- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 10080
- author: levidspot

Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath - Human Planet Oceans, preview - BBC One
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath...
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: levidspot
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath - Human Planet Oceans, preview - BBC One
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath
- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 10080
- author: levidspot

Dumping Radioactive Waste, New Active Fault off Seabed Japan Fukushima Update 1/5/13
Illegal dumping of contaminated soil suspected www3.nhk.or.jp The Japanese government will...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: MsMilkytheclown1
Dumping Radioactive Waste, New Active Fault off Seabed Japan Fukushima Update 1/5/13
Illegal dumping of contaminated soil suspected www3.nhk.or.jp The Japanese government will investigate suspected illegal disposal of radioactively contaminated soil by some contractors in Fukushima Prefecture. The government commissioned contractors in July of last year to decontaminate housing and other areas of 11 municipalities in the northeastern prefecture. The Environment Ministry obtained information about some of the contractors working in Tamura City, Naraha Town and Iitate Village. They are suspected of illegally dumping contaminated soil and vegetation into rivers and not collecting the water used in decontamination. The ministry's guidelines stipulate that tainted soil should be sealed and stored in places of decontamination work or at initial storage sites. They also require contractors to collect the water used in decontamination. Violators will be imprisoned for up to 5 years or fined up to 10 million yen, or around 115000 dollars. The ministry will question the contractors as early as Monday and look into whether similar violations are suspected in other areas. ~~~~~ New fault found on seabed near Kanto region www3.nhk.or.jp Japanese researchers have discovered a new fault on the seabed off Japan's east coast. They say the fault may have formed fairly recently during an earthquake that hit the Kanto region that includes Tokyo. A group led by Professor Emeritus Takashi Nakata of Hiroshima University located the fault in November, 20 kilometers off Miura ...
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 341
- author: MsMilkytheclown1

Fukushima News 1/5/13: 209695 Bq/Kg of cesium in Tochigi dust;New Fault In Kanto Region Seabed
New fault found on seabed near Kanto region Japanese researchers have discovered a new fau...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: MissingSky101
Fukushima News 1/5/13: 209695 Bq/Kg of cesium in Tochigi dust;New Fault In Kanto Region Seabed
New fault found on seabed near Kanto region Japanese researchers have discovered a new fault on the seabed off Japan's east coast. They say the fault may have formed fairly recently during an earthquake that hit the Kanto region that includes Tokyo. Bluefin tuna sold for record $1.8 mil. in Tokyo A 222-kilogram bluefin tuna has fetched an all-time high of 155.4 million yen, or 1.8 million dollars, at the year's first auction at Tokyo's Tsukiji market. Magnitude 7.5 quake hits Alaska A powerful earthquake has hit off the southeastern coast of the US state of Alaska. The US Geological Survey says the magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck at 8:58 UTC on Saturday. The focus was about 100 kilometers west of the town of Craig, at a depth of about 10 kilometers. Japanese NPO: "We need to start a rotating evacuation for children as soon as possible" — "Radiation just continues to accumulate" (VIDEO) Fukushima Now: in the Aftermath of Nuclear Disaster A 30 minute documentary commissioned by CWS-Asia/Pacific on the aftermath of the March 11, 2011, nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, highlighting some of the efforts made by local people and organizations to combat the problems of radiation exposure, and some of the remaining dangers of radiation. We hope that this video will raise awareness of the ongoing needs of the people in Fukushima and further donations to our extended appeal for the Japan disaster. For further information, please visit our website, www.cwsasiapacific.org. www ...
- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 210
- author: MissingSky101

InMe - Moonlit Seabed [Official Video]
Taken from InMe's 5th studio album 'The Pride'. Directed by Michael J. Berwick - www.micha...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: InMeTV
InMe - Moonlit Seabed [Official Video]
Taken from InMe's 5th studio album 'The Pride'. Directed by Michael J. Berwick - www.michaeljberwick.co.uk www.facebook.com/inmeofficial www.inmeofficial.co.uk twitter.com/inmeofficial
- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 4039
- author: InMeTV

Oil-Degrading Bacteria on the Sea Bed | Tomorrow Today
The oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has given researcher Antje Boetius a unique o...
published: 23 Jun 2010
author: deutschewelleenglish
Oil-Degrading Bacteria on the Sea Bed | Tomorrow Today
The oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has given researcher Antje Boetius a unique opportunity: the microbiologist from Bremen is studying a special kind of oil-eating bacteria that live on the sea bed and consume the crude oil that lands there.Boetius is trying to find out how these bacteria break down the oil - and whether she can increase their appetite. She hopes to use her research to clean bodies of water contaminated by man-made spills.
- published: 23 Jun 2010
- views: 4384
- author: deutschewelleenglish

PlanetSide 2 Battle Report - The Battle For Seabed Listening Post
PlanetSide 2 battle report! This is the battle for Seabed Listening Post! TR Vs NC! *Looki...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: unitlosttube
PlanetSide 2 Battle Report - The Battle For Seabed Listening Post
PlanetSide 2 battle report! This is the battle for Seabed Listening Post! TR Vs NC! *Looking for feedback on this new idea guys, comment away!* ● Web www.unitlost.com ● Twitch Channel http ● Twitter www.twitter.com ● Facebook www.facebook.com ● Steam steamcommunity.com ● IRC irc.quakenet.org #UnitLost
- published: 10 Sep 2012
- views: 4024
- author: unitlosttube

Kiwis Against Seabed Mining
A short two minute film, highlighting the concerns of local kiwis, that our government is ...
published: 08 May 2012
author: KASM KiwisAgainstSeabedMining
Kiwis Against Seabed Mining
A short two minute film, highlighting the concerns of local kiwis, that our government is selling off mining rights to foreign owned mining companies, who want to strip mine our seabed. Destroying our beautiful country for short term gain. This film and it's soundtrack was created for free by a community that cares more about this beautiful country than money. Thank you to, Josh Kronfeld, Antonio Maioha, Daniel Kereopa, Peggy Oki, Dave Rastovich, and members of the local Raglan community for giving your time and effort.
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 4931
- author: KASM KiwisAgainstSeabedMining

Strange new creature with legs discovered walking on a sea bed
The strange new fish walking is not identified, but watch the entire video. Perhaps this i...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: WakkaOwnages
Strange new creature with legs discovered walking on a sea bed
The strange new fish walking is not identified, but watch the entire video. Perhaps this is the discovery of a new species. A fish (creature) captured on video walking on the sea floor. The video is not Discovery Channel quality but it is good enough to get a real glimpse at the creature. This is a frogfish, maybe, the position of the mouth and the eyes, also I have seen the same walking fin stuctures in other frogfish, at first i thought stonefish but the head and facial structure points to frogfish, he is a really cute looking guy. Source: www.wimp.com bethsnews.newsvine.com
- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 15201
- author: WakkaOwnages

UFO Disc Shape Spotted On Ocean Sea Bed Near Sweden.
A team of Swedish sea treasure hunters has found something extraordinary on a sea bed betw...
published: 06 Aug 2011
author: EducateURselfUK
UFO Disc Shape Spotted On Ocean Sea Bed Near Sweden.
A team of Swedish sea treasure hunters has found something extraordinary on a sea bed between Finland and Sweden, prompting speculation that the wreckage is that of a crashed flying saucer. The team, led by Swedish researcher Peter Lindberg, discovered a large, round-shaped object on the 300-foot-deep ocean floor. www.ibtimes.com
- published: 06 Aug 2011
- views: 7600
- author: EducateURselfUK

Sea Bed
The Baltic Sea bottom has changed over time to consist of less detrital-rich sediment to m...
published: 26 Nov 2009
author: oceancontent
Sea Bed
The Baltic Sea bottom has changed over time to consist of less detrital-rich sediment to more organic-rich sediment. This is partly due to increased eutrophication, which in turn has resulted in low levels of oxygen in deep waters.
- published: 26 Nov 2009
- views: 3786
- author: oceancontent

InMe - Moonlit Seabed (The Pride, Bonus Track Version)
Bonus track version from InMe's new album, The Pride....
published: 05 Mar 2012
author: welshfull
InMe - Moonlit Seabed (The Pride, Bonus Track Version)
Bonus track version from InMe's new album, The Pride.
- published: 05 Mar 2012
- views: 4495
- author: welshfull

Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath - Hunter fishes underwater for five minutes
Deep sea hunter fishes underwater for five minutes - on one breath Deep sea hunting is som...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: 855h0le
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath - Hunter fishes underwater for five minutes
Deep sea hunter fishes underwater for five minutes - on one breath Deep sea hunting is something you have to see to believe - in the video above, an Indonesian hunter swims to a depth of 65 feet, and stays there for just under three minutes. Other dives can send them underwater for up to five minutes. Armed with nothing more than his trunks, a pair of goggles and a spear gun, this hunter scours the seabed for his catch - staying underwater as long as it takes to catch what he needs. At this depth, Indonesian sea bed hunter Sulbin has an immense amount of pressure above him. Sulbin is a Bajau fisher - a member of an ever decreasing tribe of sea nomads that spend their entire life out at sea. Bajau are born at sea, will live at sea, and will die at sea. These sea gypsies live in Malaysia and Indonesia. They live on houseboats or in stilt houses off the shores. So much of their time is spent in the water, they often feel landsick when they are on dry land. Because of the pressure from diving, these divers will intentionally rupture their eardrums at an early age - which essentially makes them partially deaf, a high price to pay for ensuring a good catch. The deep dives even change their eye muscles increasing their underwater eyesight. The catch varies from area to area - some dive for food, others are after pearls or sea cucumbers. To make their job productive, many of these divers will have to make hundreds of dives a year. Visit ID GAMES! Quake , Hexen , Heretic , Wolf 3D ...
- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 115240
- author: 855h0le

Polar Fishing Gear 3D Animation off the seabed semi-pelagic rigging
3D Animation demo for Polar Fishing Gear trawl doors. Demonstrates how Mercury semi-pelagi...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: Polardoors
Polar Fishing Gear 3D Animation off the seabed semi-pelagic rigging
3D Animation demo for Polar Fishing Gear trawl doors. Demonstrates how Mercury semi-pelagic trawl doors can be used off the seabed even though the fishing trawl is on the bottom.
- published: 11 Feb 2011
- views: 3217
- author: Polardoors

LEGO Atlantis Seabed Strider Review : LEGO 7977
www.brickshow.com - Stephen of The Brick Show reviews LEGO 7977, Seabed Strider. It's a 20...
published: 28 Nov 2010
author: brickshowtv
LEGO Atlantis Seabed Strider Review : LEGO 7977
www.brickshow.com - Stephen of The Brick Show reviews LEGO 7977, Seabed Strider. It's a 2011 LEGO set from Atlantis theme.
- published: 28 Nov 2010
- views: 39467
- author: brickshowtv
Youtube results:

【Hatsune Miku】Deep Seabed Rapture[English/Romaji]
Check out my blog for more translations! otakunoeiyaku.blogspot.com As is says in the cred...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: 00Talie00
【Hatsune Miku】Deep Seabed Rapture[English/Romaji]
Check out my blog for more translations! otakunoeiyaku.blogspot.com As is says in the credits: "Respect for Bioshock". By MachigeritaP Translation Note: The word "Pleasure" is made up of 狂(Crazy) and 喜(joy). Together they form a word meaning "Mad joy" (or "Rapture", if you prefer) which is pronounced the same way as "Kyouki" (狂気), the word for madness or insanity. So basically, Rapture is being referred to as both a "Garden of Pleasure" and a "Garden of Madness" at the same time. -----English----- The fish are crying at the bottom of the sea A dream-chaser, the color of corruption. Dead. "We're looking for the red sea slug inside the little girl!" Big daddy. Raised with lots of love (Or something like it anyway) Will it become "evil"? Will it become "good"? An ocean floor full of hatred and sorrow. Hopelessness and despair swirl within the currents. In the endless blue, the people rose to the surface. Raised in a place of quiet "madness", a garden of "pleasure". Is the love for that girl just a lie? Or could it be desire? "The answers won't come out, the girls can't ever go back." What a wonderful world? Is it salvation? Or desire? I'm afraid that depends on you. "Will you take back what was stolen?" "God" doesn't exist, there's only the people. Raised in a place of quiet "madness", A garden of "pleasure". -----Romaji----- Coming soon
- published: 16 Jul 2011
- views: 2684
- author: 00Talie00

Seabed Prehistory
Archaeologists have created a 3D visualisation of a whole prehistoric landscape now submer...
published: 27 Nov 2006
author: wessexarchaeology
Seabed Prehistory
Archaeologists have created a 3D visualisation of a whole prehistoric landscape now submerged 20 metres under the English Channel, and 8 miles off the West Sussex coast. This is how we believe it may have looked over 8000 years ago, based upon environmental and geophysical surveys; an estuary populated by families living from the river, sea and land; a river surrounded by salt marsh and forest. Find out more about the project at www.wessexarch.co.uk
- published: 27 Nov 2006
- views: 13948
- author: wessexarchaeology

Seabed mapping using multibeam echo sounder & attitude heading sensor
Multibeam echo sounders map the seafloor by a fan of narrow acoustic beams, thus providing...
published: 15 Aug 2011
author: kongsbergmaritime
Seabed mapping using multibeam echo sounder & attitude heading sensor
Multibeam echo sounders map the seafloor by a fan of narrow acoustic beams, thus providing 100% coverage of the bottom. The resulting seabed maps are more detailed than those obtained using single-beam mapping. The maps are also produced faster, reducing your ship survey time. Multibeam echosounder developed by Kongsberg Maritime.
- published: 15 Aug 2011
- views: 4309
- author: kongsbergmaritime

Weird! Driving across the Aral Sea bed - Holidays in the Danger Zone: Meet the Stans - BBC travel & politics
Simon Reeve drives across the barren land that used to be one of the largest inland seas i...
published: 21 Sep 2008
author: BBCWorldwide
Weird! Driving across the Aral Sea bed - Holidays in the Danger Zone: Meet the Stans - BBC travel & politics
Simon Reeve drives across the barren land that used to be one of the largest inland seas in the world to see the abondoned ships and hear more about life in the impact of losing the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan. Fascinating travel documntary from Holidays in the Danger Zone series 'Meet the Stans'.
- published: 21 Sep 2008
- views: 43712
- author: BBCWorldwide