
ta mok
Pol Pot's trusted military commander, Tamok, was responsible for most of the bloody pu...
published: 12 Nov 2010
Author: kralahomkong
ta mok
Pol Pot's trusted military commander, Tamok, was responsible for most of the bloody purge in Democratic Kampuchea. He was known as "the butcher".

Ta Mok House, Anlong Veng, Cambodia
Ta Mok House, Anlong Veng, Cambodia s07e04s02 www.MyCambodia.TV - Support MyCambodia Commu...
published: 27 Dec 2011
Author: MyCambodia
Ta Mok House, Anlong Veng, Cambodia
Ta Mok House, Anlong Veng, Cambodia s07e04s02 www.MyCambodia.TV - Support MyCambodia Community Like us on FaceBook www.FaceBook.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com Watch Us Online YouTube Channel: www.YouTube.com Google+ profiles.google.com Khmer Social Community in Australia: www.Cambodia.Com.Au ABOUT US My Cambodia TV is the Official YouTube Channel serving the Cambodian Community in Australia. We are the First Khmer TV in Australia. Be sure to subscribe to us and follow all our new weekly show on Channel 31 airing: Wednesday 6PM, Repeated Thursday 5AM and Monday 1AM. Online on our YouTube Channel after. MY CAMBODIA TV TRAILER C31 PREVIEW news music YouTube Cambodian Broadcasting Network cbn cambodia community khmer melbourne australia independent media Volunteers channel preview trailer thailand sydney

Ta Mok House Resort In Anlong Veng
This the house of Ta Mok located in Along Veng. Right now, this house turns into resort. w...
published: 21 May 2012
Author: khmersexystars
Ta Mok House Resort In Anlong Veng
This the house of Ta Mok located in Along Veng. Right now, this house turns into resort. www.khmercomedy.org

Cambodia #50 - News : former Khmer Rouge jailed - 14.10.2008
more about Cambodia on : www.netvibes.com...
published: 14 Oct 2008
Author: CambodiaCambodge
Cambodia #50 - News : former Khmer Rouge jailed - 14.10.2008
more about Cambodia on : www.netvibes.com

Ta Mok house at Anlong Veng on Khmer new year
Ta mok house...
published: 17 Apr 2010
Author: khmer2us
Ta Mok house at Anlong Veng on Khmer new year
Ta mok house

Cambodia #43 - News : Khmer Rouge face trial - 03.10.2008
more about Cambodia on : www.netvibes.com...
published: 03 Oct 2008
Author: CambodiaCambodge
Cambodia #43 - News : Khmer Rouge face trial - 03.10.2008
more about Cambodia on : www.netvibes.com

Ta Mok's house Anlong Veng
After visited Angkor Wat we went to Preah Vihea. This is the place we stop over at Anlong ...
published: 21 Sep 2012
Author: rasmeyangkor1
Ta Mok's house Anlong Veng
After visited Angkor Wat we went to Preah Vihea. This is the place we stop over at Anlong Veng ( Ta Mok's house).

Cambodia - S-21 RESTITUTION EXTORTION (2of10) [KH&EN;]
As to legal procedures, this issue remains complicated and intricate, because there is so ...
published: 01 Dec 2007
Author: AhmekKhmer
Cambodia - S-21 RESTITUTION EXTORTION (2of10) [KH&EN;]
As to legal procedures, this issue remains complicated and intricate, because there is so much involved concerning certain countries, including powerful ones. For example, Mr Benson Samay, Defense lawyer for Ta Mok, in his interview on television, stated that "....Ta Mok will implicate people, including US Secretary of State (Henry Kissinger) based upon existing documents...and leaders of certain countries...." The richest source of documentation for the study of democratic Kampuchea, and at the same time its most sinister legacy, is in the files of the center of interrogations of Tuol Sleng, known as S-21, including/understanding some four thousand confessions extorted of 1975 to 1979. The center occupied the buildings of an old college of the southern district of Phnom Penh. It is estimated that between the end of 1975 and the beginning of 1979 more than 20000 men, women and children were imprisoned in S-21. With some rare exceptions, all were questioned there, tortured then killed. In 1975, the number of recorded prisoners did not exceed 200. In 1976, there were ten times of them more (2250), and in 1977, not less than 6000. Although the files concerning 1978 are incomplete, it is probable that nearly 10000 people were imprisoned this year. Not more than one half-dozen are come out from it alive; for a reason unknown, the alternative imprisonment or "rehabilitation", usually used in China and in communist Vietnam, never was seriously considered in democratic Kampuchea <b>...</b>

Udo Mancheay,Ta Mok house, Cambodia (travelloops.com)
published: 27 Jun 2012
Author: travelloopsvideos
Udo Mancheay,Ta Mok house, Cambodia (travelloops.com)

Tamok - The Resistance is Futile
Tamok - Resistance is Futile www.discogs.com...
published: 21 Nov 2009
Author: Laendsgold
Tamok - The Resistance is Futile
Tamok - Resistance is Futile www.discogs.com

Karen Mok - Wo Ming Bai Ta
Music video by Karen Mok performing Wo Ming Bai Ta. (C) 2003 Sony Music Entertainment (Tai...
published: 03 Oct 2009
Author: karenmokVEVO
Karen Mok - Wo Ming Bai Ta
Music video by Karen Mok performing Wo Ming Bai Ta. (C) 2003 Sony Music Entertainment (Taiwan) Ltd.

Snowboarding at Tamok, Norway. Spring 2012
Nice hill at Tamok valley, Norway, spring 2012. Good times!...
published: 01 Jun 2012
Author: gjanne
Snowboarding at Tamok, Norway. Spring 2012
Nice hill at Tamok valley, Norway, spring 2012. Good times!

AFM - Tamok, Norway Anne-Flore Marxer and Aline Bock
My trip to Tamok in Norway with Aline Bock, the mountains, the fjords, the lofoten, the no...
published: 22 Dec 2011
Author: afmarxer
AFM - Tamok, Norway Anne-Flore Marxer and Aline Bock
My trip to Tamok in Norway with Aline Bock, the mountains, the fjords, the lofoten, the northern light and a pretty rad couloir! hope you ll like it! www.annefloremarxer.com
Youtube results:

Couloir Tamok Norway
mitch.at Miikka Hast, Bibi Pekarek, Paul Siljama and Mitch Tölderer are hiking and ri...
published: 15 Apr 2011
Author: powderdetective
Couloir Tamok Norway
mitch.at Miikka Hast, Bibi Pekarek, Paul Siljama and Mitch Tölderer are hiking and riding a nice couloir in Tamok`s mountains in northern Norway.

Northern Lights over Camp Tamok
Time-lapse photography of the Northern Lights and nighttime sky over Lyngsfjord Adventure&...
published: 19 Mar 2011
Author: LyngsfjordAdventure
Northern Lights over Camp Tamok
Time-lapse photography of the Northern Lights and nighttime sky over Lyngsfjord Adventure's wilderness camp, Camp Tamok, March 2011.

Tamok Arctix week 2011
Pow shredding in Tamokdalen, Norway 2011- Loooped.wordpress.com...
published: 09 Apr 2011
Author: anstseth
Tamok Arctix week 2011
Pow shredding in Tamokdalen, Norway 2011- Loooped.wordpress.com

Preap Savoth & Nop Pagnarith - Beam pras mok Sbot
Cambodian Live Concert 2005...
published: 08 Jan 2006
Author: sweetyboi209
Preap Savoth & Nop Pagnarith - Beam pras mok Sbot
Cambodian Live Concert 2005