- published: 20 Mar 2011
- views: 4454
- author: zeldaparty8

Okamiden Soundtrack - The Goryeo
This is just one of the many great songs of Okamiden. They're so great that I just felt th...
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: zeldaparty8
Okamiden Soundtrack - The Goryeo
This is just one of the many great songs of Okamiden. They're so great that I just felt the desire to upload them. Enjoy! Note: The music of Okamiden is the property of Capcom and its many wonderful composers and musicians.
- published: 20 Mar 2011
- views: 4454
- author: zeldaparty8

Korean history - Goryeo,the birth dynasty of Movable Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had trades with even europeans through arabian mer...
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: prkorea
Korean history - Goryeo,the birth dynasty of Movable Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had trades with even europeans through arabian merchants. Trade with Goryeo gave Korea its name to the western world. Goryeo is famous for its Printing technology and Pottery.
- published: 23 Mar 2009
- views: 12201
- author: prkorea

[Music] Okamiden - The Goryeo
Chasing down Akuro through the past, we come to the not-yet-wrecked ship from the first ga...
published: 27 Aug 2011
author: gmaster2647
[Music] Okamiden - The Goryeo
Chasing down Akuro through the past, we come to the not-yet-wrecked ship from the first game...the Goryeo. Proper rights to music mentioned at end of video.
- published: 27 Aug 2011
- views: 3026
- author: gmaster2647

Goryeo Palgwan ceremony and festival
Goryeo or Koryo (aka Kori) Kingdom of Korea, was one of most Buddhist country that existed...
published: 18 May 2009
author: consoleman09
Goryeo Palgwan ceremony and festival
Goryeo or Koryo (aka Kori) Kingdom of Korea, was one of most Buddhist country that existed between 918-1392 AD, founded by Wanggeun and built their capital at Kaesong. Having gone through many foreign invasions (wars with Khitan, Jurchen and Mongols), Koryo finally became Great Khan's son in law state by marrying direct Kublai Khan's daughters and ended with it's own corruption and internal civil war, which gave way to Joseon Kingdom of Korea. Joseon founder Yi Songgye was famous general from late Koryo period who rebelled against to his own king. This only survived true Korean buddhist ritual festivity was actually formed during late Silla Kingdom period and mixed with Korean shamanism gave birth to colorful festival. Unfortunately, Joseon Kings favored Confucianism over Buddhism, so it was prohibited. This ceremonial dance is still survived through Gyeonggi regions of Korea today.
- published: 18 May 2009
- views: 1230
- author: consoleman09

Goryeo--Khitan Wars
This story is about two Altai people or Turanian which are Korean and East Mongolian branc...
published: 20 Jan 2011
author: Gopidoralook
Goryeo--Khitan Wars
This story is about two Altai people or Turanian which are Korean and East Mongolian branch(Khitan) to have East Asia's supremacy at 10C The Goryeo-Khitan Wars were a series of 10th- and 11th-century invasions of Korea's Goryeo Dynasty by the Khitan Liao Dynasty During the Three Kingdoms of Korea period, Goguryeo occupied the northern Korean Peninsula and parts of Manchuria. With Goguryeo's fall in 668, Silla unified the Three Kingdoms, . A former Goguryeo general revived Goguryeo's Manchurian territory as the new kingdom of Balhae. Right after the fall of Goguryeo, Turkic peoples (called Göktürks) were divided and Another Turkic tribe, the Uyghurs, replaced the Göktürks their control was also strong. As Balhae, the Uyghur and the Tang Dynasty weakened, the Khitan people, a nomadic confederation located in Manchuria and eastern Mongolia who spoke the Mongolic Khitan language, grew stronger and began to expand their territory. Following Tang's fall in 907, China experienced a long period of civil war. In 911, threatened by Khitan expansion, Balhae sought assistance from the declining Silla of the Korean Peninsula. Records stated that Balhae also requested help from Silla's successor dynasty Goryeo during the Later Three Kingdoms. In 916, the Liao Dynasty was founded by the Khitan chief Yelü Abaoji, replacing the Uyghurs as the dominant power of present-day Mongolia. On the Korean Peninsula, Goryeo founded in 918. The Khitan in 926 destroyed Balhae, and many of Balhae's ...
- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 8747
- author: Gopidoralook

Goryeo Celadon porcelain
Koryo Dynasty (918-1392) celadon porcelain...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: Hyun Jo Lee
Goryeo Celadon porcelain
Koryo Dynasty (918-1392) celadon porcelain
- published: 10 Oct 2009
- views: 3732
- author: Hyun Jo Lee

tears of dragon highlights 1 - don't wanna be king
Tears of Dragon, Korean historical drama about fall of Goryeo and founding of Joseon dynas...
published: 30 Nov 2009
author: pierrotsvideo
tears of dragon highlights 1 - don't wanna be king
Tears of Dragon, Korean historical drama about fall of Goryeo and founding of Joseon dynasty: King Gongyang becomes the last king of Goryeo dynasty after General Yi Seong-gye's coup d'etat
- published: 30 Nov 2009
- views: 12004
- author: pierrotsvideo

Okamiden Walkthrough - Part 30: The Goryeo(9 Months Ago)
Okamiden for the Nintendo DS www.gameanyone.com Your #1 source for video walkthroughs....
published: 04 May 2011
author: mikey11190
Okamiden Walkthrough - Part 30: The Goryeo(9 Months Ago)
Okamiden for the Nintendo DS www.gameanyone.com Your #1 source for video walkthroughs.
- published: 04 May 2011
- views: 10986
- author: mikey11190

Okamiden Walkthrough - Part 32: The Goryeo(9 Months Ago)[Again]
Okamiden for the Nintendo DS www.gameanyone.com Your #1 source for video walkthroughs....
published: 07 May 2011
author: mikey11190
Okamiden Walkthrough - Part 32: The Goryeo(9 Months Ago)[Again]
Okamiden for the Nintendo DS www.gameanyone.com Your #1 source for video walkthroughs.
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 8056
- author: mikey11190

Koryo/Goryeo WTF
Koryo, or Goryeo, is the name of an old Korean Dynasty. The people from the Goryeo defeate...
published: 30 May 2012
author: Bradley Schreck
Koryo/Goryeo WTF
Koryo, or Goryeo, is the name of an old Korean Dynasty. The people from the Goryeo defeated the Mongolian aggressors. It is intended that their spirit is reflected in the movements of the poomse Koryo. Each movement of this poomse represents the strength and energy needed to control the Mongols. The line of direction is the shape of the Hanja for a "Scholar", learned man. Demonstrated by Brad Schreck
- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 257
- author: Bradley Schreck

Let's Play Okamiden Part 39: The Brave Men of the Goryeo
In this episode, Chibi and Nanami return to the Goryeo where they soon learn that demons h...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: LuckySevenDX
Let's Play Okamiden Part 39: The Brave Men of the Goryeo
In this episode, Chibi and Nanami return to the Goryeo where they soon learn that demons have invaded. Thus, the duo must cleanse the ship of all its intruders. Will they succeed? And when Kurow returns and a sudden enemy attacks, will the duo be able to save the ship or are they out of time? Find out now! In this episode: Goryeo (2nd time) Villagers: 19/19 Masterpieces: 42/50 Enemies: 37/63 Lucky Coins: 5/8
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 1585
- author: LuckySevenDX

Imperial Goryeo Celadon@williamartsauction
Arts,Artsauction,Advertising,Beauty of the Goryeo Ceungja,Celadon Goryeo,Heritage of Gorye...
published: 12 Nov 2009
author: williamarts
Imperial Goryeo Celadon@williamartsauction
Arts,Artsauction,Advertising,Beauty of the Goryeo Ceungja,Celadon Goryeo,Heritage of Goryeo Arts,Goryeo Music and Dance,Goryeo Gong Player,Koreanarts,Korean Festival,Korean Harvest Dance,The story of the fifth Emperor of early Goryeo Dynasty on the whole Korea Peninsula,ruling at 945AD-971AD,have the same Historical background of the arts how to rule with politics, how using the Official Bureaucraty and Landownership Policy,have the similarity with the fifth Liao Dynasty King ruling at the same time with reigned Mark Jingzong.According History of the Northern Frontier China at that's time at least three Wars between Liao Khitan with Goryeo,esspecially at the time Emperor Shengzong,after the peace Treaty between Goryeo,Liao and Northern Song the three country making progress with Trade and Cultural Exchange and sent Emissary each other,Goryeo Celadon is the first under Heaven written by Emissary sent by Northern Song as the most beauty under Heaven ,far outperformed even RU ware with his truly thinner bluegreen Glaze,really same as the best Jade Colour,imperialjingzong,imperialmiseceladon called at that time as only for court using,imperialdragondish with reign Mark esspecially mostly with chinese Emperor Mark,williamarts,williamartsauction,TV,NET,WEB, Imperial Dragondish as property from Gentleman,pottery,ceramics,stoneware,chinesearts
- published: 12 Nov 2009
- views: 333
- author: williamarts

Okamiden: Dark Chibi&The; Fate Of the Goryeo...
Again, This part made me cry... [AGAIN, don't complain about quality. Filming a hand-held ...
published: 11 Apr 2011
author: Kitty'eh Yuuki
Okamiden: Dark Chibi&The; Fate Of the Goryeo...
Again, This part made me cry... [AGAIN, don't complain about quality. Filming a hand-held device isn't as easy as it looks..]
- published: 11 Apr 2011
- views: 618
- author: Kitty'eh Yuuki

The Goryeo - Okamiden (Chiisaki Taiyou) Original Soundtrack
Legendofmania presents you Okamiden (Chiisaki Taiyou) Original Soundtrack The Goryeo ; 高麗丸...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: Legendofmania
The Goryeo - Okamiden (Chiisaki Taiyou) Original Soundtrack
Legendofmania presents you Okamiden (Chiisaki Taiyou) Original Soundtrack The Goryeo ; 高麗丸www.youtube.com Still uploading soundtracks since 12/11 ~~~~~~About Okamiden (Chiisaki Taiyou) Original Soundtrack~~~~~~ The Okamiden Original Soundtrack is a four CD soundtrack featuring the music from Okamiden. It consists of four disks and was composed and arranged by Rei Kondoh. It was released under the record label Suleputer as it is the label Capcom uses for all its soundtracks. It was being released on the 10th of November in Japan and costs ¥3990. It features a mix of traditional Japanese music with some modern touches. Many songs are remixes of versions from Okami. www.cdjapan.co.jp ___________________about Ōkamiden: Chiisaki Taiyō___________________ Ōkamiden, known as Ōkamiden: Chiisaki Taiyō (Japanese: 大神伝~小さき太陽~?, lit. Ōkami Chronicles: Tiny Sun) in Japan, is an action-adventure video game published by Capcom for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It is an indirect sequel to the PlayStation 2 and Wii title Ōkami. It was designed by Kuniomi Matsushita, the director of the Wii port of Ōkami, and Motohide Eshiro, producer of Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth and Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. It was released in Japan on September 30, 2010, in North America on March 15, 2011 and in Europe on March 18, 2011. It stars Chibiterasu, a small celestial wolf born from Amaterasu, protagonist of Ōkami, and features much of the same gameplay as its ...
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 143
- author: Legendofmania
Vimeo results:

Korean History_Goryeo, the birth country of Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had tra...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: vank
Korean History_Goryeo, the birth country of Metal Type Printing technology
Goryeo Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Goryeo was established in 918. And they had trades with even europeans through arabian merchants. Trade with Goryeo gave Korea its name to the western world. Goryeo is famous for its Printing technology and Pottery.

creme bike seoul
-creme bike seoul-
vanpo spot/
crew;Goryeo express...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: bnwu
creme bike seoul
-creme bike seoul-
vanpo spot/
crew;Goryeo express

5 Thousand Years of History
It is a country that has a great 5000 years of history, including the kingdoms of Gojoseon...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: vank
5 Thousand Years of History
It is a country that has a great 5000 years of history, including the kingdoms of Gojoseon, Goguryeo, Balhae, Gaya, Baekje, Silla, Goryeo and Joseon. The name of this country is Korea.

Korean History_Joseon Dynasty
Joseon Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Joseon was the nation that succeeded Goryeo, e...
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: vank
Korean History_Joseon Dynasty
Joseon Dynasty is one of Korean historys.
Joseon was the nation that succeeded Goryeo, established by Yi... Joseon was the nation that succeeded Goryeo, established by Yi Seong-gye. The Joseon Dynasty is especially important in Korean history, since it is the period when the Korean alphabet - Hangeul - was created. Joseon was also excellent in the field of architecture and constructing ships. Why not look up the history of Joseon through this video?
Youtube results:

The Goryeo
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the song or image, I just smacked 'em together for ...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: ItsuVGM
The Goryeo
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the song or image, I just smacked 'em together for your enjoyment. They both belong to their respective owners.
- published: 28 Jul 2011
- views: 56
- author: ItsuVGM

Imperial Goryeo Arts@williamarts
Arts,Artsauction,Korean Heritage Music,Harvesting Celebration Fiesta in Korea,Korean Histo...
published: 19 Oct 2009
author: williamarts
Imperial Goryeo Arts@williamarts
Arts,Artsauction,Korean Heritage Music,Harvesting Celebration Fiesta in Korea,Korean History,Korean Arts,Korean Drummer Sound,Korean Herbal Food,Korean Ginseng,Korean rare Giant Ginseng,Korean Festival Days, Modern Korean Today,Vlaminck Auction,rare Maurice de Vlaminck painting,Goryeo Celadon,Gor...
- published: 19 Oct 2009
- views: 100
- author: williamarts

Imperial,Goryeo Koreanarts@williamarts
Arts,Artsauction,Korean Heritage Dance,Harvesting Korean Dance Festival,Modern Industry Ko...
published: 19 Oct 2009
author: williamarts
Imperial,Goryeo Koreanarts@williamarts
Arts,Artsauction,Korean Heritage Dance,Harvesting Korean Dance Festival,Modern Industry Korean,Goryeo Kingdom online,Goryeo name came from Koguryo,Bohai falled under Liao,early Goryeo 918AD ruled with Border along Yalu River,after Silla Kingdom ruled entire Korean Peninsula after falled at 935 AD,the History of "Curse of the Golden Flower" under Top Chinese Filmstar Gong Li as the daughter Liao Dynasty Kingdom,Khitan Tribe ruled Northern Chinese,Ancient Chinese History,Northern Song with Goryeo allianzed,"Gao Gou Li Kingdom" on Chinese betrayed Liao three times,War between them three Countries at the Northern Frontier and Peace Threaty at the End,Famous as best under Heaven Goryeo bluegreen Celadon,Capital Gaesong under Flamme after Liao Shengzhong attacked th second time and punished dead General Gang JO as Rebellion to LIao,williamarts,williamartsauction,Goldcoins williamarts,TV,WEB,NET,URL williamarts.tripod.com, Mail williampurnomo@gmail.com as contact,rare Arts,rare painting,Vlaminck 1935 painting,rarest Vlaminck Biography 1935 painting tell himself as he retired as Farmer and move to la Gadeliere and still painting remove Landscape area at Southern France on his own style until his dead 1958 there.
- published: 19 Oct 2009
- views: 151
- author: williamarts

Golden VGM #112 - Ōkamiden ~ The Goryeo
- Developed by: Mobile & Game Studio, Inc. - Published by: Capcom - Designed by: Kuniomi M...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: TheHotAndColdDog
Golden VGM #112 - Ōkamiden ~ The Goryeo
- Developed by: Mobile & Game Studio, Inc. - Published by: Capcom - Designed by: Kuniomi Matsushita / Motohide Eshiro - Genre: Action-Adventure - Platform/s: Nintendo DS - Composed by: Rei Kondo -What I Like to Call this Song: "Sailing the Seas of the Past" - Where Music Plays: [LEVEL] - The Goryeo A very underrated track from a very underrated game. I mean, while Ōkamiden does have a fanbase, let's just say its predecessor, Ōkami, didn't exactly reach financial success after it was released. I'm sure a lot of gamers like this series, but I still think it needs to be heard of more. After all, both game's soundtracks are glorious, but I'm surprised not more people don't dig into each one's soundtrack to find a buried musical gem. This is one of them. It's adventurous, and it just puts you in the mood to sail the seven seas. If this was an overworld theme, I dare say it rivals some of the best map themes from games out there like "Crossing Those Hills" from Final Fantasy IX, or "Dreams of a Shore Near Another World" from Chrono Cross. It's that good.
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 53
- author: TheHotAndColdDog