
Army ROTC's Leader's Training Course, Fort Knox (3 minutes)
A 3-minute look at Army ROTC's Leader's Training Course (LTC)....
published: 08 May 2009
Author: Army ROTC
Army ROTC's Leader's Training Course, Fort Knox (3 minutes)
A 3-minute look at Army ROTC's Leader's Training Course (LTC).

If your ultimate goal is to become a successful, respected leader, either in the military ...
published: 21 Jul 2009
Author: ECU
If your ultimate goal is to become a successful, respected leader, either in the military or in the civilian sector, no other organization can give you a better start than Army ROTC.

pushup video for Army ROTC cadets
pushup video for Army ROTC cadets...
published: 07 Mar 2008
Author: chadsuitonu
pushup video for Army ROTC cadets
pushup video for Army ROTC cadets

Air Force ROTC Promotional Video
If you are considering joining AFROTC or USAF here is some valuable information that can h...
published: 29 Jan 2010
Author: Krazefire
Air Force ROTC Promotional Video
If you are considering joining AFROTC or USAF here is some valuable information that can help make your decision. This video follows AFTROTC members in Bowling Green, OHIO at BGSU. Send me a message or leave a comment if you have any questions!

The SDSU Army ROTC Experience.mpg
This is our US Army San Diego State ROTC program. For additional information login to www-...
published: 23 Jan 2010
Author: SanDiegoArmyROTC
The SDSU Army ROTC Experience.mpg
This is our US Army San Diego State ROTC program. For additional information login to www-rohan.sdsu.edu or call 619-594-1236

ROTC Ranger Challenge
Cadets from UNC's Amry ROTC traveled to Ft. Pickett in Virginia this weekend to compet...
published: 02 Nov 2007
Author: dailytarheel
ROTC Ranger Challenge
Cadets from UNC's Amry ROTC traveled to Ft. Pickett in Virginia this weekend to compete against 21 other schools in the Ranger Challenge. They were judged in physical ability, marksmanship and land navigation, among other things. Video by Alexander Trowbridge. This video is copyright The Daily Tar Heel, 2007.

The Iowa State Army ROTC hosts a water survival training every year to prepare recruits fo...
published: 10 Jun 2010
Author: DulcetDemise
The Iowa State Army ROTC hosts a water survival training every year to prepare recruits for some of the tests they'll be performing later in their careers. In 2009 the unit allowed me to participate and record the adventure for ISU TV.

Army ROTC: Nursing Overview
The Army Nurse Corps is the branch of the Army composed of professional, college prepared ...
published: 26 May 2009
Author: MUarmyrotc
Army ROTC: Nursing Overview
The Army Nurse Corps is the branch of the Army composed of professional, college prepared nurses. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing is the minimal entry level. As nurses progress in experience, seniority and rank, most will go back to school and obtain their Masters Degree. About 10% of Senior Nurse Corps officers have their PhD. The Army provides financial support and duty time to obtain advanced degrees. The Nurse Corps is part of the AMEDD the Army Medical Department.

Here's some online play of ROTC, a free online multiplayer FPS with unique gameplay: A...
published: 05 Nov 2011
Author: youloopaccount
Here's some online play of ROTC, a free online multiplayer FPS with unique gameplay: Alternate between the pure energy "ether form" and the physical manifestation called "CAT". Capture territory and defeat enemies using a multitude of weapons, grenades, and even the unique "disc". Especially the latter feels like tron, but is expertly done. Discs can be deflected steered around corners, etc. and the neat weapons add to the fun. Thanks to the territory capturing and the fact that you can only spawn as CAT on friendly territory, this games is much deeper than your usual abstract shooter. This game is made using the torque engine, which means rock solid netcode and hit detection. ethernet.wasted.ch

OSU Army ROTC Repelling Training
OSU's Army ROTC cadets learn how to repel the side of a building....
published: 22 Sep 2009
Author: OkStateNews
OSU Army ROTC Repelling Training
OSU's Army ROTC cadets learn how to repel the side of a building.

ROTC: The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
ROTC cadets can choose to maximize their experience by choosing the SMP option of the prog...
published: 10 May 2007
Author: NHArmyNationalGuard
ROTC: The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
ROTC cadets can choose to maximize their experience by choosing the SMP option of the program. SMP cadets not only go to school to train to become officers, they also go to drill one weekend per month and two weeks during the summer. Students get paid for drill while learning invaluable leadership skills by living the Army National Guard experience. Answer the call! If you would like to know more about the ROTC program at the New Hampshire Army National Guard, please visit our website at: www.nh.ngb.army.mil Or, if you choose to serve outside the state of New Hampshire, please visit the National Guard's homepage at www.1800GOGUARD.com or call 1-800-GO-GUARD.

ROTC Yes? Or No?
This is my opinion on the US Army Rotc Program. If you don't know what ROTC is it is a...
published: 22 Jan 2012
Author: TheTezExperience
ROTC Yes? Or No?
This is my opinion on the US Army Rotc Program. If you don't know what ROTC is it is a program that is available through the country at a lot of major four year universities that offer scholarships and commission to the US Army as an officer. Please rate comment and subscribe and if you have any questions about ROTC or the Army send me a message.

TCU Army ROTC Spring Field Traiing Exercise - 03/31/11
Thirty TCU ROTC cadets board a CH 47 Chinook helicopter for transport to Fort Hood, Texas,...
published: 01 Apr 2011
Author: TheTCUMag
TCU Army ROTC Spring Field Traiing Exercise - 03/31/11
Thirty TCU ROTC cadets board a CH 47 Chinook helicopter for transport to Fort Hood, Texas, for three days of military training.
Youtube results:

NSU ROTC — RiverHawks Battalion
ROTC is a program designed to train and commission the future leaders of the United States...
published: 08 Dec 2010
Author: NSUVideo
NSU ROTC — RiverHawks Battalion
ROTC is a program designed to train and commission the future leaders of the United States Army. ROTC is not only about academics. Cadets also thrive as athletes and leaders. As a good leader in the US Army, you must lead your soldiers from the front and set a positive example for them to follow. ROTC not only prepares you to become an officer in the military, it also develops necessary leadership and management skills for success in the corporate world. Ret. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Wal-mart owner Sam Walton, and former head football coach of the University of Notre Dame Lou Holtz all received their initial leadership training through ROTC. Also, having participated in such a highly respected program looks great on a résumé. A senior cadet becomes an active duty second lieutenant with a guaranteed job after graduation and receives a starting salary of at least $36000 a year, housing, medical, clothing and food allowance as well as tax free benefits. Combined these benefits add up to approx. $64000. After three years of serving Active Duty, many of these officers become Captains and take advantage of earning Masters degrees, fully paid for by the Army while also receiving a paycheck. The benefits, training, experience, career and retirement opportunities available in this program are absolutely outstanding. So whether you want to make a career in the Army, National Guard, Reserves or prepare yourself for civilian leadership opportunities, the ROTC program develops <b>...</b>

Army ROTC Video 2009
A short promo video re-capping the events of 2009 at the UCLA Reserve Officer Training Cor...
published: 07 Aug 2009
Author: bucksuck
Army ROTC Video 2009
A short promo video re-capping the events of 2009 at the UCLA Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). This is a collection of material shot over a year including a promotions ceremony, FTX, and graduate officer commissioning. Very awesome music shout out goes to Tony Fiala. Footage shot by a collection of videographers from various events, chiefly Yusuke, Christina, Kiel, JP, and myself. Special thanks to all the cadets, Lt. Col Kramer, Major Miner, Capt Choi, Capt Dittami, Capt McDermott, Capt Hong, and Vicki Sanelli for making it all possible.

ETSU Spring 2012 Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony
The Spring 2012 Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony at East Tennessee State University in Joh...
published: 09 May 2012
Author: EastTennesseeState
ETSU Spring 2012 Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony
The Spring 2012 Army ROTC Commissioning Ceremony at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, Tennessee.

Army ROTC Nurse Program (4 minutes)
A 4-minute preview of what it's like to become an Army nurse....
published: 11 May 2009
Author: CadetCommandPAO
Army ROTC Nurse Program (4 minutes)
A 4-minute preview of what it's like to become an Army nurse.