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Help for Families

Irish children deserve a world-class Child Protection System, but the Irish State have always proven to be the worst possible parent. What is happening to children now in State "Care" is far worse than ever occurred in the old institutions. Wait for Ryan Report II, coming soon.

We are being fooled by the Government and by people with vested interests to sign away our parental rights to determine what is in the best interests of our children. If the Constitution is changed it will give license to the Government to do anything they want and you will have no say.

The Irish Government are currently allowing 30% of all Irish Children to live in consistent poverty. They have allowed banks to make 6,000 families homeless, they have cut back services to Special Needs even in the good years. They have allowed children to die in hospitals because they would not fund treatments. They have denied children an Education, the right of all children "Enshrined" in the Irish Constitution. They have allowed the deaths of 260 children in "Care" of the State and allowed 500 to go missing in a decade, many of them trafficked into child prostitution and nobody was held accountable for these failures. Children are dumped on the street at age 18 by the Child "Protection" System. Can you imagine a parent who loves their child doing that?

"Do you trust the Government with your children". 


I will leave you with a quote from Emily Logan, The Children's Ombudsman in an opinion piece in the Irish Times;


 "My office has never examined a case involving a conflict between parents’ rights and children’s rights. And if there is one thing that has become confirmed by the eight years of this office’s operation, it is that parents are by far the strongest and most tenacious advocates for children."


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Help for Families