
2014 Rex Chr. Ringnes Morgenstierne Soltikoff, Prince of Norway (Denmark and Russia) Rurikid
House of Rurik Reclaiming the Throne | Why Pretender's bid to reclaim throne by 2014 may a...
published: 28 Sep 2013
2014 Rex Chr. Ringnes Morgenstierne Soltikoff, Prince of Norway (Denmark and Russia) Rurikid
2014 Rex Chr. Ringnes Morgenstierne Soltikoff, Prince of Norway (Denmark and Russia) Rurikid
House of Rurik Reclaiming the Throne | Why Pretender's bid to reclaim throne by 2014 may actually succeed? In 1806, the Moravian Brethren (Bredo 'Prince Soltikoff' Morgenstierne and Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky) managed to obtained by trickery (The Emperor's New Clothes) the territory of Norway from Schizophreniac Christian VII, King of Denmark. In 1814 however, Norway was ceded to Emperor Napoleon I of France and Jean Bernadotte. Ever since the Russian Soltikoffs have been trying to regain the throne of Norway from the French House of Bernadotte. Now, the latest pretender - Christian Ringnes (born 3 March 1954), the heir-presumptive of the Morgenstierne-Soltikoff-Ririk line, has retained the services of the Prince's Spy - Robert Eringer, to help him send the Bernadottes back home to France. http://www.surrealbouncers.com/ Christian Fredrik Jacob von Munthe af Morgenstierne Born 23 Mar 1806 Bremen, Tyskland Died 20 May 1886 Married 08 May 1836 Family Anastasia Sergiewna Soltikoff, b. 21 Apr 1810, Moskva, Russland, d. 10 Aug 1853, Moskva, Russland http://vestraat.net/TNG/getperson.php?personID=I75152&tree;=IEA. Descended from the legendary prince Rurik, Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky was educated at Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksey_Lobanov-Rostovsky Bredo von Munthe af Morgenstierne (23. september 1701 i Froen Præstegård, Gudbrandsdalen -- 13. januar 1757 på Bækkeskov) var en dansk-norsk kollegieembedsmand og godsejer. http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bredo_von_Munthe_af_Morgenstierne On 21 August 1810, the Riksdag elected Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, a Marshal of France, as heir presumptive to the Swedish throne. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Bernadotte Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (Russian: Дарья Николаевна Салтыкова; née Ivanova, commonly known as Saltychikha) (November 3, 1730 -- December 27, 1801) was a Russian murderer and noble from Moscow who became notorious for torturing and killing over 100 of her serfs, mostly women and girls. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darya_Nikolayevna_Saltykova Christian VII (29 January 1749 -- 13 March 1808) was an Oldenburg monarch who ruled as King of Denmark and Norway suffered from severe emotional problems, possibly schizophrenia as argued in doctor Viggo Christiansen's book Christian VII's mental illness (1906). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_VII_of_Denmark The Rurikid dynasty went on to rule the Kievan Rus', and ultimately the Tsardom of Muscovy, until 1598. Numerous noble Russian and Ruthenian families claim a male-line descent from Rurik, and via Anne of Kiev, wife of Henry I of France, Rurikid ancestry can also be argued for numerous Western European lineages. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurik Ellef Ringnes (25 October 1842 -- 15 March 1929) sponsored Fridtjof Nansen's Fram expedition, together with businessman Axel Heiberg and shipowner Thomas Fearnley. He was also a Commander of the Legion of Honour. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellef_Ringnes Axel Heiberg (16 March 1848 -- 4 September 1932) was married to Ragnhild Meyer, daughter of Thorvald Meyer; they had one child, Ingeborg. After a period as Norwegian consul in China, returned to Norway, where he financed the creation of the Ringnes brewery in 1876 together with the Ringnes brothers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axel_Heiberg Axel Heiberg Stang (født 21. februar 1904 i Kristiania, død 11. oktober 1974 i Rømskog) var en norsk politiker og statsråd for Nasjonal Samling. Som regjeringsmedlem tjenestegjorde Stang, i likhet med Jonas Lie og Sverre Riisnæs, på Østfronten under andre verdenskrig. Der deltok han i seks til syv uker sommeren 1941 i SS-Kampfgruppe «Nord» ved Salla-fronten under den finske fortsettelseskrigen. Han ble tildelt Jernkorset av 2. klasse. Axel Stang tilhørte Heiberg-slekten, som dattersønn av Axel Heiberg (1848--1932), svoger til Wenche Foss (1917--2011) og onkel til Fabian Stang (1955--). http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axel_Stang Finn-Erik Midelfart (født 18. august 1943, død 2. juli 1995) var administrerende direktør i kosmetikkonsernet Midelfart, mens Christian Ringnes ny ble styreleder. Midelfart var også Monaco sin honorære konsul i Oslo, et verv han overtok i 1972 fra Eigil Heyerdahl, og som ble overtatt i 1997 av Tove Kvammen Midelfart.[5] For magasinet Farmand skrev han på 70-tallet under pseudonymet «Mr. Flopp». http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finn-Erik_Midelfart Tove Elisabeth Kvammen Midelfart (født 1951) ble i 1997 utnevnt av sin venn Fyrst Rainier III til honorær konsul for Monaco i Oslo, etter sin ektemann Finn-Erik Midelfart som hadde vervet fra 1973 til sin død i 1995. http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tove_Kvammen_Midelfart THE ERINGER REPORT 9. aug. 2013 - Monaco does not have to pay its bills, cannot be sued for nonpayment. Advice to others: Demand cash up front. Posted by ROBERT ERINGER http://www.eringerreport.com/ Grieg på Engebret- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 6

Russian Tsars The Rurikids The Romanovs Марина Золотаревская
Прочитать Russian Tsars. The Rurikids. The Romanovs. Марина Золотаревская можно с сайта ht...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Russian Tsars The Rurikids The Romanovs Марина Золотаревская
Russian Tsars The Rurikids The Romanovs Марина Золотаревская
Прочитать Russian Tsars. The Rurikids. The Romanovs. Марина Золотаревская можно с сайта http://tinyurl.com/osutank- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 0

The Varangian Rus 1/3
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Irelan...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Varangian Rus 1/3
The Varangian Rus 1/3
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Greenland; the Danes to England and France...- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 27714
- author: BirkaViking

Jazzmatazz, Eltham College Junior School, March 2, 2012
Jazzmatazz, Eltham College Junior School, March 2, 2012....
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Rurikids
Jazzmatazz, Eltham College Junior School, March 2, 2012
Jazzmatazz, Eltham College Junior School, March 2, 2012
Jazzmatazz, Eltham College Junior School, March 2, 2012.- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 131
- author: Rurikids

Degtyarov - Overture 'Minin and Pozharsky'
The Time of Troubles 5 (1598-1613) is the time after the death of Fyodor I 6, the last Rus...
published: 14 Nov 2013
Degtyarov - Overture 'Minin and Pozharsky'
Degtyarov - Overture 'Minin and Pozharsky'
The Time of Troubles 5 (1598-1613) is the time after the death of Fyodor I 6, the last Russian tsar of the Rurik Dynasty (1157-1598). Boris Godunov (c.1551-1605) who during the reign of Fyodor I had been de facto regent of Russia from c.1585 to 1598 became the first non-Rurikid tsar from 1598 to 1605. His short reign was not as successful as his administration under the weak Fyodor I. After the death of Boris Godunov Russia suffered a period of dynastic crisis and overall internal chaos. The throne was vacant; the great nobles (boyars) quarrelled among themselves; the Orthodox Patriarch Hermogenes was imprisoned; Catholic Poles occupied the Moscow Kremlin and Smolensk; the Protestant Swedes occupied Novgorod; continuing Tatar raids left the south borderlands of Russia completely depopulated and devastated; and enormous bands of brigands swarmed everywhere. During the Polish--Muscovite War (1605--1618), in Russia called the Polish invasion or Polish intervention Moscow fell into Polish hands. The nation rose together under the leadership of Kuzma Minin, a Nizhny Novgorod merchant, and Prince Pozharsky. They gathered an all-Russian volunteer army and expelled the forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from Moscow, thus putting an end to the Time of Troubles in 1612. In the battle for Moscow they liberated the city. On November 1 (New Style) 1612 the invaders retreated to the Kremlin and some weeks later the nearby Polish army was forced to retreat. The garrison in the Kremlin surrendered to the triumphant Pozharsky. In 1613 Mikhail I (1596-1645) was elected the first Russian Tsar of what became the house of Romanov (1613-1917).- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 3

Duchy of Kiev: Paradox Mega Campaign - Crusader Kings 2 - Part 8
The war for Rus wages on, and Hungary loses more troops from walking through our lands tha...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: Miskatonic81
Duchy of Kiev: Paradox Mega Campaign - Crusader Kings 2 - Part 8
Duchy of Kiev: Paradox Mega Campaign - Crusader Kings 2 - Part 8
The war for Rus wages on, and Hungary loses more troops from walking through our lands than assaulting Rurikid holdings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paradox Interac...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 80
- author: Miskatonic81

Начны Ваўкавыск / Vaŭkavysk / Wołkowysk
Ваўкавыск — горад у Гарадзенскай вобласьці Беларусі, разьмешчаны на рацэ Рось. З'яўляецца ...
published: 24 Apr 2008
author: TBT iTV
Начны Ваўкавыск / Vaŭkavysk / Wołkowysk
Начны Ваўкавыск / Vaŭkavysk / Wołkowysk
Ваўкавыск — горад у Гарадзенскай вобласьці Беларусі, разьмешчаны на рацэ Рось. З'яўляецца цэнтрам ваўкавыскага раёну. Wołkowysk (biał. Ваўкавыск), miasto na ...- published: 24 Apr 2008
- views: 2463
- author: TBT iTV

The Varangian Rus 3/3
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Irelan...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Varangian Rus 3/3
The Varangian Rus 3/3
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Greenland; the Danes to England and France...- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 9610
- author: BirkaViking

The Varangian Rus 2/3
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Irelan...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Varangian Rus 2/3
The Varangian Rus 2/3
Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Greenland; the Danes to England and France...- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 8767
- author: BirkaViking
Youtube results:

1762 Cannibal Ethiopians murder Tsar Peter III, replace him with Catherine the Great
[Queen of Shebah] помещица «Салтычиха-людоедка» Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova - Абрам Ганиба...
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: rettznorge
1762 Cannibal Ethiopians murder Tsar Peter III, replace him with Catherine the Great
1762 Cannibal Ethiopians murder Tsar Peter III, replace him with Catherine the Great
[Queen of Shebah] помещица «Салтычиха-людоедка» Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova - Абрам Ганибал, т.е. канибал из Эфиопии, Abram Petrov (Russian: Абра́м Петро́вич...- published: 24 Apr 2011
- views: 1611
- author: rettznorge

Død Oter (1) @ Blitz 31 years anniversary, Oslo, April 30, 2013
I don't claim any ownership to this music. This video is published to promote the band. Co...
published: 01 May 2013
author: Kai Mauseth
Død Oter (1) @ Blitz 31 years anniversary, Oslo, April 30, 2013
Død Oter (1) @ Blitz 31 years anniversary, Oslo, April 30, 2013
I don't claim any ownership to this music. This video is published to promote the band. Copyright: Død Oter.- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 21
- author: Kai Mauseth

Eltham College 2011 v Colfe's Part 1
EC 1st XV victory over Colfe's, November 2011, first half....
published: 08 Oct 2012
author: CovNick1
Eltham College 2011 v Colfe's Part 1
Eltham College 2011 v Colfe's Part 1
EC 1st XV victory over Colfe's, November 2011, first half.- published: 08 Oct 2012
- views: 121
- author: CovNick1