_advertisment- Aimak Tay_
_advertisment- Aimak Tay_
The Production- Iliya Zinchenko, 2 weeks. The Programs- 3ds Max, Photoshop, Paint 3D, Premiere, Сombustion.
2010 07 28 Mongolia Monh Hayrhan uul 2
2010 07 28 Mongolia Monh Hayrhan uul 2
Mongolia Khovd aimak Monh Hayrhan uul. Bayan Olgii aimak, Altai mountains Hujirt Bulgan gol, Tovshiny Davaa 3103m.
2009 25 Mongolia Uureg nuur Boorog Deliyn els
2009 25 Mongolia Uureg nuur Boorog Deliyn els
2009 Mongolia Bayan Olgii Achit nuur,Urug nuur, Kharkhiraa mountains, Boorog Deliyn els, Tes gol, Tsetserleg Huvsgol aimak, Ulaan Bogochiyn davaa, Möron.
2010 07 24 Mongolia Bodonch river history
2010 07 24 Mongolia Bodonch river history
Mongolia Khovd Aimak, Bodonch river, 2008, 2009 en 2010. Nieuwe Chinese asfalt weg, van de steenkolenmijn in de Altai, rechtstreeks naar de grens van China.
Syed Salman Gilani Naat Warafana Laka Zikrak -Full +92-300-4235523
Syed Salman Gilani Naat Warafana Laka Zikrak -Full +92-300-4235523
A video dedicated to Afghans across the globe
A video dedicated to Afghans across the globe
The Afghan nation have suffered for decades in one way or the other.This video is dedicated to them. AFGHANS display pride in their religion, country, ancestry, and above all, their independence. Like other highlanders, Afghans are regarded with mingled apprehension and condescension, for their high regard for personal honor, for their clan loyalty and for their readiness to carry and use arms to settle disputes.. AFGHANISTAN - has a complex history that has survived either in its current cultures or in the form of various languages and monuments. However, many of the country's historic monuments have been damaged in recent wars. Buzkashi is a national sport in Afghanistan. It is similar to polo and played by horsemen in two teams, each trying to grab and hold off a goat carcass. Afghan hounds (a type of running dog) also originated from Afghanistan. classic Persian poetry plays a very important role in Afghan culture. Poetry has always been one of the major educational pillars in Afghanistan, to the level that it has integrated itself into culture. Many of the famous Persian poets of the tenth to fifteenth centuries stem from Khorasan where is now known as Afghanistan.Rabia Balkhi, Jami ,Khwaja Abdulla Ansari,Anvari,Ali sher navai, Mavlana Rumi,Unsuri Balkhi,are examples. The eastern dialects of the Persian language are popularly known as "Dari". The name itself derives from "Pārsī-e Darbārī", meaning Persian of the royal courts. The ancient term Darī -- one of the <b>...</b>
2010 07 24 Mongolia Altai Uyench
2010 07 24 Mongolia Altai Uyench
Mongolia, Khovd aimak, Altai, Barlag, Bodonch gol, Uyench, Hydro electric power plant.
Naiman Sharag Mongolian songs often praise horses, real and legendary, reflecting the close relationship between horses and humans. A 13th century chronicle refers to the eight chestnut horses of Chinggis Khan, which have thus become a symbol of national identity embodying the Mongols love for their native language and culture. Indigenous Mongolian musical rhythms are often patterned after the rhythm of a running horse. Such rhythms represent one of the major ethnic features of Mongolian music and can be found throughout this piece. The composer Se Enkhbayar was born in 1956 in the Alsha Aimak of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, Peoples Republic of China. As the second son of a herdsman he grew up in a rural, pastoral environment, learning traditional folksongs and acquiring the nomads worship of nature, the two main features of his distinctive creative style. In 1987 he was one of the founding members of the Mongolian Youth Choir and has since been composing for the group. Enkhbayar, currently employed as an urt duu soloist in the performance troupe of the Inner Mongolian Radio and Television Station, has received recognition for his compositions at the national and international level. Naiman Sharag (The Eight Chestnut Horses) was awarded first prize in the 1991 Beijing International Choir Festival.
1/2 李小薇訪問何喜華@ 薇微語RTHK 2009-10-13
1/2 李小薇訪問何喜華@ 薇微語RTHK 2009-10-13
第三集何喜華何喜華在社會服務組織工作三十年, 比較早年及目前香港基層生活卻是今非昔比。他說, 以前只要肯努力就有出頭希望, 但現在貧富懸殊愈加嚴重, 基層想找一份工作亦不容易。 高官個個知道問題嚴重, 只是一籌莫展。 他說到失望之處哽咽失聲。他在「 薇微語」 第三集中, 細訴香港社會政策日漸走向「 不公義」 。
六四動議照妖鏡 保皇鬼卒盡現形 @ 議事論事 2009-05-28
六四動議照妖鏡 保皇鬼卒盡現形 @ 議事論事 2009-05-28
八九民運激發了香港人對民主自由的追求及一國兩制的堅持, 當年過百萬人上街支持內地民運的場面至今已不復見。 回歸以來,立法會議員政治立場旗幟鮮明, 平反六. 四的議員動議自97 年後從未獲得通過。六. 四廿週年, 今年繼續有議員動議平反六. 四, 這個動議至今對他們仍有甚麼意義, 一眾新丁議員對這個動議又有何立場呢?
建議老師在課堂上播放,與學生分享。 制作: 香港教育專業人員協會來源: www.hkptu.org 字幕版: www.youtube.com
頭條新聞- 特首答問大會耍太極2009-07-10
頭條新聞- 特首答問大會耍太極2009-07-10
「 頭條劇場─ ─ 追擊8 月15 之追擊氣候/ 政制逃犯」 : 特首答問大會, 任一眾議員如何追擊, 曾蔭權一招「 我沒補充」 便挪移過去; 從未來回到現代追擊鄭中基的阿Sa , 如何擺平他?
2/4 蕭若元- 談CCTVB 霸權@ 城市論壇2009-07-19
2/4 蕭若元- 談CCTVB 霸權@ 城市論壇2009-07-19
免費電視齊檢討節目質素怎確保Performance of domestic free TV programme services 舉行地點: 九龍廣播道一號A 香港電台電視大厦二號錄影帶廠Venue : S2, TV House,1A, Broadcast Drive, Kowloon 1. 蕭若元Stephen SIU 資深傳媒人Veteran Media Professional 2. 杜耀明TO Yiu-ming 香港浸會大學新聞系助理教授Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, HKBU 3. 麥燕庭MAK Yin-ting 香港記者協會主席Chairperson, Hong Kong Journalists Association
3/4 蕭若元- 談CCTVB 霸權@ 城市論壇2009-07-19
3/4 蕭若元- 談CCTVB 霸權@ 城市論壇2009-07-19
免費電視齊檢討節目質素怎確保Performance of domestic free TV programme services 舉行地點: 九龍廣播道一號A 香港電台電視大厦二號錄影帶廠Venue : S2, TV House,1A, Broadcast Drive, Kowloon 1. 蕭若元Stephen SIU 資深傳媒人Veteran Media Professional 2. 杜耀明TO Yiu-ming 香港浸會大學新聞系助理教授Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, HKBU 3. 麥燕庭MAK Yin-ting 香港記者協會主席Chairperson, Hong Kong Journalists Association