Who Created God? Dr Zakir Naik answers-PEACETV
Who Created God? Dr Zakir Naik answers-PEACETV
In a question and answer session Dr Zakir Naik was asked ''Who created God''? It's a funny clip as well because the questioner somehow made a fool of himself. But it was a proper answer Alhamdulillah! From Peace TV - IRF ... Presented by 'Muslim Community' - A Social Network for Muslims. worldofislam.ning.com * * *
9/11 Was An INSIDE JOB - Dr Zakir Naik
9/11 Was An INSIDE JOB - Dr Zakir Naik
Dr Zakir Naik explains how 9/11 was an inside job. I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO AT ALL, I'M JUST UPLOADING THIS SO EVERYONE CAN GET THE TRUTH. I AM NO OWNER OF THIS VIDEO. PEACE TV HOLDS ALL COPYRIGHT. although, some Islamic Scholars say that there is nothing such as 'copyright' in Islam. but, that's a different topic altogether.... also, for those of you who say that Dr Zakir Naik is just wasting our time and knows nothing. Don't bother with that sort of nonsense, becuase I'm sure, he knows MUCH more than you do when it comes to these sort of things.... Jazakallah.
Peace TV UK Watch Free Islam Islamic Channels Live (Peace TV, Iqraa TV, Al Majd TV Quran) Online2.rm
Peace TV UK Watch Free Islam Islamic Channels Live (Peace TV, Iqraa TV, Al Majd TV Quran) Online2.rm
Man claims to be the Mahdi live on Peace TV !!!
Man claims to be the Mahdi live on Peace TV !!!
The Mahdi - Between Fact and Fiction www.youtube.com The truth about the Mahdi islamqa.com Dajjal (Anti-Christ) www.youtube.com 'Events of the End' discusses the Mahdi, Dajjaal and Jesus Christ in great detail www.youtube.com __________________________ Imam al-Mahdi will be a righteous man from among the descendants of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who will appear at the end of time, through whom Allaah will set mankind's affairs straight, and will fill the earth with fairness and justice just as it was filled with wrongdoing and oppression. His name will be the same as the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and his father's name will be the same as that of the father of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). So his name will be Muhammad ibn 'Abd-Allaah al-Mahdi, or Ahmad ibn 'Abd-Allaah al-Mahdi. He will be descended from Faatimah the daughter of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), through al-Hasan ibn 'Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him). The sign of his appearance will be widespread corruption and the earth being filled with wrongdoing and aggression.
Non muslum accepting Islam live on "Peace TV"
Non muslum accepting Islam live on "Peace TV"
Non muslum accepting Islam live on "Peace TV" During peace conference In Mumbai on 24/11/2007 India.
Islam my choice Peace tv show (New revert muslim stories)
Islam my choice Peace tv show (New revert muslim stories)
New revert muslim taslim shares his story as to why he choose islam. This video was telecast as a 30 min show on peace tv Download this video(25MB) rapidshare.com Watch Live peace tv www.islambox.tv wwitv.com Support peace tv. Contact your cable operator to receive peace tv www.peacetv.in Record live steraming peace tv or any internet streaming tv channel with window media recorder software. www.wmrecorder.com
Peace TV scholars talk- Halal Entertainment 1/3
Peace TV scholars talk- Halal Entertainment 1/3
Always wanted to see what a gathering of scholars would be like, well now is you chance to see. A gathering of talk about forms of Halal Entertainment in Islam. Scholars such as sheikh salem al amry,Sheikh Riaz Ansary, Sheikh Assim Hakim and Hussain Yee
Toward's more peaceful society - Abdur raheem green(1/2)
Toward's more peaceful society - Abdur raheem green(1/2)
part2 www.youtube.com Abdurraheem green discusses how peace can be established in the society and also the concept of reason and belief in islam. This talk was telecast as a 30 minute show peace missile on PEACE TV. Support peace tv. Contact your cable operator to receive peace tv www.peacetv.in Watch Live peace tv www.islambox.tv wwitv.com Record live steraming peace tv or any internet streaming tv channel with window media recorder software. www.wmrecorder.com Sheikh Abdul Raheem Green (also known as Abdur Rahim Green, Abdur Raheem Green and Abdul Rahim Green), formerly Anthony Green, born 1964, is a highly respected British convert to Islam and Islamic lecturer.
Dr. Zakir Naik - Lecture At Oxford Union "Peace TV" (6/7)
Dr. Zakir Naik - Lecture At Oxford Union "Peace TV" (6/7)
Part (6/7): Lecture of Dr Zakir Naik at Oxford Union that was aired 11th February 2007 on Peace TV. Peace TV Presents Live Telecast. The topic was Islam and the 21st century Oxford Union Invites Dr. Zakir Abdul Kareem Naik (President & Founder Islamic Research Foundation IRF WEB:www.irf.net) For Historic Debate. Copy Rights Peace TV.
Human Diversity - Peace TV
Human Diversity - Peace TV
Dr. Mokhtar Maghraoui explains verse 13 of ch. 49 of Quran on peaceTV.
Musa Cerantonio from Australian Convert to islam www.Peacetv.tv
Musa Cerantonio from Australian Convert to islam www.Peacetv.tv
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim www.jews-for-allah.org/ www.EinladungzumParadies.de www.Cennetedavet.net ((Translate with Translator)) Allah says: ((And thus have We made you a community center, ye be witnesses over the (other) people and so was the Messenger a witness over you.)) (Qur'an 2:143) "And hold fast all of the rope of Allah and be not divided among themselves .... (Qur'an3 / 103) That fight And if two parties of believers to each other, then make peace between them ... (Qur'an49: 9) And if Allah had willed, He had made you one community. He wanted to ask you, but in all that He has given you, to the test. Ye shall therefore in the good things compete with each other. To Allah shall ye all return ... (Qur'an5: 48) Abdullah reported: "I asked the Prophet, may peace be upon him, What deed is from Allah, Almighty and Exalted is He loved the most? The Prophet said: 1.The performing the prayer at the right time! I asked: 'What then? And he said: 2.The kind treatment of parents! I said: What then? He said: 3.The Jihad in the way of Allah He talked about this, and if I had asked him more, he would have liked more mention of it. " Jihad is the effort for the cause of Allah (Allahu A3lam in every respect). "There should be a community among you who invite to what is right and good, enjoining and forbidding what is evil. This alone should have success." (3:104)
Kids Enactment PeaceTV Conference 2007 Mumbai India
Kids Enactment PeaceTV Conference 2007 Mumbai India
A brilliant enactment by kids at the Peace Conference 2007. Don't miss the Hussain Yee performance! Full Documentary here: video.google.co.uk Peace Conference, Islam, Peace TV, Zakir Naik, Hussain Yee, Yasser Fazaga, Yusuf Estes, Ahmed Deedat, Siraj Wahaj www.peacetv.tv
Peace TV Bangla (Channel announced by Dr. Zakir Naik) .
Peace TV Bangla (Channel announced by Dr. Zakir Naik) .
Peace TV Bangla to be launched on April 2011. Dr. Zakir Naik at Oxford Union Historical Debate 2011. Peace TV Presents Live Telecast Oxford Union Invites Dr. Zakir Abdul Kareem Naik (President & Founder Islamic Research Foundation IRF) Key words: ALMayda79 Al Mayda79 Quran Islam Muslim God Peace TV Historical Debate 2011, religion, faith, spirit, jinn, spirituality, war, satan, angel, heaven, hell, new world order, illuminati, revolution, secrecy, 911, depression, psychology Dua, Hafiz conspiracy fate destiny Divine Foreknowledge
Peace TV scholars talk- Halal Entertainment 2/3
Peace TV scholars talk- Halal Entertainment 2/3
Always wanted to see what a gathering of scholars would be like, well now is you chance to see. A gathering of talk about forms of Halal Entertainment in Islam. Scholars such as sheikh salem al amry,Sheikh Riaz Ansary, Sheikh Assim Hakim and Hussain Yee
Peace TV Urdu - Official Promo
Peace TV Urdu - Official Promo
Original Peace TV Urdu Promo. For more information please visit the official website www.peacetvurdu.org
Journey of Faith 2010 - Peace TV Trailer
Journey of Faith 2010 - Peace TV Trailer
Peace TV's official trailer for the Journey of Faith International Peace Conference held this July 2nd to 4th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada. All New Muslims and Non Muslims who are interested to attend this conference for free please contact guestservices@journeyconference.com with your names and contact info. For more details, please visit: www.journeyconference.com www.journeyconference.com Maps and Directions: www.journeyconference.com Ticket Purchase: (Online) journeyconference.jugaar.com (Phone) 1-877-ISLAM (47526) Hotel Rooms are available at the Inter Continental Toronto Centre, in the heart of downtown Toronto, just steps from the Journey of Faith 3rd Annual Conference venue click.icptrack.com Speakers: Dr. Zakir Naik AbdurRaheem Green Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem Ather Khan Fariq Naik Shaikh Hussein Yee Shaikh Muhammad Alshareef Shaikh Said Rageah Shaikh Yahya Ibrahim Sheikh Riaz Ansary Yasser Fazaga Ziaullah Khan Abu Usamah At-Thahabi Yusuf Estes Anasheed Artists: Abdullah Rolle Ahmed Bukhatir Jumuah Salat led by Shaykh Adel al-Kalbani, Former Imam of Masjid al-Haram, Makkah.
Whiz Kidz - Official Advert [Peace TV]
Whiz Kidz - Official Advert [Peace TV]
The official promo of Whiz Kidz on Peace TV. For more information please visit our official website www.peacetv.org
Peace TV Urdu islamic Conference 23.10.10-Dr Zakir Naik Inaugural Speech Part 1/3
Peace TV Urdu islamic Conference 23.10.10-Dr Zakir Naik Inaugural Speech Part 1/3
Inaugural Speech by Dr. Zakir Naik for Urdu Peace Conference 2010 held at Somaiya Ground Mumbai, India 2010, as shown on Peace TV. DR. ZAKIR NAIK - PRESIDENT, IRF A medical doctor by professional training, Dr. Zakir Naik is renowed as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Qur'an, authentic Hadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts. Dr. Zakir is popular for his critical analysis and convincing answers to challenging questions posed by audiences after his public talks. In the last 12 years (by the year 2008), Dr. Zakir Naik has delivered mo re than 1200 public talks in the USA, Canada, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, South Africa, Italy, Mauritius, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Guyana (South America), Trinidad and many other countries, in addition to numerous public talks in India. He has successfully participated in several symposia and dialogues with prominent personalities of other faiths. His public dialogue with Dr. William Campbell (of USA), on the topic, The Quran and the Bible in the light of Science held in city of Chicago, USA, on April 1, 2000 was a resounding success. His Interfaith Dialogue with prominent Hindu Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the topic The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam in the light of Sacred Scriptures held at Palace <b>...</b>