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Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Wedding song. Eastern Slovakia. Slovak folklore.
Lemkos. The Uprooted (2012). (Full Version)
Sága krásy - Lemkos. Eastern Slovakia. Rusínska pesnička.
Part 1- The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife
Part 2 - The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife
Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня (Lemkos, west Ukrainian highlanders)
Gates to the Lemkos' Land (2011) - subtitles in UA/PL/Eng
Isolated Lemkos minority endures shattered Ukraine war zone
Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Rusínska balada. Ballad from eastern Slovakia.
Les Lemkos, minorités abandonnées en Ukraine
Tam w Gorlyciach - Lemko ( Лемко) ( Carpatho-Rusyn NOT Ukrainian!)
А я їду селом (лемківська) -- Ukrainian (Lemko) folk song

Lemkos (Ukrainian: Лeмки, Polish: Łemkowie, Lemko: Лeмкы, translit. Lemky; sing. Лeмкo, Lemko), one of several quantitatively and territorially small ethnic groups who also call themselves Rusyns (Ukrainian: Русини, Lemko: Руснакы, Rusnaky; sing. Руснак, Rusnak), are one of the ethnic groups inhabiting the Carpathian Mountains. Their language has been variously described as a Lemko language in its own right or a dialect of the Ukrainian language.

The Lemkos' homeland is commonly referred to as Lemkivshchyna (Ukrainian: Лeмкiвщина, Lemko: Lemkovyna (Лeмкoвина), Polish: Łemkowszczyzna). Up until 1945, this included the area from the Poprad River in the west to the valley of Oslawa River in the east, areas situated primarily in present-day Poland, in the Lesser Poland and Subcarpathian Voivodeships (provinces). This part of the Carpathian mountains is mostly deforested, which allowed for an agrarian economy, alongside such traditional occupations as ox grazing and sheep herding.

The Lemko region became part of Poland in medieval Piast times. Lemkos were made part of the Austria province of Galicia in 1772. This area was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until its dissolution in 1918, at which point the Lemko-Rusyn Republic (Ruska Lemkivska) declared its independence. Independence did not last long however, and the republic was incorporated into Poland in 1920.

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  • Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Wedding song. Eastern Slovakia. Slovak folklore.

    Sings Maria Macoskova. Archival record. Lemkos - one of several quantitatively and territorially small nationalities who also traditionally call themselves Rusyns (Ukrainian: Руснаки, Lemko: Руснакы, Rusnaky; sing. Руснак, Rusnak),are one of the four major groups inhabiting the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Their language has been variously described as a Lemko language in its own right (literary Lemko language is one of the four literary norms of the Carpatho-Rusyn language), a dialect of the Rusyn language (a group of dialects which is, itself, sometimes described as a distinct dialect of the Ukrainian or Slovak dialect group). In any case, the Lemko tongue and the Ukrainian language are akin but not always mutually intelligible (ref: Best and Moklak)The Lemkos' homeland is commonly refe...
  • Lemkos. The Uprooted (2012). (Full Version)

    "Вирвані з Корінєм". Made in Ternopil (2012) - полна версія. Знаны там твари а і такы котры до тепер не сут іщы знаны на сьвітовий сцені.
  • Sága krásy - Lemkos. Eastern Slovakia. Rusínska pesnička.

    Archival record. Sings Maria Macoskova. Lemkos - Rusyns (sometimes spelled Rusins, or called Carpatho-Rusyns signifying their villages being in the Carpathian Mountains) are one of the many nationalities/ethnic groups of Slovakia, along with Slovaks, Hungarians, Germans, and Romanies (Gypsies). Rusyns are eastern Slavs, which means that their history, culture, and language are rooted in the medieval Kievan Rus' kingdom (Slovaks, by contrast, are western Slavs), although Slovaks and Rusyns have lived together on the same territory for nearly 1000 years (and share some cultural traits). Traditionally, almost all Rusyns belong to the Byzantine/Greek Catholic or Orthodox Christian churches. Rusyns have never had their own country, but their homeland today lies in 3 countries: Slova...
  • Part 1- The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife

  • Part 2 - The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife

  • Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня (Lemkos, west Ukrainian highlanders)

    Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня. Vertay divche (Girl, return), Lemko (western Ukrainian) folk song by Bohdan Kosopud from Lviv, Ukraine. Lemko dialect. Лемки - найзахідніша група українців. Лемківські землі простягаються (вздовж Карпат) в повітах: Сянок, Горлиці, Команьча, Криниця, Яслиська. Гуня (запинана на гафтки) - характерний лемківський чоловічий чоловічий плащ. Мапа лемківських земемь: Lemkos (known as Lemkowie in Polish) are westernmost group of Ukrainians (whose original homeland is along Sanok and Gorlice districts of south east Poland, along the Carpathian mountains). Most of them were forcefully resettled into then Soviet Ukraine (most are scattered around western Ukraine now, some even were settled in the south /...
  • Gates to the Lemkos' Land (2011) - subtitles in UA/PL/Eng

    Двері Лемківщини - директор Роман Крик Drzwi Łemkowszczyzny - Reżyseria/Dyrektor Roman Kryk
  • Isolated Lemkos minority endures shattered Ukraine war zone

    The Lemkos are a tiny and largely forgotten minority whose tragic history has seen them tossed across eastern Europe for generations.
  • Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Rusínska balada. Ballad from eastern Slovakia.

    Rusínska balada z oblasti Humenného v podaní Natálie Petrašovskej.
  • Les Lemkos, minorités abandonnées en Ukraine

    Le village de Styla dans la région de Donetsk a été construit il y a plus de 200 ans par des colons grecs de Crimée. Aujourd'hui, le village se retrouve sur la ligne de front entre les séparatistes et les troupes ukrainiennes et sa population ne soutient que les immigrants grecs vivant en territoire ukrainien. Durée: 01:17
  • Tam w Gorlyciach - Lemko ( Лемко) ( Carpatho-Rusyn NOT Ukrainian!)

    Lemko soldier's song A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people form an independent nation and we are officially recognized as one of the national minorities in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation!
  • А я їду селом (лемківська) -- Ukrainian (Lemko) folk song

    А я їду селом. Лемківська народна пісня. Виконання: Павло Доскоч, м. Тернопіль. A ja jidu selom (And I am riding through village upon a grey horse). Ukrainian Lemko folk song. Lemkos - westernmost group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains of westernmost Ukraine. By Pavlo Doskoc from Ternopil, west Ukraine. Lyrics in Ukrainian: - Dm - md - Em А я їду селом на сивім конику, На сивім конику, Звідают мя люди, звідают мя люди, Си маю фраїрку. Не маю, не маю, я лем хочу мати, Я лем хочу мати, На сивім конику, на сивім конику, Їду її вгледати. Pg -------------Md Мій сивий коничок, знає де ма піти, Знає де ма піти, Кумойом дівчині, кумойом дівчині, Буде мя носити. Pg ------------- А я їду селом, на сивім конику, На сивім конику, Звідают мя люди, звідают мя люди, Си маю фра...
  • Dobri w Ameryci - Carpatho-Rusyn Lemko song (NOT Ukrainian!)

    Lemko emigrant song by the group Orkiestra Świętego Mikołaja A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people consider themselves as an independent nation and we are officially recognized as a separate nation in many countries (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Russia, USA). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation
  • Lemkos - Poltava. "Boliucha Pamiat" Poltava TV, 2007

    "Болюча Пам'ять" - Лемкы на Полтавщыні. Автор/режисер: Алла Гусак. OДТПК "Лтава"
  • 2009, Lemkos deported from Wysowa in 1945, now in Huta, UA.

    Лемкині зо села Высова, депортувани на Радяньску Україну в 1945 році, в селі Гута недалеко Монастириска, Тернопільска обл.
  • Гей, тече річенька - Ukrainian Lemko song by Sofia Fedyna

    Гей, тече річенька. Лемківська пісня. Лемки Галичини. Українські верховинці з Карпат. Ukrainian Lemko song "Hey, teche richenka" by Sofia Fedyna, west Ukrainian singer from Lviv, west Ukraine - Culture of Lemkos, western Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains (live in Velykyy Bereznyy, Turka and Perechyn districts of west Ukraine, as well as in south Poland (around Sanok & Krynica) near Ukraine border). Лемки - одна з найпрогресивніших і висококультурних груп українців (бо жили найзахідніше від всіх і тому найбільш європейські). A few misguided (or rather ignorant) Polish & American citizens (not in Ukraine) of Lemko descent claim they are not Ukrainian and say they belong to a separate "Rusyn" nation (by this, they steal name Rusyn from Ukrainians,...
  • Carpatho-Rusyn ( Lemkos, Boikos, Verkhovyntsi, Hutsuls, Dolyniane, Rusnaks,Русины,Русини)

    Карпато-Русины населяют Закарпатьску область Україны, Выходне Словеньско (северовыход Пряшівского края) і часть польскых Бескид; дакотра часть з них жыє в країнах, де ся переселили в часї послїднїх стороч — Мадярьску, Сербії (в Войводинї, де є їх язык признаный як єден з офіціалных языків края), Румунії, Молдавії, Хорватiї, США, Канадї, Австралії, Росії. Помімо самоназываня «Русины» і «Руснакы», тыж ся называють другыма народами як Угрорусины, Угрорусы, Карпатороссы, Рутены. ЛЕМКЫ: суть русиньскый етнос, жыючій в юговыходнім Польску і в Пряшівскім краю на Словеньску (векшына).Слово „Лемкы" выникло в 19. сторочу і спочатку бо Лемкы хоснують слово лем намісто лиш, але самы Лемкы себе означовали за Русинів, „Руснакы". На преломі 19. а 20. сторочу прияли назву Лемкы Лемкове в Польску за свою....
  • Співаночки мої (Spivanocky moji) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song

    Співаночки мої. Лемківська народна пісня. Ukrainian Lemko folk song. Lemkos - westernmost group of west Ukrainian highlanders. All photos: Culture of Ukrainian Lemkos (Carpathian mountains). Poles forcefully deported most of Lemkos (105.000) from their native lands in late 1940s. Only 5.000 Lemkos returned to Lemkovyna.
  • Lemko Wedding - Лемківске Весіля, 1928 - 1963

    Істория лемківскых награнь в Америці зачынат ся од мрії, любячого мріяти чловека, Штефана Шкимбы/Stephen Skimba або Shkimba (3 II 1885 - 2 XI 1966). Вроджений в селі Воловец горлицкого повіта приїхал він до Америкы в 1912 року. Уж недолго по приїзді Шкимба почув слова і музику награну на плытах і барз то його задивило і зацєкавило. The beginning of recorded Lemko music in the United States can be traced to a visionary and energetic promoter Stephen Shkimba/Skimba (1855-1966). Shkimba was born in the village of Wołowiec, in the county of Gorlice and immigrated to the United States in 1912. One of the first things Shkimba took a great interest in was the phenomenon of music on records...... Shkimba's perseverance and determination finally paid off, with Okeh Records agreeing to take a chance...
  • Там на Лемківщині - Ukrainian (Lemko) song

    Там на Лемківщині (Tam na Lemkivshchyni). There in Lemko land. Ukrainian song about Lemkovyna (Lemko land). Lemkos - westernmost group of west Ukrainian highlanders. Culture of Ukrainian Lemkos (Carpathian mountains). Poles forcefully and brutally deported most of Lemkos (105.000) from their native lands in late 1940s (special operation "Wisla"). Only 5.000 Lemkos returned to Lemkovyna.
  • Lemkos of Luhansk district, UA. Luhansk TV, 2006

    Лемкы луганщини. ТБ Луганськ, 2006. Lemky - osinnyj spomyn. TV Luhansk, 2006 За часів СРСР про існування лемківських поселень на Луганщині широкому загалу майже нічого не було відомо, лише після здобуття Україною незалежності про луганських лемків дізналася громадськість. Дуже приємно, що Луганщина відновлює історичну справедливість, бо історія не завжди була доброю до лемків, які підкорилися долі, але не забули праматірної землі, не забули свої традиції.
  • Toronto Ukrainian Festival Parade. LEMKOS on parade. September 2012

  • Гори наші Карпати (Our Karpaty) - Ukrainian Lemko song by Anychka

    Гори наші Карпати. Лемківська пісня. Hory nashi Karpaty (Our Carpathian mountains). Ukrainian Lemko song. In Lemko dialect of Ukrainian language. By Anychka. Lemko folk dress and culture. Lemkos are western group of Ukrainian highlanders, actually they are the westernmost Ukrainians. Their original homeland is in what is now south eastern corner of Poland but unlike Poles they are Orthodox / or Greek-Catholic Christians and speak Ukrainian dialect. Most of them (105.000) have been forcefully deported by Polish authorities into western areas of Ukraine, while Poles from western Ukraine were deported into their lands instead. It was Ukrainian Lemko tragedy - "ethnocide". A few misguided (or rather ignorant) Polish & American citizens (not in Ukraine) of Lemko descent claim they are not Ukr...
Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Wedding song. Eastern Slovakia. Slovak folklore.

Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Wedding song. Eastern Slovakia. Slovak folklore.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2008
  • views: 72254
Sings Maria Macoskova. Archival record. Lemkos - one of several quantitatively and territorially small nationalities who also traditionally call themselves Rusyns (Ukrainian: Руснаки, Lemko: Руснакы, Rusnaky; sing. Руснак, Rusnak),are one of the four major groups inhabiting the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Their language has been variously described as a Lemko language in its own right (literary Lemko language is one of the four literary norms of the Carpatho-Rusyn language), a dialect of the Rusyn language (a group of dialects which is, itself, sometimes described as a distinct dialect of the Ukrainian or Slovak dialect group). In any case, the Lemko tongue and the Ukrainian language are akin but not always mutually intelligible (ref: Best and Moklak)The Lemkos' homeland is commonly referred to as Lemkivshchyna (Ukrainian: Лeмкiвщина, Lemko: Lemkovyna (Лeмкoвина), Polish: Łemkowszczyzna). Up until 1945, this included the area from the Poprad River in the east to the valley of Oslawa River in the west, areas situated primarily in present-day Poland, in the Lesser Poland and Subcarpathian Voivodeships. This part of the Carpathian mountains is mostly deforested, which allowed for an agrarian economy, alongside such traditional occupations as ox grazing and sheep herding. This area was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until its dissolution in 1918, at which point the Lemko-Rusyn Republic (Ruska Lemkivska) declared its independence. Independence did not last long however, and the territory was incorporated into Poland in 1920. As a result of the repatriation of Ukrainians from Poland to USSR, the majority of Lemkos from this territory were resettled throughout Poland and in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, leaving a significant population only in the Prešov Region of present-day Slovakia. Lemkos are/were neighbours with Slovaks, Carpathian Germans and Lachy sądeckie (Poles) to the west, Pogorzans (Poles) and Dolinians (Dale Dwellers subethnic of Lemkos) to the north, Ukrainians to the east, and Slovaks to the south.The name "Lemko" derives from the common expression Lem (Лeм), which can mean "but", "only", or "like" in the Lemko dialect. "Lemko" came into use as an endonym after having been used as an exonym by the neighboring Boykos and Hutsuls, who do not use that expression in their respective dialects. Prior to this moniker, the Lemkos described themselves as Rusnaks ((Ukrainian: Руснaки, translit. Rusnaky) or Rusyns (Ukrainian: Русини, translit. Rusyny), as did the rest of the inhabitants of present-day Western Ukraine in the 19th century and first part of the 20th century. In the early 20th century, a majority of these peoples became active participants in the creation of the Ukrainian nation and came to call themselves Ukrainians (Ukrainian: Українці, translit. Ukrayintsi). However, while they may have accepted the new state of Ukraine, some Lemkos, including many in Poland and Slovakia, consider themselves to be a distinct ethnicity, while some claim to be Ukrainians and still others identify themselves as Rusyns. Wedding song-sings Maria Macosko from Presov.ága Krásy Lemkos Rusíni. Wedding Song. Eastern Slovakia. Slovak Folklore.
Lemkos. The Uprooted (2012). (Full Version)

Lemkos. The Uprooted (2012). (Full Version)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 73:22
  • Updated: 02 Jan 2013
  • views: 3690
"Вирвані з Корінєм". Made in Ternopil (2012) - полна версія. Знаны там твари а і такы котры до тепер не сут іщы знаны на сьвітовий сцені. The Uprooted (2012). (Full Version)
Sága krásy - Lemkos. Eastern Slovakia. Rusínska pesnička.

Sága krásy - Lemkos. Eastern Slovakia. Rusínska pesnička.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:04
  • Updated: 05 Jun 2010
  • views: 26380
Archival record. Sings Maria Macoskova. Lemkos - Rusyns (sometimes spelled Rusins, or called Carpatho-Rusyns signifying their villages being in the Carpathian Mountains) are one of the many nationalities/ethnic groups of Slovakia, along with Slovaks, Hungarians, Germans, and Romanies (Gypsies). Rusyns are eastern Slavs, which means that their history, culture, and language are rooted in the medieval Kievan Rus' kingdom (Slovaks, by contrast, are western Slavs), although Slovaks and Rusyns have lived together on the same territory for nearly 1000 years (and share some cultural traits). Traditionally, almost all Rusyns belong to the Byzantine/Greek Catholic or Orthodox Christian churches. Rusyns have never had their own country, but their homeland today lies in 3 countries: Slovakia, Ukraine (the Transcarpathian Oblast, former Subcarpathian Rus/Ruthenia, part of Czecho-Slovakia from 1919 until 1939), and Poland (the Lemko Region, formerly part of Galicia). There are approximately 1.5 million Rusyns in Europe today, and about 120,000 of them are in Slovakia.ága Krásy Lemkos. Eastern Slovakia. Rusínska Pesnička.
Part 1- The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife

Part 1- The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife

  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:25
  • Updated: 17 Jun 2010
  • views: 1277 1 The Lemkos Of The Carpathians A History Of Ethnic Strife
Part 2 - The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife

Part 2 - The Lemkos of the Carpathians: A History of Ethnic Strife

  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:29
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2010
  • views: 746 2 The Lemkos Of The Carpathians A History Of Ethnic Strife
Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня (Lemkos, west Ukrainian highlanders)

Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня (Lemkos, west Ukrainian highlanders)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Updated: 20 Jan 2013
  • views: 9956
Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня. Vertay divche (Girl, return), Lemko (western Ukrainian) folk song by Bohdan Kosopud from Lviv, Ukraine. Lemko dialect. Лемки - найзахідніша група українців. Лемківські землі простягаються (вздовж Карпат) в повітах: Сянок, Горлиці, Команьча, Криниця, Яслиська. Гуня (запинана на гафтки) - характерний лемківський чоловічий чоловічий плащ. Мапа лемківських земемь: Lemkos (known as Lemkowie in Polish) are westernmost group of Ukrainians (whose original homeland is along Sanok and Gorlice districts of south east Poland, along the Carpathian mountains). Most of them were forcefully resettled into then Soviet Ukraine (most are scattered around western Ukraine now, some even were settled in the south / east Ukraine, others were forcefully moved to isolated areas of northern or western Poland with an attempt to polonize them). Polish communists had even concentration camps for Lemkos. Few still live in the original homeland around Komancza, Sanok (south from Sanok), Gorlice (east of Cracow). Lemkos experienced a true ethnocide / genocide in communist times. A special Lemko male coat (jacket) is called hunia. Original Lemko homeland:Вертай Дівче Лемківська Пісня (Lemkos, West Ukrainian Highlanders)
Gates to the Lemkos' Land (2011) - subtitles in UA/PL/Eng

Gates to the Lemkos' Land (2011) - subtitles in UA/PL/Eng

  • Order:
  • Duration: 99:01
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2015
  • views: 1108
Двері Лемківщини - директор Роман Крик Drzwi Łemkowszczyzny - Reżyseria/Dyrektor Roman Kryk To The Lemkos' Land (2011) Subtitles In Ua Pl Eng
Isolated Lemkos minority endures shattered Ukraine war zone

Isolated Lemkos minority endures shattered Ukraine war zone

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:19
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2015
  • views: 358
The Lemkos are a tiny and largely forgotten minority whose tragic history has seen them tossed across eastern Europe for generations. Lemkos Minority Endures Shattered Ukraine War Zone
Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Rusínska balada. Ballad from eastern Slovakia.

Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Rusínska balada. Ballad from eastern Slovakia.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:53
  • Updated: 20 Apr 2009
  • views: 40505
Rusínska balada z oblasti Humenného v podaní Natálie Petrašovskej.ága Krásy Lemkos Rusíni. Rusínska Balada. Ballad From Eastern Slovakia.
Les Lemkos, minorités abandonnées en Ukraine

Les Lemkos, minorités abandonnées en Ukraine

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:17
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2015
  • views: 220
Le village de Styla dans la région de Donetsk a été construit il y a plus de 200 ans par des colons grecs de Crimée. Aujourd'hui, le village se retrouve sur la ligne de front entre les séparatistes et les troupes ukrainiennes et sa population ne soutient que les immigrants grecs vivant en territoire ukrainien. Durée: 01:17 Lemkos, Minorités Abandonnées En Ukraine
Tam w Gorlyciach - Lemko ( Лемко) ( Carpatho-Rusyn NOT Ukrainian!)

Tam w Gorlyciach - Lemko ( Лемко) ( Carpatho-Rusyn NOT Ukrainian!)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:19
  • Updated: 12 Dec 2009
  • views: 41998
Lemko soldier's song A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people form an independent nation and we are officially recognized as one of the national minorities in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation! W Gorlyciach Lemko ( Лемко) ( Carpatho Rusyn Not Ukrainian )
А я їду селом (лемківська) -- Ukrainian (Lemko) folk song

А я їду селом (лемківська) -- Ukrainian (Lemko) folk song

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2014
  • views: 84989
А я їду селом. Лемківська народна пісня. Виконання: Павло Доскоч, м. Тернопіль. A ja jidu selom (And I am riding through village upon a grey horse). Ukrainian Lemko folk song. Lemkos - westernmost group of Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains of westernmost Ukraine. By Pavlo Doskoc from Ternopil, west Ukraine. Lyrics in Ukrainian: - Dm - md - Em А я їду селом на сивім конику, На сивім конику, Звідают мя люди, звідают мя люди, Си маю фраїрку. Не маю, не маю, я лем хочу мати, Я лем хочу мати, На сивім конику, на сивім конику, Їду її вгледати. Pg -------------Md Мій сивий коничок, знає де ма піти, Знає де ма піти, Кумойом дівчині, кумойом дівчині, Буде мя носити. Pg ------------- А я їду селом, на сивім конику, На сивім конику, Звідают мя люди, звідают мя люди, Си маю фраїрку. Pg -------------А Я Їду Селом (Лемківська) Ukrainian (Lemko) Folk Song
Dobri w Ameryci - Carpatho-Rusyn Lemko song (NOT Ukrainian!)

Dobri w Ameryci - Carpatho-Rusyn Lemko song (NOT Ukrainian!)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Updated: 01 Mar 2011
  • views: 11314
Lemko emigrant song by the group Orkiestra Świętego Mikołaja A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people consider themselves as an independent nation and we are officially recognized as a separate nation in many countries (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Russia, USA). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation W Ameryci Carpatho Rusyn Lemko Song (Not Ukrainian )
Lemkos - Poltava. "Boliucha Pamiat" Poltava TV, 2007

Lemkos - Poltava. "Boliucha Pamiat" Poltava TV, 2007

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:46
  • Updated: 05 Apr 2011
  • views: 1246
"Болюча Пам'ять" - Лемкы на Полтавщыні. Автор/режисер: Алла Гусак. OДТПК "Лтава" Poltava. Boliucha Pamiat Poltava Tv, 2007
2009, Lemkos deported from Wysowa in 1945, now in Huta, UA.

2009, Lemkos deported from Wysowa in 1945, now in Huta, UA.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:39
  • Updated: 20 Feb 2013
  • views: 1589
Лемкині зо села Высова, депортувани на Радяньску Україну в 1945 році, в селі Гута недалеко Монастириска, Тернопільска обл., Lemkos Deported From Wysowa In 1945, Now In Huta, Ua.
Гей, тече річенька - Ukrainian Lemko song by Sofia Fedyna

Гей, тече річенька - Ukrainian Lemko song by Sofia Fedyna

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:32
  • Updated: 23 Nov 2014
  • views: 6465
Гей, тече річенька. Лемківська пісня. Лемки Галичини. Українські верховинці з Карпат. Ukrainian Lemko song "Hey, teche richenka" by Sofia Fedyna, west Ukrainian singer from Lviv, west Ukraine - Culture of Lemkos, western Ukrainian highlanders from the Carpathian mountains (live in Velykyy Bereznyy, Turka and Perechyn districts of west Ukraine, as well as in south Poland (around Sanok & Krynica) near Ukraine border). Лемки - одна з найпрогресивніших і висококультурних груп українців (бо жили найзахідніше від всіх і тому найбільш європейські). A few misguided (or rather ignorant) Polish & American citizens (not in Ukraine) of Lemko descent claim they are not Ukrainian and say they belong to a separate "Rusyn" nation (by this, they steal name Rusyn from Ukrainians, as term Rusyn (noun) is old name for Ukrainian be it from Dnieper or Galicia / Bukovyna, which in early 20th century was substituted with a term Ukrainian, a forced move to differentiate ourselves from Muscovites (group of a different genetic, linguistic and cultural composition) after those adopted Russian (Russkiy, adjective) as a selfname. All Ukrainians called themselves Rusyns / noun (except Russians who even today use only an adjective form russkiy a a selfname) in the past, not just Lemkos. This problem applies to only to a foreign individuals (often amon them are rootless Americans who cant even speak Ukrainian / Lemko), it is not found among Lemkos in Ukraine, who entirely identify as Ukrainians and are among the staunchest patriots of Ukraine. By chosing a separted identity these Polish and American citizens are doomed into assimilation / self destruction (if not already assimilated / polonized / slovakized) as it is impossible to maintain any sort of a stateless national life for a group of a scattered individuals living abroad wwithout even a homeland (as Poles forcefully deported most of Lemkos (bcs they viewed them as Ukrainians) into Ukraine during "population exchange" (Action Vistula in late 1940s) when also Poles from west Ukraine were deported back to Poland. Note, that Lemko dialect is little different from Ukrainian (but a few words). My advise for those Polish and Slovak citizens of Lemko descent, if you wish to survive and preserve Lemko / Ukrainian language & culture stick to Ukrainian mainstream, as only we whom God granted state (biggest in Europe) and can make it through into the future. Hutsuls for example (being even more distinct from the rest of Ukrainians than Lemkos are) thrive very well in Ukrainian community, but also Lemkos do (Lemko "heretics" are only to be found among certain Polish & American citizens as I told). Both cultures are becoming popular in Ukraine bcs of their originality. Each group of Ukrainian highlanders (Lemkos, Boykos, Hutsuls) each have distinct genetics (Boyko and Hutsul genetics are not Slavic, miles part from Slavs) but nevertheless they all speak forms of Ukrainian and identify as Ukrainians (Itanian Sardianians are also miles aprt from Italians but they are Italians anyway, so are Kaszubs and Gorals among Poles, Jaszok (Jasses) & Kunok (Cumans) among Hungarians arent originally Magyars but got merged with Hungarians). Rusyns (Ukrainians) of Vojvodina (north Serbia) in majority are not Lemkos. These are peasant immigrants from west Ukraine (Austrian rule, West Ukraine and Vojvodina was one empire) - Trancsarpathian or Galician Ukrainians and culturally little different from west Ukrainians. Those just got "isolated" when Ukrainian nationalism was forming in 19th early 20th century and unlike most of Ukrainians who switched name from Rusyn to Ukrainian, "got stuck in the past", also they speak 19th century west Ukrainian dailect just as English immigrants to New Zealnd (New Zealenders) speak 19th century English.Гей, Тече Річенька Ukrainian Lemko Song By Sofia Fedyna
Carpatho-Rusyn ( Lemkos, Boikos, Verkhovyntsi, Hutsuls, Dolyniane, Rusnaks,Русины,Русини)

Carpatho-Rusyn ( Lemkos, Boikos, Verkhovyntsi, Hutsuls, Dolyniane, Rusnaks,Русины,Русини)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:27
  • Updated: 22 Nov 2014
  • views: 2030
Карпато-Русины населяют Закарпатьску область Україны, Выходне Словеньско (северовыход Пряшівского края) і часть польскых Бескид; дакотра часть з них жыє в країнах, де ся переселили в часї послїднїх стороч — Мадярьску, Сербії (в Войводинї, де є їх язык признаный як єден з офіціалных языків края), Румунії, Молдавії, Хорватiї, США, Канадї, Австралії, Росії. Помімо самоназываня «Русины» і «Руснакы», тыж ся называють другыма народами як Угрорусины, Угрорусы, Карпатороссы, Рутены. ЛЕМКЫ: суть русиньскый етнос, жыючій в юговыходнім Польску і в Пряшівскім краю на Словеньску (векшына).Слово „Лемкы" выникло в 19. сторочу і спочатку бо Лемкы хоснують слово лем намісто лиш, але самы Лемкы себе означовали за Русинів, „Руснакы". На преломі 19. а 20. сторочу прияли назву Лемкы Лемкове в Польску за свою. Перед першов світовов войнов ся за Лемків тримали Русины Низкых Бескід - од Попрадьской долины аж к долинї рікы Ослава в Польску; выходного Словеньска - аж к Вігорлату і Спіськой Маґуры - вшытко на теріторії тогдышнёго Ракусько-Угорьска (Австро-Угорьска). На основі лемківскых діалектів польскых была кодіфікована польска верзія русиньского языка, на основі лемківскых діалектів на Словеньску была кодіфікована словеньска варіанта русиньского языка. Rusyn ( Lemkos, Boikos, Verkhovyntsi, Hutsuls, Dolyniane, Rusnaks,Русины,Русини)
Співаночки мої (Spivanocky moji) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song

Співаночки мої (Spivanocky moji) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:35
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2014
  • views: 2209
Співаночки мої. Лемківська народна пісня. Ukrainian Lemko folk song. Lemkos - westernmost group of west Ukrainian highlanders. All photos: Culture of Ukrainian Lemkos (Carpathian mountains). Poles forcefully deported most of Lemkos (105.000) from their native lands in late 1940s. Only 5.000 Lemkos returned to Lemkovyna.Співаночки Мої (Spivanocky Moji) Ukrainian (Lemko) Song
Lemko Wedding - Лемківске Весіля, 1928 - 1963

Lemko Wedding - Лемківске Весіля, 1928 - 1963

  • Order:
  • Duration: 64:53
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2015
  • views: 933
Істория лемківскых награнь в Америці зачынат ся од мрії, любячого мріяти чловека, Штефана Шкимбы/Stephen Skimba або Shkimba (3 II 1885 - 2 XI 1966). Вроджений в селі Воловец горлицкого повіта приїхал він до Америкы в 1912 року. Уж недолго по приїзді Шкимба почув слова і музику награну на плытах і барз то його задивило і зацєкавило. The beginning of recorded Lemko music in the United States can be traced to a visionary and energetic promoter Stephen Shkimba/Skimba (1855-1966). Shkimba was born in the village of Wołowiec, in the county of Gorlice and immigrated to the United States in 1912. One of the first things Shkimba took a great interest in was the phenomenon of music on records...... Shkimba's perseverance and determination finally paid off, with Okeh Records agreeing to take a chance and release [in 1928], jointly with Shkimba, just one Lemko record. In fact, they charged Shkimba fifty dollars for the first record, in case it turned out to be a flop. Taken from: Богдан Горбаль, Владек Максимович. Лемківска Народна Музыка на Восковых Циліндрах (1901-1913) і Американьскых Рекордах (1928-1930). (Львів, 2008). Bogdan Horbal, Walter Maksimovich. Lemko Folk Music On Wax Cylinders (1901-1913) and American Records (1928-1930). (Lviv, 2008) ISBN 83-913884-3-3. [in LEMKO-RUSYN & English!]. Hard copies available. Wedding Лемківске Весіля, 1928 1963
Там на Лемківщині - Ukrainian (Lemko) song

Там на Лемківщині - Ukrainian (Lemko) song

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:28
  • Updated: 29 Jun 2014
  • views: 3216
Там на Лемківщині (Tam na Lemkivshchyni). There in Lemko land. Ukrainian song about Lemkovyna (Lemko land). Lemkos - westernmost group of west Ukrainian highlanders. Culture of Ukrainian Lemkos (Carpathian mountains). Poles forcefully and brutally deported most of Lemkos (105.000) from their native lands in late 1940s (special operation "Wisla"). Only 5.000 Lemkos returned to Lemkovyna.Там На Лемківщині Ukrainian (Lemko) Song
Lemkos of Luhansk district, UA. Luhansk TV, 2006

Lemkos of Luhansk district, UA. Luhansk TV, 2006

  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:32
  • Updated: 24 May 2011
  • views: 470
Лемкы луганщини. ТБ Луганськ, 2006. Lemky - osinnyj spomyn. TV Luhansk, 2006 За часів СРСР про існування лемківських поселень на Луганщині широкому загалу майже нічого не було відомо, лише після здобуття Україною незалежності про луганських лемків дізналася громадськість. Дуже приємно, що Луганщина відновлює історичну справедливість, бо історія не завжди була доброю до лемків, які підкорилися долі, але не забули праматірної землі, не забули свої традиції. Of Luhansk District, Ua. Luhansk Tv, 2006
Toronto Ukrainian Festival Parade. LEMKOS on parade. September 2012

Toronto Ukrainian Festival Parade. LEMKOS on parade. September 2012

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:52
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013
  • views: 200 Ukrainian Festival Parade. Lemkos On Parade. September 2012
Гори наші Карпати (Our Karpaty) - Ukrainian Lemko song by Anychka

Гори наші Карпати (Our Karpaty) - Ukrainian Lemko song by Anychka

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:29
  • Updated: 03 Feb 2013
  • views: 45695
Гори наші Карпати. Лемківська пісня. Hory nashi Karpaty (Our Carpathian mountains). Ukrainian Lemko song. In Lemko dialect of Ukrainian language. By Anychka. Lemko folk dress and culture. Lemkos are western group of Ukrainian highlanders, actually they are the westernmost Ukrainians. Their original homeland is in what is now south eastern corner of Poland but unlike Poles they are Orthodox / or Greek-Catholic Christians and speak Ukrainian dialect. Most of them (105.000) have been forcefully deported by Polish authorities into western areas of Ukraine, while Poles from western Ukraine were deported into their lands instead. It was Ukrainian Lemko tragedy - "ethnocide". A few misguided (or rather ignorant) Polish & American citizens (not in Ukraine) of Lemko descent claim they are not Ukrainian and say they belong to a separate "Rusyn" nation (by this, they steal name Rusyn from Ukrainians, as term Rusyn (noun) is old name for Ukrainian be it from Dnieper or Galicia / Bukovyna, which in early 20th century was substituted with a term Ukrainian, a forced move to differentiate ourselves from Muscovites (group of a different genetic, linguistic and cultural composition) after those adopted Russian (Russkiy, adjective) as a selfname. All Ukrainians called themselves Rusyns / noun (except Russians who even today use only an adjective form russkiy a a selfname) in the past, not just Lemkos. This problem applies to only to a foreign individuals (often amon them are rootless Americans who cant even speak Ukrainian / Lemko), it is not found among Lemkos in Ukraine, who entirely identify as Ukrainians and are among the staunchest patriots of Ukraine. By chosing a separted identity these Polish and American citizens are doomed into assimilation / self destruction (if not already assimilated / polonized / slovakized) as it is impossible to maintain any sort of a stateless national life for a group of a scattered individuals living abroad wwithout even a homeland (as Poles forcefully deported most of Lemkos (bcs they viewed them as Ukrainians) into Ukraine during "population exchange" (Action Vistula in late 1940s) when also Poles from west Ukraine were deported back to Poland. Note, that Lemko dialect is little different from Ukrainian (but a few words). My advise for those Polish and Slovak citizens of Lemko descent, if you wish to survive and preserve Lemko / Ukrainian language & culture stick to Ukrainian mainstream, as only we whom God granted state (biggest in Europe) and can make it through into the future. Hutsuls for example (being even more distinct from the rest of Ukrainians than Lemkos are) thrive very well in Ukrainian community, but also Lemkos do (Lemko "heretics" are only to be found among certain Polish & American citizens as I told). Both cultures are becoming popular in Ukraine bcs of their originality. Each group of Ukrainian highlanders (Lemkos, Boykos, Hutsuls) each have distinct genetics (Boyko and Hutsul genetics are not Slavic, miles part from Slavs) but nevertheless they all speak forms of Ukrainian and identify as Ukrainians (Itanian Sardianians are also miles aprt from Italians but they are Italians anyway, so are Kaszubs and Gorals among Poles, Jaszok (Jasses) & Kunok (Cumans) among Hungarians arent originally Magyars but got merged with Hungarians). Rusyns (Ukrainians) of Vojvodina (north Serbia) in majority are not Lemkos. These are peasant immigrants from west Ukraine (Austrian rule, West Ukraine and Vojvodina was one empire) - Trancsarpathian or Galician Ukrainians and culturally little different from west Ukrainians. Those just got "isolated" when Ukrainian nationalism was forming in 19th early 20th century and unlike most of Ukrainians who switched name from Rusyn to Ukrainian, "got stuck in the past", also they speak 19th century west Ukrainian dailect just as English immigrants to New Zealnd (New Zealenders) speak 19th century English.Гори Наші Карпати (Our Karpaty) Ukrainian Lemko Song By Anychka
  • Yaroslava Ardan. Interview - 2012. Lemko.

    Interview with a Lemko woman in Lviv, born in 1937 in Polany near Dukla, Poland.
  • Interview with Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko from Woltuszowa/Lviv.

    Interview took place on September 1st, 2013 in Lviv.
  • Kateryna Ryszko. Interview - 2002. Lemko

    Interview with a Lemkynia from Tylawa, PL which was conducted in Miami Beach in 2002. Розмова з Лемкыніом Катерином Ґалайда Ришко з Тилявы награне в Miami Beach/Маямі Бічь в 2002 р.
  • Wyslotsky Petro (1926 - 2015). Lisiec, 2005. Interview 42

    Interview of Petro Wyslotsky, a Lemko from Lisiec, western Poland. Before deportations of Lemkos he lived in the village of Izby, Lemkovyna. Interview by Petro Rusynko.
  • Душко моя (Duško moja) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song by "Burdon"

    Душко моя (Dusko moja). Ukrainian Lemko folk song by "Burdon" folk band - from Lviv, west Ukraine. Бурдон - львівський музичний етно-гурт, створений у 2002 році, виконує музику інспіровану переважно східно-європейським і, зокрема, карпатським фольклором. Задля кращого відтворення давнього та живого звучання етнічної музики, гурт використовує народні інструменти, часто досить незвичні, як от давня фіделя, балканська бузукі і тапан, українська ліра колісна, східна дарабука тощо. Склад: Олена Єременко - скрипка, спів Дана Бончук - спів Любомир Іщук - таіко, дарабука Іван Огар - контрабас Рост Татомир - бузукі, спів, ліра колісна Лемки - найзахідніша група українців (далі лемків на заході українці вже не живуть). Генетично суттєво відрізняються від решти українців і ...
  • Interview40 - Lisiec 2005 - Bortniane

    Interview of brothers Mykolai and Yaroslav Worobel, and Ivan Shkurat - Lemkos from Bortne, conducted by Petro Rusynko and Ivan "Vanio" Fesh. Mykolai spent 7 months at the Polish concentration camp in Jaworzno in 1947. Rozmowa z braćmi Mikołajem i Jarosławem Worobel, i Janem Szkuratem, Łemkami z Bortnego w Lis'cu na "Ziemiach Odzyskanych". Mikołaj jest weteranem polskiego obozu koncentracyjnego w Jaworznie w 1947 roku. Rozmowa prowadzona Petrom Rusynko i Vaniom Fesz.
  • Chotar - Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn) folk song (łemkowska piosenka)

    Song performed by the Lemko group "Serencza" ("Серенчa") A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people consider themselves as an independent nation and we are officially recognized as one of the national minorities in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation!
  • Hej bida (Гей бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn )

    A Lemko folk song performed by the group Drewutnia Illustrations by Julieta Gonzales from the book "Як Липнянe сонцe до мiха iмали" A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people form an independent nation and we are officially recognized as one of the national minorities in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation!
  • Lemko Vatra 2013 - Lemkivsky Pisni (August 4, 2013)

    Aug 3-5, 2013 Lemko Vatra 2013 (XXVIII Лемківська Ватра Об'єднання Лемків Канади)
  • I like learning Lemko

    A Lemko class conducted for students of the primary school in Gładyszów.
  • Bilaja bereza -- Etno hory 57 -- ( lemko music poland julia doshna )

    Bilaja bereza -- Julia Doshna ( lemko music poland julia doshna ) ukrainian etno
  • Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók

    Сисе відео розказує про вто ,,Ко мы такі Лемкы?!?!" Тай про тяжку долю нашу! Театр Стоварішиня Лемків в Лігниці представлят драму Андрия Копчы "Одтяты Коріня".
  • Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók

  • Tereza Kyshchak - the art of Lemko Pysanka (Easter Egg), 2013

    Easter eggs created by Tereza Kyshchak are on display at the private B. I. Antonych Museum of Lemko Wood-Carving and Easter Eggs, located in Lviv on Rankova Street 16/1. Cared for by Stefan and Tereza Kyshchak. Лемківска писанка створена руками Терезы Кыщак. Приватний музей лемківской різбы і писанок ім. Богдана-Ігоря Антонича - Стефан & Тереза Кищак - ґаздове. тел. 380 32 292 0458
  • Cne mi sia za tobom - Lemko song

    Łemkowska pieśń o tęsknocie za rodzinną ziemią, śpiewa Julia Doszna The Lemkos (Carpatho-Rusyns) are a national minority officially recognized in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT Ukrainians or part of any other nation!
  • Lemko, Tyt i Tam (Лемко, Tyt і Tam)

    Restored - Lemko, Tyt i Tam (Лемко, Tyt і Tam) performed at the Canadian National Ukrainian Festival, Dauphin, Manitoba, 30 July 2010. Tyt i Tam Video by UkeTube
  • Lemkos, "They obeyed their fate" - TV Luhansk 2008. Луганські Лемки. Вони підкорилися долі.

    Vony pіdkorylysіа doli - TV Luhansk 2008. Вони підкорилися долі - ТБ Луганськ, 2008. Лемкы на Ворошиловградщині/Луганщині.
Yaroslava Ardan. Interview - 2012. Lemko.

Yaroslava Ardan. Interview - 2012. Lemko.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 50:07
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2012
  • views: 2029
Interview with a Lemko woman in Lviv, born in 1937 in Polany near Dukla, Poland. Ardan. Interview 2012. Lemko.
Interview with Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko from Woltuszowa/Lviv.

Interview with Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko from Woltuszowa/Lviv.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 113:22
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2013
  • views: 328
Interview took place on September 1st, 2013 in Lviv. With Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko From Woltuszowa Lviv.
Kateryna Ryszko. Interview - 2002. Lemko

Kateryna Ryszko. Interview - 2002. Lemko

  • Order:
  • Duration: 66:41
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2012
  • views: 830
Interview with a Lemkynia from Tylawa, PL which was conducted in Miami Beach in 2002. Розмова з Лемкыніом Катерином Ґалайда Ришко з Тилявы награне в Miami Beach/Маямі Бічь в 2002 р. Ryszko. Interview 2002. Lemko
Wyslotsky Petro (1926 - 2015). Lisiec, 2005. Interview 42

Wyslotsky Petro (1926 - 2015). Lisiec, 2005. Interview 42

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:28
  • Updated: 26 Mar 2012
  • views: 322
Interview of Petro Wyslotsky, a Lemko from Lisiec, western Poland. Before deportations of Lemkos he lived in the village of Izby, Lemkovyna. Interview by Petro Rusynko. Petro (1926 2015). Lisiec, 2005. Interview 42
Душко моя (Duško moja) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song by "Burdon"

Душко моя (Duško moja) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song by "Burdon"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:14
  • Updated: 26 Feb 2013
  • views: 20523
Душко моя (Dusko moja). Ukrainian Lemko folk song by "Burdon" folk band - from Lviv, west Ukraine. Бурдон - львівський музичний етно-гурт, створений у 2002 році, виконує музику інспіровану переважно східно-європейським і, зокрема, карпатським фольклором. Задля кращого відтворення давнього та живого звучання етнічної музики, гурт використовує народні інструменти, часто досить незвичні, як от давня фіделя, балканська бузукі і тапан, українська ліра колісна, східна дарабука тощо. Склад: Олена Єременко - скрипка, спів Дана Бончук - спів Любомир Іщук - таіко, дарабука Іван Огар - контрабас Рост Татомир - бузукі, спів, ліра колісна Лемки - найзахідніша група українців (далі лемків на заході українці вже не живуть). Генетично суттєво відрізняються від решти українців і слов'ян, свого роду малий народ зі своїм одягом, діалектом, піснями, культурою. Більшість лемків - українські патріоти. Примусово були виселені (поляками) з Лемківщини на Україну або на нові західні польські землі. Сьогодні Лемківщину заселяють вже здебільшого польські поселенці а лемківськи церкви перероблені на костели. Мешкають розкидано в різних місцях Галичини, Донбасу, півдня України, заходу та півночі Польщі. Лемки - найтісніше пов'язані з українським плем'ям карпатських (білих) хорватів. Операція «Вісла» — етнічна чистка західних груп українців, здійснена у 1947 році (початок — 29 березня) під керівництвом Радянського Союзу (по суті Росії), Польщі, Чехословаччини. Полягала у примусовій депортації (виселенні) з використанням збройних сил вказаних країн українців з Лемківщини, Посяння, Підляшшя і Холмщини на ті території у західній та північній частині польської держави, що до 1945 належали Німеччині, а також у різні регіони СРСР: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemkos - westernmost group of Ukrainians, the last Ukrainians to the west. Further west than Lemkos, Ukrainian dont live. They are specific group of people with distinct genetics (different from other Ukrainians, Poles or Slavs), own dialect, own songs, own clothing, own culture etc. Like other Ukrainians they belong to the Eastern Church and use Ukrainian Cyrillic. Their native territory is south eastern corner of Poland (Beskydy / Bieszczady range of the Carpathians, south from Sanok). They seem to be directly linked to the ancient tribe of Carpathian Croats, part of them migrated to the Balkans in the 6 th cen. Many pointed at some resemblence in their dialect with Croatian (words like "shto"). Otherwise, the Lemko language is little different from standard Ukrainian (some vocabulary and some endings differ, peculiar "y" sound, has some Polish vocabulary too like "juz", "mi", "bylo", "prez", "wami", "gury"). Lemkos were forcefully deported from their aboriginal lands (now mainly Poles live there) by Polish communist regime mainly into modern western Ukraine and elsewhere into Ukraine. They are called Lemkos becase they use word "lem" (only) instead of Ukrainian: tilky or lyshe / Polish: tylko or lecz (only). Forced deportation of 200.000 Lemko Ukrainians from their native lands (done by Polish communist regime with help of Army Krajowa along with violence) - Only 5.000 returned...Lemko land is no more... Interview with member of Polish Army Krajowa who confesses about the committed atrocities (use google translate) - "I was worse than beast":,8/bylem-gorszy-od-zwierzecia-bylem-zolnierzem-ak,148732.htmlДушко Моя (Duško Moja) Ukrainian (Lemko) Song By Burdon
Interview40 - Lisiec 2005 - Bortniane

Interview40 - Lisiec 2005 - Bortniane

  • Order:
  • Duration: 81:54
  • Updated: 21 Mar 2012
  • views: 1224
Interview of brothers Mykolai and Yaroslav Worobel, and Ivan Shkurat - Lemkos from Bortne, conducted by Petro Rusynko and Ivan "Vanio" Fesh. Mykolai spent 7 months at the Polish concentration camp in Jaworzno in 1947. Rozmowa z braćmi Mikołajem i Jarosławem Worobel, i Janem Szkuratem, Łemkami z Bortnego w Lis'cu na "Ziemiach Odzyskanych". Mikołaj jest weteranem polskiego obozu koncentracyjnego w Jaworznie w 1947 roku. Rozmowa prowadzona Petrom Rusynko i Vaniom Fesz. Lisiec 2005 Bortniane
Chotar - Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn) folk song (łemkowska piosenka)

Chotar - Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn) folk song (łemkowska piosenka)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013
  • views: 25463
Song performed by the Lemko group "Serencza" ("Серенчa") A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people consider themselves as an independent nation and we are officially recognized as one of the national minorities in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation! Lemko ( Carpatho Rusyn) Folk Song (Łemkowska Piosenka)
Hej bida (Гей бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn )

Hej bida (Гей бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn )

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2012
  • views: 11049
A Lemko folk song performed by the group Drewutnia Illustrations by Julieta Gonzales from the book "Як Липнянe сонцe до мiха iмали" A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) people form an independent nation and we are officially recognized as one of the national minorities in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT part of Ukrainians or any other nation! Bida (Гей Бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho Rusyn )
Lemko Vatra 2013 - Lemkivsky Pisni (August 4, 2013)

Lemko Vatra 2013 - Lemkivsky Pisni (August 4, 2013)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:39
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013
  • views: 12516
Aug 3-5, 2013 Lemko Vatra 2013 (XXVIII Лемківська Ватра Об'єднання Лемків Канади) Vatra 2013 Lemkivsky Pisni (August 4, 2013)
I like learning Lemko

I like learning Lemko

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 707
A Lemko class conducted for students of the primary school in Gładyszów. Like Learning Lemko
Bilaja bereza -- Etno hory 57 -- ( lemko music poland julia doshna )

Bilaja bereza -- Etno hory 57 -- ( lemko music poland julia doshna )

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:59
  • Updated: 29 Sep 2013
  • views: 5444
Bilaja bereza -- Julia Doshna ( lemko music poland julia doshna ) ukrainian etno Bereza Etno Hory 57 ( Lemko Music Poland Julia Doshna )
Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók

Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók

  • Order:
  • Duration: 106:59
  • Updated: 23 Aug 2013
  • views: 1091
Сисе відео розказує про вто ,,Ко мы такі Лемкы?!?!" Тай про тяжку долю нашу! Театр Стоварішиня Лемків в Лігниці представлят драму Андрия Копчы "Одтяты Коріня".Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók

Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:37
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013
  • views: 1117Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
Tereza Kyshchak - the art of Lemko Pysanka (Easter Egg), 2013

Tereza Kyshchak - the art of Lemko Pysanka (Easter Egg), 2013

  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:51
  • Updated: 19 Oct 2013
  • views: 1110
Easter eggs created by Tereza Kyshchak are on display at the private B. I. Antonych Museum of Lemko Wood-Carving and Easter Eggs, located in Lviv on Rankova Street 16/1. Cared for by Stefan and Tereza Kyshchak. Лемківска писанка створена руками Терезы Кыщак. Приватний музей лемківской різбы і писанок ім. Богдана-Ігоря Антонича - Стефан & Тереза Кищак - ґаздове. тел. 380 32 292 0458 Kyshchak The Art Of Lemko Pysanka (Easter Egg), 2013
Cne mi sia za tobom - Lemko song

Cne mi sia za tobom - Lemko song

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:23
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013
  • views: 4152
Łemkowska pieśń o tęsknocie za rodzinną ziemią, śpiewa Julia Doszna The Lemkos (Carpatho-Rusyns) are a national minority officially recognized in many countries where we live (e.g. Poland, Slovakia, Serbia). We are NOT Ukrainians or part of any other nation! Mi Sia Za Tobom Lemko Song
Lemko, Tyt i Tam (Лемко, Tyt і Tam)

Lemko, Tyt i Tam (Лемко, Tyt і Tam)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 24 Mar 2016
  • views: 25
Restored - Lemko, Tyt i Tam (Лемко, Tyt і Tam) performed at the Canadian National Ukrainian Festival, Dauphin, Manitoba, 30 July 2010. Tyt i Tam Video by UkeTube, Tyt I Tam (Лемко, Tyt І Tam)
Lemkos, "They obeyed their fate" - TV Luhansk 2008. Луганські Лемки. Вони підкорилися долі.

Lemkos, "They obeyed their fate" - TV Luhansk 2008. Луганські Лемки. Вони підкорилися долі.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:46
  • Updated: 25 May 2011
  • views: 973
Vony pіdkorylysіа doli - TV Luhansk 2008. Вони підкорилися долі - ТБ Луганськ, 2008. Лемкы на Ворошиловградщині/Луганщині., They Obeyed Their Fate Tv Luhansk 2008. Луганські Лемки. Вони Підкорилися Долі.
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    Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Wedding song. Eastern Slovakia. Slovak folklore.

    Sings Maria Macoskova. Archival record. Lemkos - one of several quantitatively and territorially small nationalities who also traditionally call themselves Rusyns (Ukrainian: Руснаки, Lemko: Руснакы, Rusnaky; sing. Руснак, Rusnak),are one of the four major groups inhabiting the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Their language has been variously described as a Lemko language in its own right (literary Lemko language is one of the four literary norms of the Carpatho-Rusyn language), a dialect of the Rusyn language (a group of dialects which is, itself, sometimes described as a distinct dialect of the Ukrainian or Slovak dialect group). In any case, the Lemko tongue and the Ukrainian language are akin but not always mutually intelligible (ref: Best and Moklak)The Lemkos' homeland is commonly referred to as Lemkivshchyna (Ukrainian: Лeмкiвщина, Lemko: Lemkovyna (Лeмкoвина), Polish: Łemkowszczyzna). Up until 1945, this included the area from the Poprad River in the east to the valley of Oslawa River in the west, areas situated primarily in present-day Poland, in the Lesser Poland and Subcarpathian Voivodeships. This part of the Carpathian mountains is mostly deforested, which allowed for an agrarian economy, alongside such traditional occupations as ox grazing and sheep herding. This area was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until its dissolution in 1918, at which point the Lemko-Rusyn Republic (Ruska Lemkivska) declared its independence. Independence did not last long however, and the territory was incorporated into Poland in 1920. As a result of the repatriation of Ukrainians from Poland to USSR, the majority of Lemkos from this territory were resettled throughout Poland and in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, leaving a significant population only in the Prešov Region of present-day Slovakia. Lemkos are/were neighbours with Slovaks, Carpathian Germans and Lachy sądeckie (Poles) to the west, Pogorzans (Poles) and Dolinians (Dale Dwellers subethnic of Lemkos) to the north, Ukrainians to the east, and Slovaks to the south.The name "Lemko" derives from the common expression Lem (Лeм), which can mean "but", "only", or "like" in the Lemko dialect. "Lemko" came into use as an endonym after having been used as an exonym by the neighboring Boykos and Hutsuls, who do not use that expression in their respective dialects. Prior to this moniker, the Lemkos described themselves as Rusnaks ((Ukrainian: Руснaки, translit. Rusnaky) or Rusyns (Ukrainian: Русини, translit. Rusyny), as did the rest of the inhabitants of present-day Western Ukraine in the 19th century and first part of the 20th century. In the early 20th century, a majority of these peoples became active participants in the creation of the Ukrainian nation and came to call themselves Ukrainians (Ukrainian: Українці, translit. Ukrayintsi). However, while they may have accepted the new state of Ukraine, some Lemkos, including many in Poland and Slovakia, consider themselves to be a distinct ethnicity, while some claim to be Ukrainians and still others identify themselves as Rusyns. Wedding song-sings Maria Macosko from Presov.
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    Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Wed­ding song. East­ern Slo­vakia. Slo­vak folk­lore.
    Sings Maria Ma­cosko­va. Archival record. Lemkos - one of sev­er­al quan­ti­ta­tive­ly and ter­ri­to...
    pub­lished: 28 Jul 2008
    Play in Full Screen
    Lemkos. The Up­root­ed (2012). (Full Ver­sion)
    "Вирвані з Корінєм". Made in Ternopil (2012) - полна версія. Знаны там твари а і такы котр...
    pub­lished: 02 Jan 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Sága krásy - Lemkos. East­ern Slo­vakia. Rusínska pesnička.
    Archival record. Hist.​photo. Sings Maria Ma­cosko­va. Lemkos - Rusyns (some­times spelled Rus...
    pub­lished: 05 Jun 2010
    Play in Full Screen
    Part 1- The Lemkos of the Carpathi­ans: A His­to­ry of Eth­nic Strife
    pub­lished: 17 Jun 2010
    Play in Full Screen
    Part 2 - The Lemkos of the Carpathi­ans: A His­to­ry of Eth­nic Strife
    pub­lished: 18 Jun 2010
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    Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня (Lemkos, west Ukraini­an high­landers)
    Вертай дівче - лемківська пісня. Ver­tay di­vche (Girl, re­turn), Lemko (west­ern Ukraini­an) f...
    pub­lished: 20 Jan 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Gates to the Lemkos' Land (2011) - sub­ti­tles in UA/PL/Eng
    Двері Лемківщини - директор Роман Крик Drzwi Łemkowszczyzny - Reżyse­ria/Dyrek­tor Roman Kr...
    pub­lished: 13 Aug 2015
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    Iso­lat­ed Lemkos mi­nor­i­ty en­dures shat­tered Ukraine war zone
    The Lemkos are a tiny and large­ly for­got­ten mi­nor­i­ty whose trag­ic his­to­ry has seen them to...
    pub­lished: 09 Oct 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Sága krásy - Lemkos - Rusíni. Rusínska bal­a­da. Bal­lad from east­ern Slo­vakia.
    Rusínska bal­a­da z oblasti Hu­menného v podaní Natálie Petrašovskej.
    pub­lished: 20 Apr 2009
    Play in Full Screen
    Les Lemkos, mi­norités aban­données en Ukraine
    Le vil­lage de Styla dans la région de Donet­sk a été con­stru­it il y a plus de 200 ans par d...
    pub­lished: 09 Oct 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Tam w Gor­ly­ci­ach - Lemko ( Лемко) ( Carpatho-Rusyn NOT Ukraini­an!)
    Lemko sol­dier's song A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) peo­ple form an in­de­pen­dent na­tion and...
    pub­lished: 12 Dec 2009
    Play in Full Screen
    А я їду селом (лемківська) -- Ukraini­an (Lemko) folk song
    А я їду селом. Лемківська народна пісня. Виконання: Павло Доскоч, м. Тернопіль. A ja jidu ...
    pub­lished: 21 Jan 2014
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    Dobri w Ameryci - Carpatho-Rusyn Lemko song (NOT Ukraini­an!)
    Lemko em­i­grant song by the group Orkies­tra Świętego Mikołaja A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rus...
    pub­lished: 01 Mar 2011
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    Lemkos - Polta­va. "Boli­ucha Pami­at" Polta­va TV, 2007
    "Болюча Пам'ять" - Лемкы на Полтавщыні. Автор/режисер: Алла Гусак. OДТПК "Лтава"
    pub­lished: 05 Apr 2011
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    Yaroslava Ardan. Interview - 2012. Lemko.

    Interview with a Lemko woman in Lviv, born in 1937 in Polany near Dukla, Poland.
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    • Yaroslava Ardan. Interview - 2012. Lemko.
      Yaroslava Ardan. Interview - 2012. Lemko.
    • Interview with Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko from Woltuszowa/Lviv.
      Interview with Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko from Woltuszowa/Lviv.
    • Kateryna Ryszko. Interview - 2002. Lemko
      Kateryna Ryszko. Interview - 2002. Lemko
    • Wyslotsky Petro (1926 - 2015). Lisiec, 2005. Interview 42
      Wyslotsky Petro (1926 - 2015). Lisiec, 2005. Interview 42
    • Душко моя (Duško moja) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song by
      Душко моя (Duško moja) - Ukrainian (Lemko) song by "Burdon"
    • Interview40 - Lisiec 2005 - Bortniane
      Interview40 - Lisiec 2005 - Bortniane
    • Chotar - Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn) folk song (łemkowska piosenka)
      Chotar - Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn) folk song (łemkowska piosenka)
    • Hej bida (Гей бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn )
      Hej bida (Гей бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn )
    • Lemko Vatra 2013 - Lemkivsky Pisni (August 4, 2013)
      Lemko Vatra 2013 - Lemkivsky Pisni (August 4, 2013)
    • I like learning Lemko
      I like learning Lemko
    • Bilaja bereza -- Etno hory 57 -- ( lemko music poland julia doshna )
      Bilaja bereza -- Etno hory 57 -- ( lemko music poland julia doshna )
    • Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
      Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
    • Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
      Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
    • Tereza Kyshchak - the art of Lemko Pysanka (Easter Egg), 2013
      Tereza Kyshchak - the art of Lemko Pysanka (Easter Egg), 2013

    Yarosla­va Ardan. In­ter­view - 2012. Lemko.
    In­ter­view with a Lemko woman in Lviv, born in 1937 in Polany near Dukla, Poland.
    pub­lished: 17 Nov 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    In­ter­view with Mykhal Harahuz. Lemko from Wol­tus­zowa/Lviv.
    In­ter­view took place on Septem­ber 1st, 2013 in Lviv.
    pub­lished: 12 Sep 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Katery­na Ryszko. In­ter­view - 2002. Lemko
    In­ter­view with a Lemky­nia from Ty­lawa, PL which was con­duct­ed in Miami Beach in 2002. Розм...
    pub­lished: 19 Nov 2012
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    Wys­lot­sky Petro (1926 - 2015). Lisiec, 2005. In­ter­view 42
    In­ter­view of Petro Wys­lot­sky, a Lemko from Lisiec, west­ern Poland. Be­fore de­por­ta­tions of ...
    pub­lished: 26 Mar 2012
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    Душко моя (Duško moja) - Ukraini­an (Lemko) song by "Bur­don"
    Душко моя (Dusko moja). Ukraini­an Lemko folk song by "Bur­don" folk band - http://​burdon.​lv...
    pub­lished: 26 Feb 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    In­ter­view40 - Lisiec 2005 - Bort­ni­ane
    In­ter­view of broth­ers Myko­lai and Yaroslav Woro­bel, and Ivan Shku­rat - Lemkos from Bortne,...
    pub­lished: 21 Mar 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    Chotar - Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn) folk song (łemkows­ka piosen­ka)
    Song per­formed by the Lemko group "Serencza" ("Серенчa") A lot of Lemko (Carpatho-Rusyn) p...
    pub­lished: 28 Jul 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Hej bida (Гей бiдa), Lemko ( Carpatho-Rusyn )
    A Lemko folk song per­formed by the group Drewut­nia Il­lus­tra­tions by Juli­eta Gon­za­les from ...
    pub­lished: 01 Nov 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    Lemko Vatra 2013 - Lemkivsky Pisni (Au­gust 4, 2013)
    Aug 3-5, 2013 Lemko Vatra 2013 (XXVI­II Лемківська Ватра Об'єднання Лемків Канади)
    pub­lished: 09 Aug 2013
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    I like learn­ing Lemko
    A Lemko class con­duct­ed for stu­dents of the pri­ma­ry school in Gładyszów.
    pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
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    Bi­la­ja bereza -- Etno hory 57 -- ( lemko music poland julia dosh­na )
    Bi­la­ja bereza -- Julia Dosh­na ( lemko music poland julia dosh­na ) ukraini­an etno
    pub­lished: 29 Sep 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
    Сисе відео розказує про вто ,,Ко мы такі Лемкы?!?!" Тай про тяжку долю нашу! Театр Стов...
    pub­lished: 23 Aug 2013
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    Лемкы \ Лемки \ Łemko \ Lemko \ Lemkók
    pub­lished: 01 Jul 2013
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    Tereza Kyshchak - the art of Lemko Pysan­ka (East­er Egg), 2013
    East­er eggs cre­at­ed by Tereza Kyshchak are on dis­play at the pri­vate B. I. Antonych Mu­se­um...
    pub­lished: 19 Oct 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    photo: AP / John Minchillo
    Authorities set up road blocks at the intersection of Union Hill Road and Route 32 at the perimeter of a crime scene, Friday, April 22, 2016, in Pike County, Ohio. Shootings with multiple fatalities were reported along a road in rural Ohio on Friday morning.

    3 kids survive slaying of 8 family members in Ohio

    Edit CNN 23 Apr 2016
    (CNN)Eight family members found dead in a rural southern Ohio community were shot in the head "execution style," most while they slept, authorities said Friday. Officers are searching for the killer or killers, who are probably armed and a danger to surviving family members, Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader said ... "I've given the family precautionary measures to make. They know we're available." ... Read More ... 'Doesn't happen every day' ... ......
    photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster
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    Saudi Arabia may be in for a nasty shock when Obama steps down

    Edit The Independent 22 Apr 2016
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    File - Prince performing during his Nude Tour in Ireland, 1990.

    Prince: postmortem to be held after death of singer

    Edit The Guardian 22 Apr 2016
    Star who sold 100m records during rich and unpredictable career found collapsed at Paisley Park home outside Minneapolis. A postmortem examination will take place on Friday on the body of Prince, who died at his Paisley Park home aged 57, leaving behind him a gaping hole in musical genres as diverse as R&B, rock, funk and pop ...Yes, it’s Prince” when asked if he was with the person ... Sorry, your browser is unable to play this video ... ....
    photo: Creative Commons / Tatiana
    Andy Murray at 2015 Mutua Madrid Open, Spain

    Murray to remain outspoken against doping

    Edit Boston Herald 23 Apr 2016
    LONDONAndy Murray plans to remain outspoken against doping, despite facing a backlash for some of his recent comments on performance-enhancing drugs in tennis. The No. 2-ranked player was branded "out of order" by Novak Djokovic's coach, Boris Becker, for saying in a newspaper interview that he wonders whether some players are doping ... Murray will stage an "Andy Murray Live " event in Glasgow on Sept ... "A lot of the tennis players ......
    photo: Creative Commons / Antti Havukainen
    MS Gabriella in Kustaamiekka strait, Helsinki.MS Gabriella is a cruise ferry sailing on a route connecting Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden for Viking Line.

    Cuba reversal appears to clear way for Carnival cruise

    Edit CNN 22 Apr 2016
    Havana, Cuba (CNN)The Cuban government said it would scrap a long-standing ban on letting people born in Cuba come to the island by cruise ship, the Communist Party newspaper Granma reported Friday. The change in policy appears to remove barriers to the first visit by a U.S. cruise ship to the island scheduled for next month. The Carnival Cruise Corp ... Obama calls for change and freedom in Cuba. JUST WATCHED ... Replay ... ....

    Presentation of Honours in Vancouver (Governor General of Canada)

    Edit Public Technologies 29 Feb 2016
    (Source. Governor General of Canada). February 29, 2016. OTTAWA-His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, will present honours during two ceremonies on Friday,March 4, 2016, at 9.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. (PST) at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, in Vancouver, British Columbia ... and again at 2.30 p.m ... Dr ... Jerrold Lemko ... Jerrold Lemko has dedicated over 24 years to his community's well-being and safety....

    Facebook starts Telecom Infra Project with Intel, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, EE, Equinix, Globe, HCL, others

    Edit Venture Beat 22 Feb 2016
    This isn’t just another internal effort at Facebook ... “Scaling traditional telecom infrastructure to meet this global data challenge is not moving as fast as people need ... Africa Mobile Network Amarisoft Aricent ASOCS Athonet AW2S BaiCells Bandwidth Deutsche Telekom EE Equinix Facebook Globe Harman HCL iDirect Intel IP Access Lemko Nexius Nokia Quortus Radisys SDS SK Telecom Ss7ware Star Solutions Sysmocom Vanu VNL ... Facebook ... ....

    Tazca Connects and Radio Link Internet Deploy EZ LTE for 10 Rural Counties in Minnesota EZ LTE Enables Affordable and Reliable Private LTE over Citizens Band Spectrum

    Edit PR Newswire 01 Dec 2015
    Lemko's EZ LTE smart access point debuted at CTIA Super Mobility on September, 2015 as a product family of Off-the-Shelf smart eNodeB indoor and outdoor access points designed for Enterprise and Industry Vertical IoT Solutions.  EZ LTE provides broadband carrier grade connectivity for Private LTE networks and delivers a robust LTE solution with network scalability and drop-n-go economics normally associated with Wi-Fi solutions....

    Lemkos: Abandoned minority of shattered Ukraine war zone

    Edit Yahoo Daily News 09 Oct 2015
    Her subsistence and that of 450 others in what remains of the village of Peremozhne has been made no easier by them being Lemkos -- a tiny and largely forgotten minority whose tragic history has seen them tossed across eastern Europe for generations ... The Lemkos' history is indeed as complex as that of many other communities that suffered under various warlords and royalty who commanded central and eastern Europe for centuries....

    AFP 0900 GMT News Advisory

    Edit Yahoo Daily News 09 Oct 2015
    Duty Editor. Tanya Willmer. Tel. +33 1 -- TOP STORIES --. + Tunisia mediators win Nobel prize ... OSLO ... Video ... Ukraine-Russia-conflict-Lemkos-minorities,FOCUS ... For the last year, the subsistence of partially blind Tetyana and 450 others in what remains of their village has been made no easier by them being Lemkos -- a tiny and largely forgotten minority whose tragic history has seen them tossed across eastern Europe for generations....

    AFPTV Advisory 1000 GMT

    Edit Yahoo Daily News 09 Oct 2015
    We will file the following videos.. + HIGHLIGHTS. OSLO/TUNIS. Tunisian national dialogue mediators win Nobel Peace Prize. JERUSALEM/RAMALLAH/NAZARETH/GAZA. Renewed violence between Palestinians and Israelis. KANDIL, IRAQ. Exclusive interview with senior PKK figure Cemil Bayik. + EUROPE. OSLO. Tunisian national dialogue mediators win Nobel Peace Prize. Announcement. Filed. BRUSSELS ... TBC ... Lemkos - abandoned minority of shattered Ukraine war zone ... TBA....


    Edit Public Technologies 11 Sep 2015
    (Source. Merz GmbH & Co KGaA). Raleigh, N.C. / 9. September 2015 ... "It's an honor to have Mederma® PM Intensive Overnight Scar Cream recognized as a Breakthrough Product by the editors of," said Mark Lemko, Vice President and U.S. Head of the Merz Aesthetics Skincare business ... Mederma® PM may be used on scars on the face and the body resulting from injury, cuts, surgery, burns and acne ... About Merz Aesthetics ... Phone....

    Pharmacy times and U.S. news & world report name Mederma® the #1 pharmacist recommended brand ...

    Edit Public Technologies 04 Sep 2015
    (Source. Merz GmbH & Co KGaA) Pharmacy times and U.S. news & world report name Mederma® the #1 pharmacist recommended brand for scar and stretch mark treatments. Raleigh, N.C. / 24. August 2015 ... "We are proud to announce that Mederma® has once more been recognized as the #1 pharmacist-recommended brand for both scar care and stretch mark therapy," said Mark Lemko, Vice President and U.S ... About Merz Aesthetics ... and Canada ... Phone....

    Public Safety LTE: A Global Assessment of Market Size, Technology, Vendor Trends and Spectrum Allocation 2015 - 2020

    Edit PR Newswire 12 May 2015
    NEW YORK, May 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Overview.. Considered as the de-facto standard for Public Safety broadband communications, LTE is rapidly gaining momentum within the Public Safety industry. As a result Public Safety agencies, vendors and service provider are heavily investing in Public Safety LTE, with commercial deployments in both the North America and the Middle East region ... The report covers the following topics. ... 3GPP ... Lemko ... ....

    The NFV, SDN & Wireless Network Infrastructure Market: 2015 - 2020 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies and Forecasts

    Edit PR Newswire 27 Jan 2015
    Green Packet GrenTech (China GrenTech Corporation) Guavus Guineanet H3C Technologies HFR HP (Hewlett-Packard) HSL (Hay Systems Limited) HTC HXI Handlink Technologies Hatteras Haymaker Technologies HetNets Tower Corporation Hilton Hitachi Hitachi CTA (Hitachi Communication Technologies America) Hitachi Cable Networks Honeywell Hrvatski Telekom ......

    Kiev Planning Full-Scale War on Donbas

    Edit The People's Voice 18 Jan 2015
    What's ongoing should scare everyone. State-sponsored terror threatens Europe. Initiated post-Paris killings. On the pretext of fighting nonexistent homegrown terrorism. At the same time, MSM ignore Kiev's ceasefire hoax. Ongoing dirty war rages in Europe's heartland. Donbas residents attacked. Civilian neighborhoods shelled ... According to Sivkov. ... Another volunteer group called Lemko said Ukrainian artillery fired in an unknown direction ... ....