- published: 28 Jul 2012
- views: 283
- author: margrant
Carlo Gozzi 1/2
Carlo Gozzi di Renato Simoni ( 1974 ) con Gastone Moschin, Carlo Romano, Edda Albertini, M...
published: 28 Jul 2012
author: margrant
Carlo Gozzi 1/2
Carlo Gozzi di Renato Simoni ( 1974 ) con Gastone Moschin, Carlo Romano, Edda Albertini, Marina Dolfin, Cesarina Gheraldi, Giuliana Lojodice , Alvise Battain, Orazio Stracuzzi, Omero Antonutti , Antonio Guidi, Cesare Polacco, Wanda Benedetti, Fausto Tommei, Aurora Trampus
- published: 28 Jul 2012
- views: 283
- author: margrant
Carlo gozzi - Renato Simoni
Carlo gozzi (1903) - Renato Simoni (Verona, 5 settembre 1875 - Milano, 5 luglio 1952) www....
published: 29 May 2012
author: 72Sasina
Carlo gozzi - Renato Simoni
Carlo gozzi (1903) - Renato Simoni (Verona, 5 settembre 1875 - Milano, 5 luglio 1952) www.lfb.it www.sapere.it Il conte Carlo, il meno stralunato della numerosa famiglia, tenta inutilmente di salvare il quasi inesistente patrimonio e, con esso, la dignità e la nobiltà del casato www.renatosimoni.it Canale: Secondo Programma RAI Data: 01/02/1974 Personaggi e interpreti: Carlo Gozzi: Gastone Moschin Gaspare Gozzi: Carlo Romano Luigia Bergalli: Edda Albertini Marisa Cozzi: Marina Dolfin Contessa Gozzi: Cesarina Gheraldi Teodora Ricci: Giuliana Lojodice Antonio Sacchi: Alvise Battain Checchino: Orazio Stracuzzi Francesco Bartoli: Omero Antonutti Giacomo Gozzi: Eugenio Cappabianca Gratarol: Antonio Guidi Lisandro: Cesare Polacco Lucrezia: Wanda Benedetti Marco: Fausto Tommei Tonina Gozzi: Aurora Trampus Regia: Sandro Bolchi
- published: 29 May 2012
- views: 538
- author: 72Sasina
Carlo Gozzi 2/2
Carlo Gozzi di Renato Simoni ( 1974 ) con Gastone Moschin, Carlo Romano, Edda Albertini, M...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: margrant
Carlo Gozzi 2/2
Carlo Gozzi di Renato Simoni ( 1974 ) con Gastone Moschin, Carlo Romano, Edda Albertini, Marina Dolfin, Cesarina Gheraldi, Giuliana Lojodice , Alvise Battain, Orazio Stracuzzi, Omero Antonutti , Antonio Guidi, Cesare Polacco, Wanda Benedetti, Fausto Tommei, Aurora Trampus
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 94
- author: margrant
Carlo Gozzi - AGRAV mas 1
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: vahan andreasyan
Carlo Gozzi - AGRAV mas 1
- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 84
- author: vahan andreasyan
Scena dall' atto 1° di " Turandot " di Carlo Gozzi nell'adattamento teatrale di Oreste Pel...
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: TeatroDiCestelloFI
Scena dall' atto 1° di " Turandot " di Carlo Gozzi nell'adattamento teatrale di Oreste Pelagatti. Messo in scena dalla compagnia Cenacolo dei Giovani presso il Teatro di Cestello di Firenze il 3 maggio 2009. Scene e costumi Marcello Ancillotti e Cecilia Micolano. Regia di Roberto Andrioli Interpreti : Angela Tozzi, David Trinci, Valentina Longo, Silvia Santini, Manuela Macciantelli, Stefano Grifoni, Nicolas Gheri, Adriano Giannini, Andrea Giorgi, Marco Calamandrei, Luigi Matrella, Daisuke Tanaka
- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 596
- author: TeatroDiCestelloFI
Carlo Gozzi and the Age of Enlightenment
Getting to know Count Carlo....
published: 15 Feb 2012
author: freedomtothink96
Carlo Gozzi and the Age of Enlightenment
Getting to know Count Carlo.
- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 48
- author: freedomtothink96
turandot da carlo gozzi regia roberto gandini
turandot da carlo gozzi adattamento di attilio marangon regia roberto gandini musica rober...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: pierogabrielli
turandot da carlo gozzi regia roberto gandini
turandot da carlo gozzi adattamento di attilio marangon regia roberto gandini musica roberto gori senene costumi carmen poidomani teatro dei documenti giugno 2011 saggio II° B link academy
- published: 22 Mar 2011
- views: 451
- author: pierogabrielli
2006 - Venezia, La disfida dei Carlo
Per il bicentenario congiunto incrociato di Carlo Gozzi e Carlo Goldoni, nei festeggiament...
published: 24 Feb 2008
author: IAntichiVenezia
2006 - Venezia, La disfida dei Carlo
Per il bicentenario congiunto incrociato di Carlo Gozzi e Carlo Goldoni, nei festeggiamenti promossi dalla Biennale Teatro diretta da Maurizio Scaparro, I Antichi danno vita il 23, 24, 25 luglio 2006 (alle ore 18.00) in campo San Maurizio a La disfida dei Carlo - ovvero le "primarie" tra Gozzi e Goldoni. 23 luglio, Paolo Bosisio interpreta Carlo Gozzi; 24 luglio Paolo Puppa interpreta Carlo Goldoni; 25 luglio faccia a faccia tra Bosisio-Gozzi e Puppa-Goldoni con le apparizioni di Giorgio Baffo e Giacomo Casanova. È un'estate caldissima. Nel filmato: Paolo Bosisio è Carlo Gozzi; Bob R. White è Zorzi Baffo; Maurice Agosti è Casanova; introduce Colo de Fero. Also starring: Lillo Gruber in Tigi Setesento.
- published: 24 Feb 2008
- views: 2192
- author: IAntichiVenezia
Gozzi, Amore delle 3 melarance - Гоцци, Любовь к трем апельсинам
Presentation of the Performance at Saratov TUZ (Russia 2010) Adaptation by Paolo E. Landi ...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: paolo emilio landi
Gozzi, Amore delle 3 melarance - Гоцци, Любовь к трем апельсинам
Presentation of the Performance at Saratov TUZ (Russia 2010) Adaptation by Paolo E. Landi Set and costumes design: Santi Migneco Choreographer Lydia Biondi. Presentazione dello spettacolo messo in scena al Teatro dei Giovani DI Saratov (Russia 2010) Testo e Regia di Paolo Emilio Landi Scene e Costrumi di Santi Migneco Coreografia e movimenti scenici di Lydia Biondi
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 1346
- author: paolo emilio landi
L'Oiseau Vert - Carlo Gozzi / Sandrine Anglade
L'OISEAU VERT DE CARLO GOZZI Nouveau texte de Nathalie Fillion Mise en scène de Sandrine A...
published: 15 Feb 2011
author: mikagabril
L'Oiseau Vert - Carlo Gozzi / Sandrine Anglade
L'OISEAU VERT DE CARLO GOZZI Nouveau texte de Nathalie Fillion Mise en scène de Sandrine Anglade Création le 9 octobre 2010 à l'Opéra de Dijon Voilà dix-huit ans que Tartaglia, le roi de Monterotondo, est parti à la guerre. Pendant son absence, la reine Ninette, sa femme, accusée d'infidélité par la reine mère Tartagliona, a été enterrée vivante sous l'évier de la cuisine du palais. Depuis dix-huit ans elle y survit dans le plus grand secret, grâce aux soins d'un mystérieux Oiseau Vert. Ses jumeaux, que Pantalon, premier ministre du roi, était chargé de supprimer, ont été recueillis nourrissons par un couple de charcutiers, Truffaldino et Sméraldine. Ignorant leur origine, les deux enfants ont grandi dans la pauvreté et ont étudié dans les livres la philosophie. La pièce commence le jour du retour du roi Tartaglia à Monterotondo. Ce même jour, les jumeaux découvrent qu'ils sont des bâtards, et partent en quête de leur véritable identité. Ce voyage initiatique fera d'eux brutalement des nantis et mettra à l'épreuve leur philosophie. À l'issue du voyage, après de multiples épreuves, métamorphoses et sortilèges, l'Oiseau Vert, recouvrera sa forme humaine. Par ses révélations, il dénouera toutes les intrigues et rendra à tous justice. L'Oiseau Vert est un hymne au théâtre. Comédie loufoque, la pièce mélange savamment la farce et le conte, jouant à heurter les niveaux d'écriture et les registres de langue, de la prose aux alexandrins. Les mots foisonnent ici convoquant la ...
- published: 15 Feb 2011
- views: 2379
- author: mikagabril
"L'Oiseau Vert" d'après Carlo Gozzi
Les Chapiteaux Turbulents vous invitent à la rencontre d'une jeune compagnie bruxelloise é...
published: 01 Sep 2010
author: storima100rima
"L'Oiseau Vert" d'après Carlo Gozzi
Les Chapiteaux Turbulents vous invitent à la rencontre d'une jeune compagnie bruxelloise étonnante Vous êtes fatigués par la routine et vous avez l'humeur grise...prenez votre billet sans retour pour le Royaume de Monterotondo ! Venez suivre la quête initiatique de Renzo et Barbarine, deux jumeaux orphelins qui affronteront mille dangers jusqu'à découvrir le secret de leurs origines. Tout droit venu de Bruxelles, le Rafistole Théâtre et ses six comédiens loufoques revisitent l'univers du conte et nous en donnent une version décalée et onirique. Une invitation à retrouver son regard d'enfant...attention au départ ! L'Oiseau vert d'après Carlo Gozzi. Adaptation et mise-en-scène de Léa Schwebel, Interprétation : Sophie Arnulf, Mathieu Besnard, Geoffrey Boissy, Elisabeth Lourtie, Marion Nguyen, Julien Pillot. Lumière : Anna Giolo Décors: Thomas Hanon, Quentin Denis, Marion Nguyen. Video et montage: Marek Pacholec
- published: 01 Sep 2010
- views: 2576
- author: storima100rima
"The King Stag" Part 1 of 2
This is the first part of a one act of "The King Stag" by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Hannah ...
published: 20 May 2011
author: HCarvalina
"The King Stag" Part 1 of 2
This is the first part of a one act of "The King Stag" by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Hannah Carvalho and performed at St. Olaf College. To see Part 2: www.youtube.com
- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 529
- author: HCarvalina
Turandot performance
UP THEATRE Armenia,Yerevan 2008 Carlo Gozzi -Turandot sites.google.com Director`Samson Mov...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: Sam19219
Turandot performance
UP THEATRE Armenia,Yerevan 2008 Carlo Gozzi -Turandot sites.google.com Director`Samson Movsesyan Ani Hovhannisyan,Armen Margaryan,lilit Mkrtchyan,Ani Nikoyan,Masha Aristakesyan,Hayk Atabekyan... facebook group: www.facebook.com
- published: 07 Nov 2010
- views: 292
- author: Sam19219
Turandot lyric drama in three acts and five scenes Music by Giacomo Puccini Libretto by Gi...
published: 17 Nov 2010
author: MariinskyEn
Turandot lyric drama in three acts and five scenes Music by Giacomo Puccini Libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni after motifs from the story of the same name by Carlo Gozzi Musical Director: Valery Gergiev Stage Director: Charles Roubaud Set Designer: Isabelle Partiot-Pieri Costume Designer: Katia Duflot Lighting Designer: Vladimir Lukasevich Musical Preparation: Alla Brosterman Principal Chorus Master: Andrei Petrenko Children's Chorus Master: Dmitry Ralko Choreographer: Dmitry Korneyev World premiere: 25 April, 1926, La Scala, Milan Premiere at the Mariinsky Theatre: 25 July, 2002
- published: 17 Nov 2010
- views: 2014
- author: MariinskyEn
Vimeo results:
La cena mal apparecchiata di Carlo Gozzi
Spettacolo presentato in forma di lettura animata alla Biennale Teatro del 2006 regia di A...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: alessandro bressanello
La cena mal apparecchiata di Carlo Gozzi
Spettacolo presentato in forma di lettura animata alla Biennale Teatro del 2006 regia di Alessandro Bressanello e Piermario Vescovo
"Angel" By GEO and DJ Gozzi (Official Music Video) - HD
Director: Daniel Maldonado
Producer: Geovanny Santamaria and Peter Gozzi
First Assistant D...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: Daniel Maldonado
"Angel" By GEO and DJ Gozzi (Official Music Video) - HD
Director: Daniel Maldonado
Producer: Geovanny Santamaria and Peter Gozzi
First Assistant Director: Tyler Chatel
Location Scout: Diana Costello and Basil Saunders
Geovanny Santamaria
Peter Gozzi
Daniela Antonia
Rebecca Victoria
Special Thanks:
Angela Gozzi and Nevin Yeh
Magaly and Samuel LaFontaine
Fernando Maldonado
Marcus Maldonado
Carlos L. Maldonado Jr.
© Copyright 2012
Gallery Records and Live Sounds Productions
Video Production Company: Virtual Axis Productions
Filmed on Location in NYC
Coney Island, Jackson Heights and Long Island City
L'Oiseau Vert - Rafistole Théâtre - Teaser
L'Oiseau Vert, d'après Carlo Gozzi
Adaptation et mise en scène : Léa Schwebel
Avec : Sophi...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: Julien Pillot Comédien
L'Oiseau Vert - Rafistole Théâtre - Teaser
L'Oiseau Vert, d'après Carlo Gozzi
Adaptation et mise en scène : Léa Schwebel
Avec : Sophie Arnulf, Mathieu Besnard, Geoffrey Boissy, Elisabeth Lourtie, Marion N' Guyen, Julien Pillot
Infos et Dates sur www.rafistole.org
La Princesse Turandot (L'Infini Théâtre)
"Cette histoire veut que le Prince Kalaf tombe amoureux de la Princesse Turandot en découv...
published: 09 Apr 2009
author: L'Infini Théâtre
La Princesse Turandot (L'Infini Théâtre)
"Cette histoire veut que le Prince Kalaf tombe amoureux de la Princesse Turandot en découvrant son portrait.
Elle désire si peu les hommes qu'elle soumet ses prétendants à des énigmes impossibles et mortelles.
Lui était prince hier, mais il a tout perdu. Aujourd'hui au théâtre, il est prêt à risquer sa tête pour retrouver sa vie..."
Pour "La Princesse Turandot" de Carlo Gozzi, l'Infini Théâtre a organisé une distribution à géométrie variable. Parmi les seize acteurs qui ont créé le spectacle, dix d'entre eux sont associés à chaque prestation. Le roulement dépend des calendriers de l'équipe. Les acteurs ne correspondent pas à un personnage permanent, mais suivent un parcours de rôles et de fonctions que nous appelons partition.
Youtube results:
"The King Stag" Part 2 of 2
This is the second part of a one act of "The King Stag" by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Hannah...
published: 20 May 2011
author: HCarvalina
"The King Stag" Part 2 of 2
This is the second part of a one act of "The King Stag" by Carlo Gozzi, directed by Hannah Carvalho and performed at St. Olaf College. To see Part 1: www.youtube.com
- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 197
- author: HCarvalina
Gozzi Amore delle 3 Melarance - Гоцци. Любовь к трем апельсинам
Tv - VESTI SARATOV - Russia - presentation on the show at Saratov Youth Theatre, with inte...
published: 21 Dec 2010
author: paolo emilio landi
Gozzi Amore delle 3 Melarance - Гоцци. Любовь к трем апельсинам
Tv - VESTI SARATOV - Russia - presentation on the show at Saratov Youth Theatre, with interview to theatre director Paolo E. Landi (in russian). 2010. rehearsals. The Play was produced with the support of the Italian Institute of Culture.
- published: 21 Dec 2010
- views: 607
- author: paolo emilio landi
Turandot performance
UP THEATRE Armenia,Yerevan 2008 Carlo Gozzi -Turandot sites.google.com Director`Samson Mov...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: Sam19219
Turandot performance
UP THEATRE Armenia,Yerevan 2008 Carlo Gozzi -Turandot sites.google.com Director`Samson Movsesyan Ani Hovhannisyan,Armen Margaryan,lilit Mkrtchyan,Ani Nikoyan,Masha Aristakesyan,Hayk Atabekyan... facebook group: www.facebook.com
- published: 07 Nov 2010
- views: 128
- author: Sam19219
S. Prokofiev - The Love For Three Oranges Suite (complete). Part 1.
Louis de Froment conducting the Orchestra of Radio Luxembourg, a very good interpretation!...
published: 27 Jul 2009
author: gregapage
S. Prokofiev - The Love For Three Oranges Suite (complete). Part 1.
Louis de Froment conducting the Orchestra of Radio Luxembourg, a very good interpretation! Part 1 of 2. The Love for Three Oranges is an opera composed in 1919 by Sergei Prokofiev to a libretto based on the play L'Amore delle tre melarance by Carlo Gozzi. The play itself is based on Giambattista Basile's fairy tale "The Love for Three Oranges" (#408 in the Aarne-Thompson classification system). The absurd story is in the Commedia dell'Arte tradition, and concerns a young prince, cursed by a wicked witch and forced to voyage into distant lands in search of three oranges, each of which contains a princess. The libretto was adapted by Prokofiev and Vera Janacopoulos from Vsevolod Meyerhold's translation of Gozzi's play. The adaptation modernized some of the Commedia dell'Arte influences and also introduced a healthy dose of Surrealism. At its première, the opera was sung in French, as L'Amour des trois oranges. The best-known piece in the opera is the "March." It is a popular orchestral selection, and was used by CBS in the series The FBI in Peace and War that was broadcast 1944-1958. The opera was given its premiere performance on December 30, 1921 at the Chicago Opera, with the composer himself conducting. It has become Prokofiev's most widely performed opera, having entered the standard repertoire of many opera companies.
- published: 27 Jul 2009
- views: 45904
- author: gregapage