- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 44057
- author: Bigbst4tz2

Minecraft (Xbox 360) - 1.0.1 UPDATE ENCHANTMENT XP TUTORIAL
Heres a quick rundown on Enchantment/Enchanting on Minecraft Xbox 360. I do a quick walkth...
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: Bigbst4tz2
Minecraft (Xbox 360) - 1.0.1 UPDATE ENCHANTMENT XP TUTORIAL
Heres a quick rundown on Enchantment/Enchanting on Minecraft Xbox 360. I do a quick walkthrough and explain overall i am very excited with the update and all the features that came along with it.Be sure to LIKE the video it really helps and SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest Minecraft Xbox 360 future updates and news. ● SUBSCRIBE for More Minecraft Updates and Videos www.youtube.com TWITTER: twitter.com INSTAGRAM: Bigbst4tz 4JStudios Twitter twitter.com "Extra Tags" minecraft mine craft xbox 360 editon xbla complete change log list everything arcade 4j studios mojang update after 15th interview confirmed no trailer parody bigbst4tz mcxbox360 finally this month videos tutorial glitch cribs world howto 1.8.2 1.0.1 spleef visual 1.2.3 episodes series notch creative mode September 2012 bigbst4tz2 bigbstatz easter eggs food bar first look let's play howto projects new mods reviews game modes working design animation cartoons movies golem machinima machinimarealm
- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 44057
- author: Bigbst4tz2

Minecraft (Xbox 360) - 1.2.3 Update SPAWN EGGS Info!
Decided to show you guys and give you the run down on one of my Favorite features and hope...
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: Bigbst4tz2
Minecraft (Xbox 360) - 1.2.3 Update SPAWN EGGS Info!
Decided to show you guys and give you the run down on one of my Favorite features and hopefully to come to Minecraft Xbox 360. If you have any video request feel free to leave in the comments below. Be sure to LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with more Minecraft Xbox 360 news. BREWING POTIONS, ENCHANTMENT + MORE www.youtube.com Subscribe to my Channel: bit.ly Twitter: twitter.com Follow Me on Instagram: Bigbst4tz 4JStudios Twitter twitter.com Tags: minecraft mine craft xbox 360 editon xbla complete change log list everything arcade 4j studios mojang update after 15th interview confirmed no trailer parody bigbst4tz mcxbox360 finally this month videos tutorial glitch cribs world howto 1.8.2 1.8 1.9 visual 1.2.3 episodes series notch creative mode September 2012 bigbst4tz2 bigbstatz easter eggs food bar first look let's play howto projects new mods reviews game modes working design animation cartoons movies golem machinima machinimarealm
- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 180753
- author: Bigbst4tz2

Minecraft (Xbox 360) - TU7 / 1.0.1 Update RELEASE DATE! - 19th December (Tomorrow!)
TU7 Features! - tinyurl.com ZOMG! That was quick! Fantastic job to 4J Studios for releasin...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: TheGamingLemon
Minecraft (Xbox 360) - TU7 / 1.0.1 Update RELEASE DATE! - 19th December (Tomorrow!)
TU7 Features! - tinyurl.com ZOMG! That was quick! Fantastic job to 4J Studios for releasing this update so quickly, must have put a lot of effort into this to release it so quickly! And also the Christmas Skin Pack to come out tomorrow too! Too much epicness to handle! :D • Twitter: twitter.com • Facebook Page: tinyurl.com • Store! (UK): thegaminglemonuk.spreadshirt.co.uk • Store! (US): thegaminglemon.spreadshirt.com Music Used: • "C418 - Cat (Caution & Crisis Remix)" - www.youtube.com ----------------------------------------------------- Extra Tags: minecraft mine craft xbox 360 xbla arcade edition new news info information today this week month tu7 upcoming next update title update 7 release date 1.0.1 1.0 1.9 1.2.3 1.2.1 tu8 8 official confirmed gameplay screenshots
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 126285
- author: TheGamingLemon

AVGN Movie Update 5-25-12
cinemassacre.com The FAQ will be posted on Cinemassacre.com...
published: 26 May 2012
author: JamesNintendoNerd
AVGN Movie Update 5-25-12
cinemassacre.com The FAQ will be posted on Cinemassacre.com
- published: 26 May 2012
- views: 406923
- author: JamesNintendoNerd

Minecraft (Xbox 360) - 1.8.2 Update "Creative Mode" GAMEPLAY TRAILER Analysis + SCREENSHOTS
I'd say this is the final trailer we'll be receiving for 1.8, but I may be wrong. So, now ...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: TheGamingLemon
Minecraft (Xbox 360) - 1.8.2 Update "Creative Mode" GAMEPLAY TRAILER Analysis + SCREENSHOTS
I'd say this is the final trailer we'll be receiving for 1.8, but I may be wrong. So, now that we've seen everything, what are you most looking forward to in the 1.8 update? Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to keep up to date with the latest MC 360 news! :) Original 4JStudios Trailer: www.youtube.com TheGamingLemon Clothes And Gear! US Store: thegaminglemon.spreadshirt.com UK Store: thegaminglemonuk.spreadshirt.co.uk Connect With Me! Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: tinyurl.com Playlists: tinyurl.com TwitchTV (Livestream): www.twitch.tv Music: "Bad Pitched" - by Insan3Lik3 (www.youtube.com Extra Tags: minecraft mine craft mc xbla xbox 360 edition arcade news new info information today this week 1.8 1.8.2 update release date this month september october creative mode brand gameplay screenshot screenshots official confirmed trailer breakdown analysis teaser 28th september 28
- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 194222
- author: TheGamingLemon

Man of Steel 2013 Costume Update - Details on the Suit! : Beyond The Trailer @ Comic Con
Man of Steel 2013 Costume Update! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph talks to costume ...
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: BeyondTheTrailer
Man of Steel 2013 Costume Update - Details on the Suit! : Beyond The Trailer @ Comic Con
Man of Steel 2013 Costume Update! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph talks to costume illustrator Phillip Boutte about his work on Man of Steel, and how the new Superman suit was designed! He also talks about the new General Zod, plus some info on the costumes for Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters also in 2013! What do you think of the Superman suit in Man of Steel? Do you agree with the movie's costume design choices? Enjoy Man of Steel in 2013, plus all of the Beyond The Trailer coverage at SDCC 2012 aka Comic Con!
- published: 14 Jul 2012
- views: 208040
- author: BeyondTheTrailer

Minecraft Snapshots - 13w01a - The Redstone Update! (1.5 Snapshot)
Ratings are Appreciated! Feedback is Welcome! Download the AntVenom Browser Add-on: bit.ly...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: AntVenom
Minecraft Snapshots - 13w01a - The Redstone Update! (1.5 Snapshot)
Ratings are Appreciated! Feedback is Welcome! Download the AntVenom Browser Add-on: bit.ly Download 13w01a: bit.ly Download the Map: bit.ly Things Missed: Daylight Sensor Recipe: X: Wooden Slab, Y: Quartz, Z: Glass. ZZZ YYY XXX Trapped Chest Recipe: Y: Chest, X: Tripwire Hook. XY (Must be configured like this) Trapped Chests give out a signal equal to the amount of people looking in the chest. 1 person = 1 signal. 2 people = 2 signal, etc. How configurators actually work (I think it's odd) t.co Website: www.AntVenom.com Merchandise Store antvenom.spreadshirt.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: tinyurl.com Twitch.TV: twitch.tv The music comes from the in-game Minecraft soundtrack. If you would like to listen without having Minecraft playing, you can download it here: c418.bandcamp.com Outro Track by Approaching Nirvana Evolve Album - Death of a King Download the Album: bit.ly
- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 311532
- author: AntVenom

Battlefield 3 Easter Egg - News and Updates!
Yo guys, got a commentary here on various subjects which you may enjoy. Also a Battlefield...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: jackfrags
Battlefield 3 Easter Egg - News and Updates!
Yo guys, got a commentary here on various subjects which you may enjoy. Also a Battlefield 1942 Tank Easter Egg on the Epicenter map in Aftermath! What are your top songs of 2012? Here I'm using the Scar-L with a Heavy Barrel and Kobra Sight! Tank Easter Egg Steam Box World Ending Top songs of 2012 Connect with me: www.twitter.com www.facebook.com Alt-J - Something Good: www.youtube.com Calvin Harris - Sweet Nothing: www.youtube.com IND Gamers Video: www.youtube.com PSY - Gangnam Style: www.youtube.com
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 75412
- author: jackfrags

▶MreGamersTV Official Update - Our Awesome Promo!
MreGamersTV is a network for ANYBODY on YouTube! This means we sponsor; Vloggers, Gamers, ...
published: 07 Apr 2012
author: MreGamersTV
▶MreGamersTV Official Update - Our Awesome Promo!
MreGamersTV is a network for ANYBODY on YouTube! This means we sponsor; Vloggers, Gamers, Musicians, Artists, and more! Why should you join us? Because we have an awesome Directorship Program and an even better Partnership Program. We make sure all our Directors/Partners have the tools they need to succeed and grow in the Online Media World. We even have an Academy system to train and help anyone who wants it! So join us! Over 1000 people have already! Director Application: www.mregamers.com Partnership Application: www.mregamers.com We're waiting for you! Here are our links: YouTube: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Homepage: www.mregamers.com Music Provided by Artist: BeatheBeat Song: Playing By Myself Link: audiojungle.net
- published: 07 Apr 2012
- views: 7409
- author: MreGamersTV

Update to iOS 5, Get a Raise, Start Freelancing, and Create a Business Plan
In this episode, we're going to show you how you can work for yourself. We'll teach you ho...
published: 17 Oct 2011
author: lifehacker
Update to iOS 5, Get a Raise, Start Freelancing, and Create a Business Plan
In this episode, we're going to show you how you can work for yourself. We'll teach you how to ask for a raise when you're feeling overworked and underappreciated, how to create a business plan for your new venture, and how to start freelancing. Plus, we'll run down everything you need to know about iOS 5. Like this episode? Be sure to check out Revision3's new show Ask Jay. It's your guide for tips and advice on how to launch your own business, hosted by Jay Adelson: www.youtube.com 00:35 - How to Ask For a Raise lifehacker.com 01:42 - Top Posts Peanut Butter Price Hike - lifehacker.com Program Your Day - lifehacker.com Unbrick your iDevice - lifehacker.com 02:59 - How To Start Freelancing Without Quitting Your Job lifehacker.com lifehacker.com 05:03 - Get A Job Without Relevant Experience lifehacker.com 07:06 - This Week on YouTube iOS 5 - www.youtube.com iCloud - www.youtube.com 08:05 - How to Create a Business Plan lifehacker.com 09:02 - Downloads of the day Tomighty (Multiplatform): lifehacker.com Chromodoro (Chrome): lifehacker.com Klok (Multiplatform): lifehacker.com Five Best Time Trackers: lifehacker.com Simplenote (iOS/Web): simplenoteapp.com Notational Velocity (Mac) lifehacker.com ResophNotes (Windows): lifehacker.com FlickNote (Android): lifehacker.com Billable (Web): lifehacker.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Links: ~~~~~~ Get More Lifehacker Every Monday- Subscribe! www.youtube.com youtube.com twitter.com facebook.com revision3.com www.lifehacker.com itunes.apple.com
- published: 17 Oct 2011
- views: 18640
- author: lifehacker

Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #145 (Week of January 7th, 2013)
Jack and Geoff and the boys (and girl) are here to bring you a tasty bit of gaming news an...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: RoosterTeeth
Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #145 (Week of January 7th, 2013)
Jack and Geoff and the boys (and girl) are here to bring you a tasty bit of gaming news and releases. Enjoy this week's AHWU!
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 210507
- author: RoosterTeeth

Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #141 (Week of December 3rd, 2012)
Jack and Geoff and the rest of the crew bring you some awesome goodies from the world of g...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: RoosterTeeth
Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #141 (Week of December 3rd, 2012)
Jack and Geoff and the rest of the crew bring you some awesome goodies from the world of gaming. Don't forget to grab an Achievement Hunter backpack at www.roosterteeth.com
- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 196142
- author: RoosterTeeth

Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #122 (Week of July 23rd, 2012)
Jack and Geoff bring you a week's worth of new games and information. Don't forget that th...
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: RoosterTeeth
Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #122 (Week of July 23rd, 2012)
Jack and Geoff bring you a week's worth of new games and information. Don't forget that this Friday is Achievement Hunter's 4th Anniversary! We'll be celebrating with a live stream on Friday afternoon. Also, don't forget to watch Nature Town! www.youtube.com
- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 302819
- author: RoosterTeeth

Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #48 (Week of January 31st, 2011)
Jack and Geoff bring you some fresh new AHWU and gaming news for the last week of January ...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: RoosterTeeth
Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #48 (Week of January 31st, 2011)
Jack and Geoff bring you some fresh new AHWU and gaming news for the last week of January 2011. It's like we hardly knew ye. Watch for this week's new releases and news on Sony's new PSP2, the next Angry Birds and more!
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 145261
- author: RoosterTeeth
Youtube results:

★ SWTOR ★ - Datacron Location Guide - Patch 1.2 Datacron Updates - Quesh
### Patch 1.2 Datacron Updates for Quesh (Cunning). This update is made from the Empire ch...
published: 01 May 2012
author: AyinMaiden
★ SWTOR ★ - Datacron Location Guide - Patch 1.2 Datacron Updates - Quesh
### Patch 1.2 Datacron Updates for Quesh (Cunning). This update is made from the Empire character point-of-view, but it still applies to the Republic. Scroll down for the link to patch 1.2 updates for Nar Shaddaa (Cunning), Belsavis (Aim), Corellia (Strength & Presence), Hoth (Cunning) and full version of all datacrons on the Quesh. Click on the timer below to go straight to the Datacron walk-through in the video. 0:14 Cunning +4, X:425 Y:-132, Republic Mining Camp They increased the height of the pipes. You will have to run all the way to the end of the path and jump on the pipe there! Good Luck! ------------------------------ Related Links ------------------------------ Patch 1.2 Updates - Nar Shaddaa (Cunning) & Belsavis (Aim): www.youtube.com Patch 1.2 Updates - Alderaan (Strength) - www.youtube.com Patch 1.2 Updates - Corellia (Strength & Presence) - www.youtube.com Patch 1.2 Update - Hoth (Cunning) - www.youtube.com Quesh Empire Guide: www.youtube.com Quesh Republic Guide: www.youtube.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC - Developer: Bioware Release: December 20th 2011 Genre: Massive Multiplayer RPG Platform: PC Publisher: Electronic Arts Website: www.swtor.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My channel http tgn.tv Join me & my guild, RUIN in SWTOR! Apply Here: Ruinous: www.ruinnation.com ...
- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 4123
- author: AyinMaiden

Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 245: Redstone Update
Today we check out the new features introduced in the Redstone Update snapshot. Edit: You ...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: EthosLab
Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 245: Redstone Update
Today we check out the new features introduced in the Redstone Update snapshot. Edit: You can make hoppers in survival mode already, I was misinformed. Twitter: www.twitter.com TwitchTV: www.twitch.tv World Download (242): www.mediafire.com
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 210633
- author: EthosLab

Minecraft News - BUKKIT JOINS MOJANG ! 1.2 Update & Testificate AI !
GameChap and Bertie discuss the latest jolly exciting news for Minecraft, including the up...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: AdamzoneTopMarks
Minecraft News - BUKKIT JOINS MOJANG ! 1.2 Update & Testificate AI !
GameChap and Bertie discuss the latest jolly exciting news for Minecraft, including the upcoming 1.2 Update! Good show!
- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 41391
- author: AdamzoneTopMarks

Dota 2 Patch Update 12/17/11
Website: www.dotacinema.com stream www.own3d.tv T-shirts: dotacinema.spreadshirt.com Twitt...
published: 17 Dec 2011
author: DotaCinema
Dota 2 Patch Update 12/17/11
Website: www.dotacinema.com stream www.own3d.tv T-shirts: dotacinema.spreadshirt.com Twitter www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com www.glhfcasting.com A weekly patch update brought to you by Xenocide and SUNSfan of DotaCinema.
- published: 17 Dec 2011
- views: 13952
- author: DotaCinema