- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 811556
- author: SkyDoesMinecraft

Minecraft Mod Showcase : AWESOME RPG MOD!
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: SkyDoesMinecraft
Minecraft Mod Showcase : AWESOME RPG MOD!
VAMPIRES, SCORPIONS, EVEN WRAITHS? TAKE THEM OUT WITH THEIR OWN WEAPONRY IN THIS MOD! Download the mod here! (Tell em Sky sent you!) www.minecraftforum.net Follow me on twitter and twitch.tv and Facebook! www.twitch.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com Music used in this video is by C418 Music used in this intro is by KevinMacleod at www.incompetech.com Other music used is Mistake The Getaway by Kevin Macleod at http
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 811556
- author: SkyDoesMinecraft

Joueur du Grenier - Les RPG
29eme test du grenier avec ce coup ci une compil sur les RPG ! Au programme, Heroes of the...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: joueurdugrenier
Joueur du Grenier - Les RPG
29eme test du grenier avec ce coup ci une compil sur les RPG ! Au programme, Heroes of the Lance sur NES, Drakkhen sur SNES et Virtual Hydlide sur Saturn N'oubiez pas de vous abonner au site et à la chaine pour rien louper des futures vidéos ! (ps : je précise pour les gens qui ont participés au tournage avec moi en décembre à la convention. la vidéo étant trop longue j'ai pas pu ajouter la scène qu'on avait filmés mais je le ferai a la prochaine vidéo)
- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 3408066
- author: joueurdugrenier

The RPG-7 (Russian: РПГ-7) is a widely-produced, portable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank ro...
published: 07 Jul 2007
author: 01e9
The RPG-7 (Russian: РПГ-7) is a widely-produced, portable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade weapon. Originally the RPG-7 (Reaktivniy (Rocket) Protivotankovye (Anti-Tank) Granatamyot (Grenade Launcher) and its predecessor the RPG-2 were designed by the Soviet Union. The weapon has the GRAU index 6G3. The ruggedness, simplicity, low cost, and effectiveness of the RPG-7 have made it the most widely used RPG in the world. Currently around 40 countries use the weapon, and it is manufactured in a number of variants by nine countries. It is also popular with irregular and guerrilla forces. Numerous recent conflicts with such forces have seen extensive use of the RPG-7, including the Battle of Mogadishu, War in Afghanistan, and Iraq War. The most commonly seen major variations are the RPG-7D paratrooper model (able to be broken into two parts for easier carrying), and the lighter Chinese Type 69 RPG. The RPG-7 was first delivered to the Soviet Army in 1961 and deployed at a squad level. It replaced the RPG-3, having clearly out-performed the intermediate RPG-4 design during testing. Its original design concept originated with two World War II era weapons: the American Bazooka and the German Panzerfaust. The current model produced by Russia is the RPG-7V2, capable of firing standard and dual high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds, high explosive/fragmentation, and thermobaric warheads, with a UP-7V sighting device fitted (used in tandem with the standard ...
- published: 07 Jul 2007
- views: 4799549
- author: 01e9

Black Ops 2 DIAMOND CAMO - Diamond RPG, SMAW, and Stinger! (How to Get Diamond Camo)
Black Ops 2 - How to get diamond camo! Like the video for diamond camo launchers! Thanks f...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: speedyw03
Black Ops 2 DIAMOND CAMO - Diamond RPG, SMAW, and Stinger! (How to Get Diamond Camo)
Black Ops 2 - How to get diamond camo! Like the video for diamond camo launchers! Thanks for watching! Diamond RPG screenshot: gyazo.com Vikkstar's Diamond assault shield, crossbow, and ballistic knives: www.youtube.com Second Channel - www.youtube.com My Twitter - twitter.com Facebook...
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 740177
- author: speedyw03

Divine RPG: Modded Let's Play - Part 18 - Dravite Armour & Modpack!
Our server: (from HostMink) Check out our Website -atlanticcraft.enji...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: TheAtlanticCraft
Divine RPG: Modded Let's Play - Part 18 - Dravite Armour & Modpack!
Our server: (from HostMink) Check out our Website -atlanticcraft.enjin.com Follow us on Twitter - twitter.com Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook.com If you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe and please leave the video a rating :) Our animators: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 9166
- author: TheAtlanticCraft

Divine RPG: Modded Let's Play - Part 15 - Mine and Blade Battle Royale!
Our server: (from HostMink) List of Mods we have Installed: Divine RP...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: TheAtlanticCraft
Divine RPG: Modded Let's Play - Part 15 - Mine and Blade Battle Royale!
Our server: (from HostMink) List of Mods we have Installed: Divine RPG: www.minecraftforum.net Mo Creatures: www.minecraftforum.net Gravity Gun Mod:www.minecraftforum.net Mine and Blade: www.minecraftforum.net Damage indicator: www.minecraftforum.net Ender backpacks NEI Reis Minimap Check out our Website -atlanticcraft.enjin.com Follow us on Twitter - twitter.com Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook.com If you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe and please leave the video a rating :) Our animators: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 10936
- author: TheAtlanticCraft

Living The RPG - JuBaFilms & T7Production
Subscribe to T7production: www.youtube.com Tweet it: bit.ly & Share it: on.fb.me And subsc...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: JuBaFilms
Living The RPG - JuBaFilms & T7Production
Subscribe to T7production: www.youtube.com Tweet it: bit.ly & Share it: on.fb.me And subscribe to us: JuBaFilms - bitly.com Play the Game: Deutsch: bit.ly | Francais: bit.ly Subscribe to Vincent Lee Music: www.youtube.com Subscribe to Papafiot Music: www.youtube.com Starring Sarah Litgen: www.facebook.com Julien Bam: www.facebook.com Gong Bao: www.facebook.com "We came up with the idea to make a short film based on the online RPG Elsword. Our goal was to create a true fantasy feeling when watching our film. We contacted the Elsword team at Gameforge to share our idea. They loved it from the start and helped us to produce and realise the video." Thanks to everyone who supported us :) Stay tuned for more projects / shortfilms from us!
- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 177405
- author: JuBaFilms

RPG-7 Fun
My team and I in afghanistan a few years ago. We were ETTs training soldiers in the afghan...
published: 27 Oct 2008
author: SkyDiveDoc22
RPG-7 Fun
My team and I in afghanistan a few years ago. We were ETTs training soldiers in the afghan army. Just had a ton of rockets we found in enemy weapon caches and did some test firing/training. We needed to know how to use them incase we got into a fire fight and needed to use one. It was a great time. Would go back in a heart beat. And no, none of your tax dollars were wasted. Morons.
- published: 27 Oct 2008
- views: 646915
- author: SkyDiveDoc22

Divine RPG: Modded Let's Play - Part 14 - NEW Mods!
Our server: (from HostMink) List of Mods we have Installed: Divine RP...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: TheAtlanticCraft
Divine RPG: Modded Let's Play - Part 14 - NEW Mods!
Our server: (from HostMink) List of Mods we have Installed: Divine RPG: www.minecraftforum.net Mo Creatures: www.minecraftforum.net Gravity Gun Mod:www.minecraftforum.net Mine and Blade: www.minecraftforum.net Damage indicator: www.minecraftforum.net Ender backpacks NEI Reis Minimap Check out our Website -atlanticcraft.enjin.com Follow us on Twitter - twitter.com Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook.com If you enjoyed this video, be sure to subscribe and please leave the video a rating :) Our animators: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 11104
- author: TheAtlanticCraft

RPG In Slow Motion
published: 06 Jun 2009
author: DeathCountry
RPG In Slow Motion
- published: 06 Jun 2009
- views: 1438746
- author: DeathCountry

嘿!來點樂子(Have Some Fun) - Juzzy Orange(汁橙音樂) ft. RPG, 巧克力官方MV/official MV
Juzzy Orange(汁橙音樂) facebook粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com "Orange City(城市橙事)"專輯購買網址:www.asiamuse.c...
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: juzzyorange
嘿!來點樂子(Have Some Fun) - Juzzy Orange(汁橙音樂) ft. RPG, 巧克力官方MV/official MV
Juzzy Orange(汁橙音樂) facebook粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com "Orange City(城市橙事)"專輯購買網址:www.asiamuse.com.tw 首波主打夜曲(Enjoy The Vibe) www.youtube.com 第二波:假設(Another Story) www.youtube.com 都會時尚新款,混合嘻哈、靈魂、電子...曲風的當代成人音樂金音獎"最佳嘻哈專輯"、"最佳嘻哈單曲"雙料入圍肯定Juzzy Orange(汁橙音樂) 最新雙CD專輯Orange City(城市橙事) 2012年10月26日亞神音樂娛樂代理發行購買請洽全台各大唱片行、博客來、各大數位平台(iTunes搜尋"Juzzy Orange") 博客來購買網址:www.books.com.tw "嘿!來點樂子"(have some fun)歌曲簡碼:725310 中華電信760來電答鈴手機直撥760→按1 輸入歌曲簡碼台灣大哥大803行動達鈴手機直撥803→按4 輸入歌曲簡碼PHS 500 Phone動舞鈴手機直撥500→按1 輸入歌曲簡碼亞太560來電答鈴手機直撥560→按2→按6 輸入歌曲簡碼威寶700來電答鈴手機直撥700→按4 輸入歌曲簡碼遠傳900來電答鈴手機直撥900→按4 輸入歌曲簡碼由台灣嘻哈音樂獨立廠牌"人人有功練"的RPG及台灣西岸曲風第一團"LBC"(喇叭嘴愛裝熟)的巧克力跨刀演出,beatmaker GoodieK(高高)及Tower da Funkmasta(小陶)使用管樂曲樣合力炮製的熱鬧單曲,故事大概是三個無聊男子,在這個油電雙漲的微薪水時代,衡量自身財力後,決定週末揪在家裡開趴就好,而有別於時下幻想症饒舌歌手們沒錢也要裝闊開香檳的蠢樣,在家開趴不但不花大錢,字裡行間流瀉出來的詞彙也比較誠實而有感情,最重要的,就算不出門,只要來的人對了,趴替還是可以很好玩! beatmaker/編曲: Tower da Funkmasta(小陶)、GoodieK(高高) lyrics/詞: Ziggy aka 賴皮、RPG、Chocolate composer/作曲:Ziggy aka 賴皮、RPG、Chocolate、Ms. Water aka 開水小姐director/導演: 曾崴榆(雞蛋) special ...
- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 27129
- author: juzzyorange

Dragon Ball Z Video Game Retrospective - PART 4 The RPGs
PART 4 - The RPGs Dragon Ball Z games have been made since 1991. Let us reflect upon the e...
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: DMJared
Dragon Ball Z Video Game Retrospective - PART 4 The RPGs
PART 4 - The RPGs Dragon Ball Z games have been made since 1991. Let us reflect upon the evolution of the iconic anime's video games. List of the games covered in order - Kyoshu Saiyan Gekkishen Frieza Ressen Jinzoningen Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku Super Saiyan Densetsu Super Gokuden Kakusei-Hen Goku Hishoden Goku Gekitoden Legendary Super Warriors Legacy of Goku Legacy of Goku II Buu's Fury Harukanaru Densetsu Attack of the Saiyans Subscribe for more! Twitter - twitter.com Facebook - facebook.com
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 60482
- author: DMJared

MEOLA's Mod Spotlights - Make MINECRAFT an RPG | mcStats Mod!
Can we get 20 likes? Let me know any other mods you may want to see receive the MEOLA Trea...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: MrMEOLA
MEOLA's Mod Spotlights - Make MINECRAFT an RPG | mcStats Mod!
Can we get 20 likes? Let me know any other mods you may want to see receive the MEOLA Treatment! _______________________________________________ This mod turns your Single Player world into an RPG style game. _______________________________________________ Link to Mod information here: tinyurl.com Created by SolarPrizm _______________________________________________ ● Follow me on Tweet! - twitter.com ● Live Stream: www.twitch.tv _______________________________________________ ● Intro/Outro Song: DJ Roc - Here Comes the Sun www.youtube.com w/ Full Permissions from the Artist
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 824
- author: MrMEOLA

The RPG Fanatic Review Show - ★ Analyzing World of Warcraft ★ MMORPG Video Game Review
rpgfanatic.net In this video we will investigate the reasons why WoW became so successful ...
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: TheRpgFanatic
The RPG Fanatic Review Show - ★ Analyzing World of Warcraft ★ MMORPG Video Game Review
rpgfanatic.net In this video we will investigate the reasons why WoW became so successful and some of the reasons why it may become stagnated. Some say there really is no need to review WoW because it's the undisputed champion of the MMORPG world, and those individuals would be correct. There is no need for me to give a review to it, at least not in the traditional sense of the word. What I'm going to do with this video is critique WoW. My goal for this review is not to inform people about WoW, but rather analyze what makes it a successful game, and what makes it a stagnating game. Some have said WoW is the first casual mmorpg and I strongly disagree with that statement. WoW is a mmorpg that can be played in a casual way, but the bulk of content cannot be experienced by a casual player, such as raids and pvps. What also makes the game unfriendly to casuals is that its mechanics are constantly changing. Every patch seems to dramatically change formulas, abilities, item effects and even how a class is played. This means that if the player takes a break for a month or two, they may discover they need to completely re-learn how to play their character because some of the talents that make up their character's build doesn't exist anymore, or itemization has changed so substantially they need to regear their character. Full transcript can be found on my blog, http How I review games: I do not use a rating system. I think rating systems are silly. Unlike many game reviewers I ...
- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 19676
- author: TheRpgFanatic
Youtube results:

Farcry 3 MLG Walkthrough w/ Kootra - Ep. 25 "RPG SKillz"
Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunt Vaas.....he is clever and a ...
published: 15 Dec 2012
author: kootra
Farcry 3 MLG Walkthrough w/ Kootra - Ep. 25 "RPG SKillz"
Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunt Vaas.....he is clever and a psycho. Farcry 3 Playlist: www.youtube.com And here it is, my playthrough of Farcry 3. I have been preparing for this for a while and I am extremely excited that I finally get to play it!!! Hopefully you guys enjoy this game as much as you did the second one, because I am really liking it so far. Plenty of failings take place like usual as I attempt to hunt down and kill the pirate named Vaas....he is a cat. Follow: twitter.com Like: www.facebook.com
- published: 15 Dec 2012
- views: 27423
- author: kootra

Chaos Chronicles - Trailer
www.chaos-chronicles.com Funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery and the FilmFernsehFonds...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: bitComposer
Chaos Chronicles - Trailer
www.chaos-chronicles.com Funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery and the FilmFernsehFonds Bayern
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 29755
- author: bitComposer

7 Jogos RPG para Netbook
7 Jogos RPG para Netbook Proximo video é sobre simuladores www.codelyoco.webs.com...
published: 09 Jun 2012
author: C0deLyoco
7 Jogos RPG para Netbook
7 Jogos RPG para Netbook Proximo video é sobre simuladores www.codelyoco.webs.com
- published: 09 Jun 2012
- views: 2845
- author: C0deLyoco

The RPG Fanatic Review Show - ★ The Legend of Alon D'ar Video Game Review ★
rpgfanatic.net Legend of Alon Dar is a computer roleplaying game with a horrible combat sy...
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: TheRpgFanatic
The RPG Fanatic Review Show - ★ The Legend of Alon D'ar Video Game Review ★
rpgfanatic.net Legend of Alon Dar is a computer roleplaying game with a horrible combat system that combines the worst elements of an Action RPG with a Final Fantasy-style Active Time Battle (ATB) turn based combat system. The game was made in 2001 by the now defunct Stormfront Studios and published by Ubisoft. This retro review discusses the gameplay of the game, and of course, there is occasional humor and funny jokes! How I review games I do not use a rating system. I think rating systems are silly. Unlike many game reviewers I try to review a game from the perspective of who I believe the target audience of the game is supposed to be. If I personally don't belong to the target audience for the game I'm reviewing, I try to consider if the intended target audience would enjoy the game or not. Welcome to The RPG Fanatic channel, home to fanatical computer roleplaying videogame reviews, essays, rants and news! The RPG Fanatic is a Youtube Partner web series created on January 7th, 2010, now part of the machinima network! -- Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com If you love rpgs games then this is the Youtube channel for you! The RPG Fanatic Show is kind of like The Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), 16-Bit Gems, or Irate Gamer Show, but focused exclusively on old RPG games! Hosted by Carey Martell, the videos talks and shares news about all new video games and classic retro titles like Final Fantasy, Legend of Mana, The Lord of the Rings games, Disgaea, World of ...
- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 1054
- author: TheRpgFanatic