- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 101807
- author: Rohit Revo
India's Sex Ratio is getting worse?
India's sex ratio is getting worse. A commentary...
published: 26 Apr 2011
author: Rohit Revo
India's Sex Ratio is getting worse?
India's sex ratio is getting worse. A commentary
- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 101807
- author: Rohit Revo
Skewed sex ratio in the northern state of Haryana is forcing men of the marriageable age t...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: cvbnews
Skewed sex ratio in the northern state of Haryana is forcing men of the marriageable age to scout for brides from other states, including Bihar and far-off Kerala.
- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 88526
- author: cvbnews
Rights Activists Say China's Gender Ratio Contributes to Human Trafficking
Human rights activists say women and children in China and surrounding countries are bough...
published: 24 Jan 2011
author: VOAvideo
Rights Activists Say China's Gender Ratio Contributes to Human Trafficking
Human rights activists say women and children in China and surrounding countries are bought and sold in China. They are victims of either forced labor or sexual exploitation. Some are also forced into marriages. Human rights activists say China's One-Child Policy has contributed to the uneven gender ratio fueling the problem.
- published: 24 Jan 2011
- views: 2341
- author: VOAvideo
Disappearing Daughters - (Declining Child Sex Ratio)
Research by ActionAid and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) reveals tha...
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: Himmat hai Jeene ki
Disappearing Daughters - (Declining Child Sex Ratio)
Research by ActionAid and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) reveals that, despite policies to address girls' rights and public information campaigns, sex-selective abortion and neglect are on the increase. In four of the five sites surveyed, the proportion of girls to boys has declined even further since 2001. Although prenatal sex detection and sex-selective abortion is illegal, the law is not being enforced. Doctors, nurses and other medical practitioners are routinely violating the ban, performing abortions of female foetuses and benefiting financially. It is estimated that around 10 million female foetuses may have been aborted in India over the last two decades. Read More on: bit.ly
- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 833
- author: Himmat hai Jeene ki
Jesuit Father Ryscavage's Research on Gender Ratio Imbalance in India
For more information on Jesuits and their ministries visit: www.jesuit.org A new study con...
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: NationalJesuitNews
Jesuit Father Ryscavage's Research on Gender Ratio Imbalance in India
For more information on Jesuits and their ministries visit: www.jesuit.org A new study conducted by Fairfield University's Center for Faith and Public Life has dug deeper into India's gender ratio imbalance crisis to find that it is being fueled by complex family pressures, including the belief that boys will be better wage earners, and that men will be more likely to take better care of their aging parents. Fairfield University's innovative survey included qualitative components to better understand how gender dynamics and family pressures in India lead to the birth of a significantly greater number of boys than girls. The study suggests that male child preference is quite prevalent and the gender ratio imbalance - which is on the increase and was evident in the 2011 Indian National Census - is likely to be a major impediment to the future development of India. Jesuit Father Richard Ryscavage, professor of sociology and director of The Center for Faith and Public Life, discusses Fairfield's findings on India's imbalance of girls to boy children and what its impact will have on the future of Indian society.
- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 1079
- author: NationalJesuitNews
Census 2011: Girl child at risk as sex ratio dips
It must have been welcome news for the government as the newly-released census showed a si...
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: ndtv
Census 2011: Girl child at risk as sex ratio dips
It must have been welcome news for the government as the newly-released census showed a significant slowing of the population growth rate for the first time in nine decades. But, that hasn't changed anything for the girl child who continues to be at risk.
- published: 02 Apr 2011
- views: 1559
- author: ndtv
Golden Ratio- The Perfect Face & Change the Sex of People
youtube.jimmyr.com to request tutorials Learn to see how perfect your face is based on the...
published: 23 Jul 2007
author: jimmyrcom
Golden Ratio- The Perfect Face & Change the Sex of People
youtube.jimmyr.com to request tutorials Learn to see how perfect your face is based on the proportions of the golden ratio and learn how to change the sex of any person in seconds! Free Image Editor Used www.gimp.org or use gimpshop gimpshop.net Golden Ratio Masks challenge.visualessence.nl Golden Ratio on Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org %%software
- published: 23 Jul 2007
- views: 280232
- author: jimmyrcom
officialRP - Student Ratio at the College of Charleston
Reggie Patterson reporting... Is the College of Charleston going all-girl? The College of ...
published: 04 Oct 2010
author: officialRP
officialRP - Student Ratio at the College of Charleston
Reggie Patterson reporting... Is the College of Charleston going all-girl? The College of Charleston is known for having many more girls than boys, but this year the gender ratio at the College increased to 3:1. What do students think about this widening gap in the student body? We went around the CofC campus to find out. This is for my Intro to Broadcast News class at the College of Charleston. Intro music is by Dave Days www.youtube.com
- published: 04 Oct 2010
- views: 877
- author: officialRP
China's Bachelors: The Gender Imbalance
Learn More: pulitzercenter.org China's deeply skewed sex ratio is expected to lead to a po...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: PulitzerCenter
China's Bachelors: The Gender Imbalance
Learn More: pulitzercenter.org China's deeply skewed sex ratio is expected to lead to a population of lifelong bachelors as large as the population of Texas by 2020. With fewer chances at parenthood under the one-child policy and the ancient preference for boys, the introduction of ultrasound technology has led families to selectively abort their girls. In China, 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. In some regions, the imbalance is as stark as 150 to 100. Some of these small rural hamlets have been nicknamed "bachelor villages" for their populations of single men. With support from the Pulitzer Center, Deborah Jian Lee and Sushma Subramanian travel to China to explore the ramifications of the gender imbalance in the world's most populous country. They report on the men in poor villages who can't keep up in this competitive marriage market and whose prospects for finding a wife grow increasingly dim with each passing year. They investigate the gender imbalance's impact on women -- from bachelorettes who benefit from a glut of suitors to women who are sold by their families, or trafficked from poorer regions, to marry the leftover single men. Experts predict that China's marriage squeeze could radically alter Chinese society. Some researchers have said China's ballooning savings rate, unparalleled in the world, could be a result of families' pressure to accumulate cash to attract wives for their sons. Eventually, this trend could create a new marriage economy ...
- published: 25 Oct 2011
- views: 10263
- author: PulitzerCenter
3. Behavioral Evolution II
(April 2, 2010) Robert Sapolsky continues his two-part series on evolution focusing on ind...
published: 01 Feb 2011
author: StanfordUniversity
3. Behavioral Evolution II
(April 2, 2010) Robert Sapolsky continues his two-part series on evolution focusing on individual and kin selection, behavioral logic, competitive infanticide, male/female animal hierarchies, sex-ratio fluctuation, intersexual competition, imprinted genes, sperm competition, inbred-founder populations, group and multi-level selection, and punctuated equilibrium. Stanford University www.stanford.edu Stanford Department of Biology http Stanford University Channel on YouTube www.youtube.com
- published: 01 Feb 2011
- views: 59900
- author: StanfordUniversity
Autism Subtypes: Impact on Research and Clinical Care
(Visit: www.uctv.tv The transition of autism from a diagnostically inclusive, behaviorall...
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: UCtelevision
Autism Subtypes: Impact on Research and Clinical Care
(Visit: www.uctv.tv The transition of autism from a diagnostically inclusive, behaviorally-defined disorder to an etiologybased classification system mirrors the history of medical genetics and mental retardation. Beginning in the 1960s, geneticists used physical dysmorphology, biochemical and other laboratory data to delineate the heterogeneity within multiple behaviorally-based phenotypes. To accomplish a similar shift for autism, we identified "phenotypic features" that are present in some individual are relatively discrete, quantifiable and pathophysiologically relevant. Morphologic, physiologic, medical and family history all provide helpful biomarkers that distinguish subsets of autism. Proof that a biomarker splits out an etiologically distinct subset depends on showing differences in outcome measures, clinical course, response to therapy, genetic indicators (sex ratio, recurrence risk) and ultimately identification of separate genes or genetic pathways. Series: "MIND Institute Lecture Series on Neurodevelopmental Disorders" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 24421]
- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 103
- author: UCtelevision
National Geographic HD Alaskan Killer Shark
The salmon shark, Lamna ditropis, is a species of shark occurring in the north Pacific oce...
published: 11 Jul 2012
author: Carlos Monzon
National Geographic HD Alaskan Killer Shark
The salmon shark, Lamna ditropis, is a species of shark occurring in the north Pacific ocean. As an apex predator, the salmon shark feeds on salmon, and also on squid, sablefish, and herring. Salmon shark are remarkable for their ability to maintain body temperature, known as homeothermy,[3] and an as-yet unexplained variability in the sex ratio between the eastern north Pacific and western north Pacific.
- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 7248
- author: Carlos Monzon
2010 Census Brief: Age and Sex of the US Population
Census Bureau demographers Lindsay Howden and Amy Symens Smith discuss new findings from t...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: uscensusbureau
2010 Census Brief: Age and Sex of the US Population
Census Bureau demographers Lindsay Howden and Amy Symens Smith discuss new findings from the 2010 Census, highlighting changes in the nation's age and sex composition, including changes in the median age and sex ratios. Broadcast live on the Census Bureau's Ustream channel, the guests answered questions from the public live during the event on Facebook and Twitter and via email at BOC.new.media@census.gov.
- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 859
- author: uscensusbureau
Youtube results:
"Only a virtual picture of Gujarat's progress is being shown to the world"
President of Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee Shri Arjun Modhwadia attacked the current ...
published: 10 Dec 2012
author: Arjun Modhwadia
"Only a virtual picture of Gujarat's progress is being shown to the world"
President of Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee Shri Arjun Modhwadia attacked the current BJP government of Gujarat for fooling people by showing only a 'virtual' picture for whats happening in Gujarat. Congress government ruled for 40 years, but during that time children and women were safe in Gujarat. Whole administration and security personnel are being used for Narendra Modi's political agendas. This government has made a record of criminal activities in the state. The GDP of the last decade has been much lower compared to those at the time of Congress governance. Talked about industrialization of education, poor healthcare facilities, sex ratio, unavailability of houses etc.
- published: 10 Dec 2012
- views: 304
- author: Arjun Modhwadia
Camera Gives Voice to Voices of Girls
Visit us on-line at communityvideo.in - http 30 girls from Gwalior, Bhind and Morena who a...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: healthtubeorg
Camera Gives Voice to Voices of Girls
Visit us on-line at communityvideo.in - http 30 girls from Gwalior, Bhind and Morena who are being trained in the art of photography by the Government of Madhya Pradesh, Department of Women and Child development and UNICEF. Many of the girls taking part were using a camera for the first time. Out of 30 about 20 were from Bhina and Morena (districts having child sex ratio of less then 850/1000). The voices of girls have been muffled as they hardly have a forum to vent their feelings and social barriers don't permit them to engage in any activity outside other than going to school - if they are fortunate enough. But now "clicks" of camera are going to break this barrier of silence. There are plans to hold a public exhibition of photographs clicked by the girls over the next few days. These photographs will be displayed in the schools where the girls study. "Such initiatives will go a long way in empowering these girls," Ashok Shivhare, additional commissioner, Gwalior, told IANS after inaugurating the workshop. Anil Gulati, communication specialist, UNICEF Office for Madhya Pradesh, said: "This workshop is part of an effort to provide an opportunity to children to express their opinions using the power of photography." "This is part of the initiative to provide more space and forums to child participation and how they can be engaged to document what they know, see or hear on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the ground realities," he added. Suresh Tomar, joint ...
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 15505
- author: healthtubeorg
Nuked Radio Special: Busby Speaks. 9.4.2012
Interview with Dr Christopher Busby from his home in Wales via Skype. I DO NOT AGREE with ...
published: 05 Sep 2012
author: ichicax4
Nuked Radio Special: Busby Speaks. 9.4.2012
Interview with Dr Christopher Busby from his home in Wales via Skype. I DO NOT AGREE with the comments Dr Busby gave in regards to 1) cannabis and its radiological protective benefits, and 2) the level of contamination in North America. These concerns have been shared by many others and there is a response thread with over 100 comments at this link to check out: www.facebook.com I encourage you to contact Dr Christopher Busby if you have research to present which would further his knowledge about the levels of contamination in North America. His email: christo@greenaudit.org
- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 2658
- author: ichicax4
FRONTLINE/World | India: The Missing Girls | PBS
Watch an extended video of "The Missing Girls" at video.pbs.org A Society Out of Balance w...
published: 30 Apr 2007
author: PBS
FRONTLINE/World | India: The Missing Girls | PBS
Watch an extended video of "The Missing Girls" at video.pbs.org A Society Out of Balance www.pbs.org In 2006, when Neil Katz and his wife and traveled to India to live and work, the one issue that kept grabbing their attention was northern India's deep cultural preference for sons over daughters. The desire for sons can be so great, that some families, after having a girl or two, will abort female fetuses until they bear a son. The practice is called female feticide or sex selection. In some ways this is a very old tale. Long before medical abortion became available, unwanted girls were killed after birth or not given enough food and medicine to survive. But modern technology has changed that. Ultrasound machines, which make it possible to determine the gender of a fetus, have spread from big city hospitals to small country clinics. Portable machines are taken to remote villages by motorcycle. As a consequence, infanticide has given way to feticide.
- published: 30 Apr 2007
- views: 24837
- author: PBS