Saturday, 12 January 2013

Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath - Human Planet Oceans, preview - BBC One
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath...
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: levidspot
Dumping Radioactive Waste, New Active Fault off Seabed Japan Fukushima Update 1/5/13
Illegal dumping of contaminated soil suspected The Japanese government will...
published: 05 Jan 2013
Fukushima News 1/5/13: 209695 Bq/Kg of cesium in Tochigi dust;New Fault In Kanto Region Seabed
New fault found on seabed near Kanto region Japanese researchers have discovered a new fau...
published: 05 Jan 2013
InMe - Moonlit Seabed [Official Video]
Taken from InMe's 5th studio album 'The Pride'. Directed by Michael J. Berwick - www.micha...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: InMeTV
Oil-Degrading Bacteria on the Sea Bed | Tomorrow Today
The oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has given researcher Antje Boetius a unique o...
published: 23 Jun 2010
PlanetSide 2 Battle Report - The Battle For Seabed Listening Post
PlanetSide 2 battle report! This is the battle for Seabed Listening Post! TR Vs NC! *Looki...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: unitlosttube
Kiwis Against Seabed Mining
A short two minute film, highlighting the concerns of local kiwis, that our government is ...
published: 08 May 2012
Strange new creature with legs discovered walking on a sea bed
The strange new fish walking is not identified, but watch the entire video. Perhaps this i...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: WakkaOwnages
UFO Disc Shape Spotted On Ocean Sea Bed Near Sweden.
A team of Swedish sea treasure hunters has found something extraordinary on a sea bed betw...
published: 06 Aug 2011
Sea Bed
The Baltic Sea bottom has changed over time to consist of less detrital-rich sediment to m...
published: 26 Nov 2009
author: oceancontent
InMe - Moonlit Seabed (The Pride, Bonus Track Version)
Bonus track version from InMe's new album, The Pride....
published: 05 Mar 2012
author: welshfull
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath - Hunter fishes underwater for five minutes
Deep sea hunter fishes underwater for five minutes - on one breath Deep sea hunting is som...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: 855h0le
Polar Fishing Gear 3D Animation off the seabed semi-pelagic rigging
3D Animation demo for Polar Fishing Gear trawl doors. Demonstrates how Mercury semi-pelagi...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: Polardoors
LEGO Atlantis Seabed Strider Review : LEGO 7977 - Stephen of The Brick Show reviews LEGO 7977, Seabed Strider. It's a 20...
published: 28 Nov 2010
author: brickshowtv
Youtube results:
【Hatsune Miku】Deep Seabed Rapture[English/Romaji]
Check out my blog for more translations! As is says in the cred...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: 00Talie00
Seabed Prehistory
Archaeologists have created a 3D visualisation of a whole prehistoric landscape now submer...
published: 27 Nov 2006
Seabed mapping using multibeam echo sounder & attitude heading sensor
Multibeam echo sounders map the seafloor by a fan of narrow acoustic beams, thus providing...
published: 15 Aug 2011
Weird! Driving across the Aral Sea bed - Holidays in the Danger Zone: Meet the Stans - BBC travel & politics
Simon Reeve drives across the barren land that used to be one of the largest inland seas i...
published: 21 Sep 2008
author: BBCWorldwide