The Senkaku mole (Mogera uchidai), also known as the Ryukyu mole, is a species of mammal in the family Talpidae. It was formerly classified as being monotypic within the genus Nesoscaptor. It is endemic to the Uotsuri-jima (Japanese: 魚釣島; hiragana: うおつりじま) of the disputed territory of Senkaku Islands, also known as the Diaoyutai Islands (Chinese: 釣魚台列嶼).
Its existence is threatened by habitat loss, due to the introduction of domestic goats in 1978; the goats now number more than 300 on this tiny island. Its conservation status was upgraded to CR in 2010 by the Biodiversity Center of Japan, although the IUCN still considers considers that current lack of population data prevents an accurate assessment.
Hey now, I know yeah, how.
Hey now how, I know it.
You were the only one, I saw you.
See the light inside and, I'm through, yeah.
I wandered out and I couldn't help what I felt.
Yeah'even though I, I couldn't feel yeah.
He knows how I try, and I love it,
He knows it, when I'm alive, yeah'
I cannot feel,
I cannot begin to deal with,
What is mine.
I cannot feel,
I cannot begin to deal with,