- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 3948
- author: v6link
Asahi KASEI "Raku raku Kitchen kagaku" - "Kagaku ga boku ni kureru mono" 30s CM
らくらくキッチン科学 CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「科学が僕にくれるもの」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this c...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI "Raku raku Kitchen kagaku" - "Kagaku ga boku ni kureru mono" 30s CM
らくらくキッチン科学 CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「科学が僕にくれるもの」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 3948
- author: v6link
Asahi Kasei Designer Award - Beijing 2012 | FashionTV ASIA
SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly www.FashionTV.com BEIJING - Asahi Kasei's Shi Jie Collection at the Chin...
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: fashiontvasia
Asahi Kasei Designer Award - Beijing 2012 | FashionTV ASIA
SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly www.FashionTV.com BEIJING - Asahi Kasei's Shi Jie Collection at the China Fashion Designer Awards in Beijing showcased beautiful ready-to-wear looks. The collection featured monochromatic looks in form-fitting silhouettes. The flowy materials contrasted the sheer aspects...
- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 3584
- author: fashiontvasia
Asahi Kasei Plastic
Asahi Kasei's appreciation of Profiles Employee Assessment Solutions...
published: 23 Jun 2012
author: ProfilesAsia
Asahi Kasei Plastic
Asahi Kasei's appreciation of Profiles Employee Assessment Solutions
- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 69
- author: ProfilesAsia
AsahiKASEI Fall/Winter 2012/13 Fashion Show in Beijing | FashionTV
SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly www.FashionTV.com BEIJING - At the Fall/Winter 2012-2013 collection for ...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: fashiontv
AsahiKASEI Fall/Winter 2012/13 Fashion Show in Beijing | FashionTV
SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly www.FashionTV.com BEIJING - At the Fall/Winter 2012-2013 collection for AsahiKasei, models on the white runway sported black looks in a variety of shapes with additions that included turtlnecks, knee high boots, skinny trousers and black hand gloves. Other colors interspersed...
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 1394
- author: fashiontv
Roboden: Japanese Company Develops World's First Elastic Electric Cable for Robots and Clothes
But wait, a power cable that stretches? How? Wires can't stretch, can they? Did Asahi Kase...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: estebanvr1987
Roboden: Japanese Company Develops World's First Elastic Electric Cable for Robots and Clothes
But wait, a power cable that stretches? How? Wires can't stretch, can they? Did Asahi Kasei invent elastic metal? Not at all. In fact the concept's remarkably simple: Imagine coils of wiring threaded through elastic material. When the elastic's in its resting state, the coils are closer together, but when the material's stretched, the cable can expand lengthwise without stressing the metal strands within. Based on past research, Asahi Kasei says it found that human skin can stretch by a factor of 1.5. "So we thought, if we can make a cable that stretches by a factor of 1.5, it could be used for wearable electronics, or for wiring the skin of humanoid robots," says Shunji Tatsumi, a manager with Asahi Kasei Fibers By Asahi Kasei Fibers ROBODEN
- published: 06 Dec 2011
- views: 1213
- author: estebanvr1987
Worlds First Elastic Electric/Data/USB Cables - Roboden #DigInfo
DigInfo TV - diginfo.tv 10 Asahi Kasei Fibers ROBODEN...
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: Diginfonews
Worlds First Elastic Electric/Data/USB Cables - Roboden #DigInfo
DigInfo TV - diginfo.tv 10 Asahi Kasei Fibers ROBODEN
- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 165876
- author: Diginfonews
旭化成 ジップロック「一秒でできること」岡田准一
旭化成www.asahi-kasei.co.jp 旭化成CM一覧www.youtube.com 2013CM一覧www.youtube.com ------出演者------ 岡田...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: umatob005
旭化成 ジップロック「一秒でできること」岡田准一
旭化成www.asahi-kasei.co.jp 旭化成CM一覧www.youtube.com 2013CM一覧www.youtube.com ------出演者------ 岡田准一CM一覧www.youtube.com
- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 219
- author: umatob005
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM2
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6) 「カモン!デリシャス」 DISCLAIMER: I do not o...
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM2
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6) 「カモン!デリシャス」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 14 Jun 2010
- views: 27410
- author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM5
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「秘密」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this...
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM5
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「秘密」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 15 Sep 2011
- views: 6177
- author: v6link
Model Fall and Trip, On The Asahi Kasei / Model Jatuh Dan Tersentak (Part 1)
haha stupid...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: AkbarKripac7
Model Fall and Trip, On The Asahi Kasei / Model Jatuh Dan Tersentak (Part 1)
haha stupid
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 463
- author: AkbarKripac7
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM Making
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6). 「ピッとピッタリ、明日もおいしく。」[MAKING] DISCLA...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM Making
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6). 「ピッとピッタリ、明日もおいしく。」[MAKING] DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 32360
- author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM4
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「ニセモノ?」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own t...
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM4
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「ニセモノ?」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 30 Mar 2011
- views: 9876
- author: v6link
Youtube results:
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM6
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「更なる秘密」 30sec DISCLAIMER: I do not...
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Saran Rappu CM6
サランラップ® (Saran Wrap) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「更なる秘密」 30sec DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 3123
- author: v6link
24M SPE Materials AsahiKasei
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: plasticsglobal
24M SPE Materials AsahiKasei
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 6
- author: plasticsglobal
Asahi KASEI Jipporokku CM1
ジップロック® (Ziploc) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「一秒でできること」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own th...
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: v6link
Asahi KASEI Jipporokku CM1
ジップロック® (Ziploc) CM with 岡田准一 (Okada Junichi of V6).「一秒でできること」 DISCLAIMER: I do not own this commercial. It belongs to its rightful owners.
- published: 30 Mar 2011
- views: 14083
- author: v6link
Asahi Kasei Zhang Yichao Fall/Winter 2010 VIDEO (1/3)
AsahiKasei Prize Zhang Yichao Fall/Winter 2010-2011 collection, during China Fashion Week ...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: Annabella Winsteald
Asahi Kasei Zhang Yichao Fall/Winter 2010 VIDEO (1/3)
AsahiKasei Prize Zhang Yichao Fall/Winter 2010-2011 collection, during China Fashion Week in Beijing, Monday, March 29, 2010. According to me one of the most beautiful show ever, but because of the super-platform heels (more than 12 inches), four models fell during the show. In this part 1/3, only a little trip at 14:28. For free photos of the show in high definition (HD), including the falls, go here www.flickr.com www.flickr.com www.flickr.com www.flickr.com www.flickr.com 3月29日晚,一场主题为"天·寓"的旭化成·中国时装设计师创意大奖张义超作品发布会在北京饭店宴会大厅隆重举行,发布作品呼应时下热门话题——"环保"。随着空灵而优美的音乐声响起,模特款步而至,众多的到场嘉宾、媒体及观众在被设计师带来的优秀设计作品震撼的同时,更是注意到模特们脚下近30厘米的高跟鞋,人们在欣赏这场时装盛宴的同时,不得不为辛苦的模特们捏一把汗。时装发布进行至后半段,4位模特相继摔倒,另有一位模特为扶摔倒的模特掉了鞋,而模特们险些摔倒的更是不计其数。值得一提的是,模特们摔倒之后,或是坐在T台上继续演绎,或是甩掉鞋子继续走台,而观众们则是报以掌声,以示对模特们专业表现的鼓励和支持。 3月29日晚举行了旭化成·中国时装周设计师创意大奖张义超作品发布会,华丽的布景,炫目的舞台,模特衣服做工精细创意十足,一切彷佛那么完美。可就在这场应该很完美的秀场上,出现了许多模特接二连三摔倒的事情,是鞋跟太高还是水平不济?再加上张义超设计的衣服大胆透视,许多模特挑战露点走秀,这场秀无疑是时装周上大家评论度最高的秀! 模特摔倒秀,在哪里摔倒就要在哪里爬起来!
- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 1556
- author: Annabella Winsteald