- published: 14 Oct 2010
- views: 1737259

NEW TOUR FALL 2010 tickets here: http://tinyurl.com/2a3labw
new CD! http://itunes.apple...
published: 14 Oct 2010
NEW TOUR FALL 2010 tickets here: http://tinyurl.com/2a3labw
new CD! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/words-words-words-deluxe-edition/id396588798
lyrics by me. music by garageband.
all the seats at the sunday masses,
filled with the mass's massive asses,
classes pass as fast as molasses.
ceremonial reading glasses.
read a little bit of leviticus.
all the kids are a little too little for this.
all the parents nod in agreement -
"i think i can vaguely see what he meant."
it's too early in the morning glory
to read another allegory story,
the father, reads a little bit farther,
assuring the assured that they need not bother
"when god, in verse 45, said the slaves are okay to buy,
he meant that people, all from the start
each have slaves within their hearts.
things, that we have sold or boughten, that are forced to pick our moral cotton
god calls us to set these free, free our hearts from slavery...
and then as god goes on to explain the logistics of buying and selling slaves..."
in the back, i sit and i nod to the beats that are bumpin from my ipod
my god, they're starting to pray
and over the music i can hear them say
"dear god, dear lord, dear vague muscular man with a beard or a sword.
dear good all-seeing being, my way or the highway yahweh.
the blue-balled anti-masturbator, the great, all-loving faggot hater,
i'd like to thank your holy might for making me both rich and white
and though this is your day of rest, i come to you with one request
there's so much pain beyond this steeple,
wars and drugs and homeless people.
sadness, where there should be joy, hate and rape and soulja boy.
a world in darkness needs your light, so i'm sure your schedule's pretty tight
but my dog just had leg surgery if you could fix that first...
debra messing's fingers in a holy place, "hail mary full of grace."
obama, could you pass some hope to the pope
i know a couple dude's who wanna elope
see the pope said, "nope" so the bros can't cope.
(the bros can grope but the bros can't cope)
they've been in love, they've been addicted
who said they shouldn't? benedict did.
cause in the holy land of the lord he's the holy landlord and dicks are evicted.
cause you can be a benedict if you've been a dick under benedict but
you can't have benedicts because there's only one pope and only one dick
what? a dick on a pope is
just like a soap on a rope cause it's
pointless, unless in prison, throw up your bibles, christ has risen.
hallelujah, now it's raining men,
because the gender ratio is 1 to 10.
winos at the eucharist station, trans-gendered-substantiation
jesus wasn't the messiah, get back i'm a heretic and i'm on fire
it was oedipus, and those holy nights
the holy motherfucking christ.
i'm a blasphemah post-katrina cruising the marina. on a crusade to cruise aids
and blast FEMA
you're too late, we're fucked we don't need ya.
in the name of the father, son and holy ghost
head, shoulders, knees and toes
turn up your nose, strike that pose.
- published: 14 Oct 2010
- views: 1737259

Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobu...
published: 27 Feb 2013
Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.com
EU http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.net
What shall I rant about next? Tweet @TobyTurner with #TOBYRANT.
Toby Turner rants about autocorrect fails and laments about the problems of texting in the age of failing predictive text. Also Andre Agassi needs to stop auto correcting on people's phones. And if ToGo's wants to give us free ToGo's, or iphones, that would be awesome!
Facebook | http://Facebook.com/tobuscus
Twitter | http://twitter.com/tobyturner
iTunes | http://itunes.com/tobyturner
Posters! (signed ones come with DRW slap bracelet of doom)
Spotify | http://bit.ly/TOBYonSPOTIFY
Daily Vlogs - http://youtube.com/tobyturner
Gaming Channel | http://youtube.com/TobyGames
- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 831547

Hipsters - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on hipsters.
written and directed by John Elerick
merch: http://thege...
published: 22 Oct 2011
Hipsters - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on hipsters.
written and directed by John Elerick
merch: http://thegentlemensrant.spreadshirt.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
facebook: http://tinyurl.com/brhkb64
check out more videos: http://tinyurl.com/23g8oda
John Elerick http://twitter.com/johnelerick
Roger Roth http://twitter.com/rabberjabber
Will Stephens http://twitter.com/UUJS
Travon Free http://twitter.com/Travon
- published: 22 Oct 2011
- views: 1328044

FREE shipping on Spreadshirt now through Monday! Use code SPRINGTIME Shirts US http://tobu...
published: 08 Mar 2013
FREE shipping on Spreadshirt now through Monday! Use code SPRINGTIME Shirts US http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.com
Shirts EU http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.net
Free Netflix for Audience! http://nflx.it/X3NIIT
What shall I rant about next? Tweet @TobyTurner with #TOBYRANT.
In this video, we learn that Toby Turner has cat allergies, then he rants about why peanuts are not the enemy. Lots of pictures of adorable cats and why water fails to meet anyone's taste expectations. And please don't drink anti-freeze. It'll literally kill you.
Facebook | http://Facebook.com/tobuscus
Twitter | http://twitter.com/tobyturner
iTunes | http://itunes.com/tobyturner
Posters! (signed ones come with DRW slap bracelet of doom)
Spotify | http://bit.ly/TOBYonSPOTIFY
Daily Vlogs - http://youtube.com/tobyturner
Gaming Channel | http://youtube.com/TobyGames
- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 510739

Pachelbel Rant
A comedian rants about how much it sucks to play Pachelbel's Canon in D on a cello. Recor...
published: 21 Nov 2006
Pachelbel Rant
A comedian rants about how much it sucks to play Pachelbel's Canon in D on a cello. Recorded live at Penn State, this piece by comedian/musician Rob Paravonian has been a favorite on the Dr. Demento Show.
- published: 21 Nov 2006
- views: 11272259

Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobu...
published: 19 Dec 2012
Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.com
EU http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.net
What shall I rant about next? Tweet @TobyTurner with #TOBYRANT.
Facebook | http://Facebook.com/tobuscus
Twitter | http://twitter.com/tobyturner
Posters! (signed ones come with DRW slap bracelet of doom)
Spotify | http://bit.ly/TOBYonSPOTIFY
Daily Vlogs - http://youtube.com/tobyturner
Gaming Channel | http://youtube.com/TobyGames
- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 2151031

Who should pay on a first date & a word to those stupid fucks who complain about not being...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Who should pay on a first date & a word to those stupid fucks who complain about not being treated right, yet continue to date the same fucking people.
Follow me on Twitter for updates
Intro music composed/produced by Lucas Daniel
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 722065

Facebook - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on facebook.
written and directed by John Elerick
merch: http://thege...
published: 03 Oct 2011
Facebook - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on facebook.
written and directed by John Elerick
merch: http://thegentlemensrant.spreadshirt.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
facebook: http://tinyurl.com/brhkb64
check out more videos: http://tinyurl.com/23g8oda
John Elerick http://twitter.com/johnelerick
Roger Roth http://twitter.com/rabberjabber
Travon Free http://twitter.com/Travon
Will Stephens http://twitter.com/UUJS
- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 1256143

Penn's Obama Rant
Penn Jillette and Michael Goudeau talk about President Barack Obama's appearance on Jimmy ...
published: 19 May 2012
Penn's Obama Rant
Penn Jillette and Michael Goudeau talk about President Barack Obama's appearance on Jimmy Fallon and his previous drug use.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 630508

Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobu...
published: 31 Dec 2012
Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.com
EU http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.net
What shall I rant about next? Tweet @TobyTurner with #TOBYRANT.
Facebook | http://Facebook.com/tobuscus
Twitter | http://twitter.com/tobyturner
Posters! (signed ones come with DRW slap bracelet of doom)
Spotify | http://bit.ly/TOBYonSPOTIFY
Daily Vlogs - http://youtube.com/tobyturner
Gaming Channel | http://youtube.com/TobyGames
- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 1257751

Rant on Music (Remade)
I made a bunch of rants years ago that got removed for copyrighted music and everyone keep...
published: 28 Jul 2009
Rant on Music (Remade)
I made a bunch of rants years ago that got removed for copyrighted music and everyone keeps asking me to put the back up. So here is the first rant I ever did, check it!
P.S. I'm a hypocrite, I listen to rap hahaha!
P.S.S If you want me to rant about something else, leave it in the comments!
- published: 28 Jul 2009
- views: 4828763

Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobu...
published: 19 Jan 2013
Free Netflix for Audience! http://www.netflix.com/Tobuscus
Tobuscus shirts! US http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.com
EU http://tobuscus.spreadshirt.net
What shall I rant about next? Tweet @TobyTurner with #TOBYRANT.
James Cameron Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx8L20N6U-M
Facebook | http://Facebook.com/tobuscus
Twitter | http://twitter.com/tobyturner
iTunes | http://itunes.com/tobyturner
Posters! (signed ones come with DRW slap bracelet of doom)
Spotify | http://bit.ly/TOBYonSPOTIFY
Daily Vlogs - http://youtube.com/tobyturner
Gaming Channel | http://youtube.com/TobyGames
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 1063412

Rick Mercer: Rant: Teen Suicide
Every year in this country 300 kids take their own lives. It is a mind-boggling number. An...
published: 26 Oct 2011
Rick Mercer: Rant: Teen Suicide
Every year in this country 300 kids take their own lives. It is a mind-boggling number. And this past week one of those kids was Jamie Hubley. He was 15, he was depressed and he happened to be gay.
Watch The Rick Mercer Report Tuesdays at 8pm on CBC TV
- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 54280

Concerts - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen give you an encore.
subscribe: http://youtube.com/jle
merchandise: http://th...
published: 26 Nov 2012
Concerts - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen give you an encore.
subscribe: http://youtube.com/jle
merchandise: http://thegentlemensrant.spreadshirt.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
facebook: http://tinyurl.com/brhkb64
instagram: http://instagram.com/johnelerick
watch more rants: http://tinyurl.com/b9rkaxu
watch the gentlemen's response: http://tinyurl.com/aytbp3s
watch the gentlemen's rebuttal: http://tinyurl.com/bynlg9q
written and directed by John Elerick
John Elerick http://twitter.com/johnelerick
Travon Free http://twitter.com/Travon
Roger Roth http://twitter.com/rabberjabber
Will Stephens http://twitter.com/WillSteph
jle is the best at everything... especially sex.
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 239215
Vimeo results:

Meet Buck
CHECK OUT OUR FRIENDS' SHORT : http://vimeo.com/15126262
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: TeamCerf
Meet Buck
CHECK OUT OUR FRIENDS' SHORT : http://vimeo.com/15126262
Buck is an ordinary guy. Well, if you accept the "deer head" thing.
Today, Buck is going to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend who's so happy to see him (she's pretty much happy all the time). But when Buck finds out that her father is not the tolerant and sympathetic guy he expected, the Sunday afternoon turns really bad. Really bad. Like baaaaaaad bad.
Buck est un jeune ordinaire. Enfin...si on exclut sa tête de cerf.
Et aujourd'hui, Buck compte bien passer son Dimanche après-midi avec sa petite-amie qui est super contente de le voir, comme toujours. Mais quand Buck découvre que son futur beau-papa n'est pas si sympathique et tolérant que sa fille, l'après-midi va tourner au drame.
Réalisé Par/Directed By :
Denis Bouyer
Yann De Preval
Vincent E Sousa
(Rigging reel : vimeo.com/13957690)
Laurent Monneron
Sound Design/Mix : Julien Begault
Music : Yannis Dumoutiers and Mickaël Védrine
We would like to thank everyone who helped us !

Good Books - Metamorphosis
It is not very often that we have the opportunity to create a graphic equivalent of a drug...
published: 26 Jan 2012
author: Buck
Good Books - Metamorphosis
It is not very often that we have the opportunity to create a graphic equivalent of a drug fueled rant bringing all of our collective skills to bear. And it is almost unfathomable that we could actually do something like this and benefit a good cause.
The Buck team dug deep, channeling our inner gonzo, to direct and produce this homage promoting Good Books, the online bookseller that passes all its profits through to Oxfam. A big thanks to String Theory in NZ for bringing us this script, Antfood for their amazing audio stylings, to Thor for giving his voice and to all the artists who made this something we are proud of.
Visit: http://www.usegoodbooks.com
What you will see is an entirely fictional and completely unendorsed representation. [Though we humbly suggest Hunter S Thompson might have liked it.] We are devoted fans paying homage. No disrespect is intended.
Concept by String Theory
Directed by Buck
Creative Director: Ryan Honey
Executive Producer: Maurie Enochson
Producers: Nick Terzich, Alyssa Evans, Emily Rickard
Coordinator: Ben Tucker
Associate Creative Director: Joshua Harvey
CG Supervisor: Doug Wilkinson
Animation Director: Steve Day
Art Director: Joe Mullen
Designers: Joshua Harvey, Joe Mullen, George Fuentes, Trevor Conrad, Jenny Ko, Jon Gorman
2D Animators: Joe Mullen, Harry Teitelman, John MacFarlane, Jamal Otolorin, Joshua Harvey, William Trebutien, Matt Everton, Taik Lee, Tristan Balos, Regis Camargo, Kendra Ryan, George Fuentes, Trevor Conrad, Jahmad Rollins, Matthew Wade
3D Artists: Jens Lindgren, Timm Wagener, Kai Wang, Joao Rema, Albert Omoss, Joshua Harvey, Christine Li, Kelsey Charlton, Ana Luisa Santos
Compositors: Nick Forshee, Alex Perry, Joshua Harvey, Joe Mullen, Moses Journey, Matt Lavoy, Jenny Ko, Helen Hsu, Elizabeth Steinberg, Adam Smith
Music and Sound Design: Antfood
Voiceover Artist: Thor Erickson
Software: Flash, After Effects, Maya
Client: Good Books
Agency: String Theory

LOV, the new autumn-winter 2011-2012 film directed by Stephanie Di Giusto.
After Lou Doill...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: Vanessa Bruno
LOV, the new autumn-winter 2011-2012 film directed by Stephanie Di Giusto.
After Lou Doillon, there is the appearance of a another heroine: Kate Bosworth. Her mysteriousness, her strength. Also another side to femininity, a stirring truthfulness which is renewed with every look, every movement accompanied by a wisp of assertiveness and purity. A new gracefulness progressing to a confident allure, conquering, a battling frailty.
It starts with an urban universe almost futuristic where this femininity comes up against angles, up against emptiness where lines are sought for and where poetry is found. A surrealistic dance, frantic and lively giving a light note to this ballad, this adventure which is perhaps the landscape of a soul.
Then the thread of the tale gets tenser. We come across a more solemn Kate, looking inwards, a mysterious warrior. Kate runs away, frightened by her dark double, perhaps her mirror reflection, perhaps her sister in dreams. White horses bolt with the music, liberating her wildness and the impatient purity of her energy, of her victory.
Euphoria of flight, of a grace released from the surface, from reality. Light headed. Kate is at the top of a tree of life giving herself up to an appeasing sun, to a sensual rapture winging towards the heart of the matter, streaming along, a reflection on the water.
In fact, a love story.
LOV, le nouveau film automne hiver 2011-12, réalisé par Stéphanie Di Giusto.
Après Lou Doillon, c'est l'apparition d'une nouvelle héroïne : Kate Bosworth. Son mystère, sa force. Une nouvelle idée de la féminité aussi, une vérité émouvante qui semble se réinventer à chaque regard, chaque mouvement, avec quelque chose de décidé et de pure. La nouvelle grâce en marche d'une démarche décidée, conquérante, la fragilité au poing.
Au début, un univers urbain presque futuriste où cette féminité se heurte aux angles, au vide, où les lignes se cherchent et où la poésie se trouve. Une danse surréaliste, folle et drôle qui donne un ton léger à cette ballade, à cette aventure dans ce qui est peut-être un paysage d'âme.
Puis le fil du récit se tend. On découvre une Kate plus sombre et intériorisée, une guerrière mystérieuse. Kate s’enfuie, effrayée par son double obscur, peut-être son image, peut-être sa soeur de rêve.
Des chevaux blancs emballent la musique, libèrent son animalité et la pureté impatiente de son énergie, de sa conquête.
L’ivresse d’un envol, d'une grâce libérée du sol, de la réalité. Un vertige. Kate au sommet d'un arbre de vie s’offre à un soleil réconciliateur, à l'extase sensuelle d'une fuite vers l'essentiel, au fil d'une eau et d'un reflet.
En fait, une histoire d’amour.

America Is F*cked.......(Graphically at least)
This is Aaron Draplin telling me a story about a sign. He's a graphic designer and very pa...
published: 04 Aug 2008
author: Jess Gibson
America Is F*cked.......(Graphically at least)
This is Aaron Draplin telling me a story about a sign. He's a graphic designer and very passionate about what he does. Strong language- mostly lots of F words. If you like design stuff you gotta check out his site.
Youtube results:

Homophobia - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on homophobia. twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
published: 20 Feb 2012
Homophobia - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on homophobia. twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiC9uvJxy0Ax5-jcd5QDkmA?sub_confirmation=1
facebook: http://tinyurl.com/brhkb64
check out our other videos: http://youtube.com/oojleoo
John Elerick http://twitter.com/johnelerick
Roger Roth http://twitter.com/rabberjabber
Travon Free http://twitter.com/Travon
Will Stephens http://twitter.com/UUJS
Breanne Benson http://twitter.com/BREANNEBENSON
Tasha Reign http://twitter.com/TashaReign
a very special thanks to Brazzers, http://twitter.com/brazzers
- published: 20 Feb 2012
- views: 1017585

Starbucks - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on starbucks.
written and directed by John Elerick
merch: http://theg...
published: 31 Oct 2011
Starbucks - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen's take on starbucks.
written and directed by John Elerick
merch: http://thegentlemensrant.spreadshirt.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
facebook: http://tinyurl.com/brhkb64
check out more videos: http://tinyurl.com/23g8oda
John Elerick http://twitter.com/johnelerick
Will Stephens http://twitter.com/UUJS
Travon Free http://twitter.com/Travon
Roger Roth http://twitter.com/rabberjabber
- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 793609

Love - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen express themselves.
subscribe: http://youtube.com/jle
merchandise: http://th...
published: 11 Feb 2013
Love - The Gentlemen's Rant
the gentlemen express themselves.
subscribe: http://youtube.com/jle
merchandise: http://thegentlemensrant.spreadshirt.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/johnelerick
facebook: http://tinyurl.com/brhkb64
instagram: http://instagram.com/johnelerick
watch more rants: http://tinyurl.com/b9rkaxu
watch the gentlemen's response: http://tinyurl.com/aytbp3s
watch the gentlemen's rebuttal: http://tinyurl.com/bynlg9q
written and directed by John Elerick
John Elerick http://twitter.com/johnelerick
Travon Free http://twitter.com/Travon
Roger Roth http://twitter.com/rabberjabber
Will Stephens http://twitter.com/WillSteph
jle is the best at everything... especially sex.
- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 162454

Tricia Paytas Rant Against TYT
Tricia Paytas, a popular Youtuber, responds to TYT's criticism of why she's voting for Mit...
published: 12 Oct 2012
Tricia Paytas Rant Against TYT
Tricia Paytas, a popular Youtuber, responds to TYT's criticism of why she's voting for Mitt Romney. The reasons include 1) Mitt Romney is hot and 2) Her cat is named Mittens. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola break it down and make a few clarifications.
View original video, "Why I'm Voting for Mitt Romney" here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v;=Bzvm7zd4Z-s
View response video, "Obama or God" here:
Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://bit.ly/TYTonYouTube
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Follow Us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/OkX87X
Buy TYT Merch: http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/
Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: http://www.current.com/gettyt
- published: 12 Oct 2012
- views: 200390