Episode 7 Feat. WitchyWoman & PsychicBoy
Thank you to our Guest(s) Of The Week, Witchy Woman & Psychic Boy - He sees and hears dead people and she heckles them - these 2 people are just great and be sure to visit their channel: www.youtube.com Showed Up or Blowed Up: DieselBodine's "Sweet Tater Pie" be sures ta visit him and let him knows whatcha thought of his song! www.youtube.com Question Of The Week: JawDawn - Dawn, we apologize, but... when we watched yer vidjoe ya sent us, we noticed that yer sound wuzn't the greatest, so Eunice and I took the liberty of puttin' her voice in place of yerz!!!! Dawn is a great supporter of musicians on YouTube and you can visit her here: www.youtube.com Calamity Jane is YouTube's resident HipChick ROCK STAR and most peeps knows her as Cameragirl803 - a wonderful singer/songwriter and downright WONDERFUL buddy - go see her and tell her that Maynard's got the hot's for her on all her videos: www.youtube.com The "MYSTERY GUEST" will be revealed next week.... Leah Clark IS Eunice Florenster and you can find her nicer side here: www.youtube.com - Leah has been my buddy for years, and has one of the most beautiful singing voices you will ever hear. Chocked full of talent, I discovered her FINE acting abilities during the making of "Feed The Dogs" - we love you Leah!!!! Virgil Mandanici IS Maynard Ledbetter and he pretends to be a guitarist/musician here: www.youtube.com Title theme "Hog Punk" written and performed by Virgil G. Mandanici © Copyright 1995. Ending piano piece is the <b>...</b>