0:00 - New Yorkers have been blasting Matt Lauer with names and insults lately... but is he really to blame for Ann Curry's firing?
10:18 - President Obama hits the links on vacation in Hawaii, but one of the players in his foursome is raising eyebrows.
15:26 - Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth's engagement is no secret... but are they hiding something much, much bigger? Inspector Dax extrapolates!
19:48 - We've all seen Clipper superstar Blake Griffin in his funny Kia commercials-- should we be surprised to see him driving something a little nicer? (And bigger?)
25:42 - Sarah Silverman has some words for Spike Lee as he boycotts 'Django Unchained.'
33:29 - Russell Simmons frolics on the beach with not one, but TWO of his flames. (Halle Berry, take note.)
36:34 - President Obama gets his Led out with Michelle at The Kennedy Center Honors.
38:00 - We take your calls and comments!