- published: 06 Jan 2007
- views: 161349645
- author: djjradio

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse HOT DOG Song
Playhouse Disney's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse HOT DOG SONG. They Might Be Giants. For those as...
published: 06 Jan 2007
author: djjradio
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse HOT DOG Song
Playhouse Disney's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse HOT DOG SONG. They Might Be Giants. For those asking: No, I do not get paid for clicks and I never will. I posted this vid a long time ago because I was a mom searching for the Hot Dog song. MM Clubhouse tv show was brand new at that time (2007) and Disney was super slow adding videos. I posted this because (myself and) other moms were searching for it. I don't own this material so I can't and won't agree to get paid for clicks. I'm glad Disney never forced me to remove it. If Disney ever wants to give me a free day at Magic Kingdom for all the clicks...well then, sure! I'll accept that! But no, I don't get paid for views on this video. FYI, I get about 600 emails a day asking me to accept money for a link, etc. I ignore them all.
- published: 06 Jan 2007
- views: 161349645
- author: djjradio

Hot Dog Condom Style! The English Translation of Gangnam Style by PSY. GET THIS SONG ON iT...
published: 14 Sep 2012
author: BartBaKer
Hot Dog Condom Style! The English Translation of Gangnam Style by PSY. GET THIS SONG ON iTUNES - bit.ly TWEET THIS - clicktotweet.com Get The Original Song - tinyurl.com BEAT REMADE BY - www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO HIM Watch the Original video - www.youtube.com BECOME A FACEBOOK FAN - www.facebook.com FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - www.twitter.com GOOGLE + ME - bit.ly 2nd CHANNEL - www.youtube.com Facebook Meon.fb.me "Gangnam Style" Parody Featuring Bart Baker - www.youtube.com Arika Sato - www.youtube.com PeeDeeFlo - www.youtube.com Tim DeLaGhetto - www.youtube.com Ricky Schucks - www.youtube.com "Gangnam Style" Parody - Directed by Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Edited by Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Written by Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Produced by Ken Furer -twitter.com "Gangnam Style" Parody - Shot by Mike Bauman "Gangnam Style" Parody Sound Engineer - Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Coordinated by Michael Surh "Gangnam Style" Parody - PA Morris Ellis Costume Design - Morgan Christanson - youtube.com Costume Design - Sulai Rajkirin - youtube.com
- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 13579885
- author: BartBaKer

How It's Made - Hot Dogs
Show created by Gabriel Hoss. The show is presented on the Science Channel in the US, Disc...
published: 03 Jan 2012
author: KlingonSpider
How It's Made - Hot Dogs
Show created by Gabriel Hoss. The show is presented on the Science Channel in the US, Discovery Channel Canada in Canada, and on the Discovery Channel in the United Kingdom. To purchase DVDs of the show please visit the official "How It's Made" website: www.commentcestfait.com Fair Use Notice: For educational purposes only.
- published: 03 Jan 2012
- views: 5423224
- author: KlingonSpider

Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog Lyrics
Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog, with lyrics...
published: 09 Mar 2008
author: Jordin de Reus
Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog Lyrics
Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog, with lyrics
- published: 09 Mar 2008
- views: 1558406
- author: Jordin de Reus

Oryginalne albumy, odzież oraz gadżety związane z artystami wytwórni SP RECORDS można naby...
published: 27 Oct 2012
author: SPRECORDSteledyski
Oryginalne albumy, odzież oraz gadżety związane z artystami wytwórni SP RECORDS można nabyć na www.sprecords.pl Album Bracia Figo Fagot - "Na bogatości" do kupienia tutaj www.sprecords.pl
- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 247535
- author: SPRECORDSteledyski

Buchecha - Hot Dog (Clipe Oficial)
© WMG 2012 Facebook.com Clipe da música "Hot Dog" do Buchecha, trilha da novela Av. Brasil...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: WarnerBrasil
Buchecha - Hot Dog (Clipe Oficial)
© WMG 2012 Facebook.com Clipe da música "Hot Dog" do Buchecha, trilha da novela Av. Brasil. Direção: Chilleno / Dalto Max/ Daniel Goulart Apoio: Casa de Festas Solar Imperial (Lilian Esteves)/ DGB MUSIC/ ZERO BAR Participação Especial: Josy Guimarães Modelos: Bilinha Junior/ Glawce Coêlho/ Gih Araújo/ Amanda Alonso/ Lua Azevedo/ Pâmela Lemos/ Kelly Monike/ Raquel Menezes/ Vivian Scotelaro Coreógrafos: Fabio Castro/ Chilleno Maquiagem: Heroldy Oliveira Dançarinos: Raphael Duarte/ Fernando Horta/ Bruno Paiva Iluminador: Andre Luiz C/ Angelo Ricardo (ARS Pistas e Luz)/ Rodolfo/ Dgb Music Montagem: Graciliano e Luizinho/ DJ Juliio Couto Edição: Chilleno/ Dalto Max Câmeras: Chilleno/ Dalto Max/ Marlon Saint Efeitos: Chilleno/ Dalto Max Produção musical: Mãozinha/ Umberto Tavares Fotografia Making Of: Arthur Angel Art
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 670301
- author: WarnerBrasil

2010年日本において誰も模倣できないTHE BAWDIESの真骨頂とも言える最新シングル「HOT DOG」!踊れる!踊れる!4月発売のニューアルバムまで踊り続けてください!Dan...
published: 02 Mar 2010
author: VictorMusicChannel
2010年日本において誰も模倣できないTHE BAWDIESの真骨頂とも言える最新シングル「HOT DOG」!踊れる!踊れる!4月発売のニューアルバムまで踊り続けてください!Dancin' to the R&R; music!!日本でも古い歴史を持つロックンロールに遂に新しい文化が生まれるかもしれない。まさに「Dancin to the R&R; music」な本曲は、タイトルこそ意味が分からないが「聞いて納得!」意味が分からないくらい楽しくなる!踊れる!「HOT DOG」!2010年の日本でTHE BAWDIESにしか奏でることができない、THE BAWDIESが生み出した最新型ロックンロール。しかしROYのシャウトは本当に凄い。今更ではあるが「本当に日本人なのか?」と、思わず改めて疑問を抱いてしまう。何がここまで彼をシャウトさせるのか!?何故だろう。考えて聞く音楽が多い中「感じるロック」是非ご堪能ください!!! <THE BAWDIES OFFICIAL WEB SITEはこちら> thebawdies.com
- published: 02 Mar 2010
- views: 2600723
- author: VictorMusicChannel

Why You Should Spiral-Cut Your Wiener - CHOW Tip
CHOW.com's Blake Smith shows how the simple technique of cutting a spiral pattern into you...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: CHOW
Why You Should Spiral-Cut Your Wiener - CHOW Tip
CHOW.com's Blake Smith shows how the simple technique of cutting a spiral pattern into your hot dog before grilling it will not only improve the wiener-eating experience, but will also transform the dog into a conversation starter. ======================CHOW.com========================= CHOW Tips are the shared wisdom of our community. If you've figured out some piece of food, drink, or cooking wisdom that the world has to know about, send us a message and tell us what you've got in mind! See all the newest uploads from CHOW with the Latest Videos playlist: bit.ly Subscribe to CHOW: bit.ly For more recipes, stories and videos, check out www.chow.com CHOW on Twitter: twitter.com CHOW on Facebook: www.facebook.com ======================================================== TRANSCRIPT Here's how you spiral cut a hot dog. Spear the dog directly through its center with a skewer but if you mess up don't worry, hot dog meat is quite forgiving, so you can back the skewer out a bit and start again. Hold the knife at a slight angle and cut all the way down to the skewer as you roll the dog away from you. Cut all the way to the edge, pull the skewer out and that's it; you're ready to grill. And now why would you want to do this? Well, there are many benefits to a spiral cut dog. For one, they cook up straight as an arrow, allowing for an even char on all sides and then they fit in a bun perfectly. The spiral cut also creates more surface area so you get more crispy caramelized meat ...
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 2218286
- author: CHOW

Skylanders Giants HOT DOG Happy New Years
Skylanders Giants HOT DOG Happy New Years SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE GAMING VIDEOS: www.youtube.co...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: coinoptv
Skylanders Giants HOT DOG Happy New Years
Skylanders Giants HOT DOG Happy New Years SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE GAMING VIDEOS: www.youtube.com New gaming VIDEOS everyday featuring the hottest videogame trailers, original gameplay, walkthroughs and more from Skylanders, Call of Duty, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Fighting Games and more! COIN-OP TV is owned and operated by Robert Welkner. COIN-OP TV on YouTube www.youtube.com COIN-OP TV Website www.coin-op.tv COIN-OP TV on Twitter www.twitter.com COIN-OP TV on Facebook: www.facebook.com Robert Welkner on Twitter: www.twitter.com Skylanders ERUPTOR Lightcore Variant Packaging www.youtube.com Skylanders 101 : Granite Crusher www.youtube.com SKYLANDERS POP FIZZ MINECRAFT Speed Build www.youtube.com 15K SUBSCRIBERS SHOUT OUTS www.youtube.com Skylanders Giants Wave 3 The Hobbit & Avatar www.youtube.com Skylanders 101 : Shroomboom www.youtube.com Skylanders Giants Molekin Mountain Find All Collectibles Chapter 12 www.youtube.com DISCLAIMER: All videos published to the COIN-OP TV YouTube channel were made/produced with permission from the company's respective PR firms and are copyright. Trailers or official gameplay video were sent to us directly to showcase on this channel. Linking or embedding COIN-OP TV content is allowed and encouraged but you may NOT download or publish our videos to your own channel or website without our expressed permission in writing. Please refer to the YouTube Terms of Service if you have any questions about copyright restrictions and violations. TOPICS ...
- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 9469
- author: coinoptv

Spike's Hot Dog Eating Record
Please Like/Fav, Very much appriciated!! Originally uploaded Feb 11th, 2011 On the eve of ...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: MegatoadStonie
Spike's Hot Dog Eating Record
Please Like/Fav, Very much appriciated!! Originally uploaded Feb 11th, 2011 On the eve of New Years Eve I got the hunger to set a new challenge record, and so I did! Morgan and I took on the Spikes Junkyard Dog challenge. The challenge is to eat 6 dogs to get your picture on the wall and a shirt, and if you break the store record you get your dogs free!! My brother went just to get a shirt and picture, but you know what I wanted ;) ENJOY!@!@! Facebook - www.facebook.com/megatoad Twitter - @mattstonie Wanna Megatoad Tee? Send a message to my inbox or on Facebook!!
- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 6108
- author: MegatoadStonie

The sims 3 Seasons - part 4: Hot Dog Eating Contest
This is my let's play of the sims 3 seasons. Download Links: Dereak: www.thesims3.com Sam:...
published: 20 Nov 2012
author: LW6W
The sims 3 Seasons - part 4: Hot Dog Eating Contest
This is my let's play of the sims 3 seasons. Download Links: Dereak: www.thesims3.com Sam: www.thesims3.com Jane: www.thesims3.com Albert: www.mediafire.com My Links: My Twitter: twitter.com My sims 3 page: mypage.thesims3.com My steam: steamcommunity.com My Live Stream: www.twitch.tv
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 312
- author: LW6W

Hot dog - Buchecha (Clipe)
a musica ainda não tinha um clipe oficial...então...eu fiz um ..=D...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: simei261292
Hot dog - Buchecha (Clipe)
a musica ainda não tinha um clipe oficial...então...eu fiz um ..=D
- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 982348
- author: simei261292

5 Craziest State Fair Eats, Prop 37 and Hot Dog Pizza
Over-the-top state fair foods, contaminated shrimp, Pizza Hut's Hot Dog Pizza, debunking P...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: tasted
5 Craziest State Fair Eats, Prop 37 and Hot Dog Pizza
Over-the-top state fair foods, contaminated shrimp, Pizza Hut's Hot Dog Pizza, debunking Proposition 37 and more all on The Food Feeder. Get more news with Noah: goo.gl QUESTION: What kind of food news do you want to hear about? Tune in every Friday to the Food Feeder with Tasted's new food guru, Noah Galuten. Noah's been there and done that in pretty much every aspect of the culinary scene from his stint as a popular food writer for LA Weekly to now opening his own highly anticipated BBQ restaurant. Hop on for the ride as Noah gives us the inside scoop on what's hot and happening in the world of fascinating food from breaking news, to awesome events, cool chefs, incredible restaurants and all around good eats. Noah's the guy for everything you ever wanted to know about food... and then some. Click subscribe to check out new episodes of the Food Feeder every Friday! Subscribe to Tasted: goo.gl
- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 3934
- author: tasted

Super Powers!
published: 28 May 2010
author: smosh
Super Powers!
MORE SUPER POWERS: bit.ly WATCH EN ESPAÑOL: youtu.be NEW CELEB POKEMON CARDS: bit.ly We explore the endless possibilities of what it would be like to have super powers! Hey it's our very own website: smosh.com Want to know when we're filming and pooping? Now you can: twitter.com Join our Facebook here: facebook.com
- published: 28 May 2010
- views: 14489346
- author: smosh
Youtube results:

RuneShark's Minecraft Adventure - Ep. #063 - Hot Dog Anyone?
If you enjoy this show, be sure to subscribe and please leave the video a rating :) Follow...
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: RuneSharkMineCraft
RuneShark's Minecraft Adventure - Ep. #063 - Hot Dog Anyone?
If you enjoy this show, be sure to subscribe and please leave the video a rating :) Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com RuneShark's Minecraft Adventure will be our main 'Let's Play' series and so there are no overall goals, but also therefore, no limits! Watch us as we turn this map from the ordinary, to the extraordinary! Fancy playing on the exact same AWESOME map? We use the seed '-753548930', so just type that in when creating a world and you'll spawn at the exact same point in the exact same map! The texture pack used for this series is one we custom made for this map! It uses modified and original textures from a colaboration of 5 texture packs; Dokucraft, Steelfeathers Enchanted, GeruDoku, JohnSmith and Sparkfire. I hope you guys think it looks as awesome as we do :) Thanks for watching, we really appreciate all of the support =)
- published: 21 Jun 2012
- views: 27298
- author: RuneSharkMineCraft

Rooster Teeth Animated Adventure Hotdog Planes & "Pranks"
Like the animated adventure? Check out all of the Rooster Teeth Podcast here: bit.ly Roost...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: RoosterTeeth
Rooster Teeth Animated Adventure Hotdog Planes & "Pranks"
Like the animated adventure? Check out all of the Rooster Teeth Podcast here: bit.ly Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures #54 explains the most efficient way to control an RC plane with an iPhone and a hot dog as well as reveals a nefarious plan by Burnie to break Gus' mind. Audio from RT Podcast: roosterteeth.com & Audio from RT Podcast: roosterteeth.com
- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 932088
- author: RoosterTeeth

LA Street Hot Dog Recipe by The 99 Cent Chef
The Chef tracks the LA Street Dog to Downtown - then it's back to the kitchen for the reci...
published: 29 Aug 2010
author: the99centchef
LA Street Hot Dog Recipe by The 99 Cent Chef
The Chef tracks the LA Street Dog to Downtown - then it's back to the kitchen for the recipe! Visit my cooking blog for more hot dog posts: the99centchef.blogspot.com
- published: 29 Aug 2010
- views: 7859
- author: the99centchef

7-Eleven Hot Doggie Prank (ft. Rakesh) - Ownage Pranks
I called a 7-11 as Rakesh complaining that my hot dog had some problems. I ended up gettin...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: OwnagePranks
7-Eleven Hot Doggie Prank (ft. Rakesh) - Ownage Pranks
I called a 7-11 as Rakesh complaining that my hot dog had some problems. I ended up getting into an argument with the store owner, who also happened to be Indian. Please Like/share the video! :) Subway Footlong Prank- youtu.be Add me to facebook/twitter! I post updates on there about upcoming pranks, and potential live events! facebook.com twitter.com Subscribe to my 2nd prank channel for short pranks & extras! youtube.com Subscribe to my vlog channel! youtube.com Register on the website and join the growing community on the forums! ownagepranks.com Subtitle help from youtube.com
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 212620
- author: OwnagePranks