Since its inception in 1954, Sports Illustrated magazine has annually presented the "Sportsman of the Year" award to "the athlete or team whose performance that year most embodies the spirit of sportsmanship and achievement." Both Americans and non-Americans are eligible, though in the past the vast majority of winners have been from the United States. Both men and women have won the award, it being renamed as "Sportswoman" or "Sportswomen" and currently "sportsperson of the year".
Tiger Woods is the only individual who has received the award more than once; he received his first award in 1996 as an amateur golfer, and in 2000 as a professional golfer.
The trophy is a ceramic replica of an ancient Greek amphora (circa 510 BCE) which depicts nude male Hellenistic athletes engaged in a variety of Athletic activities- running, discus and javelin. It measures 8" in diameter and stands 18.5" high (20.32 x 47 cm). The original amphorae was acquired by Sports Illustrated magazine in 1954 and was donated to the "Sports" collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in 1979. Winners of the award are now presented with a copy of the amphora made in silver by Tiffany & Co.
I’ve got my twenty arms ready to go but I don’t know If my head is gonna
Blow after this show
I feel like they are staring at my back like they would know
This is just to late for someone like me to grow
Everybody knows it’s just to late for me to grow
Everybody knows it’s just to late for someone like me to grow
I say that this is no way to go but they don’t know
How my heart is gonna blow if they don’t show
And I pray in the name of that someone or something I’ve never seen
Everybody knows it’s just to late for me to grow
Everybody knows it’s just to late for someone like me to grow