- published: 11 Nov 2021
- views: 2201
Mesopotamia was the name of two distinct Roman provinces, the one a short-lived creation of the Roman Emperor Trajan in 116–117 and the other established by Emperor Septimius Severus in ca. 198, which ranged between the Roman and the Sassanid empires, until the Muslim conquests of the 7th Century.
In 113, Emperor Trajan (r. 98–117) launched a war against Rome's long-time eastern rival, the Parthian Empire. In 114, he conquered Armenia, which was made into a province, and by the end of 115, he had conquered northern Mesopotamia. This too was organized as a province in early 116, when coins were minted to celebrate the fact.
Later in the same year, Trajan marched into central and southern Mesopotamia (enlarging and completing the province of Mesopotamia) and across the river Tigris to Adiabene, which he annexed into another Roman province, Assyria. But he did not stop there. In the last months of 116, he captured the great Persian city of Susa. He deposed the Parthian king Osroes I and put his own puppet ruler Parthamaspates on the Parthian throne. Never again would the Roman Empire advance so far to the east.
A province is almost always an administrative division, within a country or state. The term derives from the ancient Roman provincia, which was the major territorial and administrative unit of the Roman Empire's territorial possessions outside Italy. The term is now used in many countries.
In many countries with no actual provinces, "the provinces" or "the province" means outside the capital city.
The English word "province" is attested since about 1330 and derives from the 13th-century Old French "province", which itself comes from the Latin word "provincia", which referred to the sphere of authority of a magistrate; in particular, to a foreign territory.
A popular etymology is from Latin"pro-" ("on behalf of") and "vincere" ("to triumph" or "to take control of"). Thus a "province" would a territory or function that a Roman magistrate held control of on behalf of his government. In fact, the word Province is an ancient term from public law, which means: "office belonging to a magistrate". This agrees with the Latin term's earlier usage as a generic term for a jurisdiction under Roman law.
"Province" is the second single from TV on the Radio's album Return to Cookie Mountain. The song features David Bowie on backing vocals.
A1. Province (written by David Andrew Sitek, Kyp Malone)
B1. Dumb Animal (written by Aku Orraca-Tetteh, David Andrew Sitek, Kyp Malone)
B2. Wasted Weekend (written by Smith)
Producer: Dave Sitek
Cover artwork by Conejo, technical artwork assistance by Dave Sitek
Province class may refer to:
Romané is a Chilean soap opera that was first aired on March 6, 2000 as part of the first semester prime-time lineup of soap operas on TVN. It competed against Canal 13’s Sabor A Ti.
The last time Jovanka Antich (Claudia Di Girólamo) was in Chile, she was a teenager and had a secret, torrid affair with Raphael Dominguez (Francisco Melo) the son of a local well-to-do family. The affair ended badly, with both of them believing that the other betrayed them when really it was Raphael’s mother Victoria North (Marés González) with the help of the power hungry gypsy Drago (José Soza) who tricked the young lovers into hating each other and separating.
The day they had planned to run away together Raphael doesn’t show and Jovanka leaves Mejillones alone never to tell him she is pregnant. She ends up in Spain where she has a baby girl and marries a wealthy and good gypsy. They adopt two other girls, and the three of them grow up believing they all adopted.
Jovanka has now returned to Chile, with her daughters and now a widow, after 25 years to attend her father’s wedding. Her father, Melquíades (Héctor Noguera) has brought his whole tribe with him to Mejillones where he plans on marrying the young beauty Milenka California (Blanca Lewin). Jovanka finds herself once again in this town that brings back so many memories. It’s not long before Jovanka runs into Raphael again, and Victoria comes to tell her to leave. Remembering all the pain of the past, still hurt and humiliated from Raphael’s abandonment, she shouts for the whole town to hear and know that the day Raphael Dominguez dies she will share her fortune and gold with everyone in the town.
"Roman (My Dear Boy)" (浪漫 〜MY DEAR BOY〜, "Romance (My Dear Boy)") is the twenty-second single of J-pop idol group Morning Musume and was released May 12, 2004. It sold a total of 87,255 copies. The single peaked at #4 on the weekly Oricon charts, charting for six weeks.
The single was certified Gold by RIAJ for physical sales of over 100,000 units.
The Single V DVD was also released on the same day. The single was also released in a limited editlon which came in special packaging with five B3-sized mini posters.
All lyrics are composed by Tsunku.
Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to ancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system, as represented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans. "Roman mythology" may also refer to the modern study of these representations, and to the subject matter as represented in the literature and art of other cultures in any period.
The Romans usually treated their traditional narratives as historical, even when these have miraculous or supernatural elements. The stories are often concerned with politics and morality, and how an individual's personal integrity relates to his or her responsibility to the community or Roman state. Heroism is an important theme. When the stories illuminate Roman religious practices, they are more concerned with ritual, augury, and institutions than with theology or cosmogony.
The study of Roman religion and myth is complicated by the early influence of Greek religion on the Italian peninsula during Rome's protohistory, and by the later artistic imitation of Greek literary models by Roman authors. In matters of theology, the Romans were curiously eager to identify their own gods with those of the Greeks (interpretatio graeca), and to reinterpret stories about Greek deities under the names of their Roman counterparts. Rome's early myths and legends also have a dynamic relationship with Etruscan religion, less documented than that of the Greeks.
Latvju Artemīda. Ja kādam Anitai Upītei labpatiktu pajautāt, vai tikai viņa nav kādos rados ar Andreju Upīti, tad zināt - ir. Tautas rakstnieks ir viņas vecvectēvs, kurš bērnībā mīļi tika saukts par opi, jo savu īsto vectēvu Anita nepiedzīvoja. Lai arī šajos laikos viņas politiskā pārliecība ir cita kā deputātam un akadēmiķim Upītim, rakstīšanas prieks nekur nav pazudis. Viņa ir žurnāliste un ilgus gadus bijusi arī mednieku žurnāla galvenā redaktore, un medības ir tā joma, par kuru runāt šādiem tādiem dīvāna ekspertiem neklātos. Otrdien,2021.gada 2.novembrī “Provincē” 19.30 LTV1.
Meža Evas stāsti. Šis laiks ir tukšāks. Arī Evai, kuras maizes darbs ir cilvēkiem uzburt svētkus. Vai tās būtu jubilejas, kāzas, balles vai kādas citas šobrīd grūti iedomājamas kopā sanākšanas. Šis varētu būt izmisuma laiks daudziem dekoratoriem, vides stilistiem un svētku meistariem, tikai ne viņai. Eva turpina rotāt un atdzīvināt Briņģu muižu, kuras pārvaldīšana diplomētajai māksliniecei uzticvēta. Šeit, teju vai nekurienes vidū, viņa joprojām svin dzīvi. Meža Evas stāsti otrdien, 2021.gada 26.oktobrī “Provincē” 19.30 LTV1.
Ķīlnieki un bandinieki. Kaplavas pagasts Latgalē. 11.augusts. Arī šeit, līdzīgi kā citviet pierobežā ar Baltkrieviju ir izsludināts ārkārstas stāvoklis. Par bēgļu krīzi valstī un ārkārtas stāvokli vairums vietējo ir uzzinājuši nejauši, un iznāk tā, ka par robežas tuvumā notiekošo vairāk informēti ir pagasta, cauri ejošie tehnoloģiski labi bruņotie svētceļnieki uz Aglonu. Kamēr mnistrijas, Saeimas komisijas, mediji un ļaudis soctīklos steidz meklēt vainīgos šajā ķibelē un spriež, ko pasākt ar robežpārkāpējiem, pašiem kaplaviešiem neprasa neko - viņi šajā spēlē nav galvenās figūras. "Province" no pierobežas otrdien, 2021.gada 31.augustā 19.30 LTV-1.
Brāļi Birziņi no Kabiles pagasta "Zemniekiem". 20.oktobris 2013
Vienkārši saredzēt Preilēnietis Igors Pličs ir bildējis, cik vien sevi atcerās. Nav nekāds brīnums, ka fotografēšana tika izvēlēta par maizes darbu. Foto aroda smalkumi ir tikuši apgūti Rīgā un vēlāk augstskolā Maskavā, viņš pats ir skolojis jaunos fotogrāfus, dibinājis Latgales fotogrāfu biedrību, izdevis fotoalbumus... Taču meistaram visu mūžu sekojusi vēl kāda vājība - vēsture. Tāpēc bez .ļaužu un apkārtnes profesionālas kadrēšanas, Pliča kungam ir arī savs skats uz pasauli un tajā notiekošo caur vēstures prizmu. Un tur nu daudz ko varot saredzēt. Otrdien, 2021.gada 9.novembrī “Provincē” 19.30 LTV1.
Ziemupes Biruta ar septiņiem bērniem. Par dzīvi vienatnē ar bērniem, mātes misiju stāsta Biruta Kurme. Ziemupes baznīca. 11.05.2008.
Skurstenī ierakstīts. Velti saka, ka "ierakstīt skurstenī" ir nepildīt savu solīto, tā - kaķim zem astes. Bet, ja ceļā satikts kaķis var nest nelaimi, tad sastopot tādus vīrus kā viņi vienmēr ir uz laimi. Par šo amatu ir skandēta dzeja, dziedātas dziesmas un reti kura meitene viņiem neskrien pakaļ. Un vēl - viņiem savi solījumi jātur, jo citādi var notikt nelaime, uguns nelaime. Skursteņslauķu jeb kā tagad pa jaunam saka -skursteņslaucītāju dinastija - tēvs un dēls, Agris un Agnis Grosbergi otrdien, 2021.gada 14.septembrī “Provincē” 19.30 LTV1.
Meža vecis Kalsnavā. Aivars Līrums no Kalsnavas par ārstniecības augiem, Dievu un kalpošanu cilvēkiem. Dažādi augi dārzā, dabā, Aivara Līruma lūgšana 28.12.2008.
Irbenes Genādijs. Te bija skola karavīriem, te klubs, bet te veikals, kurā varēja dabūt pat džinsus...Genādiju pazīst vai katrs, kurš ir mērķtiecīgi aizdevies vai nejauši iemaldījies Irbenes bijušajā armijas pilsētiņā. Viņš te jau 11 gadus mitinās celtnieku vagoniņā, pelna savu iztiku, rokot kabeļus un vēojot, kā paiet pasaules godība. Pretēji gaidītajam uz visu pasauli apvainota cietēja vietā sastopam par valstī un pasaulē notiekošo labi informētu, ķircinošu un pašpietiekamu vīru, kas skaidri apzinās savu slīcēju glābēja lomu paša slīkšanas gadījumā. Genādijs Zavjanovs no Irbenes spoku pilsētiņas “Provincē” otrdien, 2021.gada 19.janvārī 19.30 LTV1.
Veču lietas. Viktors smejas nepārtraukti un par visu - arī pats par sevi. Un tas pie latviešiem nemaz tik bieži negadās. Vai tu mani vari iedomāties kā bankas klerku?,- viņš kacinot nāk klajā ar pretjautājumu. Skaidrs, ka nē. Viņa vieta ir šeit - pašā Baltkrievijas pierobežā, Daugavas lokos - noņemoties ar copi, zirgiem un medībām - īstām veču lietām. Jaunais gads - nešaubīgi, ka daudz labāks par iepriekšējo - ir klāt, un mēs atgriežamies ēterā. Viktors Piļščikovs no Kaplavas otrdien, 2021.gada 5.janvārī 19.30 LTV 1.
Mesopotamia was the name of two distinct Roman provinces, the one a short-lived creation of the Roman Emperor Trajan in 116–117 and the other established by Emperor Septimius Severus in ca. 198, which ranged between the Roman and the Sassanid empires, until the Muslim conquests of the 7th Century.
In 113, Emperor Trajan (r. 98–117) launched a war against Rome's long-time eastern rival, the Parthian Empire. In 114, he conquered Armenia, which was made into a province, and by the end of 115, he had conquered northern Mesopotamia. This too was organized as a province in early 116, when coins were minted to celebrate the fact.
Later in the same year, Trajan marched into central and southern Mesopotamia (enlarging and completing the province of Mesopotamia) and across the river Tigris to Adiabene, which he annexed into another Roman province, Assyria. But he did not stop there. In the last months of 116, he captured the great Persian city of Susa. He deposed the Parthian king Osroes I and put his own puppet ruler Parthamaspates on the Parthian throne. Never again would the Roman Empire advance so far to the east.