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David Rovics Human Rights Concert at SOU Dec. 4th

S O U T H E R N * O R E G O N * J O B S * W I T H * J U S T I C E, 25.11.2012 - 19:03
David Rovics in Ashland on 4/20 in 2007 DEAR DAVID ROVICS FANS / and / HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES:

Health Care for All Oregon will be the focus on Dec. 4, 5pm at Southern Oregon University when we have David Rovics join us for "Songs of International Solidarity"... The campus host is the Student United Nations Club. Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice is a co-sponsor and other community organizations are asked to join the sponsorship.

Come hear David Rovics and support a great cause.

December 4th, 5PM
at "Diversions", downstairs in the Stevenson Union
Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR
Suggested donation: $5. for students, $10. for public
- - - No one turned away - - -

Health Care is a Human Right!
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Rogue Residents Against Walmart urges Walmart to Respect Workers

Rogue Residents Against Walmart (Worker Retaliation), 24.11.2012 - 22:25
Too Much Disrespect! RRAW, Rogue Residents Against Walmart is in the process of possibly changing our name to RRAWWR - Rogue Residents Against Walmart Worker Retaliation.

RRAWWR asserts that most of the workers get so few hours that they qualify for food stamps, get no health or pension benefits until they have been with the corporation so many years, and that the Walton family has accumulated as much wealth as nearly half the US population by depriving their workers of a living.

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Plight of Middle East Refugees—Program & Dinner Nov. 9 in Medford

Allen Hallmark / Citizens for Peace & Justice, 06.11.2012 - 15:56
Collateral Repair Project (click to make bigger) Dear Friends of Citizens for Peace & Justice,

This is your special invitation to join CPJ and the Collateral Repair Project for a free dinner program, featuring a first-hand report on the growing refugee problems in the Middle East. Mary Madsen, co-director of the Collateral Repair Project, just back from Amman, Jordan, will discuss how the influx of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees from the civil war in Syria has added to the already dire conditions for Iraqi War refugees in Jordan and elsewhere in the Middle East. (continued below...)
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Meet Amy Goodman and Support KSKQ Radio

Jason Houk, 24.10.2012 - 04:57
The Silenced Majority KSKQ, Ashland's Community Radio, is excited to be hosting world renowned reporter Amy Goodman on Sunday, October 28, prior to her lecture at Ashland High School. Amy Goodman—anchorwoman, fearless journalist and Producer of Democracy Now—is celebrating 16 years of reporting on hot topics at the cutting edge of politics often ignored by mainstream media. On her current tour, she is promoting her new book, The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope, written with Denis Moynihan.
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Undignified Corporate Takeover ➡ Ashland Community Hospital

S T O P * D I G N I T Y * H E A L T H, 19.10.2012 - 20:55
Selling Out OUR Community (Hospital) Here is the latest on the "Corporate Takeover" in (so-called) progressive Ashland, Oregon!

Following you will find a well written update on how things stand regarding the current takeover of our community hospital. Our city council is run by the chamber of commerce and they line up time and time again to do the bidding for the 1%. The privatization of what we locally have owned continues and it hurts to see this happening not just here, but everywhere.

Wes Brain, Community Organizer
Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice

Keep reading and see the Update about "Ashland City Council: Vote NO on Dignity Health's acquisition of Ashland Community Hospital"
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Single Payer Champion State of Oregon Representative Michael Dembrow

Diane Lund-Muzikant — The Lund Report, 18.10.2012 - 19:57
Single Payer Champ Michael Dembrow Oregon activists are lining up for our state's grassroots campaign: Health Care is a Human Right!

State Representative Michael Dembrow is the "Oregon Single Payer Movement Champion" for sure. Read this article to get just a taste of what is yet to come when All Oregonians line up for this important change in health care—rogue imc volunteer

Health Care for ALL-Oregon is a grassroots campaign —  http://hcao.org/
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RRAW takes letters to Medford Walmart Boss

(Rogue) Residents Against Walmart, RRAW, 12.10.2012 - 19:02
RRAW protest outside Medford Walmart 8/15/12 RRAW (Rogue) Residents Against Walmart challenged the giant on 10/10/12 when at 11a.m. activists arrived at the South Medford Walmart with two letters. One was for Medford Walmart manager Ms. Rachel Ciddio and the other letter was addressed to Mr. Rob Walton, Chairman of the Board of Walmart Stores, Inc.
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Rogue Residents Against Walmart

Siskiyou, 03.10.2012 - 22:31
RRAW visits the OSEA booth RRAW - Rogue Residents Against Wal-Mart rallied and created a stir at Medford's Multicultural Fair in Hawthorne Park on the last Saturday of September. Many adults seemed taken aback, but children generally were delighted.
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Walmart's "Grand" Opening

Siskiyou13, 24.08.2012 - 01:09
A recent letter to the Editor of the Medford Mail Tribune entitled, "Now We Know" from resident Don Young went as follows:

"Hmm. Five thousand Walmart customers and 25 Occupy protesters. Now, we know who are the real 99 (and one half) percent."
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Oregon Supreme Court win on MERS

Keith S. Dubanevich, Oregon Dept. of Justice, 18.07.2012 - 18:50
MERS equals 1% Corporate Greed Breaking news: The Oregon Court of Appeals has ruled that MERS is not the real beneficiary and thus does not have standing to pursue foreclosures. Attached is the opinion.
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Image Message to Gabriela Women's Partylist
27-11-2012 11:26

Text Basic Income still needed for local Artisians (2 comments)
26-11-2012 01:48

Image RRAW stands with Walmart Workers on Black Friday
21-11-2012 01:46

Image "The Case for Not Bombing Iran" at SOU Nov 19 (1 comment)
17-11-2012 19:02

Image Robin Hood Tax — Make Wall Street Pay!
14-11-2012 03:07

Image Medea Benjamin's keynote address at the Peace House 30th anniversary celebration
22-10-2012 15:23

Image Portland Indymedia down today...anyone know w (2 comments)
22-10-2012 04:41

Image 12 Steps to Overcoming Addiction to Voting for the “Lesser” of 2 Evils
22-10-2012 02:41

Text Health Care for all Oregonians CALL TO ACTION
19-10-2012 11:18

Image Sheriff Arpaio’s Police State of Arizona unde
18-10-2012 22:48

Image Ashland PAC for 1%'ers seeks to buy election
07-10-2012 14:46

Text Goshute Tribes Fight SNWA Pipeline to Vegas
19-09-2012 22:27

Image Walmart Warehouse Workers STRIKE & Walmarch! (1 comment)
17-09-2012 21:21

Text San Francisco Critical Mass 20th Anniversary
06-09-2012 17:30

Image (the future of the right to sleep)
03-09-2012 00:10

Text Labor Day Special: The American Dream & Its Reality: Pushing Back Against The Plutocracy!
02-09-2012 19:14

Text Cascadian Resilience Network - Mission Statem
29-08-2012 01:08

Text Indybay Journalists Charged with Felony: Con
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Text Paul Ryan --The Media's Favorite 'Wonk'
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Text Iran: US military provocations; the Threat of
14-08-2012 01:12

Image Tribe Seeks River Closure for Sacred Ceremony (1 comment)
07-07-2012 17:12

Image John Beeson: SO's 1st Civil Rights Advocate (1 comment)
07-07-2012 17:08

Image SNYP Offers July Cat Neuter discount
23-06-2012 23:24

Text The Affordable Care Act, Supreme Court, and H
22-06-2012 03:43

Image Manufacturing Enemies
18-06-2012 05:38

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Image Philippines condemn North Korea rocket launch
14-12-2012 01:49

Text Fiscal Cliff is a Hoax
13-12-2012 20:20

Text Isle of Man Enacts Legislation
12-12-2012 19:47

Image PHILIPPINES: The Emotional Calculus of War
07-12-2012 03:24

Text Fiscal cliff is a hoax, attack on U.S. people
30-11-2012 20:56

Text U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked
28-11-2012 21:02

Image Peace between the Philippines and Bangsamoro
26-11-2012 03:46

Image Do Not Use the Filipino Children in War
17-11-2012 13:22

Text Christian Zionists Fuel Never Ending Warfare (1 comment)
15-11-2012 19:03

Text CNRWA Held Great Basin Water Forum 2012
14-11-2012 22:39

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