Sun-Diving/Grazing Comet & CME May 30-31, 2012
Sun-Diving/Grazing Comet & CME May 30-31, 2012
A small Sun-Diving/Sun-Grazing Comet was caught briefly early May 30th heading towards the Sun before a strong coronal mass ejection was released. The Comet was caught using the Lasco C3 feed from Soho. solarwatcher website solarwatcher.net Earthquake Forecasting Channel http Earthquake Reporting Channel www.youtube.com Soho Website sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov Solar Soft website www.lmsal.com Solar Terrestrial Activity Report www.solen.info WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction www.swpc.noaa.gov Helioviewer www.helioviewer.org Quality Solar Website www.solarham.com Estimated Planetary K index information http GOES Xray Flux Data www.swpc.noaa.gov Sunspot Information from Solar Monitor www.solarmonitor.org Quality Weather Website www.westernpacificweather.com Space Weather Website http Music Used is 'Sacred Worlds Restored' Album: Epic, World Composed By: Frederik Wiedmann Official: www.icontrailermusic.com Label: ICON Trailer Muisc Facebook: www.facebook.com/ICONTRAILERMUSIC Twitter: www.twitter.com/ICONTM
Urban Sheep Grazing
Urban Sheep Grazing
Sheep will be grazing grass in Cleveland thanks to Urban Shepherds.
Grazing Management Basics
Grazing Management Basics
ABC's and 123's of grazing management. Simple guidelines to help you manage your pastures to increase productivity and land health.
Grazed on Greatness by MJBale
Grazed on Greatness by MJBale
MJ Bale present 'Grazed on Greatness' an ingenious project to infuse the very wool of their suits with Australian Cricketing Greatness. A documentary starring Shane Watson, Michael Slater and more. MJBale The Official Tailors to The Australian Cricket Team. www.mjbale.com
Kentucky Grazing School
Kentucky Grazing School
It has been a mild winter in Kentucky and that is good news for producers trying to extend the grazing season and avoid feeding as much hay as possible. That's just one of the goals of the Kentucky Grazing School from the UK Cooperative Extension Service. One producer in Western Kentucky who went through the school and is now following the recommendations, has fed very little hay this winter to his cattle and he credits what he learned in the Kentucky Grazing School for his success. Click here to see print news story www.ca.uky.edu
Setting up a Grazing System on Your Organic Dairy Farm
Setting up a Grazing System on Your Organic Dairy Farm
In this webinar from 2010, Cindy Daley, professor in the College of Agriculture at the California State University, Chico, will address the basic principles of how to set up a grazing system which will improve pasture quality and animal performance.
GRAZING CORN [ Maize] With Jack Kyle
GRAZING CORN [ Maize] With Jack Kyle
Sheep grazing corn narration by Jack Kyle OMAFRA grazing specialist Breezy Ridge Farm Rideau Sheep www.rideausheep.com
Trantham's Sustainable 12 Aprils Dairy Grazing Program: A Top Farm that Almost Went Under
Trantham's Sustainable 12 Aprils Dairy Grazing Program: A Top Farm that Almost Went Under
For more sustainable living stories, videos, and information, please visit: cookingupastory.com. Tom Trantham was one of South Carolina's top producing dairymen back in the 1980s. But he wasn't making much money. He ran a typical confined feeding operation and his feed bill alone ate up 65 percent of his gross income. Then something happened that changed his life. One day in April 1989 his cows broke out of the feeding area into a seven-acre field full of natural lush April growth—lamb's quarters, rye grass, a little clover and fescue. The next day there was a two-pound average increase per cow in milk production. Thinking maybe the cows were trying to tell him something, Trantham opened all the gates on his farm and began experimenting with grazing. Here is a pdf of the Planting and Grazing Guide for Trantham's 12 Aprils Dairy: www.sare.org For more information, follow links on bottom of pdf to the www.sare.org website.
Livestock Exclusion and Rotational Grazing
Livestock Exclusion and Rotational Grazing
This video features best management practices that have been put in place with the help of funds from the Virginia Agricultural Cost Share Program. The video footage was primarily shot at a farm tour that was hosted by the Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District and highlights livestock exclusion and rotational grazing practices.
ScienceCasts: Sun Grazing Comet
ScienceCasts: Sun Grazing Comet
Visit science.nasa.gov for more! On July 5th, a comet dove into the sun and disintegrated. New footage just released by NASA shows the final stages of the comet's death plunge.
Jack Kyle Ontario Provincial Grazing Specialist for Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, out lines the difficulties with June grasses and how to over come them in this video
Grazing at the Supermarket
Grazing at the Supermarket
Shoppers react with disgust as WWYD actors sample produce at grocery store.
Science in the City: City Grazing
Science in the City: City Grazing
In an unlikely corner of industrial southeastern San Francisco, a herd of 60 goats gambol on a 10-acre site ringed by a rail yard and a cement recycling plant. Meet the movers and munchers behind City Grazing, a local "rent-a-goat" service that provides an ecological alternative to lawn mowers and herbicides. For more information on our show, please visit: www.exploratorium.edu/scienceinthecity For more info on the goats, go to www.citygrazing.com
The Friends of Distinction - Grazing in the Grass
The Friends of Distinction - Grazing in the Grass
The Friends of Distinction - Grazing in the Grass (1969)
Brown Swiss Grazing
Brown Swiss Grazing
first day on our new grazing section, there are 38 brown swiss and 1 holstein who belongs to a family friend. sorghum sudan grass (extragrazier), white clover, and crabgrass. grazed for 9 hrs then moved to new paddock, paddocks are about half acre.
Cattle grazing on plantations
Cattle grazing on plantations
Cattle grazing on plantations. Plantations can deliver a sustainable source for paper, tissue and timber, which we all use in everyday life. Forestal Oriental, UPM's eucalyptus plantation forestry company in Uruguay, is the centre of expertise for UPM's plantation operations and forms an integral part of the Pulp business area. The plantations are FSC and PEFC certified. Forestal Oriental operates its own modern, technologically advanced nurseries.
Deer Grazing in my Backyard 1
Deer Grazing in my Backyard 1
I saw this deer grazing in my back yard while I was on a break from a team meeting.