LONDON: Making his first public appearance since August, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed 80-odd supporters from a balcony of the Ecuadorean embassy in London, saying his whistle-blowing website shall release one million more documents which will impact "every country in this world" in 2013.
Assange, 41, a refugee in the embassy for the last six months, said he "won't be cowed down". Outside the diplomatic premise on a cold, wet winter night, Assange's supporters held placards and waved at him. Contrary to recent rumours, he looked healthy. A friend who recently visited him said, "Julian seemed fine, but obviously he lives in what seems like a prison cell."
The British media's interest in Assange may have dwindled but his public support remains. His hardcore admirers surfaced to show solidarity with one placard proclaiming, "Don't shoot the messenger." Another said, "Don't trust Sweden."
Assange emerged with a clenched fist and greeted the crowd, saying, "What a sight for sore eyes. People ask what gives me hope. The answer is right here." He said as long as the US administration investigated him and the Australian government did not defend him, he had to remain in the Ecuadorean embassy. He was, however, willing to discuss his safe passage.
Assange is liable to be arrested the moment he steps out of the embassy for breaking the terms of his bail conditions. London's metropolitan police maintain a round-the-clock surveillance of the mission. Diplomatic convention does not permit local police and security forces to enter embassy premises without the gravest provocation. Ecuador's envoy in the UK, Ana Alban, said her government continued to support Assange.
In November, Assange complained to some journalists that a move by credit card companies to block the processing of donations to Wikileaks had cost the organization more than £30m and had resulted in a 40% pay cut for staff. He said the website had lost 95% of its revenues and claimed right-wing US politicians were behind the block.
Reportedly, Assange is thinking of standing for election to the Australian senate. He plans to register as an overseas voter in either New South Wales or Victoria and then attempt to represent this state. There was no comment from the Australian high commission on this matter.
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The British media's interest in Assange may have dwindled but his public support remains. His hardcore admirers surfaced to show solidarity with one placard proclaiming, "Don't shoot the messenger." Another said, "Don't trust Sweden."