- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 1028
- author: KathyWalsh2

learning Sign language AUSLAN for beginners
Hey Guys, sorry its been so long since i did a video but here it is :) and just to make it...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: KathyWalsh2
learning Sign language AUSLAN for beginners
Hey Guys, sorry its been so long since i did a video but here it is :) and just to make it clear, this is Australian sign language (AUSLAN). i hope you enjoy the vid :) if you have any questions let me know and i will do my best to answer them :) thanks for watching, Abbey. xx
- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 1028
- author: KathyWalsh2

hey guys sorry it took forever but heres the next video on AUSLAN sign language, yay :) i ...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: KathyWalsh2
hey guys sorry it took forever but heres the next video on AUSLAN sign language, yay :) i couldnt thing of a topic to do it on so i decided just to cover some basic vocabulary :) if you guys have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment box or message me privately :) thanks for watching! cheers, Abbey :)
- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 5970
- author: KathyWalsh2

'Different People' in Auslan
RIDBC Thomas Pattison School signing choir translates into Auslan, "Different People (Stan...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: MusicCountUsIn
'Different People' in Auslan
RIDBC Thomas Pattison School signing choir translates into Auslan, "Different People (Stand Together)", the song created for Music: Count Us 2012, the national program that's about getting more music into schools. This video describes the process by which the lyrics of the song are translated from English into the visceral grammar and syntax of Auslan (Australian Sign Language). The MCUI program culminates on November 1 with over half a million students performing the song around Australia on the same day and at the same time. www.musiccountusin.org.au
- published: 12 Oct 2012
- views: 11212
- author: MusicCountUsIn

Last Night (Auslan)
WINNER of the 2011 Deaf Club, Sydney Film Competition, "Last Night" chronicles the finale ...
published: 08 Oct 2011
author: Davo Hardy
Last Night (Auslan)
WINNER of the 2011 Deaf Club, Sydney Film Competition, "Last Night" chronicles the finale in the breakdown of a relationship between two flatmates (Davo Hardy and Andrew Niven) as the tension between them explodes between several examples of passive aggressive behaviour. Written and directed by Davo Hardy, this film was produced primarily for the Deaf Club of Sydney (the social branch of the Deaf Society of NSW) and therefore is presented with Auslan Dialogue
- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 1984
- author: Davo Hardy

Auslan Basics - Lesson #1 (Australian Sign Language)
A brief lesson in the basics of Auslan; numbers and alphabet. Visit www.auslan.org.au for ...
published: 07 Feb 2008
author: Futurista85
Auslan Basics - Lesson #1 (Australian Sign Language)
A brief lesson in the basics of Auslan; numbers and alphabet. Visit www.auslan.org.au for further info and videos. I'm not a professional, just trying to spread the knowledge that I know, and am open to comments, suggestions, and corrections.
- published: 07 Feb 2008
- views: 40572
- author: Futurista85

Deaf parents' opinions on interpreted theatre (Auslan & captions)
To find out more about upcoming interpreted theatre performance for children and families,...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: DeafChildren Aus
Deaf parents' opinions on interpreted theatre (Auslan & captions)
To find out more about upcoming interpreted theatre performance for children and families, subscribe to our mailing list at www.deafchildrenaustralia.org.au email peter.folan@deafchildren.org.au, or at Opera Australia's site: www.opera-australia.org.au
- published: 06 Feb 2012
- views: 1508
- author: DeafChildren Aus

'The Very Cranky Bear' Auslan version
THE VERY CRANKY BEAR by Nick Bland, 2008 Text and illustration copyright ©Nick Bland, 2008...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: CommRepublic
'The Very Cranky Bear' Auslan version
THE VERY CRANKY BEAR by Nick Bland, 2008 Text and illustration copyright ©Nick Bland, 2008 First published by Scholastic Press, an imprint of Scholastic Australia, 2008 Auslan performer Michelle Goodison Voice artist Pip Cody Production by Communication Republic
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 4002
- author: CommRepublic

ACE August Newsletter 2012 - ACE's exclusive Interview with Arts Alive
This month Zoë Boyd, ACE's Director of Strategy and Planning shared the next steps forward...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
ACE August Newsletter 2012 - ACE's exclusive Interview with Arts Alive
This month Zoë Boyd, ACE's Director of Strategy and Planning shared the next steps forward for Smart Auslan in an exclusive interview with Arts Alive reporter Vincent O'Donnell.
- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 44
- author: aceinfonewsletter

I Am Australian in Auslan
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: DeafServicesQld
I Am Australian in Auslan
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 7718
- author: DeafServicesQld

TAX HELP 2012 - Auslan
Tax Help service for Auslan users for 2012....
published: 01 Aug 2012
author: WADeafSociety
TAX HELP 2012 - Auslan
Tax Help service for Auslan users for 2012.
- published: 01 Aug 2012
- views: 269
- author: WADeafSociety

Hi my name is Laura, my Grandparents are both Deaf and my Mother is an Auslan interpreter....
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: babyoneday
Hi my name is Laura, my Grandparents are both Deaf and my Mother is an Auslan interpreter. I am currently studying my certificate III in Auslan (Australian sign language) and thought making videos would be a good way to help me practice new signs and will hopefully help anybody else who would like to learn Auslan. Stay tuned for more videos, Thanks! :-)
- published: 06 Mar 2012
- views: 848
- author: babyoneday

Message from the CEO
This quarter ACE submitted its response to the Australian Government's 'Request for Tender...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
Message from the CEO
This quarter ACE submitted its response to the Australian Government's 'Request for Tender' for the provision of the National Relay Service (NRS) and I am optimistic about the NRS progressing towards functional equivalence and maintaining sustainability for the community.
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 36
- author: aceinfonewsletter

Win with OpenMi Tours
In 25 words or less tell us how OpenMi Tours has opened access for you and you'll go into ...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
Win with OpenMi Tours
In 25 words or less tell us how OpenMi Tours has opened access for you and you'll go into the draw to win a free family pass to the National Sports Museum in Melbourne.*
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 22
- author: aceinfonewsletter

Amendments to Broadcast Services Act a win for Deaf viewers
Deaf and hearing impaired communities are celebrating the recent updates to the Broadcast ...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
Amendments to Broadcast Services Act a win for Deaf viewers
Deaf and hearing impaired communities are celebrating the recent updates to the Broadcast Service Act (BSA).
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 18
- author: aceinfonewsletter
Vimeo results:

Quiet Signs of Love
Deaf Girl. Hearing boy. A love that transcends.
Brought to you by the National Relay Servi...
published: 15 Aug 2011
author: ikonfilm
Quiet Signs of Love
Deaf Girl. Hearing boy. A love that transcends.
Brought to you by the National Relay Service. A phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.
An Australian Government initiative

Smart Auslan
This project aims to provide Deaf Australians with access to the museum display descriptio...
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: TACSI
Smart Auslan
This project aims to provide Deaf Australians with access to the museum display descriptions in Auslan sign language. Today's technology and high speed internet makes it possible to produce a multimedia device that automatically links to Auslan videos. We have titled the project 'Smart Auslan' because the Auslan videos are accessed through smart phones such as the iPhone. The first proposed site is the National Sports Museum in Melbourne for its appeal to Deaf culture and PR opportunities.

Auslan Courses
Content for the Tasmanian Deaf Society(Not For Profit) Website - These videos have been cr...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: Tasdeaf
Auslan Courses
Content for the Tasmanian Deaf Society(Not For Profit) Website - These videos have been created by Tasdeaf to allow for easy access to information through a Deaf friendly website.
Youtube results:

Imagine - AUSLAN
'Imagine' - John Lennon performed in AUSLAN...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: RangaRyan6
Imagine - AUSLAN
'Imagine' - John Lennon performed in AUSLAN
- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 3528
- author: RangaRyan6

ACE August Newsletter 2012 - Giving back through local charities
To celebrate Mother's Day this year, the staff at ACE held a craft stall to fundraise for ...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
ACE August Newsletter 2012 - Giving back through local charities
To celebrate Mother's Day this year, the staff at ACE held a craft stall to fundraise for not-for-profit organisation 'Hear For You'; featuring home-made jewelry, cakes, soaps, and scarves.
- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 35
- author: aceinfonewsletter

ACE August Newsletter 2012 - Smart Auslan continues to expland in Australia
Great news! Museums are becoming more accessible with Smart Auslan with the service now av...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
ACE August Newsletter 2012 - Smart Auslan continues to expland in Australia
Great news! Museums are becoming more accessible with Smart Auslan with the service now available at four locations around Australia. The smartphone app enables access for Deaf and hearing impaired Australian's to museums and cultural attractions; by translating audio tours into Auslan with captions.
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 50
- author: aceinfonewsletter

ACE Newsletter June 2012 - Message from the CEO
This month we celebrate being named a finalist in the Australian Reporting Awards for our ...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: aceinfonewsletter
ACE Newsletter June 2012 - Message from the CEO
This month we celebrate being named a finalist in the Australian Reporting Awards for our accessible Annual Report (in Auslan in 3D) alongside 17 years of delivering services under our contract for the National Relay Service.
- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 71
- author: aceinfonewsletter