Turkey´s Deep State Ergenekon (english subtitiles)
Ergenekon Investigation Reveals Plots
Ergenekon Indictments Complete
Ergenekon Members Face Charges
3rd Indictment Continues In Ergenekon Probe
Public Labels Ergenekon As Criminal Body
More Weapons Found in Ergenekon Investigation
86 Suspects Accused of Link To Ergenekon
Two Officials Testify In Ergenekon Probe
Reading of Ergenekon Indictments Ending
Documents: Ergenekon Probe Uses Politics
Court to Hear Ergenekon Case
Thousands protest Ergenekon trial proceedings
Turkish Police Detain around 30 in Connection with Ergenekon Case
Turkey´s Deep State Ergenekon (english subtitiles)
Ergenekon Investigation Reveals Plots
Ergenekon Indictments Complete
Ergenekon Members Face Charges
3rd Indictment Continues In Ergenekon Probe
Public Labels Ergenekon As Criminal Body
More Weapons Found in Ergenekon Investigation
86 Suspects Accused of Link To Ergenekon
Two Officials Testify In Ergenekon Probe
Reading of Ergenekon Indictments Ending
Documents: Ergenekon Probe Uses Politics
Court to Hear Ergenekon Case
Thousands protest Ergenekon trial proceedings
Turkish Police Detain around 30 in Connection with Ergenekon Case
Dozens Arrested in Ergenekon Investigation
Turkey: Former army chief Basbug released from Ergenekon life sentence
32.Gün Ergenekon Tartışması,Yalçın Küçük-Şamil Tayyar- Nedim Şener
New Revelations in Ergenekon Case
100th Ergenekon Trial In Court
PKK Ties to Ergenekon
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New arrests link Ergenekon to generals' coup attempts
Notable Detainees in Ergenekon Case
Ergenekon is the name given to an alleged clandestine, Kemalist ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey which according to an instructor at the Police Academy in Ankara most likely has ties to members of the country's military and security forces. The would-be group, named after Ergenekon, a mythical place located in the inaccessible valleys of the Altay Mountains, is accused of terrorism in Turkey.
Ergenekon is by some believed to be part of the "deep state". The existence of the "deep state" was affirmed in Turkish opinion after the Susurluk scandal in 1996. Alleged members have been indicted on charges of plotting to foment unrest, among other things by assassinating intellectuals, politicians, judges, military staff, and religious leaders, with the ultimate goal of toppling the incumbent government.
Ergenekon's modus operandi has been compared to Operation Gladio's Turkish branch, the Counter-Guerrilla.
By April 2011, over 500 people had been taken into custody and nearly 300 formally charged with membership of what prosecutors described as “the Ergenekon terrorist organization”, which they claimed had been responsible for virtually every act of political violence – and controlled every terrorist group – in Turkey over the last 30 years.
Ergenekon is the name of the place where Nekuz and Qiyan and their wives escaped to, and who were the original Mongols in Jāmiʿ al-tawārīkh written by Rashid-al-Din Hamadani at the beginning of the 14th century. In the 17th century, Abulghazi Bahadur, who was a descendant of Shiban and the khan of the Khanate of Khiva from 1643–63, mentioned Ergenekon as the Mongolian creation myth in his work named Shajara-i turk (Genealogy of the Turk).
Some Turkish researchers claim its Turkic origins with similarities between the creation myths of Göktürks (Bozkurt Destanı: Chinese texts and Turkish translations) and the Ergenkon epic. The first individual to compare Abulghazi Bahadur's Ergenekon epic with the creation myth of the Göktürks was Joseph de Guignes, however, the respective creation myths of the Göktürks and Mongols are completely different from one another.
In the late Ottoman era, Ergenkon epic was used in Turkish literature, especially by the Turkish nationalist movement for describing a mythical place located in the inaccessible valleys of the Altay Mountains.
An organization (or organisation — see spelling differences) is a social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal. The word itself is derived from the Greek word organon, itself derived from the better-known word ergon - as we know `organ` - and it means a compartment for a particular job.
There are a variety of legal types of organizations, including: corporations, governments, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, and universities. A hybrid organization is a body that operates in both the public sector and the private sector, simultaneously fulfilling public duties and developing commercial market activities. As a result the hybrid organization becomes a mixture of a government and a corporate organization.
In the social sciences, organizations are the object of analysis for a number of disciplines, such as sociology, economics, political science, psychology, management, and organizational communication. The broader analysis of organizations is commonly referred to as organizational structure, organizational studies, organizational behavior, or organization analysis. A number of different perspectives exist, some of which are compatible:
Nedim Şener (born 1966 in Germany) is a Turkish writer and journalist who recently wrote for the Milliyet and Posta newspapers. He started journalism at the İlkhaber newspaper. Then he wrote for the Dünya newspaper. He joined Milliyet in 1994. Şener has been selected as the journalist of the year twice by Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti. In 1999, he was awarded the Metin Göktepe Journalism Award. Some of his published books are Altın, İstanbul Altın Borsası ve Dünyadaki Örnekleri, Tepeden Tırnağa Yolsuzluk, and Naylon Holding. Other awards he gained include Pen Awards of Netherlands, and Abdi İpekçi Award.
He and his colleague Ahmet Şık were arrested for their alleged collaboration with Ergenekon (a.k.a. deep state) aiming to overthrow the democratically elected government. He has been in jail for 200 days as of 18 September 2011. Their arrest was protested by activists. When the Justice Minister was asked about their arrest, he replied "Whatever I would say would be seen as an intervention in a judicial process." He has been released from jail as of 12 March 2012; his case still active.[citation needed]