Terrorism, racism and preventable loss

Edit Jakarta Post 28 Mar 2016
The governments of great Western powers are used to believing that terrorists are enemies who come from places miles away from their respective territories. However, since the London attack and the recent explosions in Brussels, they have had to realize that their countries have become a new source of homegrown terrorists ... The notion of subhumanity is at the heart of his concept of jahiliyah ... ______________ ... Tweet ....

Why India needs Pakistan for Its identity

Edit Huffington Post 08 Feb 2016
One can imagine how fascinating this must have been for a history buff ... In Pakistan the religious right was exerting that the archaeological sites of the Indus Valley should be filled with earth again as they represented the zaman-e-jahiliyah, the time of ignorance before the arrival of Islam, while in India there was a feeling that these ruins were part of the Indian heritage even if they were on the other side of the border ... ....

Muslim women are treated as if they were in ‘Jahiliyah’

Edit Big News Network 15 Apr 2015
The term “Jahiliyah” is familiar to most Muslims. It is derived from the Arabic verb “jahala”, meaning to be ignorant. “Jahiliyah” therefore refers to the ... ....