- published: 09 Jul 2007
- views: 121
John James Conyers, Jr. (born May 16, 1929) is the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 13th congressional district, serving in Congress since 1965 (the district was numbered as the 1st District until 1993, and as the 14th district from 1993 to 2013). The district includes the western half of Detroit, as well as Dearborn, Highland Park, and most of the downriver suburbs including Wyandotte and Romulus. He is a member of the Democratic Party. Conyers, as its longest-serving current member, is the Dean of the House of Representatives. He is also the oldest and the longest-serving current member of the United States Congress, and is the only remaining member of Congress to have served during the presidential administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson.
After graduating from Northwestern High School in Detroit, Conyers served in the Michigan National Guard 1948–50; U.S. Army 1950–54; and the U.S. Army Reserves 1954–57. Conyers served for a year in Korea as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and was awarded combat and merit citations. Conyers grew up in Detroit, and received both his B.A. and his law degree from Wayne State University.
Conyers is the only city in Rockdale County, Georgia, United States. It is twenty-four miles east of Atlanta. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 10,689. Census estimates of 2005 indicate a population of 12,205. The city is the county seat of Rockdale County. By 2009, the reported population was 13,941. The formerly separate town of Milstead is now part of Conyers.
Before European settlement, the area which is now Conyers, along with the surrounding county of Rockdale, was occupied by mound-building Native Americans. As time progressed, the Muscogee (or Creek) and Cherokee natives shared a common border here. This border was known as the "Great Indian Road," and is known now as the "Hightower Trail". This trail was used by white settlers following the American Revolution.
Between 1816 and 1821, the area known as Rockdale was open for settlement. John Holcomb, a blacksmith, was the first settler in what is now Conyers. He settled where the current Rockdale County Courthouse is located, in the middle of Conyers on Main Street.
A judiciary committee is a committee of a legislative body that considers issues related to the legal system.
Judiciary committees include:
The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, also called the House Judiciary Committee, is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives. It is charged with overseeing the administration of justice within the federal courts, administrative agencies and Federal law enforcement entities. The Judiciary Committee is also the committee responsible for impeachments of federal officials. Because of the legal nature of its oversight, committee members usually have a legal background, but this is not required.
In the 113th Congress, the chairman of the committee is Republican Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, and the ranking minority member is Democrat John Conyers of Michigan. In prior years, Lamar S. Smith of Texas was the chairman, and prior to that John Conyers served as chairman.
The committee was created on June 6, 1813 for the purpose of considering legislation related to the judicial system. This committee approved articles of impeachment against three Presidents: Andrew Johnson (1868), Richard Nixon (1974), and Bill Clinton (1998).
Gregory Allyn Palast (born June 26, 1952) is a New York Times-bestselling author and a freelance journalist for the BBC as well as the British newspaper The Guardian. His work frequently focuses on corporate malfeasance but has also been known to work with labor unions and consumer advocacy groups. Notably, he has claimed to have uncovered evidence that Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and Florida Elections Unit Chief Clay Roberts, along with the ChoicePoint corporation, rigged the ballots during the US Presidential Election of 2000 and again in 2004 when, he argued, the problems and machinations from 2000 continued, and that challenger John Kerry actually would have won if not for disproportional "spoilage" of Democratic votes.
Greg is the brother of Geri Palast.
Palast was born in Los Angeles. He attended John H. Francis Polytechnic High School and transferred to San Fernando Valley State College (now California State University, Northridge) in 1969 before his senior year of high school. Palast said about high school: "Basically they were melting my brain, and I had to save myself. Before I finished high school, I talked my way into college. Before I finished college, I talked my way into graduate school." Palast then attended the University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Berkeley, and University of Chicago, from which he graduated in 1974 with an Bachelor of Arts in economics and in 1976 with a Master's of Business Administration. Palast majored in economics at Chicago from the advice of a Weather Underground member he met at Berkeley who suggested Palast "familiarize himself with right-wing politics and learn about the 'ruling elite' from 'the inside.'"
Conyers About Bush and Cheney's defiance
Part 2- Conyers Hunts Bush's Vultures
John Conyers-Hearing on Impeaching Bush - Part 12 - 7/25/08
Conyers Hunts Vultures- PT 1
Rove subpoenaed by Conyers
John Bonifaz's testimony at Conyers hearing on Iraq War
Patriot Act Hearing - Fein v. Conyers (MI-14) - 05/11/11
John Conyers-Hearing on Impeaching Bush - Part 13 -7/25/08
Support Medicare For All Or Lose Your Seat
Go to http://www.gregpalast.com for more information In February, BBC investigative journalist Greg Palast exposed on Democracy Now! how one vulture fund, Donegal International owned by US resident Michael Sheehan, was trying to collect $40 million dollars from Zambia after buying one of its debts for $4 million dollars. Soon after, Congressman John Conyers and Congressman Donald Payne brought this up with President Bush, and urged him to ensure that the G-8 summit would close the legal loopholes that allow vulture funds to flourish. Greg Palast produced this report for BBC Newsnight last week.
After the witnesses make their statements, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers questions them (Elizabeth Holtzman, Bob Barr, Ross Anderson) about impeaching George W. Bush. First half of Conyers' questioning. Part 12 - 7/25/08
Go to http://ww.gregpalast.com for more info- In February, BBC investigative journalist Greg Palast exposed on Democracy Now! how one vulture fund, Donegal International owned by US resident Michael Sheehan, was trying to collect $40 million dollars from Zambia after buying one of its debts for $4 million dollars. Soon after, Congressman John Conyers and Congressman Donald Payne brought this up with President Bush, and urged him to ensure that the G-8 summit would close the legal loopholes that allow vulture funds to flourish. Greg Palast produced this report for BBC Newsnight last week.
Karl Rove has been subpoenaed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee in the US Congress by committee Chairman John Conyers. The claim of executive privilege by Rove upheld by the Bush DoJ has kept Rove from appearing in the past, but the new Obama administration may not extend the privilege.
John Bonifaz's testimony at John Conyers' hearing on Iraq War on the possible impeachment of George W Bush for treason and other high crimes. He is testifying on behalf of the Downing Street coalition, which he co-founded. The Downing street memo and other sources are referenced. Witnesses at the hearing were Joe Wilson, Ray McGovern, John Bonifaz, and then-little-known Cindy Sheehan. Bonifaz is running for secretary of state in Massachusetts against Bill Galvin in the 2006 Democratic primary. The original source of this video is: indymedia. It can also be found on http://www.afterdowningstreet.org
Washington D.C., May 11, 2011 - Bruce Fein testifies on behalf of Campaign for Liberty before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. The hearing was named, "USA Patriot Act: Dispelling the Myths". In this video, Fein fields questions from Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (MI-14). During the full committee markup of H.R. 1800, by a vote of 22-13, the House Judiciary Committee voted in favor of extending the "business records" provision and "roving wiretap" authority until December 31, 2017, and to make the "lone wolf" provision permanent. Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (MI-14) voted NAY to the extension. View Roll Call here: http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/pdf/RC%208%20HR%201800.pdf
After the witnesses make their statements, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers questions them (Bruce Fein, Vincent Bugliosi and Frederick Schwarz) about impeaching George W. Bush. Second half of Conyers' questioning. Part 13 - 7/25/08
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO COVERAGE: At an early-2006 Harper's magazine symposium at Town Hall in NYC on the subject of impeaching the president, John Dean unofficially nominated Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) to head the House Judiciary Committee in order to achieve that goal. Rep. Conyers was the congessman who explained to Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 9/11 how the Patriot Act was unread by many in Congress ("Sit down, my son...")
Steve Hood discusses the Debt Ceiling Debate and the Continuing Resolution with Congressman John Conyers of the 14th Congressional District in Michigan.
Ask Congress from CWTV Initial Program w Rep. John Conyers by former Comgressman Lester Wolff
21-year-old vanished from his Houston apartment
Ask Congress From CWTV Initial program with rep. John Conyers By lester Wolff
Steve Hood discusses the Continuing Resolution, raising the Debt Ceiling and the failure to Impeach George Bush with Congressman John Conyers.
PoliticIt.com interviewed Congressman and Congressional Candidate John Conyers Jr. in North Carolina during the Democratic National Convention. See what he had to say about his campaign and its use of social media. Congressman Conyers is currently Michigan's Congressman for district fourteen. More can be learned about Rep. Conyers by visiting his website at: http://conyers.house.gov PoliticIt provides analytics on political races. Learn more about your political representatives at http://www.PoliticIt.com Connect with PoliticIt: http://www.PoliticIt.com http://politicit.blogspot.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/PoliticItTV/videos http://twitter.com/#!/PoliticIt https://www.facebook.com/PoliticIt
Congressman John Conyers interviewed by TRNS bureau chief Ellen Ratner at the Health Action 2008 Families USA DC radio row.