Latest News for: esrc


Hyperbitcoinization’s Small Minority: Economist Says Bitcoin’s Growing Success Will Lead to Perverse Consequences

Bitcoin 01 Mar 2021
On February 26, the director of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) warned that bitcoin’s growing value and success may lead to a technocratic dystopian society that rivals “the kings and emperors that ruled over empires in centuries past.” Hyperbitcoinization.

The future of transport: how local people are helping to design new metro trains

The Conversation 24 Feb 2021
Electric Egg/Shutterstock The Tyne and Wear Metro train fleet has served the UK’s busiest light rail network outside London for over 40 years. Now, these trains are at the end of their working life – and people across the region have been contributing to the design for their replacement ... Alexander Wilson’s work was also supported by ESRC (Grant Ref.

London Stock Exchange vs EU: Refinitiv battle reveals unease over power of modern stock markets

The Conversation 28 Aug 2020
LSE is one of the six great powers in the world of stock exchanges BCFC Relations between London and Brussels have been better. While Brexit dominates the headlines, another cross-channel development has recently captured the attention of financial institutions ... How exchanges changed ... As an article in The Banker put it a few years ago ... Johannes Petry ... .

Announcement of Opportunity: NERC-ESRC funded Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System (UKUH) programme launches an Open Call

Public Technologies 24 Jul 2020
Up to £400,000 of funding has been allocated up to build upon the existing NERC-ESRC funded Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System (UKUH) programme ... The ambitions of the Open Call will be delivered through ... Attachments Original document Permalink. Disclaimer ... (noodl. 54757648) .

Coronavirus reveals just how deep macho stereotypes run through society

The Conversation 09 Apr 2020
What this says about masculinity. Andrew Milligan/PA Wire/PA Images Early indications suggest more men are dying from COVID-19 than women – although some countries , including the UK, are not publishing data on this. Experts are unsure exactly why this might be ... Stephen Burrell receives funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) ... .

Three financial firms could change the direction of the climate crisis – and few people ...

The Conversation 24 Feb 2020
Dirty deeds done cheap. Mangulina A silent revolution is happening in investing. It is a paradigm shift that will have a profound impact on corporations, countries and pressing issues like climate change. Yet most people are not even aware of it ... They decide whether to buy shares in firms like Saudi Aramco or Exxon ... BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

The hunt for a coronavirus cure is showing how science can change for the better

The Conversation 24 Feb 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared an international public health emergency over the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus ... On the same day, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure launched a free website and called for scientists to publish research on the coronavirus with open access ... Raising barriers ... 1. Open data ... 2 ... 3 ... .

Data Science, Health and Wellbeing: ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Collaborative Studentship: Exploring the ...

TheNewsHOOK 15 Dec 2019
Data Science, Health and Wellbeing. ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Collaborative Studentship. Exploring the long term educational and health outcomes of babies born late preterm/early term in Wales at Swansea University on ....

WISERD to receive major funding from ESRC to continue civil society research

Public Technologies 03 Sep 2019
The Welsh Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) is one of four social science research centres in the UK to be successful in the highly competitive Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centres Competition ... ESRC Executive Chair Professor Jennifer Rubin said..

Inequality in the OECD is at a record high – and society is suffering as a result

The Conversation 02 Aug 2019
arindambanerjee / When high levels of inequality are pointed out, a common response is that the “politics of envy” are being deployed. I heard the phrase myself when I tweeted recently that the share of income going to the richest 0.01% of adults in the UK was almost at a record high, based on my new analysis of UK tax data ... .

ESRC Society Now magazine

ZDNet 11 May 2019
Society Now is the ESRCs regular magazine, bringing the latest and most topical social science research to key opinion formers in business,... .
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