
Emporis lv200 DB gb
dis niggaa haha :P...
published: 12 Nov 2011
Author: zzzzzzokay
Emporis lv200 DB gb
dis niggaa haha :P

Emporis Autotechnologies Pvt. Ltd.
Emporis Autotechnologies Pvt Ltd : Emergency Equipments, Garage Equipments, OE Equipments,...
published: 18 Mar 2011
Author: karandepankaj
Emporis Autotechnologies Pvt. Ltd.
Emporis Autotechnologies Pvt Ltd : Emergency Equipments, Garage Equipments, OE Equipments, Car Emergency Kit, Motorized Jack, Car Air Compressor, Motorized Impact Wrench, Wiper Motors

Spencer vs manhattan at emporis pt3 dec 5th 2009.MPG
published: 03 Feb 2010
Author: Paragoron
Spencer vs manhattan at emporis pt3 dec 5th 2009.MPG

Occupy Wall Street Interview: Rapper Lupe Fiasco on Building 7.
Occupy Wall Street Interview: Rapper Lupe Fiasco on Building 7. We Are Change September 19...
published: 20 Sep 2011
Author: ntyranny1
Occupy Wall Street Interview: Rapper Lupe Fiasco on Building 7.
Occupy Wall Street Interview: Rapper Lupe Fiasco on Building 7. We Are Change September 19, 2011 Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change was recently at the Occupy Wall Street event and noticed Lupe Fiasco hanging out with the crowd of protesters. Lupe wanted to know who Luke was and after talking for 20 minutes about the past work of We Are Change and our mission, Lupe gladly agreed to do the interview. Lupe gets into great detail about 911 truth, the new world order and most importantly solutions to the problems we face today. We thank Lupe for not only his words but positivity and knowledge he shares with millions of people through his music. Apologizes for the audio cutting out in the last two minutes, we are working with a $10 mic and no budget. Also be aware strong language is used during the interview. Help We Are Change produce more videos like this!www.wearechange.org (with better audio) www.facebook.com www.twitter.com Music: Lupe Fiasco -- Words I Never Said ft. Skylar Grey www.youtube.com Learn More About Lupe Fiasco Here www.lupefiasco.com

Interesting Otis Traction Elevators at the Fairmont Hotel New Tower San Francisco
Video of the decent, yet very nice (decent for the fairmont; yes, yes, that is how upscale...
published: 28 Jun 2010
Author: alpaljl
Interesting Otis Traction Elevators at the Fairmont Hotel New Tower San Francisco
Video of the decent, yet very nice (decent for the fairmont; yes, yes, that is how upscale this hotel is) tower elevators at the Fairmont Hotel. These elevators don't have any classic leveling, but they level with the floor very nicely. I mean, I was SO amazed at how well these elevators level with the floor. The leveling is perfect. This hotel is on the top of Nob Hill in San Francisco, CA. Links! Hotel Website: www.fairmont.com Emporis Link (Main Entry): search.emporis.com Emporis Link (Tower) (Where these elevators are!): www.emporis.com Emporis Link (Old Building): www.emporis.com

Otis Traction Elevator at the Fairmont Hotel Bldg. 2, Tower 1 Levels
This elevator is in the newer building, but serves the levels of tower 1. Video of the dec...
published: 28 Jun 2010
Author: alpaljl
Otis Traction Elevator at the Fairmont Hotel Bldg. 2, Tower 1 Levels
This elevator is in the newer building, but serves the levels of tower 1. Video of the decent, but still very nice (decent for the fairmont; that's how upscale this hotel is) elevator that serves the levels of tower 1, but is in tower 2. This hotel is on the top of Nob Hill in San Francisco, CA. Links! Hotel Website: www.fairmont.com Emporis Link (Main Entry): search.emporis.com Emporis Link (Tower) (This elevator is in this building.): www.emporis.com Emporis Link (Old Building) (This elevator serves these levels.): www.emporis.com

Vintage Otis Traction Service Elevator at the Fairmont Hotel San Francisco
First off, this hotel is right across the street from the Mark Hopkins Hotel. It is right ...
published: 28 Jun 2010
Author: alpaljl
Vintage Otis Traction Service Elevator at the Fairmont Hotel San Francisco
First off, this hotel is right across the street from the Mark Hopkins Hotel. It is right on top of Nob Hill. This hotel is the MOST expensive in the entire city of San Francisco. Video of the strange sized service elevator in the original tower of the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, CA. Hotel Link: www.fairmont.com Main Emporis LInk: search.emporis.com Emporis: Original Building (where this elevator is): www.emporis.com Emporis: Tower Link: www.emporis.com This elevator has PTL Fixtures!

Skyscraper Award Winners
towerreview.com The Emporis Skyscraper Award is an award for architectural excellence rega...
published: 05 Aug 2011
Author: AudiobookReviews
Skyscraper Award Winners
towerreview.com The Emporis Skyscraper Award is an award for architectural excellence regarding the design of buildings and their functionality. The award is presented annually by Emporis to the building representing the "Best new skyscraper for design and functionality". To qualify, nominated buildings must have been completed during the year of the award, and must be at least 100 meters in height. The award for each year is announced the following January and is usually presented at the following spring or summer. More info may be found at Emporis.com.

Ic3m4n spielt Diablo 3 - #07 Sarceum Emporis
Episode 7: Überfluteter Tempel ============================== Nachdem Varthas bereits...
published: 30 May 2012
Author: Ic3m4n2010
Ic3m4n spielt Diablo 3 - #07 Sarceum Emporis
Episode 7: Überfluteter Tempel ============================== Nachdem Varthas bereits ein Bruchstück des mysteriösen Schwertes bergen konnte, treibt ihn seine Suche nach dem zweiten Stück in den überfluteten Tempel. Cinematic Render Cutscenes are copyright by Blizzard. No commercial use allowed. Offizielle "Diablo 3" Webseite: eu.battle.net Offizielle Blizzard Webseite: eu.blizzard.com

Wells Library (E103 Trin Turner)
Works Cited Emporis. "Herman B. Wells Library, Bloomington, USA | Emporis.com." ...
published: 21 Apr 2010
Author: caralw
Wells Library (E103 Trin Turner)
Works Cited Emporis. "Herman B. Wells Library, Bloomington, USA | Emporis.com." Commercial Real Estate Information and Construction Data | Emporis.com. 2010. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. emporis.com Google. "Herman B. Wells Library Bloomington, IN." Wikimapia - Let's Describe the Whole World! 2005. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. wikimapia.org Herbert, Adam W. "Remarks from Wells Library Naming Ceremony." IU News Room: Indiana University. 17 June 2005. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. newsinfo.iu.edu Indiana University. "IU Bloomington's Main Library to Be Named for Herman B Wells." IU News Room: Indiana University. 31 Mar. 2005. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. newsinfo.iu.edu Luchsinger, Caroline, Stephanie Michel, and Dean Sullivan. "Herman B Wells Library." Hisotry of the IU Libraries (1997-2005). Iub.edu. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. bl-libg-doghill.ads.iu.edu

Vintage Otis Traction Elevator GA State College of Business
published: 07 Jan 2009
Author: musicfreakcc
Vintage Otis Traction Elevator GA State College of Business

Summer Plans: June through mid-August 2008
Here are my summer plans for the break. ##### Atlanta Skyscraper links ##### Centennial To...
published: 11 May 2008
Author: musicfreakcc
Summer Plans: June through mid-August 2008
Here are my summer plans for the break. ##### Atlanta Skyscraper links ##### Centennial Tower: www.emporis.com 2 Peachtree Street/State of Georgia Building: www.emporis.com One Atlantic Center: www.emporis.com 191 Peachtree Tower: www.emporis.com ##### Shanghai Video Links ##### Oriental Pearl (Going Up): www.youtube.com Oriental Pearl (Going Down): www.youtube.com Observation Elevator #### It's Awesome! #### www.youtube.com Sonny Purdue (Governor of Georgia) speaking before the inaugural flight: www.youtube.com Cutting the ribbon: www.youtube.com

10 Greatest Skylines In The World - Video Collection
This is the collection of professional and amateur videos, collected from YouTube, and pro...
published: 01 Oct 2009
Author: nn84zz
10 Greatest Skylines In The World - Video Collection
This is the collection of professional and amateur videos, collected from YouTube, and produced in iMovie 09 with over 60 clips. The video ranks cities by the visual impact of their skyline. Reference table is available at www.emporis.com Each building with 12 or more floors in the city proper is assigned points based on its floor count (see the table on emporis.com). The point total for each city is calculated automatically. Calculation does not include TV towers, masts, bridges, or other structures. The listing actually puts Guangzhou on the tenth position, and Dubai on eleventh, but this will change shortly, after Burj Dubai's official opening. List of cities goes as followed: 10-Dubai, 9-Bangkok, 8-Tokyo, 7-Shanghai, 6-Seoul, 5-Sao Paulo, 4-Chicago, 3-Singapore, 2-New York City, 1-Hong Kong All footage is either amateur or pro video from airplanes, helicopters & other vertical moving vehicles/objects, so you only see the city from above, and through a moving angle. It is all about looking down on the skyscrapers. Music Credits: Mudd & Smith - Wem Nightmares On Wax - Calling Lemon Jelly - In The Bath If anyone knows where to get more useful footage, please let me know with a comment.
Vimeo results:

Empori/// Renacer de la idea
Dirección, Diseño 3D, edición y Composición: Duvan Lopera
published: 30 May 2012
Author: Duvan Lopera
Empori/// Renacer de la idea
Dirección, Diseño 3D, edición y Composición: Duvan Lopera
Desde su nacimiento, hemos ido dándole color a las ideas que se quieren trasmitir desde Empori, han explotado miles de ellas de diferentes formas y tamaños, ahora todo nuestro mundo lo visualizamos, analizamos e interpretamos desde su forma mas básica como Empori, logrando que todo se nos convierta en ideas, creatividad e innovación, llevando todos estos pensamientos a volar lo mas alto posible, y nos ayuden a crear nuestros sueños y metas, dándonos la posibilidad de llevar esta idea hasta la sima...
Software: After Effects, Cinema 4D
Music: "woo hoo hoo" by brunk (http://www.brunk.be)

Empori & botteghe progetto Arcipelago
Pierluigi Paoletti descrive la struttura base del progetto Empori & Botteghe in un recent...
published: 22 Jul 2010
Author: ArcipelagoSCEC
Empori & botteghe progetto Arcipelago
Pierluigi Paoletti descrive la struttura base del progetto Empori & Botteghe in un recente incontro nazionale di Arcipelago Scec a Roma

Empori e scuola, formazione pratica
Presentazione della fase pratica, con le scuole superiori del Polo di Cutro, per la formaz...
published: 14 Oct 2010
Author: ArcipelagoSCEC
Empori e scuola, formazione pratica
Presentazione della fase pratica, con le scuole superiori del Polo di Cutro, per la formazione al progetto Empori e botteghe

xatzhdiakos gieu8ynsh emporiou
published: 19 Apr 2011
Author: NewsKosmos.com
xatzhdiakos gieu8ynsh emporiou
Youtube results:

Vintage Westinghouse Traction Elevators at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel Downtown San Francisco
Video of the nice and old elevators at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. These elevators still ...
published: 29 Jun 2010
Author: alpaljl
Vintage Westinghouse Traction Elevators at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel Downtown San Francisco
Video of the nice and old elevators at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. These elevators still have the original call buttons. This have a nice ride quality and the exterior doors on every floor except L and LL (Lobby & Lower Lobby/Level) are REAL wood. You can tell because you can hear that when the door opens and closes, the sound is quite a bit different. Hotel Website: www.sirfrancisdrake.com Emporis Link: www.emporis.com This hotel is on Powell St. in Downtown San Francisco. It is a very nice hotel. [Emporis fail: The page on this hotel on the site used to say the year it was completed: 1928. (Elevators are original from then; just quite a bit modernized.) It no longer says the year of construction.

Dover Traction Elevators and Main Levels at the Marquis Two Tower Atlanta
High-quality Video Download: www.mediafire.com Building Information: Architect: John Portm...
published: 15 Feb 2009
Author: musicfreakcc
Dover Traction Elevators and Main Levels at the Marquis Two Tower Atlanta
High-quality Video Download: www.mediafire.com Building Information: Architect: John Portman Year Built: 1989 Height: 378 ft. (115m) Floor Count: 30 Building Website: www.peachtreecenter.com Emporis Page: www.emporis.com High-Rise Elevators ------------------------------------- ElevatorManufacture = Dover Elevator Type = Gearless Traction Floors Served: BL (Baker Street Level), LL, GL (Garden Level), 15-28 Capacity = 3500 lbs. (1600 kg) Elevator Speed ≈ 800 FPM (4.1 m/s) Year Installed = 1989 Low-Rise Elevators ----------------------------------- Elevator Manufacture = Dover Elevator Type = Geared Traction Floors Served: BL (Baker Street Level), LL, GL (Garden Level), 3-14 Capacity = 3500 lbs. (1600 kg) Elevator Speed: ≈ 500 FPM (2.5 m/s) Year Installed = 1989 Service Elevator ---------------------------------------- Elevator Manufacture = Dover Elevator Type = Gearless Traction Floors Served: BL (Baker Street Level), LL, GL (Garden Level), 3-28 Capacity = 4000 lbs. (1800 kg) Elevator Speed ≈ 800 FPM (4.1 m/s) Year Installed = 1989 Parking Elevator ----------------------------------- Elevator Manufacture = Dover Elevator Type = Geared Traction Floors Served: PB (Parking B), PA (Parking A), BL (Baker Street Level), LL, GL (Garden Level) Capacity = 3500 lbs. (1600 kg) Elevator Speed ≈ 500 FPM (2.5 m/s) Year Installed = 1989 View of the various lobby levels (First GL - Garden Level, then LL, and finally BL - Baker Street Level), and also the high-rise traction elevators <b>...</b>

Schindler Traction Elevators at Peachtree Center International Tower
Video of some very nice Schindler traction elevators at the International Tower at the Pea...
published: 21 Apr 2008
Author: musicfreakcc
Schindler Traction Elevators at Peachtree Center International Tower
Video of some very nice Schindler traction elevators at the International Tower at the Peachtree Center in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia. These elevators, in some parts, have Schindler's european bells, that have 2 different notes when going down. Quite nice! These elevators operate on a Miconic (TM) VM controller. Prindiz would be proud! Emporis Skyscraper Page: www.emporis.com Capacity: 3500 lbs. (1600 kg) Distance Traveled: ~360 ft. (110 m) Elevator Speed: ~4-5 m/s

OLD Westinghouse Traction Service Elevators at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco, CA
Video of the awesome service elevators at the Mark Hopkins Hotel on the VERY top of Nob Hi...
published: 28 Jun 2010
Author: alpaljl
OLD Westinghouse Traction Service Elevators at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco, CA
Video of the awesome service elevators at the Mark Hopkins Hotel on the VERY top of Nob Hill in San Francisco, CA. Emporis Link: www.emporis.com Google Search: www.google.com