- published: 12 Feb 2011
- views: 27458
- author: 2011alienufo

Ancient Mysteries - The Secret Life of King Ramses II 1/3
Ramses II was perhaps the greatest pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt. His reign lasted 67 year...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: 2011alienufo
Ancient Mysteries - The Secret Life of King Ramses II 1/3
Ramses II was perhaps the greatest pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt. His reign lasted 67 years--it was one of the longest in Egyptian history. As king of one of the most powerful civilizations in the world--he possessed endless energy and a determination to insure his name and his civilization would stand immortal. He was seemingly a true patron of family life. He had at least half-a-dozen principal wives--the most notable being Nefertari. He has also been credited for having sired over 100 children. Was it Ramses II's hunger for power that fueled his desire to insure one of his brood would eventually succeed him? What motivated Ramses II to commission the grand temples and massive monuments that bear his name? Just how did Ramses II become pharaoh, even though he was not the crown prince? Was Ramses II the Egyptian leader responsible for the exodus or was it one of his many sons? What information will the recent discovery in the Valley of the Kings known as KV-5 reveal? Will the man behind the mystery finally be fully exposed?

The last great Pharaoh Ramesses II 1/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended thi...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: OcampoJared
The last great Pharaoh Ramesses II 1/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended this to be so. Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty. He undertook an unparalleled building programme, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67 years. By the time of his death, Ramesses was suffering from severe dental problems and was plagued by arthritis and hardening of the arteries. When he finally died, he was about 90 years old. He had outlived many of his wives and children and left great memorials all over Egypt, especially to his beloved first queen Nefertari. Nine more pharaohs would take the name Ramesses in his honour, but few ever equalled his greatness. Nearly all of his subjects had been born during his reign and thought the world would end without him. Ramesses II did become the legendary figure he so desperately wanted to be, but this was not enough to protect Egypt. New enemies were attacking the empire which also suffered internal problems and it could not last. Less than 150 years after Ramesses died, the Egyptian empire fell, his descendants lost their power and the New Kingdom came to an end.
- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 13835
- author: OcampoJared

Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII 1/3
The Greatest Pharaohs 4of4 1350 BC - 30 BC Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII Follows...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: 2011alienufo
Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII 1/3
The Greatest Pharaohs 4of4 1350 BC - 30 BC Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII Follows the history of the ancient Egyptian Kingdom from the reign of Ramesses II to its eventual conquest by the Roman Empire during the reign of Cleopatra VII
- published: 11 Feb 2011
- views: 6454
- author: 2011alienufo

The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II 2/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended thi...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: OcampoJared
The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II 2/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended this to be so. Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty. He undertook an unparalleled building programme, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67 years.
- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 9805
- author: OcampoJared

Civilization 5 : Egypt - Ramesses II
Egypt Leader: Ramesses II Special Ability: Monument Builders Special Unit: War Chariot Spe...
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: effigykids
Civilization 5 : Egypt - Ramesses II
Egypt Leader: Ramesses II Special Ability: Monument Builders Special Unit: War Chariot Special Building: Burial Tomb Few civilizations have left such an indelible mark on history as that of Egypt. Living astride the mighty Nile River for some 5000 years, Egypt is one of the oldest surviving civilizations on the planet. Among many other firsts, Egypt is credited with the invention of writing around 3000 BC. Using sophisticated mathematics, Egyptian scholars plotted the movement of the planets with great precision. And of course, the Egyptians were the ancient world's greatest architects, creating monuments and temples that still awe and inspire us today. Contrary to popular myth, it is not known how the Sphinx lost its nose. There are sketches of the Sphinx without a nose in 1737, over 60 years before Napoleon reached Egypt. The only known person to have damaged it was an Islamic cleric, Sa'im al-dahr, who was lynched in 1378 for his vandalism.
- published: 14 Jun 2010
- views: 30737
- author: effigykids

Presentación Ramsés II
published: 10 Jan 2008
author: artehistoriacom
Presentación Ramsés II
- published: 10 Jan 2008
- views: 33353
- author: artehistoriacom

Ramses the Second Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt
Egypt's most famous temple, a clip from "King Tut, Ramses and Me", afree Intrepid Berkeley...
published: 07 Jan 2008
author: intrepberkexplorer
Ramses the Second Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt
Egypt's most famous temple, a clip from "King Tut, Ramses and Me", afree Intrepid Berkeley Explorer video of time travel in Egypt; featuring the Pyramids of Giza, a talking Sphinx, King Tut, the temples of Luxor (Thebes), Ramses II's Abu Simbel Temple, sailing on the Nile, Cairo mosques, and much more. To enjoy all of this film, plus over 30 more free, non-commercial, streaming travel videos from every continent, and still pictures, please ask a search engine for: Intrepid Berkeley Explorer
- published: 07 Jan 2008
- views: 27129
- author: intrepberkexplorer

Ancient Mysteries - The Secret Life of King Ramses II 2/3
Ramses II was perhaps the greatest pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt. His reign lasted 67 year...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: 2011alienufo
Ancient Mysteries - The Secret Life of King Ramses II 2/3
Ramses II was perhaps the greatest pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt. His reign lasted 67 years--it was one of the longest in Egyptian history. As king of one of the most powerful civilizations in the world--he possessed endless energy and a determination to insure his name and his civilization would stand immortal. He was seemingly a true patron of family life. He had at least half-a-dozen principal wives--the most notable being Nefertari. He has also been credited for having sired over 100 children. Was it Ramses II's hunger for power that fueled his desire to insure one of his brood would eventually succeed him? What motivated Ramses II to commission the grand temples and massive monuments that bear his name? Just how did Ramses II become pharaoh, even though he was not the crown prince? Was Ramses II the Egyptian leader responsible for the exodus or was it one of his many sons? What information will the recent discovery in the Valley of the Kings known as KV-5 reveal? Will the man behind the mystery finally be fully exposed?
- published: 12 Feb 2011
- views: 8367
- author: 2011alienufo

Ancient Mysteries - The Secret Life of King Ramses II 3/3
Ramses II was perhaps the greatest pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt. His reign lasted 67 year...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: 2011alienufo
Ancient Mysteries - The Secret Life of King Ramses II 3/3
Ramses II was perhaps the greatest pharaoh to rule ancient Egypt. His reign lasted 67 years--it was one of the longest in Egyptian history. As king of one of the most powerful civilizations in the world--he possessed endless energy and a determination to insure his name and his civilization would stand immortal. He was seemingly a true patron of family life. He had at least half-a-dozen principal wives--the most notable being Nefertari. He has also been credited for having sired over 100 children. Was it Ramses II's hunger for power that fueled his desire to insure one of his brood would eventually succeed him? What motivated Ramses II to commission the grand temples and massive monuments that bear his name? Just how did Ramses II become pharaoh, even though he was not the crown prince? Was Ramses II the Egyptian leader responsible for the exodus or was it one of his many sons? What information will the recent discovery in the Valley of the Kings known as KV-5 reveal? Will the man behind the mystery finally be fully exposed?
- published: 12 Feb 2011
- views: 11685
- author: 2011alienufo

Ramses II Biography
Ramesses II, Ramses II or Ramses the Great 1300s BC (?) - 1213 BC (?) www.cloudbiography.c...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: TheCloudBiography
Ramses II Biography
Ramesses II, Ramses II or Ramses the Great 1300s BC (?) - 1213 BC (?) www.cloudbiography.com Ramesses II is one of the most celebrated Egyptian pharaohs. All content is either in the public domain or licensed pursuant to a Creative Commons Attribution License http Attribution: cloudbiography.com
- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 874
- author: TheCloudBiography

The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II 3/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended thi...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: OcampoJared
The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II 3/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended this to be so. Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty. He undertook an unparalleled building programme, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67 years. By the time of his death, Ramesses was suffering from severe dental problems and was plagued by arthritis and hardening of the arteries. When he finally died, he was about 90 years old. He had outlived many of his wives and children and left great memorials all over Egypt, especially to his beloved first queen Nefertari. Nine more pharaohs would take the name Ramesses in his honour, but few ever equalled his greatness. Nearly all of his subjects had been born during his reign and thought the world would end without him. Ramesses II did become the legendary figure he so desperately wanted to be, but this was not enough to protect Egypt. New enemies were attacking the empire which also suffered internal problems and it could not last. Less than 150 years after Ramesses died, the Egyptian empire fell, his descendants lost their power and the New Kingdom came to an end.
- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 6225
- author: OcampoJared

Civilization V Soundtrack ~ Ramesses II (Peace)
The peace theme for Ramesses II. Composed by Geoff Knorr & Michael Curran....
published: 23 Sep 2010
author: Civ5Soundtrack
Civilization V Soundtrack ~ Ramesses II (Peace)
The peace theme for Ramesses II. Composed by Geoff Knorr & Michael Curran.
- published: 23 Sep 2010
- views: 5228
- author: Civ5Soundtrack

Ramses II Mummy - Cairo Museum
The mummy of King Ramses II, Ruler of Egypt for 67 years. Taken in the hall of Mummies in ...
published: 29 Jun 2009
author: TheGrayPilgrim
Ramses II Mummy - Cairo Museum
The mummy of King Ramses II, Ruler of Egypt for 67 years. Taken in the hall of Mummies in the Cairo Museum.
- published: 29 Jun 2009
- views: 15261
- author: TheGrayPilgrim
Vimeo results:

Ramesses II, New Kingdom, Egypt, c. 1250 B.C.E.
Ramesses II, Herakleopolis (Temple of Harsaphes), New Kingdom, Egypt, c. 1250 B.C.E. (Univ...
published: 08 May 2011
author: Smarthistory Videos
Ramesses II, New Kingdom, Egypt, c. 1250 B.C.E.
Ramesses II, Herakleopolis (Temple of Harsaphes), New Kingdom, Egypt, c. 1250 B.C.E. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology)
Speakers: Monica Hahn, Brian Seymour
For more: http://smarthistory.org/ancient-egypt.html

I Dieci Comandamenti
Mosè è salvato dalle acque del Nilo dalla figlia del faraone che lo alleva nella sua casa....
published: 02 May 2011
author: Paul Humbert Brennan
I Dieci Comandamenti
Mosè è salvato dalle acque del Nilo dalla figlia del faraone che lo alleva nella sua casa. Una volta adulto, è principe ereditario al trono di Seti, che lo vede con occhio migliore rispetto a suo figlio carnale Ramesse. La principessa Nefertari, anch'essa diretta discendente al trono è innamorata follemente di Mosè e quando la vera identità del suo uomo è scoperta, fa di tutto per cercare di salvarlo dalla rovina. Mosè è cacciato dall'Egitto e dopo un lungo peregrinare nel deserto giunge ai piedi della montagna santa, il Sinai. Qui è ospitato da una ricca famiglia di beduini che lo accolgono tra loro. Sefora, la maggiore delle figlie dello sceicco lo sposa; ma per Mosè, da qui a breve, il vero matrimonio lo celebrerà con Dio. Infatti, dopo pochi anni L'Onnipotente lo chiama in cima al monte e gli ordina di tornare in Egitto per liberare il suo popolo che è schiavo e oppresso dalle angherie degli egiziani. Presi con se moglie e figlio Mosè, fa ritorno in Egitto, ma Ramesse II, nel frattempo divenuto faraone, non vuol cedere alle suppliche e rifiuta di far partire Israele. Dio allora manda sull'Egitto le sette piaghe. Il figlio del Faraone muore di un male sconosciuto e solo allora Ramesse decide di liberare gli ebrei. Ma la gioia di questi ultimi dura poco, perché il faraone, ripensandoci, decide di inseguirli e distruggerli tutti. Nei pressi del mar Rosso, l'accampamento ebraico è circondato con il solo mare dinanzi a loro. Dio, per mezzo di Mosè, apre le acque e permette all'intera moltitudine di passare e raggiungere incolume l'altra riva. I carri di Ramesse si gettano all'inseguimento, ma le due muraglie di acque si richiudono inghiottendoli tutti. Giunti al Sinai, la tribù si accampa e Mosè sale sulla montagna per ricevere da Dio le tavole dei Dieci Comandamenti, e lì rimane per quaranta giorni e quaranta notti. Intanto il popolo crede che Mosè sia morto e decide di rinnegare la propria fede. Innalzano un idolo pagano, un vitello di legno ricoperto d'oro e a lui tributano onori. Quando Mosè ritorna e vede lo spettacolo, indignato lancia le tavole di Dio sull'idolo, provocando terremoti e morte tra coloro che l'adoravano. Per punizione Dio fa vagare Israele nel deserto per quarant'anni e solo al termine del lungo peregrinare il Signore mostra a Mosè la terra promessa; e sarà Giosuè a condurre il popolo al suo interno.

The Ramesseum - Luxor, Egypt
The Ramesseum:
The Memorial Temple Of Pharaoh Ramesses II
("Ramesses the Great")
published: 28 Jun 2010
author: Mike McCormick
The Ramesseum - Luxor, Egypt
The Ramesseum:
The Memorial Temple Of Pharaoh Ramesses II
("Ramesses the Great")
Located On The West Bank Of The River Nile
Across From The City of Luxor.

MANDALABAND-III - EDEN from album 'BC-Ancestors' 2009
MANDALABAND-III - EDEN [song from new BC - Ancestors album 2009]
Mandalaband-III 'BC-...
published: 06 Nov 2009
author: Ed Unitsky
MANDALABAND-III - EDEN from album 'BC-Ancestors' 2009
MANDALABAND-III - EDEN [song from new BC - Ancestors album 2009]
Mandalaband-III 'BC-Ancestors' Release
A strange thing has happened. More than thirty years after Mandalaband I and II were released by Chrysalis in the 1970s, two new Mandalaband albums are about to appear, like a miraculous mirage on the Eastern Desert horizon.
The first album, BC ANCESTORS, takes you back to legendary times when heroes walked the Earth and great civilisations rose and fell in the ancient lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Setting out from Eden, you will hear of Nimrod who built the first empire on Earth and the infamous Tower of Babel; Hammurabi of Babylon who gave us the first great Law Code; Moses and his stubborn opponent Dudimose (Tutimaos) the unfortunate Pharaoh of the Exodus; Akhenaten who worshipped the Aten sun-god; Ramesses II Egypts greatest pharaoh, commemorated in Shelleys famous poem Ozymandias; the sage-like wisdom and wealth of King Solomon; Agamemnon of Mycenae whose greed and ambition launched a thousand ships to destroy Troy; Aeneas and Dido whose tragic love story ended in her suicide and his death in battle an event which marked the birth of Roman civilisation.
The band writers have created majestic themes for this unreservedly symphonic-rock album, with touches of Celtic and ambient atmosphere to reflect the ancient-world subject matter. The orchestrations are complex and full of depth, whilst the rhythm patterns are richly textured, drawing from Middle Eastern, African and Celtic cultures. Even so, as you will discover, the tunes are simple, melodic and memorable.
BC ANCESTORS was produced in Legends studio atop a Spanish mountain, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We hope you like what you hear.
The fourth Mandalaband album AD SANGREAL will be released in Summer 2010...
Youtube results:

Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII 2/3
The Greatest Pharaohs 4of4 1350 BC - 30 BC Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII Follows...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: 2011alienufo
Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII 2/3
The Greatest Pharaohs 4of4 1350 BC - 30 BC Ramses II, Ramses III and Cleopatra VII Follows the history of the ancient Egyptian Kingdom from the reign of Ramesses II to its eventual conquest by the Roman Empire during the reign of Cleopatra VII
- published: 11 Feb 2011
- views: 3426
- author: 2011alienufo

Tombs Inside Ramses II in Valley of the kings
The Kings of Egypt in 18th, 19th, and 20th, dynasties carved their towards into the limsto...
published: 16 Mar 2007
author: daddycooldriver
Tombs Inside Ramses II in Valley of the kings
The Kings of Egypt in 18th, 19th, and 20th, dynasties carved their towards into the limstone mountains here and decorated them with designs showing the deceased Kings with the gods in the afterworld and texts from the book of the dead,and the book of the underworld. King Tut Ankh Amon's tomb , the most famous tomb in the valley of the kings , circa 1352 BC. In 1922 ,Howard Carter's discovery of king Tut's fabulous treasures caused a worldwide sensation Other interesting and well-preserved tombs are those of Seti I,Ramses III,and Ramses II.
- published: 16 Mar 2007
- views: 34101
- author: daddycooldriver

Ancient Heroes - King Ramses 2 (with Rome total war)
Ancient Heroes - Ramses II: www.youtube.com Ancient Heroes - King David of Israel: www.you...
published: 16 Dec 2009
author: Strategos300
Ancient Heroes - King Ramses 2 (with Rome total war)
Ancient Heroes - Ramses II: www.youtube.com Ancient Heroes - King David of Israel: www.youtube.com Ancient Heroes - Pericles of Athens: www.youtube.com Ancient Heroes - Julius Caesar: www.youtube.com One of the most famous and greatest Pharaoh's ever lived. Ramses. This is the Story of how he lived, fought, build monuments and died. All in 6 minutes. The Game is Rome total war.Enjoy!
- published: 16 Dec 2009
- views: 15270
- author: Strategos300

The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II 4/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended thi...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: OcampoJared
The Last Great Pharaoh Ramesses II 4/9
Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs, and there is no doubt that he intended this to be so. Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty. He undertook an unparalleled building programme, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67 years.
- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 4064
- author: OcampoJared