- published: 24 Sep 2011
- views: 881161
- author: Vsauce

Rinry's Channel: www.youtube.com Catmario: www.kongregate.com Class 3 Outbreak: www.class3...
published: 24 Sep 2011
author: Vsauce
Rinry's Channel: www.youtube.com Catmario: www.kongregate.com Class 3 Outbreak: www.class3outbreak.com Draw a Stickman www.drawastickman.com Ugly Dance: theuglydance.com Rinry's List: Parasite: www.nitrome.com Small Worlds: armorgames.com Wonder Putt: www.notdoppler.com MAZE: www.freepuzzlegames.biz NEON MAZE: armorgames.com TRIANGLES: emiliogomariz.com Man in the Dark: www.maninthedark.com The Disagreeing Internet: thedisagreeinginternet.com Hacker Typer: hackertyper.net do nothing for 2 minutes: www.donothingfor2minutes.com
- published: 24 Sep 2011
- views: 881161
- author: Vsauce

Picture of Everything? -- DONG
LINKS: @tweetsauce Music courtesy of Jake Chudnow: www.soundcloud.com Make Big Messages: b...
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: Vsauce
Picture of Everything? -- DONG
LINKS: @tweetsauce Music courtesy of Jake Chudnow: www.soundcloud.com Make Big Messages: bigassmessage.com The Sound Walk: www.musicgames.co HugeURL: hugeurl.geeks.org Test Pilot: www.physicsgames.net SAD TROMBONE: www.sadtrombone.com More Cowbell: www.morecowbell.dj CATS!! http Color matching: color.method.ac Gravity duck (chrome only) www.evolvedonlinegames.com Albums Extended into real life: www.sleeveface.com Symon Dream Logic game: gambit.mit.edu Picture of Everything: www.thepictureofeverything.com moan my IP: www.moanmyip.com overthemoon206 playlist of comedy: www.youtube.com OverAnalyzers: www.youtube.com See ALL OverAnalyzers episodes here: www.cinevore.com reddit playlist of 30 second clips: www.youtube.com @abcd...k.com email address: www.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com
- published: 01 Feb 2012
- views: 982296
- author: Vsauce

12 MORE Amazing Free Games! -- DONG!
*** LINKS *** Intro text made with math program: golly.sourceforge.net Explanation of Conw...
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: Vsauce
12 MORE Amazing Free Games! -- DONG!
*** LINKS *** Intro text made with math program: golly.sourceforge.net Explanation of Conway's Game of Life: www.math.com The "I" of "IT": www.newgrounds.com roman numeral calculator: www.math.com NES and SNES music quizzes: www.kongregate.com www.kongregate.com Zombies Took My Daughter: www.kongregate.com You Find Yourself in a Room" www.newgrounds.com 3D Tetris: 3dtris.de Company of Myself: www.newgrounds.com How to use make upside down text: toolsgeek.com youtube slap video: www.youtube.com Loop YouTube Videos: www.yourepeat.com Video Time Machine Site: yttm.tv Video Time Machine App: itunes.apple.com Sonic Flipbook: www.youtube.com FrenzyWood's V sauce Flipbook ending: www.youtube.com BONUS ITEMS: www.maninthedark.com and www.kongregate.com
- published: 05 Jun 2011
- views: 1026016
- author: Vsauce

DON'T SHOOT THE PUPPY!! .... and more: DONG #23
All previous DONGs: bit.ly LINKS: music courtesy of Jake Chudnow www.soundcloud.com iRuler...
published: 03 Mar 2012
author: Vsauce
DON'T SHOOT THE PUPPY!! .... and more: DONG #23
All previous DONGs: bit.ly LINKS: music courtesy of Jake Chudnow www.soundcloud.com iRuler.net: iruler.net ShadyURL: www.shadyurl.com Google "did you mean" generator freecodesource.com Ice Breaker: www.nitrome.com exit path: adventuregamesonline.org Realm of the Mad God: www.realmofthemadgod.com SUPER PRESS SPACE TO WIN ACTION RPG: www.notdoppler.com Mouse Clicking competition: www.urban75.com DON'T SHOOT THE PUPPY!!! www.rrrrthats5rs.com Toon Crisis 2: www.newgrounds.com Tilt shift VIDEO: youtu.be Tilt shift maker: tiltshiftmaker.com Scale of the Universe 2: htwins.net Negative "implode": freecodesource.com Barry Martin's Hopalong Orbits Visualizer: iacopoapps.appspot.com www.JELLOTIME.com dialectizer rinkworks.com Organ Trail: www.hatsproductions.com Google Fight: www.googlefight.com Nuke Map www.nuclearsecrecy.com Drama Button: www.dramabutton.com
- published: 03 Mar 2012
- views: 1522054
- author: Vsauce

Things To Do Online #18 -- DONG!
@tweetsauce LINKS to everything below: facebook.com/VsauceGaming Vsauce2: www.youtube.com ...
published: 09 Nov 2011
author: Vsauce
Things To Do Online #18 -- DONG!
@tweetsauce LINKS to everything below: facebook.com/VsauceGaming Vsauce2: www.youtube.com Super Cuts: supercut.org Winter going to every Starbucks: www.starbuckseverywhere.net depict1: www.newgrounds.com Level Editor: www.agame.com Epic Rail: www.newgrounds.com baloon tower defense games: www.balloontowerdefense.net Rainy Mood: www.rainymood.com WubMachine: the.wubmachine.com Widdler Day and Night remix: www.youtube.com Ron Winter Drums: www.ronwinter.tv Incredibox.fr: www.incredibox.fr Seaquence: seaquence.org ambigram maker: www.flipscript.com LONG STUFF: thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com one of TehN1ppe's best: www.youtube.com Longest Video on YouTube: www.youtube.com YouTube comment with probably the most thumbs-up ever: www.youtube.com
- published: 09 Nov 2011
- views: 1312212
- author: Vsauce

How Much CAFFEINE KILLS?? .. and more: DONG!
Click this link to watch VSAUCE LEANBACK: www.youtube.com *** DONG LINKS *** Google Gravit...
published: 18 Apr 2011
author: Vsauce
How Much CAFFEINE KILLS?? .. and more: DONG!
Click this link to watch VSAUCE LEANBACK: www.youtube.com *** DONG LINKS *** Google Gravity: mrdoob.com Caffeine: www.energyfiend.com/death-by-caffeine/ Multitask: www.newgrounds.com Headsmashing Game: www.kongregate.com WORLD'S BIGGEST PACMAN worldsbiggestpacman.com Anti-Pacman: www.playzgame.com Girl Talk: mashupbreakdown.com Music by the dots: collegehumor.com Auditorium: www.playauditorium.com Anasomnia www.anasomnia.com Psychopaint: www.psykopaint.com
- published: 18 Apr 2011
- views: 1032539
- author: Vsauce

10 AMAZING Flash Games - DONG!
Like us on Facebook FTW: www.facebook.com ** LINKS ** Run: www.kongregate.com Sky Island: ...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: Vsauce
10 AMAZING Flash Games - DONG!
Like us on Facebook FTW: www.facebook.com ** LINKS ** Run: www.kongregate.com Sky Island: armorgames.com Gun Blood: www.newgrounds.com Powdergame: dan-ball.jp EON: www.java-gaming.com Line Rider: www.linerider.com Solipskier: mikengreg.com notpr0n: www.deathball.net Tim Tang Test: www.timtang.com Little Wheel: little wheel: www.newgrounds.com yourworldoftext.com -AND- yourworldoftext.com
- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 1280680
- author: Vsauce

LINKS: Cover your body with Vsauce: www.districtlines.com www.twitter.com www.Facebook.com...
published: 06 May 2012
author: Vsauce
LINKS: Cover your body with Vsauce: www.districtlines.com www.twitter.com www.Facebook.com Music by Jake Chudnow: www.soundcloud.com intro animation by www.youtube.com Pull my finger: www.misternicehands.com Word Clouds www.wordle.net AWESOME CONTEST mostawesomestthingever.com Un-Hear-It: unhearit.com TuneGlue: audiomap.tuneglue.net Music-Map: www.music-map.com Site that recognizes your singing or humming www.midomi.com Fracuum armorgames.com Game of Life WIKI article: en.wikipedia.org Golly (Game of Life DOWNLOAD): golly.sourceforge.net Online Game of Life: www.ibiblio.org Mushroom Game of Life: a.parsons.edu Pretentious Game: armorgames.com I Saw Her Standing There (Zombie love game): www.kongregate.com Night of the LOVING dead: www.newgrounds.com Map of the DEAD: www.mapofthedead.com www.z0r.de Scale of the Universe: www.numbersleuth.org Cosmic Crush: www.crazymonkeygames.com Vixolent interactive shoot out: www.youtube.com Domino INTERACTIVE: www.youtube.com Metronomy "The Bay": www.youtube.com Instant READING RAINBOW: instantrimshot.com
- published: 06 May 2012
- views: 1864067
- author: Vsauce

SPOT THE FAKE !! -------- DONG
Hmm, my new camera doesn't have great audio and @2:40 is scary... but HAPPY FOURTH ANYWAY!...
published: 04 Jul 2011
author: Vsauce
SPOT THE FAKE !! -------- DONG
Hmm, my new camera doesn't have great audio and @2:40 is scary... but HAPPY FOURTH ANYWAY! ** LINKS ** The Level Game: www.levelgame.net Error Level Analysis: errorlevelanalysis.com Kawai Run: www.silvergames.com ASCII font generator: patorjk.com Typing Test: patorjk.com The Half Pennies: www.youtube.com 3D Music Video: www.pendulum.com Akinator: us.akinator.com Bars of Black and White: www.newgrounds.com Candy Catch: www.newgrounds.com www.HelpJoplin.com
- published: 04 Jul 2011
- views: 1331653
- author: Vsauce

[SCARY] bong chong dong ghost lets play playthrough walkthrough
Link the website: bit.ly Become a bro and Subscribe! l bit.ly Facebook l on.fb.me Twitter ...
published: 10 Oct 2011
author: PewDiePie
[SCARY] bong chong dong ghost lets play playthrough walkthrough
Link the website: bit.ly Become a bro and Subscribe! l bit.ly Facebook l on.fb.me Twitter l bit.ly pewdiepie.de Favoriting/Liking is MUCH appreciated and helps me out a lot! Thank you! ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( BROFIST ........... Get your Pewdiepie T-shirt and look like a boss! pewdiepie.spreadshirt.com
- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 2451822
- author: PewDiePie

[HD/HQ Music Video] SHINee - Ring Ding Dong (링딩동)
Song: Ring Ding Dong Artist: SHINee Album: 3rd Mini Album - 2009, Year of Us Label: SM Ent...
published: 16 Oct 2009
author: ArcadianDragon
[HD/HQ Music Video] SHINee - Ring Ding Dong (링딩동)
Song: Ring Ding Dong Artist: SHINee Album: 3rd Mini Album - 2009, Year of Us Label: SM Entertainment Co. Ltd. All content belongs to their respectiveowners. Only used for entertainment purposes, no copyright intended. If you are listening to this video right after uploading, YouTube will take a while to finish processing the video for high quality.
- published: 16 Oct 2009
- views: 252445
- author: ArcadianDragon

Hyunseung & Dong Woon "Trouble Maker" (Live 2nd Fanmeet B2UTY & BEAST)
Hyunseung & Dong Woon "Trouble Maker" (Live @ 2nd Fanmeet B2UTY & BEAST)...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: TheMonzterGlam
Hyunseung & Dong Woon "Trouble Maker" (Live 2nd Fanmeet B2UTY & BEAST)
Hyunseung & Dong Woon "Trouble Maker" (Live @ 2nd Fanmeet B2UTY & BEAST)
- published: 22 Apr 2012
- views: 304180
- author: TheMonzterGlam

Mouth of Sauron Sings The Ding Dong Song
Aragorn's army is gripped by fear when the Mouth of Sauron sang the Ding Dong Song. NOTICE...
published: 23 Aug 2009
author: Freiheits Kämpfer
Mouth of Sauron Sings The Ding Dong Song
Aragorn's army is gripped by fear when the Mouth of Sauron sang the Ding Dong Song. NOTICE: This is not Sauron, this abomination is known as the Mouth of Sauron. It is his title because he represents his Lord Sauron. The Mouth of Sauron is also known as the Lieutenant of Barad-dûr who belonged to the race of the Black Númenóreans. Lord of the Rings (TM), ® & © is a registered trademark of New Line Cinema. Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved. "Ding Dong Song" is a song by Swedish pop singer Günther. The song, originally released in 1984 as Tralala by Dutch band Phil & Company, was released in 2004 on Gunther's debut album, Pleasureman.
- published: 23 Aug 2009
- views: 3303461
- author: Freiheits Kämpfer
Youtube results:

How to HACK Flash Games -- And More! *DONG*
www.Facebook.com **LINKS** First Person Tetris: www.firstpersontetris.com Portal Tetris: w...
published: 11 May 2011
author: Vsauce
How to HACK Flash Games -- And More! *DONG*
www.Facebook.com **LINKS** First Person Tetris: www.firstpersontetris.com Portal Tetris: www.duelinganalogs.com Tetris Labs: www.coolgames.com Unlocked Flash Game Levels: www.arcadeprehacks.com Browser Pong stewd.io TOOGLE (*not always working -- we sent too much traffic!*): c6.org Periodic Table of Videos: www.periodicvideos.com Words out of Elements: lmntology.com And Everything Started to Fall: www.mofunzone.com ABC type speed: playfreeonlinegames.eu PAUL NEAVE: www.neave.com www.neave.com Ball Chrome Experiement: balldroppings.com Choose-Your-Own weird adventure? baboon.co.il BONUS GAMES: alphaland: www.newgrounds.com Nuclear Eagle: armorgames.com
- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 1008737
- author: Vsauce

12 CRAZIEST Screensavers!
** LINKS TO DOWNLOAD THESE ** Soundstream: [Mac] www.pcheese.net Escher: [Mac] wakaba.c3.c...
published: 04 Mar 2011
author: Vsauce
12 CRAZIEST Screensavers!
** LINKS TO DOWNLOAD THESE ** Soundstream: [Mac] www.pcheese.net Escher: [Mac] wakaba.c3.cx WordClock: [PC & Mac] www.simonheys.com Uniqlo: [PC & Mac]www.uniqlo.com SETI@HOME: [PC & Mac] setiathome.berkeley.edu Electric Sheep: [PC & Mac] electricsheep.org HAL 9000: [PC & Mac] www.halproject.com breveCreatures: [PC & Mac] www.spiderland.org briblo: [PC & Mac] www.9031.com LotsaWater: [Mac] wakaba.c3.cx RainyDay2: [Mac] sribs.blogspot.com
- published: 04 Mar 2011
- views: 1845840
- author: Vsauce

SCARY GAMES! - VERY SCARY STORY! (Bong-Cheon Dong Ghost w/ Reaction & Facecam)
Read Here Guys! comic.naver.com T-Shirts (US): 408565.spreadshirt.com T-Shirts (Europe): 6...
published: 28 Jan 2012
author: yamimash
SCARY GAMES! - VERY SCARY STORY! (Bong-Cheon Dong Ghost w/ Reaction & Facecam)
Read Here Guys! comic.naver.com T-Shirts (US): 408565.spreadshirt.com T-Shirts (Europe): 697745.spreadshirt.co.uk LIVESTREAM: www.twitch.tv Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com bong-cheon dong ghost reaction
- published: 28 Jan 2012
- views: 81536
- author: yamimash

Dream High 드림하이 ● DREAMING ● Song Sam Dong x Go Hye Mi
I have to say that at first I didn't like "Dream High" because I thought - 'Again some kin...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: vostarlightov
Dream High 드림하이 ● DREAMING ● Song Sam Dong x Go Hye Mi
I have to say that at first I didn't like "Dream High" because I thought - 'Again some kind of stupid teen drama' but I was wrong (: As the story progressed I came to love this kdrama and its characters. As you can see from the video I made, I'm a Song Sam Dong and Go Hye Mi shipper ^__^ I think that Kim Soo Hyun is a very talented actor and also very handsome (#^.^#) About this video ... I'm quite proud of it (: When I heard this song, I knew that I have to make a video showing how Song Sam Dong was suffering because of Go Hye Mi and the fact that he's loosing his hearing :( I hope that you'll enjoy it ^__^ Drama: Dream High Music: Kim Soo Hyun - Dreaming (Dream High OST) English lyrics used in the video: chacha-31.blogspot.com NOCOPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED - ALL COPYRIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTFUL AND RIGHTFUL OWNERS. THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE! Disclaimer: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
- published: 17 Feb 2011
- views: 210734
- author: vostarlightov