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Groklaw's Project Monterey Articles, 2003-2010

One of the SCO claims in the SCO v. IBM litigation related to Project Monterey, which SCO first mentioned as an issue in the first Complaint it filed in Utah state court when it still called itself Caldera and then in its Amended Complaint in July 2003 in federal District Court and its 2004 Second Amended Complaint, the final version. It has been a major theme in the case. In late 2004, SCO petitioned the court to file a proposed third amended complaint to add further elements regarding its Project Monterey allegations, claiming to have discovered new information, but the court denied their request.

This page is a collection of all the Groklaw articles that mention Project Monterey, in which we methodically examined and debunked the SCO claims. If you read all the articles, the filings, and the transcripts of the hearings on this matter, I think you'll see why the court ruled as it did. The SCO v. IBM litigation is currently on hold because of SCO's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. If and when it ramps up again, here's what each party thinks remains in the case after the August 10, 2007 decision in SCO v. Novell that Novell retained the UNIX and UnixWare copyrights when it sold its UNIX and UnixWare businesses to Santa Cruz in 1995. SCO believes an unfair competition claim survives regarding Project Monterey, but IBM disagrees, so the Project Monterey story is not yet at its end.

30-May-2010 Who Really Contributed the High-End Tech to Project Monterey?
17-Mar-2009 A Flurry of Project Monterey Press Releases from 1998-1999
15-Feb-2009 How SCO Was Really Doing Just Prior to Project Monterey
24-Feb-2009 UNIX in the 1990s-2002 - Was SCO the Market Leader?
01-Feb-2009 SCO files its annual report -- It was not its best year: 63 employees left
01-Sep-2008 AT&T EULA's Terms Are Found "Unconscionable" - What Does That Mean?
21-Aug-2008 Hong Kong -- Here Comes Me Inc Software! -- & More Bankrupcy Bills -
17-Aug-2008 Caldera Press Releases, 1996-2001
07-Jul-2008 The Maciaszek Trial Testimony - Day 2 Ends, with line #s
16-Jun-2008 Day 2 of the Trial: The Darl - transcript of his testimony, with line #s
07-May-2008 SCO's Prentice-Hall Letter - McBride's Trial Testimony
02-May-2008 Day 2, April 30, Novell v. SCO Trial Transcript - as text, no line #s
01-May-2008 Transcripts!! Days 1 and 2 of Novell v. SCO
11-Mar-2008 Straight From The Horse's Mouth: Was SCOsource about UnixWare?
18-Oct-2007 SCO Asks the Bankruptcy Court to Let it Hire a CFO Temp - Updated Re Germany
16-Sep-2007 In "Foxes Petition to Guard the Henhouse" News ...
31-Aug-2007 IBM and SCO File Reports on What They Think Remains in That Case
15-Jun-2007 SCO and IBM Serve Responses to Requests for Admission & a Motion is Mooted
05-Jun-2007 Santa Cruz Was in the Linux Business, Not Just Caldera
22-May-2007 More Filings in SCO v. Novell - Declaration by G. Gervaise Davis as text
28-Apr-2007 SCO Tried to Gag Groklaw in 2004
18-Apr-2007 MS anti-OSDL PR, 2000: "O'Gara said she was going to call them, so it looks better coming from her" - updated 4xs
07-Apr-2007 Where'd They Get That? - Part One
02-Apr-2007 Exhibit 51, in which SCO guesses wrong as to why no one likes them - IBM's Greatest Hits
20-Mar-2007 IBM's (Redacted) Reply Memorandum in Support of its SJ on Counterclaim Ten
15-Mar-2007 Transcript of the March 7 Hearing in SCO v IBM
13-Mar-2007 "Yarro's Law" Shows Up Again: IBM's Redacted Reply Memo on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim
12-Mar-2007 Transcript of the March 5 Hearing in SCO v IBM
07-Mar-2007 What's Next in the SCO v. IBM Summary Judgment Motion Hearings?
05-Mar-2007 Report from the March 5 Hearing
14-Jan-2007 SCO's Appendix A - Binary Royalties Only? - And a SCO Self-Portrait
08-Jan-2007 Santa Cruz Exec, 1999: Linux Hasn't Hurt SCO, It's Helped Us
03-Jan-2007 IBM's Greatest Hits - Ex. 33, SCO's Revised Supplemental Response to 1st and 2nd Set of Interrogatories
28-Dec-2006 SCO Refiles the Leaked Memoranda
28-Dec-2006 SCO's Memo in Opp. to IBM's SJ Motion on Unfair Competition Claim
28-Dec-2006 SCO's Redacted Memo in Opp. to IBM's SJ Motion on SCO's Interference Claims
25-Dec-2006 IBM's Memo in Support of SJ Motion on SCO's Unfair Competition Claim
24-Dec-2006 IBM's Greatest Hits - Ex. 10 - SCO's Proposed Third Amended Complaint - The One It Couldn't File
17-Dec-2006 IBM's Greatest Hits - Ex. 36 - SCO's Responses to IBM's 3rd Set of Interrogatories
09-Dec-2006 IBM's Greatest Hits - Ex. 6, IBM's Answer to Amended Complaint and CCs
12-Nov-2006 IBM's Memo in Support of SJ on SCO's Copyright Claim
04-Nov-2006 IBM's Greatest Hits - Ex. 32 - SCO's Supplemental Response to 1st Set of Interrogatories
16-Oct-2006 IBM's Greatest Hits - Exhibit 227, Declaration of David McCrabb
03-Oct-2006 How Much Was the Unix Caldera Bought Actually Worth?
21-Jul-2006 SCO's "BiPolar" Objections
14-Jul-2006 Novell Copyrights on SCO's UnixWare 2.1
17-May-2006 Ah! The Joys of Answering SCO's FUD
13-May-2006 Memo in Support of SCO's Motion for In Camera Review of Allegedly Privileged Documents
28-Apr-2006 Two of SCO's 90-Day Reports to the Autozone Judge
19-Apr-2006 Feb. 24, 2006 Hearing Transcript - Re the Intel et al Subpoenas
16-Apr-2006 Novell's Answer to SCO's 2nd Amended Complaint
12-Apr-2006 Novell Files Arbitration Request in Paris - The Jacobs Declaration
06-Apr-2006 A Chart To Immortalize SCO's Lack of Specificity
25-Mar-2006 Rule 26 - Explaining Discovery in Novell and IBM - What's Next?
26-Feb-2006 SCO's Memo in Support of Motion to Compel
24-Feb-2006 SCO's Motion to Depose Denied; Motion to Compel Denied w/o Prejudice
24-Feb-2006 More SCO Discovery Games
23-Feb-2006 SCO's Reply Memo Supporting its Motion to Depose The Open Group et al
21-Feb-2006 SCO Attacks The Open Group
15-Feb-2006 How SCO Was Really Doing Just Prior to Project Monterey
08-Feb-2006 SCO Gets 340,000 Pages of Docs from IBM, Wants More - Updated
03-Jan-2006 SCO's Letter to the Red Hat Judge
03-Jan-2006 SCO Files Another Motion to Compel in IBM Litigation
09-Nov-2005 The 1998 IBM-Santa Cruz Project Monterey Agreement
29-Oct-2005 IBM Exhibits Show SCO Knew About SVR4 on Power in 1998
17-Oct-2005 IBM Unseals Two Declarations
04-Oct-2005 More Letters to the Red Hat Judge
23-Sep-2005 SCO's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel
02-Sep-2005 Exhibit S-3 - IBM's Responses/Objections to SCO's 2nd Interrogatories - as text
25-Aug-2005 2002 IBM Internal Email on Project Monterey - "No One Wants It"
24-Aug-2005 IBM-477 - Ron Saint Pierre Memo - Exhibit 10 to Evans Declaration
26-Jul-2005 Some Caldera 2001-2002 SEC Filings - The Caldera-Tarantella Deal - 2 Updates
23-Jul-2005 Another Redacted SCO Document Shows The Game Plan
05-Jul-2005 IBM's Unsealed Opposition to SCO's Motion for Leave to File 3d Amended Complaint - as text
02-Jul-2005 DeFUDding LinuxInsider's Latest on TCO
01-Jul-2005 IBM Wins Big - SCO Motion to Amend Complaint Denied; Trial Date Set
29-Jun-2005 IBM's Unsealed Opposition to SCO's Motion to File 3rd Amended Complaint
02-Jun-2005 The Daemon, the GNU and the Penguin, Excursus: UUNET & Ch. 11, by Dr. Peter H. Salus
25-May-2005 Transcript of the April 21, 2005 SCO v. IBM Hearing
24-May-2005 IBM's Unsealed Sur-Reply Re 3rd Amended Complaint - as text
22-May-2005 Santa Cruz's CEO Knew About Project Monterey and POWER in 1999 - & Updates - Make that 1998
11-May-2005 More on Project Monterey - 2002 The Register Article on Caldera's Plans
10-May-2005 IBM's Redacted Opposition to SCO's Supplemental Memo Re Discovery
07-May-2005 IBM's Unsealed Sur-Reply Memo in Opposition to SCO's 3rd Amended Complaint
30-Apr-2005 More Project Monterey Evidence - Caldera and AIX 5L
30-Apr-2005 Response to The Register
27-Apr-2005 More Monterey Proof and Caldera's Hopes for Linux & UnixWare
26-Apr-2005 Groklaw's Eyewitnesses Report on the G2 Intervention/Unseal Hearing
25-Apr-2005 More Evidence Project Monterey Partners Knew Linux Was the Future
21-Apr-2005 Groklaw's Eyewitnesses Report From the Courtroom - It Went Well
21-Apr-2005 What Really Happened to Project Monterey
14-Apr-2005 SCO's Ex Parte Motion to Adjourn - as text
08-Apr-2005 More AIX/POWER/Project Monterey Evidence
05-Apr-2005 D H Brown & Associates on AIX, POWER, Project Monterey Back in 1999
04-Apr-2005 More Discoveries about AIX on POWER & Project Monterey
04-Apr-2005 Sept. 1999 Press Release Quotes SCO VP on Project Monterey, AIX on POWER
04-Apr-2005 SCO's Memo in Support of Proposed Scheduling Order - as text
02-Apr-2005 SCO Reacts to IBM's Proposed Scheduling Order
30-Mar-2005 IBM's Memo Attaching & in Support of Proposed Scheduling Order
05-Mar-2005 SCO v. IBM: The Short Version, by toads_for_all
05-Feb-2005 Transcribers -- SCO's Responses to IBM's 3rd Set of Interrogatories, Exhibit 238-22
17-Jan-2005 SCO's Motion to Compel Palmisano Deposition and Memo in Support - as text
20-Dec-2004 Santa Cruz Operation's SEC Filings on Project Monterey
07-Dec-2004 IBM and PowerPC - Then and Now
19-Oct-2004 Today's Hearing in SCO v. IBM - Eyewitness Reports -- What Does Any of This Have to Do With Linux?
15-Oct-2004 SCO Files Motion to Amend the Amended Complaint a 3rd Time
18-Sep-2004 SCO and O'Gara Need to Read More Groklaw, I'm Thinking
14-Sep-2004 Darl, Blake and Chris Being Deposed
30-Aug-2004 Maureen O'Gara Records SCO's Latest Spin and Performs a Public Service
05-Aug-2004 A Lyons' Tale: SCO's New Claim and a History Lesson for Them
25-May-2004 oldSCO, Open Source and Linux
14-May-2004 More on DR-DOS - Exhibits from the Gordon v. MS Trial
12-May-2004 A 2001 Caldera Ad
10-May-2004 Decatur Jones' Cornett Changes His Mind: SCO's Chances With a Jury "Less Favorable" in IBM Case
08-May-2004 Chart of SCO's Amended Complaints and IBM's 2nd Amended Answer
04-May-2004 Project Monterey - What SCO Knew and When It Knew It -- Or Coulda, Shoulda
29-Apr-2004 SCO Drops Its Claim That the GPL is Unconstitutional - SCO's ANSWER TO IBM'S SECOND AMENDED COUNTERCLAIMS - as text
09-Apr-2004 The Red Hat Order - as text
02-Apr-2004 Chart of SCO's 2nd Amended Complaint and IBM's Answer
01-Apr-2004 Chart - SCO 2nd Amended Complaint and IBM Answer - Members Only
01-Apr-2004 IBM's Answer to SCO's 2nd Amended Complaint
21-Mar-2004 Darl McBride Interview By Dan Farber and Charles Cooper July 2003 - transcript
15-Mar-2004 Business is Business and Credit Where Credit is Due
14-Mar-2004 Comparative Charts - IBM Counterclaims and SCO's Answers and Affirmative Defenses
13-Mar-2004 SCO's Amended Answer to IBM's Amended Counterclaims
08-Mar-2004 Parsing the New Lawsuits
07-Mar-2004 Project Monterey Agreement
17-Feb-2004 Exhibit 1 to IBM's Report on SCO's Compliance
09-Feb-2004 Table - IBM Counterclaims and Both SCO Answers
07-Feb-2004 Exhibit 3 - SCO's Document Request
07-Feb-2004 SCO's Second Amended Complaint, If the Judge Says Yes
02-Feb-2004 SCO's Exhibit C to Motion to Compel
27-Jan-2004 SCO's Reponses to IBM's 1st Set of Interrogatories - Exhibit E to IBM's Memorandum in Support of IBM's Motion to Compel
27-Jan-2004 Exhibit B to IBM's Memorandum in Support of its 1st Motion to Compel
26-Jan-2004 Linus as Antidote
12-Jan-2004 Exhibit G, H, I, and J to IBM's Memorandum in Opposition to SCO's Motion to Compel, as text
09-Jan-2004 Wilted SCO PR
04-Jan-2004 IBM'S First Set of Interrogatories and First Request for the Production of Documents
11-Dec-2003 The Transcript of Oral Arguments Friday, Dec. 5, 2003 SCO v. IBM
05-Dec-2003 Judge Tells SCO: No, *You* Have to Show the Code First
29-Nov-2003 The SCO Unix timeline
27-Nov-2003 Exhibits A-F -- IBM Memorandum in Opposition to SCO Motion to Compel Discovery
11-Nov-2003 IBM Addendum to Memorandum in Support of IBM's Motion to Compel Discovery
11-Nov-2003 SCO Supplemental Answers to IBM's 1st Set of Interrogatories
07-Nov-2003 IBM's Objections to SCO's Interrogatories and Requests for Documents
01-Nov-2003 New Groklaw Feature: Side-by-Side Comparison of IBM Counterclaims and SCO Answer
01-Nov-2003 Transcript of SCO Teleconference May 30, 2003
01-Nov-2003 IBM's Amended Answer to SCO's Complaint, May 20, 2003
29-Oct-2003 SCO's Answer To IBM's Amended Counterclaims
29-Oct-2003 Did SCO Accuse IBM Publicly? Listen to this Interview and Decide
27-Oct-2003 SCO Declares Total War on the GPL -- Says GPL Is Not Enforceable
09-Oct-2003 SCO Files 2nd Motion Asking the Red Hat Judge for a Delay on Discovery
07-Oct-2003 First City-to-City SCO Show Report Is In, and Yes, It's HP-Sponsored
02-Oct-2003 SCOsource Slide Show
17-Sep-2003 SCO's Opening Brief in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
19-Aug-2003 They "Show" the Code
19-Aug-2003 James Bond on a Mission to Sell
11-Aug-2003 Old SCO Also Donated Code to Linux
20-Jul-2003 Gadzooks! Look What I Just Found
17-Jul-2003 IBM's Affirmative Defenses: Take That!
15-Jul-2003 Decoding Legalese Into English
08-Jul-2003 Ransom Love's Linuxworld 2000 Keynote Speech:
07-Jul-2003 Let's Play Clue
24-Jun-2003 O, What a Tortuous Web We Weave...
17-Jun-2003 SCO's Amended Complaint Online
04-Jan-2004 Caldera's Complaint - Caldera v. IBM - as text

© Copyright 2003-2010 Pamela Jones

Last Updated Friday, December 09 2011 @ 12:29 PM EST

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