremendous and increasing controversy," and winning a standing ovation from them after the announcement.
In March 1991, a week after resigning from the Green Party, he held a press conference to announce that he had become a "channel for the Christ spirit," a title conferred on him by "the Godhead." He said the world would end in 1997, preceded by a number of disasters. There would be a severe hurricane around the Gulf of Mexico and New Orleans, eruptions in Cuba, disruption in China, a hurricane in Derry, and an earthquake on the Isle of Arran. Los Angeles would become an island, New Zealand would disappear, and the cliffs of Kent would be under water by Christmas 1991. He said the information was being given to them by voices and automatic writing. He wrote in 1993 that he didn't feel in control during the press conference. He heard his voice predicting the end of the world, and was appalled by what he was saying. "I was speaking the words," he wrote, "but all the time I could hear the voice of the brakes in the background saying, 'David, what the hell are you saying? This is absolute nonsense'." His predictions were splashed all over the next day's front pages, to his great dismay.
The interview proved devastating for him. The BBC was criticized for allowing it to go ahead, Des Christy in ''The Guardian'' calling it a "media crucifixion." Wogan interviewed Icke again in 2006, acknowledging that his comments during the interview had been a bit sharp. Icke disappeared from public life for a time, unable to walk down the street without people mocking him. His children were followed to school by journalists and ridiculed by schoolmates, and his wife would open the back door to get the washing in only to find a camera crew filming her. Icke told Jon Ronson in 2001:
One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way. And suddenly, overnight, this was transformed into "Icke's a nutter." I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.
Lewis and Kahn write that he has produced a consolidation of all conspiracy theories into a massive project with unlimited explanatory power, his work cutting across political, religious, and socio-economic divisions, uniting the right and left. They write that his lectures might see neo-Nazis and Christian Patriots sitting next to 60-something UFO buffs and New Age earth goddesses.
He stood for parliament in the UK as an independent in the July 2008 Haltemprice and Howden by-election, after initially announcing he would stand as "Big Brother—The Big Picture". He came 12th in the polling with 110 votes and lost his deposit. He explained that he stood because, "if we don't face this now we are going to have some serious explaining to do when we are asked by our children and grandchildren what we were doing when the global fascist state was installed. 'I was watching ''EastEnders'', dear,' will not be good enough."
Lewis and Kahn write that Sitchin argued—for example in ''Divine Encounters'' (1995)—that the Anunnaki came to Earth for its precious metals. Icke says they came specifically for "monoatomic gold," a mineral he says can increase the carrying capacity of the nervous system ten thousandfold. After ingesting it, they can process vast amounts of information, speed up trans-dimensional travel, and shapeshift from reptilian to human form. They use human fear, guilt, and aggression as energy. "Thus we have the encouragement of wars," he wrote in 1999, "human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject."
He writes that the Anunnaki have crossbred with human beings, the breeding lines chosen for political reasons. Icke argued that they are the Watchers, the fallen angels, or "Grigori," who mated with human women in the Biblical apocrypha. Their first reptilian-human hybrid, possibly Adam, was created 200,000–300,000 years ago. There was a second breeding program around 30,000 years ago, and a third 7,000 years ago. It is the half-bloods of the third breeding program who today control the world, more Anunnaki than human, he argued. They have a powerful, hypnotic stare, the origin of the phrase to "give someone the evil eye," and their hybrid DNA allows them to shapeshift when they consume human blood.
In ''Children of the Matrix'' (2001), he added that the Anunnaki bred with another extraterrestrial race called the "Nordics," who had blond hair and blue eyes, to produce a race of human slave masters, the Aryans. The Aryans retain many reptilian traits, including cold-blooded attitudes, a desire for top-down control, and an obsession with ritual, lending them a tendency toward fascism, rationalism, and racism. Lewis and Kahn write that, with the Nordic hypothesis, Icke is mirroring standard claims by the far right that the Aryan bloodline has ruled the Earth throughout history. For Icke, Sumerian Kings and Egyptian pharaohs have all been Aryan reptilian humanoids, as have 43 American presidents and the Queen Mother, who he wrote in 2001 was "seriously reptilian." All have taken part in Satanic rituals, paedophilia, kidnapping of children, drug parties and murder, needed to satisfy their reptilian blood lust, which allows them to retain their temporary human form.
In ''The Robots' Rebellion'' (1994), Icke introduced the idea that the Global Elite's plan for world domination was laid out in ''The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'', a hoax published in Russia in 1903, which supposedly presented a plan by the Jewish people to take over the world. The ''Protocols'' is the most influential piece of antisemitic material of modern times, portraying the Jewish people as cackling villains from a Saturday matinee, as Jon Ronson put it in his documentary about Icke, ''David Icke, the Lizards and the Jews'' (2001). It was published in English in 1920 by ''The Dearborn Independent'', Henry Ford's newspaper, becoming mixed up with conspiracy theories about anti-Christian Illuminati, international financiers, and the Rothschilds, a Jewish banking dynasty. After it was exposed as a hoax, Michael Barkun of Syracuse University writes that it disappeared from mainstream discourse until interest in it was renewed by the American far right in the 1950s. According to Mark Honigsbaum, Icke refers to it 25 times in the ''Robot's Rebellion'', calling it the "Illuminati protocols." Barkun writes that this is the first of a number of examples of Icke moving dangerously close to antisemitism.
Louis Theroux cautioned that it might not only be unfair to Icke to allege that he is associating Jews with the Global Elite, but might also lend what Theroux called a patina of seriousness to his ideas. Icke said it was "friggin' nonsense" that his reptiles represented Jews. "There is a tribe of people interbreeding," he told Jon Ronson in 2001, "which do not, ''do not'', relate to any earth race ... This is not a Jewish plot. This is not a plot on the world by Jewish people".
Icke's use of the ''Protocols'' was greeted with dismay by the Green Party's executive. They had allowed him to address the party's annual conference in 1992, despite the controversy over his Wogan interview, but in September 1994 decided to deny him a platform. Icke wrote to ''The Guardian'' protesting the decision, denying ''The Robots' Rebellion'' was antisemitic, and rejecting racism, sexism and prejudice of any kind, but in the same letter insisted that whoever wrote the ''Protocols'' "knew the game plan" for the 20th century. Barkun argues that Icke was trying to have it both ways, offended by the allegation of antisemitism while "hinting at the dark activities of Jewish elites." Alick Bartholomew of Gateway, Icke's former publisher, said that an early draft of ''And the Truth Shall Set You Free'' (1995) contained material questioning the Holocaust, and that Icke was dropped because of it. Sam Taylor wrote in ''The Observer'' in 1997 that, having read the material, he did not believe it was antisemitic, but argued that Icke was "tapping into a seriously paranoid, aggressive strain in U.S. society."
Icke was briefly detained by immigration officials when he entered Canada in 2000, after his name was added to a watch list because of complaints from the Canadian Jewish Congress. His books were removed from Indigo Books, and several stops on his speaking tour were cancelled. Human rights lawyer Richard Warman, working at the time for the Canadian Green Party, took credit for much of this in Jon Ronson's documentary about Icke, which catalogued the cancelled appearances.
According to Barkun, Icke has actively tried to cultivate the far right. In 1996, he spoke to a conference in Reno, Nevada, alongside opponents of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act—which mandates background checks on people who buy guns in the United States—including Kirk Lyons, a white nationalist lawyer who has represented the Ku Klux Klan. Barkun argues that the relationship between Icke, the militias, and the Christian Patriots is complex because of the New Age baggage Icke brings with him, and he stresses that Icke is not actually a member of any of these groups, but he has nevertheless absorbed the world view of the radical right virtually intact. "There is no fuller explication of its beliefs about ruling elites than Icke's," he writes. Icke regards Christian patriots as the only Americans who understand the truth about the New World Order, but he also told a Christian patriot group: "I don't know which I dislike more, the world controlled by the Brotherhood, or the one you want to replace it with."
Tyson Lewis and Richard Kahn see Icke as a spiritual philosopher, arguing that it's not clear he believes in the reptilians himself. They write that there is an almost obsessive-compulsive element to his writing, which includes anything he can find to support a narrative that connects ancient Sumer to modern America, in a way that "defies the laws of academic gravity." They argue that the lizards may be allegorical, a Swiftian satire describing the emergence of a global fascist state. In ''Children of the Matrix'', Icke writes that, that if the reptilians did not exist, we would have to invent them. "In fact," he says, "we probably have. They are other levels of ourselves putting ourselves in our face." Lewis and Kahn make use of Douglas Kellner's distinction in ''Media Spectacle'' (1995) between a reactionary clinical paranoia—a mindset dissociated from reality—and a progressive, critical paranoia that confronts power. They argue that Icke displays elements of both, writing that what they call his "postmodern metanarrative" may be a way of giving ordinary people a narrative structure within which to question what they see around them.
;DVDs and videos
Category:1952 births Category:Anti-globalist activists Category:Article Feedback Pilot Category:Association football goalkeepers Category:British sports broadcasters Category:British television presenters Category:Conspiracy theorists Category:Pseudohistory Category:Fringe theory Category:Coventry City F.C. players Category:English footballers Category:English occult writers Category:English political writers Category:Environmental skepticism Category:Hereford United F.C. players Category:Independent politicians in England Category:Living people Category:People from Leicester Category:People from Ryde Category:Psychedelic drug advocates Category:Religious skeptics Category:The Football League players Category:UFO conspiracy theorists
bg:Дейвид Айк ca:David Icke de:David Icke et:David Icke es:David Icke eo:David Icke fr:David Icke hr:David Icke it:David Icke nl:David Icke ja:デイビッド・アイク no:David Icke pl:David Icke pt:David Icke ro:David Icke ru:Айк, Дэвид sr:Дејвид Ајк fi:David Icke sv:David Icke uk:Девід Айк vo:David IckeThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Name | Ben Stein |
Birth name | Benjamin Jeremy Stein |
Birth date | November 25, 1944 |
Birth place | Washington, D.C., United States |
Nationality | American |
Party | Republican |
Occupation | Actor, writer, commentator, lawyer, teacher, humorist |
Religion | Jewish |
Yearsactive | 1970–present |
Home page | |
Emmyawards | Daytime Emmy - Outstanding Game Show Host 1999 ''Win Ben Stein's Money''with Jimmy Kimmel |
Spouse | Alexandra Denman (1968-1974; 1977-present) |
Children | Tom (adopted) }} |
Stein has frequently written commentaries on economic, political, and social issues, along with financial advice to individual investors. He is the son of economist and writer Herbert Stein, who worked at the White House under President Nixon. His sister, Rachel, is also a writer. While as a character actor he is well-known for his droning, monotone delivery, in real life he is a public speaker on a wide range of economic and social issues.
Stein's first teaching stint was as an adjunct professor, teaching about the political and social content of mass culture at American University in Washington, D.C. He subsequently taught at University of California, Santa Cruz holding classes on the political and civil rights of the United States Constitution. At Pepperdine University in Southern California, Stein taught libel law and United States securities law and its ethical aspects. He was a professor of law at Pepperdine University Law School, from about 1990 to 1997.
Stein was the commencement speaker for the Liberty University 2009 graduation on Saturday, May 9, at Williams Stadium. At this ceremony, the University awarded him an honorary degree. According to the school, Stein "delivered a message about intelligent design, patriotism, and value for humanity to graduates and their families."
Stein was fired from his position as a Sunday Business columnist at ''The New York Times'' in August 2009 due to a policy forbidding writers from performing product endorsements or advertising. Stein had recently become an advertising spokesperson for credit information company, and according to a ''Times'' statement, had assumed there would be no conflict provided that he did not discuss credit scoring in general or itself in his column. However, the publication felt that it would be inappropriate for him to write for them while he was involved in advertising, and terminated his contract. Writing in ''The Spectator'', Stein states his belief that the real reasons for his firing were budget cuts at the ''Times'', his criticism of President Obama, and pressure from those critical of ''Expelled'', who "bamboozled some of the high pooh-bahs at the ''Times'' into thinking there was a conflict of interest".
In 2005, Stein said in the ''American Spectator'':
On June 24, 2008, Stein received the Freedom of Expression Award at the Entertainment Merchants Association’s Home Entertainment Awards for "his outspoken economic and political beliefs."
Stein played similarly bland and unemotional characters. He had a recurring role in the TV series ''The Wonder Years'' and played himself in ''Dave''.
He also appeared in several television commercials, most notably for the product "Clear Eyes" throughout the 1990s and 2000s ''("The difference is clear…Clear Eyes." "Clear Eyes, Wow!")''—many ads spoof movies of the day, such as one where Stein is a painter (a play on ''The Da Vinci Code''). Stein's deadpan, monotone deliveries stand in stark contrast to the more typical enthusiasm of commercial personalities. Before this, he appeared for a Godfather's Pizza ad in 1987 and as a bland science teacher in a 1990 ad for Sprinkled Chips Ahoy Cookies.
In 1997, Stein was given his own game show by Comedy Central titled ''Win Ben Stein's Money'' along with co-host Jimmy Kimmel (replaced by Nancy Pimental and later by Sal Iacono). True to its name, the money that contestants won on the show was subtracted from the $5,000 Stein earned per episode (in addition to his salary). The show won five Daytime Emmy Awards before ending its run in 2003.
In 1999, during the height of ''Win Ben Stein's Money'''s popularity, Comedy Central gave Stein another show, a talk show with celebrity guests entitled ''Turn Ben Stein On''. One of the mainstays of the show was Stein's dog, Puppy Wuppy, who had free run of the set.
Other movies and television shows in which Ben Stein has appeared include ''Charles in Charge''; ''Seinfeld''; ''Full House''; ''Casper''; ''Casper: A Spirited Beginning''; ''Casper Meets Wendy''; ''The Mask'' and its sequel, ''Son of the Mask'' as well as the TV show, ''The Mask: The Animated Series''; ''Earthworm Jim''; ''Star Search''; ''MacGyver''; ''Richie Rich''; ''Game Show Moments Gone Bananas''; ''Cavuto on Business''; ''The O'Reilly Factor''; ''CBS News Sunday Morning''; ''Planes, Trains and Automobiles''; ''Family Guy''; the Michael Berger-hosted version of ''Match Game''; ''Fairly Odd Parents''; ''Duckman''; ''Married... with Children''; ''The Emperor's New School''; ''My Girl 2''; and the intelligent design vs. evolution documentary'' Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed''.
In addition, Stein's voice roles include The Pixies, magical creatures on the animated series ''The Fairly OddParents''; Mr. Purutu on the animated Series ''The Emperor's New School''; Professor Wisenstein in ''Bruno the Kid''; the birthday party clown on ''The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius''; and Pip on ''Animaniacs''. Stein also voiced a psychiatrist, again named after himself, in the USA TV series ''Duckman''; he once appeared in the sitcom ''Married with Children'' as a receptionist in the animal afterlife. He also made a cameo appearance in the comic book ''Young Justice'', as Ali Ben Styn. Another cameo appearance was in the ''Family Guy'' episode "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein". Stein also voiced the character Sam Schmaltz in the 1996 computer adventure game ''Toonstruck''.
In addition, Stein has written for the television industry, including outlines for the TV movie ''Murder in Mississippi'' and for the lengthy ABC miniseries ''Amerika''. He has also contributed to the creation of the well-liked TV comedy ''Fernwood 2 Night''.
Ben Stein hosted a show on VH1 called ''America's Most Smartest Model''. The show aimed to find the smartest among fourteen models through a series of challenges.
On May 14, 2006, during an appearance on the Fox News program ''Your World with Neil Cavuto'', Stein called for a tax increase of 3.5% for wealthy Americans, to be earmarked for soldiers and military initiatives. Indeed, Stein wrote an editorial for ''The New York Times'' critical of those who would rather make money in the world of finance than fight terrorism.
On December 28, 2009, Stein appeared on CNN's Larry King Live with Dr. Ron Paul to discuss the attempted bombing of an American plane on Christmas Day 2009. Stein said that Dr. Paul's stance that the United States were "occupiers" in Iraq and Afghanistan "is the same anti-Semitic argument we've heard over and over again." The comment started a shouting match between the two men and prompted anger from Dr. Paul's supporters and those who believe Stein went too far in calling Paul's argument anti-Semitic. Stein issued an apology on December 30, 2009.
He is an occasional political and economics commentator on CNBC's ''Kudlow & Company''.
In an August 12, 2007 column in the New York Times titled "Chicken Little’s Brethren, on the Trading Floor", Stein, while acknowledging "I don’t know where the bottom is on subprime. I don’t know how bad the problems are at Bear (Bear Stearns)" claimed that "subprime losses are wildly out of all proportion to the likely damage to the economy from the subprime problems," and "(t)his economy is extremely strong. Profits are superb. The world economy is exploding with growth. To be sure, terrible problems lurk in the future: a slow-motion dollar crisis, huge Medicare deficits and energy shortages. But for now, the sell-off seems extreme, not to say nutty. Some smart, brave people will make a fortune buying in these days, and then we’ll all wonder what the scare was about." That week, the Dow Jones closed at 13,239.54; as of August 2011, the market has yet to return to this level.
On August 18, 2007, on Fox News Channel's ''Cavuto on Business'', Stein appeared with other financial experts dismissing worries of a coming credit crunch. The lone dissenter was Peter Schiff, who predicted that the mortgage sector would create a crisis leading to massive recession, a view that produced laughter from the other experts. Stein strongly recommended investing in then-troubled financial institutions.
Ben Stein: The credit crunch is way overblown. The [financial institutions] are being given away; they're so unbelievably cheap...The subprime problem is a problem, but it's a tiny problem in the context of this economy...It's a buying opportunity, especially for the financials, maybe like I've never seen before in my entire life.
Peter Schiff: This is just getting started. It's not just subprimes. This is a problem for the entire mortgage industry. It's not just people with bad credit that committed to mortgages they couldn't afford. It's not just people with bad credit who are going to see their home equity vanish... This is going to be an enormous credit crunch...
Neil Cavuto: You must be a laugh-riot at parties.
Ben Stein: ...subprime is tiny. Subprime is a tiny, tiny blip.
Peter Schiff: It's not tiny. And again, it's not just subprime. It's the entire mortgage market.
Ben Stein: You're simply wrong about that... Defaults for the whole mortgage market are tiny.
Ben Stein: I think stocks will be a heck of a lot higher a year from now than they are now.
Thirteen months later, in the Global Financial Crisis of September 2008, global stock markets crashed, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over by the US government, AIG was bailed out by the Federal Reserve, Merrill Lynch was sold to Bank of America Corporation, and Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs confirmed that they would become traditional bank holding companies.
In a Yahoo! Finance article written on October 17, 2008, Stein explained that his understanding of the debt obligations based on real estate loans was less than the "staggeringly large" amount of obligations that were created through trade in derivatives of those, and so why it wasn't as similar to collapse of junk bond empire in early 1990s as he'd thought it would be: "Where I missed the boat was not realizing how large were the CDS [credit default swaps] based on the junk mortgage bonds."
For these and other perceived errors, Stein has been criticized by other economic writers. Beginning in September 2007, economic blogger Felix Salmon had a feature on his "Market Movers" blog entitled "Ben Stein Watch," which deconstructed his weekly New York Times opinion columns and generally found them wanting in economic insight. After moving to, Salmon announced that he would end the Ben Stein Watch feature, explaining:
By the time I left Portfolio, the Ben Stein Watch archives... amounted to 60 separate blog entries, totaling 33,776 words. And although they were popular, they never achieved their stated aim: Stein is still writing for the NYT. But I’m putting the BSW to an end right now.However, Salmon continues to make criticism of Stein a regular feature of his blog.One reason is that Stein’s columns have ceased to be infuriating to me: instead they tend to lie somewhere between boring and incomprehensible. Another reason is that if Stein couldn’t get himself fired from the NYT for making Expelled , there’s simply no way that a lone blogger is going to have any effect.
Business commentator Henry Blodgett wrote a piece for Business Insider in January 2008 entitled "Ben Stein is an Idiot," stating that Stein's criticism of those with bearish views and positions on the market was either "delusional," or a deliberate and "shrewd" attempt to create false controversy and drive up web traffic.
The general media response to the film has been largely unfavorable. It received a 10% meta-score from Rotten Tomatoes. Multiple reviews, including those of ''USA Today'' and ''Scientific American'', have described the film as propaganda. Despite more recent works being listed on his personal website, Stein's own filmography page has not been updated yet to include Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (as of July 2011)''.
In a Trinity Broadcasting Network interview with Paul Crouch Jr. regarding Stein's movie, Stein made the following statement about science and religion:
Stein: When we just saw that man, I think it was Mr. Myers, talking about how great scientists were, I was thinking to myself the last time any of my relatives saw scientists telling them what to do they were telling them to go to the showers to get gassed … that was horrifying beyond words, and that’s where science — in my opinion, this is just an opinion — that’s where science leads you.
Crouch: That’s right.
Stein: …Love of God and compassion and empathy leads you to a very glorious place, and science leads you to killing people.
Crouch: Good word, good word.
Due in part to the notoriety he received for a talk he gave on economics at the University of Vermont, Stein was invited to be the commencement speaker at the graduation ceremony for the class of 2009. After the announcement, university president, Dan Fogel, notified Stein that a number of people had complained about Stein speaking at the commencement and receiving an honorary degree from the school, so that when he came he "would not be blindsided". The complaints were because his views of science were "affronts to the basic tenets of the academy." Due to the furor, Stein declined his commencement invitation.
! Year !! Title !! Publisher !! ISBN | |||
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''On the Brink: A Novel'' (coauthor: Herbert Stein) | Ballantine Books | ||
''Dreemz'' (hardcover: ''California Dreemz'') | Ballantine Books | ||
''The View from Sunset Boulevard: America as brought to you by the people who make television'' | Basic Books | ||
''′ Ludes'' | St. Martin's Press | ||
''Her Only Sin'' | St. Martin's Press | ||
''Hollywood Days, Hollywood Nights: the Diary of a Mad Screenwriter'' | Bantam Books | ||
''A License to Steal: the Untold Story of Michael Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation'' | Simon & Schuster | ||
''How to Ruin Your Life'' | Hay House | ||
''How to Ruin Your Love Life'' | Hay House | ||
rowspan="2" | ''How to Ruin Your Financial Life'' | Hay House | |
''Can America Survive? The Rage of the Left, the Truth, and What to Do About It'' | New Beginnings Press | ||
rowspan="2" | ''Yes, You Can Be a Successful Income Investor: Reaching for Yield in Today's Market'' | New Beginnings Press | |
''Yes, You Can Still Retire Comfortably: The Baby-Boom Retirement Crisis and how to Beat It'' | New Beginnings Press | ||
''How Successful People Win: Using "Bunkhouse Logic" to Get What You Want in Life'' | Hay House | ||
''The Real Stars: In Today's America, Who Are the True Heroes?'' | New Beginnings Press | ||
''How to Ruin the United States of America'' | New Beginnings Press |
Category:1944 births Category:Actors from Washington, D.C. Category:American comedians Category:American film actors Category:American game show hosts Category:Washington, D.C. Republicans Category:American Jews Category:American lawyers Category:The American Spectator people Category:American speechwriters Category:American television actors Category:American University faculty and staff Category:Columbia University alumni Category:Connecticut lawyers Category:Daytime Emmy Award winners Category:Intelligent design advocates Category:Jewish actors Category:Jewish American writers Category:Jewish creationists Category:Jewish comedians Category:Living people Category:People from Beverly Hills, California Category:People from Montgomery County, Maryland Category:People from Washington, D.C. Category:University of California, Santa Cruz faculty Category:Washington, D.C. lawyers Category:Watergate figures Category:Writers from California Category:Writers from Maryland Category:Writers from Washington, D.C. Category:Yale Law School alumni Category:People from Silver Spring, Maryland Category:People from Sandpoint, Idaho Category:American pro-life activists
de:Ben Stein fr:Ben Stein nl:Ben Stein ja:ベン・スタイン pt:Ben Stein simple:Ben Stein sv:Ben SteinThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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