- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 12672
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

Al Jazeera Correspondent - The Last Rhino
The rhinoceros is one of Africa's iconic animals, but greed and corruption, myth and super...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Al Jazeera Correspondent - The Last Rhino
The rhinoceros is one of Africa's iconic animals, but greed and corruption, myth and superstition have brought the rhino to the brink of extinction. For millenia its best protection, the rhino's horn has become its worst enemy. Rhino horn is now worth more than gold and demand for it is at an all-time high. South Africa, which has the largest reserves of the wild animal, is a prime hunting ground for poachers. In 2010, South Africa lost 333 rhino to poaching and this number is expected to double in 2012. In a personal journey, Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull encounters greed, ignorance and corruption - highlighting how South Africa became the epicentre of rhino poaching. What caused the global epidemic and how does it threaten the survival of a species?
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 12672
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

GTA V Information Article (January 13, 2012) - Grand Theft Auto V
GTA V Gameplay, GTA V Trailers and GTA V News! GTA V is a much anticipated game that is du...
published: 13 Jan 2012
author: Olli43
GTA V Information Article (January 13, 2012) - Grand Theft Auto V
GTA V Gameplay, GTA V Trailers and GTA V News! GTA V is a much anticipated game that is due to come out very soon! Hope you enjoy, if you enjoy this GTA 5 video be sure to share it on Facebook & your favorite forum! Trevor Says "CLICK ME!" - goo.gl Get More GTA 5 - goo.gl GTA 5 Show - goo.gl My GTA 5 Gaming Channel - goo.gl My Twitter - goo.gl My Facebook - goo.gl GTA 5 Article Link - www.gameranx.com A poster claiming to be a games journalist for "a Playstation magazine in the UK" (presumably PSM3) has professed, on the GTA Forums, to having privileged information about the game. He says that magazine staff experienced 30 minutes of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V at the developer's Scotland offices. It should be noted that everything below is rumor, subject to absolutely no validation whatsoever. Some of the things he writes do make sense, however, and should make for interesting discussion. ---- GTA 5 Machinima Director, Gamer that loves to share on YouTube! Hope You Enjoy :-) I upload gaming videos! Mostly On GTA 5 - This is the home of the biggest GTA 5 Show on the planet!! You will soon be able to watch my content on your XBOX 360 Via the Machinima App. Coming Soon!
- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 1918753
- author: Olli43

IGN News - Last of Us Gets a Release Date
Read the full article @ IGN.com go.ign.com Five months. That's all that separates you from...
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: IGNentertainment
IGN News - Last of Us Gets a Release Date
Read the full article @ IGN.com go.ign.com Five months. That's all that separates you from The Last of Us. Tonight, during the Spike TV Video Game Awards, Sony debuted a new trailer for The Last of Us, and it just so happened to end with the title's release date for North America and Europe: May 7, 2013. Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: www.youtube.com IGN News: Last of Us Gets a Release Date
- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 58275
- author: IGNentertainment

Special E3 2012 Episode Feat. The Nintendo Wii U, Epson Moverio, and E3 Swag - Cheap Cool Crazy
E3 week on Cheap Cool Crazy! Featuring: amazing E3 swag, Nintendo Wii U, and a see-through...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: START
Special E3 2012 Episode Feat. The Nintendo Wii U, Epson Moverio, and E3 Swag - Cheap Cool Crazy
E3 week on Cheap Cool Crazy! Featuring: amazing E3 swag, Nintendo Wii U, and a see-through head-mounted 3D display. Oh, and that E3 swag? You can win it all if you subscribe and leave a comment. Really. Do you geek out over gadgets and go crazy for gear? Then join IGN's Naomi Kyle as she presents sweet products that'll have you reaching for your credit card. CHEAP: E3 swag - Not For Sale -- www.e3expo.com COOL: Nintendo Wii U -- To Be Announced -- www.nintendo.com CRAZY: Moverio BT-100 Wearable Display - $699 - www.epson.com For more info on these products and more, make sure to check out our Pinterest at: pinterest.com We have more original programming on the way, so subscribe now: www.youtube.com For the latest gaming news, reviews, and trailers, subscribe to IGN's channel: www.youtube.com Here's our full schedule: Up At Noon - Mondays @ 12p Cheap Cool Crazy - Thursday @ 12pm Mix'd Reviews - Friday @ 12pm TAGS: "e3 2012" "e3 swag" "e3 2012 swag" "nintendo wii u" "moverio bt 100" tech gear gadgets toys stuff science entertainment technology games buying ignentertainment ccc naomi kyle start ign "cheap cool crazy" e3 E3 "electronic entertainment expo" "electronic entertainment expo 2012" "e3 2012 news" "e3 2012 announcements" e3 2012 trailers" "e3 news" "e3 videos" news previews trailers "video games" "video game" games gaming "gaming news" "game previews" "game news" START start HD HQ 2012 official
- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 120137
- author: START

Cheap Cool Crazy - The Hobbit Episode feat. Prop Replicas, Swords, and a Hobbit House You Can Buy!
It's Hobbit week on this week's Cheap Cool Crazy! Featuring: A map and key to vast treasur...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: START
Cheap Cool Crazy - The Hobbit Episode feat. Prop Replicas, Swords, and a Hobbit House You Can Buy!
It's Hobbit week on this week's Cheap Cool Crazy! Featuring: A map and key to vast treasure, hobbit feet, the one ring, a latex elf sword, a real Gandalf sword, and a Hobbit hole of your own. Do you geek out over gadgets and go crazy for gear? Then join IGN's Naomi Kyle as she presents three sweet products that'll have you reaching for your credit card. Check out this week's episode then leave us a comment and you could win your own Furry Adventure Slippers and Thorin's Key prop replica! CHEAP: Thorin's Key to Erebor Prop Replica - $29.99 - www.thinkgeek.com Thorin's Map Parchment Art Print - $39.99 - www.thinkgeek.com Furry Adventure Slippers - $19.99 - www.thinkgeek.com COOL: The One Ring - $40.00 - www.museumreplicas.com Latex Sting Short Sword - $56.00 - www.museumreplicas.com Glamdring - $169.00 - www.hobbitswords.com CRAZY: Hobbit Hole House - $999.00 - $20000.00 - www.wooden-wonders.com For more info on these products and more, make sure to check out our Pinterest at: pinterest.com We have more original programming on the way, so subscribe now: www.youtube.com For the latest gaming news, reviews, and trailers, subscribe to IGN's channel: www.youtube.com Here's our full schedule: Up At Noon - Mondays @ 12pm Castlevania: Hymn of Blood - Tuesdays @ 12pm Game Shop - Wednesdays @ 12pm Cheap Cool Crazy - Thursdays @ 12pm Mix'd Reviews - Fridays @ 12pm
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 50396
- author: START

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough - Whitney Chang Article Photo Challenges Guide
If you like this game, buy it here bit.ly The Amazing Spider-Man Activision Beenox Action ...
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: gocalibergaming
The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough - Whitney Chang Article Photo Challenges Guide
If you like this game, buy it here bit.ly The Amazing Spider-Man Activision Beenox Action Release: Jun 26, 2012 (US) ESRB: T All 10 Whitney Chang Article Photo Challenges. 1. Friend of Foe 2. 3. Through the Hourglass 4. Troubled Water 5. Infectious Migration 6. Life Line 7. Spoiled Feast 8. Infectious Overflow 9. Cat Burglar 10.Vigil For The Fallen Playlist: www.youtube.com Follow me on Twitter twitter.com Friend us on Facebook www.facebook.com Please Comment and Thumbs Up Thanks Peace
- published: 02 Jul 2012
- views: 43312
- author: gocalibergaming

All Boys must watch this(Article 15 of Indian Constitution)
Like our facebook page to get more similar videos www.facebook.com Please subscribe me to ...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: vashanthan1
All Boys must watch this(Article 15 of Indian Constitution)
Like our facebook page to get more similar videos www.facebook.com Please subscribe me to get more similar videos Article 15 of Indian Constitution PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION ON GROUNDS OF GENDER. Good Boy.!!, Dear Girls, Learn from this. Don't compare all the boys with the one you know
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 2928630
- author: vashanthan1

Mindcraft - Mindcraft - Mindcraft 34 ( Meditation )
"Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be." - Eckhart Tolle "Meaning is man-cr...
published: 17 Jun 2011
author: gfxlab
Mindcraft - Mindcraft - Mindcraft 34 ( Meditation )
"Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be." - Eckhart Tolle "Meaning is man-created. And because you constantly look for meaning, you start to feel meaninglessness." - Osho "if you want to give God a laugh, tell him your plans" - Mooji "They're on a mission to make a dog human. This is something that's benefiting humans only. We're becoming a very selfish society." - Cesar Millan
- published: 17 Jun 2011
- views: 19097
- author: gfxlab

101 East - Worked to death
Thousands of foreign workers have died in Malaysia in recent years from accidents, illness...
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
101 East - Worked to death
Thousands of foreign workers have died in Malaysia in recent years from accidents, illnesses and suicide. They work in so-called '3D' conditions - dirty, dangerous and difficult. Critics say the death rate is a result of slack safety standards, poor housing conditions and weak enforcement of laws to protect them. Last year, more than 1000 foreign workers died from accidents, illnesses and suicide. Malaysia is the largest importer of labour in Asia. Migrant workers provide cheap labour in construction, manufacturing and plantation industries. There are more than three million foreign workers, of which nearly a third is undocumented. Most of the migrant workers come from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Nepal. Desperate to repay debts from the high recruitment agency fees and under financial pressure from their families back home, migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation. Many suffer non-payment of wages, abuse, serious injuries and even death. On this episode, the 101 East team meets those who risk it all to make a living in Malaysia and ask: Is enough being done to keep them safe?
- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 7391
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

IGN News - Journey's Soundtrack Is Nominated for a Grammy
Read the full article here: www.ign.com Journey has received a Grammy nomination in the Be...
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: IGNentertainment
IGN News - Journey's Soundtrack Is Nominated for a Grammy
Read the full article here: www.ign.com Journey has received a Grammy nomination in the Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media category, alongside The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn, The Artist, The Dark Knight Rises, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Hugo. For the first time in the history of the Grammy Award, a videogame soundtrack has been nominated. Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: www.youtube.com IGN News: Journey's Soundtrack Is Nominated for a Grammy
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 11794
- author: IGNentertainment

The Stream - New Atheism's most polarising figure?
We speak with influential evolutionary thinker Professor Richard Dawkins....
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
The Stream - New Atheism's most polarising figure?
We speak with influential evolutionary thinker Professor Richard Dawkins.
- published: 30 Jun 2012
- views: 86860
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

Sci-Fi Weekly - Hawken gameplay footage, EVE article on EDGE, MechWarrior Online | by JonnyPew
Hawken gameplay footage from Gamescom youtu.be EVE Online article on EDGE Magazine website...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: VidThru
Sci-Fi Weekly - Hawken gameplay footage, EVE article on EDGE, MechWarrior Online | by JonnyPew
Hawken gameplay footage from Gamescom youtu.be EVE Online article on EDGE Magazine website www.edge-online.com MechWarrior Online *this week's future sci-fi game spotlight mwomercs.com www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DIRECTOR:...
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 424
- author: VidThru

MW3 Online - MW3 = Real Army Training? (Rant Regarding Anders Breivik Article in The Sun Newspaper)
Article discussed: www.thesun.co.uk If you enjoy these don't forget to Rate them!! Let's m...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: JayEx23
MW3 Online - MW3 = Real Army Training? (Rant Regarding Anders Breivik Article in The Sun Newspaper)
Article discussed: www.thesun.co.uk If you enjoy these don't forget to Rate them!! Let's me know you guys want more! My Website: www.jayex23.eu My Shows MW3 Online: www.youtube.com Skyrim: www.youtube.com Top 5 BOTW: www.youtube.com Check my links: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Clothing UK: jayex23.spreadshirt.co.uk US: jayex23.spreadshirt.com EU: jayex23eu.spreadshirt.net Check Out these videos: MW3 Gold Guns : www.youtube.com Top 5 BOTW: www.youtube.com Skyrim: www.youtube.com
- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 17202
- author: JayEx23

Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 13 (Funny Halo Bloopers and Screw-Ups!)
Jack and Geoff are back for Fails of the Weak Lucky Number 13! You'll laugh, you'll cry, y...
published: 17 Dec 2010
author: RoosterTeeth
Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 13 (Funny Halo Bloopers and Screw-Ups!)
Jack and Geoff are back for Fails of the Weak Lucky Number 13! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want your money back! Enjoy!
- published: 17 Dec 2010
- views: 2303935
- author: RoosterTeeth
Vimeo results:

Help convince Canon to support High School filmmaking by pressing "LIKE" on this facebook ...
published: 29 Dec 2010
author: Andrew Wonder
Help convince Canon to support High School filmmaking by pressing "LIKE" on this facebook page. It would really make a huge difference in these kids lives: http://facebook.com/nothingbutvictory
For updates and more adventures follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/andrewwonder and check out my website http://andrewwonder.com
This is a film I made after some adventures underground with Steve Duncan (http://www.undercity.org) last summer. We also have a teaser video which you can watch on my vimeo page (http://vimeo.com/5752275).
For more information about the video and our other adventures please contact Andrew Wonder (Director/Cinematographer) at andrewwonder@mac.com.
Steve and I just completed another underground expedition with Norwegian explorer Erling Kagge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erling_Kagge). It was featured in a three page article on the front page of the NY Times metro section and was written by Alan Feuer (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/02/nyregion/02underground.html). We were also covered by NPR's Jacki Lyden whose report will be aired on 1/2/11 and posted on NPR's site (http://www.npr.org/2011/01/02/132482428/into-the-tunnels-exploring-the-underside-of-nyc).
Shot on a canon 5d mkii with canon 24 f/1.4 (version 1) with the zacuto rapid fire, Zoom H4N and a sennheiser g2 wireless lav. The zacuto was really great at being there when I needed it but also staying out of the way.
Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Thanks for watching!

JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.)
..if you liked this, check the award-winning 70min film, "All.I.Can." by Sherpas Cinema
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: Sherpas Cinema
JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.)
..if you liked this, check the award-winning 70min film, "All.I.Can." by Sherpas Cinema
iTunes Download HD: http://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/all.i.can.-by-sherpas-cinema/id470509338
Blu-ray and DVD: order from http://www.sherpascinema.com
All.I.Can Official Teaser --> vimeo.com/16442800
All.I.Can Teaser 2 --> vimeo.com/29320702
All.I.Can Teaser 3 --> vimeo.com/31835595
The Group Shred --> vimeo.com/54035990
Life Is Born --> vimeo.com/52728056
Segment Awards:
"2012 CINEMATOGRAPHY AWARD" - Dave Mossop, Mountain Film Festival, Telluride CO
"BEST POV" - JP Auclair, Powder Video Awards 2012
"AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD - BEST ADVENTURE FILM" - Port Townsend Film Festival, 2012
All.I.Can Awards:
"MOVIE OF THE YEAR" - Powder Video Awards 2012
"BEST FILM" - X-Dance Film Festival, SLC 2012
"BEST PICTURE" - International Freeride Film Festival, France 2011
"BEST FEATURE-LENGTH MOUNTAIN FILM" - Banff Mountain Film Festival 2011
"BEST FILM OF THE YEAR" - Adventure Film Festival, Copenhagen 2011
"PEOPLES CHOICE" and "BEST SKI FILM" - Fernie Film Festival, BC 2011
"BEST SKI FILM" - Adventure Film Festival, Boulder 2011
"BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY" - International Freeride Film Festival, France 2011
"BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY" - X-Dance Film Festival, SLC 2012
"BEST DOCUMENTARY" - IF3 Film Festival Montreal 2011
"MOST INNOVATIVE VISUAL FX" - IF3 Film Festival Montreal 2011
"AMBASSADOR OF GREEN" - X-Dance Film Festival, SLC 2012
"FULL THROTTLE AWARD" - Kye Petersen, Powder Video Awards 2012
"BEST NATURAL AIR" - Kye Petersen, Powder Video Awards 2012
"BEST EDITING" - Powder Video Awards 2012
Press reviews:
- "The best movie in skiing." - Jamey Voss, ESPN es.pn/pPxkbQ
- "Like listening to a Zeppelin song." - John Stifter, Powder Magazine: bit.ly/nl0JiT
- "The Sherpas are firmly in the lead of a new wave of filmmakers that are changing the face of ski films for good." - Leslie Anthony, Skier Magazine: bit.ly/mVaYsy
- "Captivating. Fascinating. Life Changing." - Todd Heath, BombSnow Magazine.
...An unparalleled cinematic experience: All.I.Can is a stunning exploratory essay that compares the challenges of big mountain skiing to the challenges of global climate change. Shot on 6 continents over 2 years, the world’s best skiers deliver inspirational performances while ground-breaking cinematography expands our vision of the natural world.
Journey through Morocco’s majestic desert peaks, Greenland’s icy fjords, Chile’s volcanic craters, Alaskan spine walls, and more. Join the revolution and experience one of the most spectacular, captivating, and thought-provoking films ever created in the action sports genre.
This segment directed by Dave Mossop & JP Auclair
Huge thanks to Arno, Joey, Cal's family, Peck, Bone, Bordo, and the Walker and Depster kid posse - thanks for all the help!!
Location: Trail, Rossland, and Nelson, BC.
Notice anything at 0:44?
Read a brilliant article about All.I.Can and the making-of JP's segment. Written by Arno Kopecky and published in The Walrus: http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2011.10-environment-mountain-due/
Music: Dance Yrself Clean, by LCD Soundsystem.
Receive The Sherpas future vids at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sherpas-Cinema/215832121796328
Thanks for joining us.

Canon EOS C300 = Awesome
In early Fall 2011, I shot some footage with a pre-production model of the Canon EOS C300 ...
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: Jonathan Yi
Canon EOS C300 = Awesome
In early Fall 2011, I shot some footage with a pre-production model of the Canon EOS C300 for one week in NYC. I created an article and a video for Canon based on my experiences with the camera. The video is meant to poke fun at most camera test videos I've seen over the years. Canon, not thrilled with my sense of humor, does not credit or condone this video, but I think it shows a lot of the camera's strengths.
You can read my full article about the EOS C300 here: learn.usa.canon.com/resources/articles/2011/c300_for_cinematographers.shtml
I believe that Canon made a beautiful camera that is sensible, reliable and portable in a way that I've always dreamed a camera could be. It prioritizes great skin tone and has higher ISO sensitivity than any other camera out there.
I know there's nothing I can say to change the minds of the RED fan club. For the rest of the skeptics, I think once you get your hands on it you'll understand how great this camera really is. Please buy this camera in January and go film some good skin tones in the dark. You'll love it.
Thanks go out to all my friends for helping me with this.
Read my Filmmaker Magazine interview about this video here: http://www.filmmakermagazine.com/news/2011/12/jonathan-yi-talks-about-the-canon-c300/
This video will be broadcast on all Virgin America flights during the months of February and March on Boing Boing TV!
Watch my super weird follow up C300 project here: http://vimeo.com/jonyi/math

Silent Transitions [2000fps]
Twitter: www.twitter.com/salomonligthelm
Website: www.ligthelm.tv
Blog: www.salomonligthel...
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: Salomon
Silent Transitions [2000fps]
Twitter: www.twitter.com/salomonligthelm
Website: www.ligthelm.tv
Blog: www.salomonligthelm.blogspot.com
Email: salomon@ligthelm.tv
Great color grading resource Color Grading Central, visit here: http://bit.ly/qbnJ8K
For film grain check out: http://bit.ly/zpFHZN
Silent Transitions is a personal project inspired by two verses from Scripture - 2 Samuel 22vs20 and Psalm 46vs10.
Shot at 60 fps and slowed down to 1% using twixtor - not perfect as always but it works
Shot with Canon 7D in Dubai
Sigma 30mm f1.4 for the initial scenes and Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 for the jump sequences
Audio designed in Pro Tools
Thank you to Franzwa Roux for acting in this piece
and Luke Atencio for the voice-over
check www.ligthelm.tv or the blog @ www.salomonligthelm.blogspot.com - will give some more background info/context for this soon
- interview about the piece at http://rendertimeblog.com/index/index.php?option=com_content&view;=article&id;=157:salomon-ligthelm-interview&catid;=41:blog
Youtube results:

Kiss the Fake snowman Funny Prank
Subscribe to our new pranks channel www.youtube.com PrankBros & Scary Snowman Behind the s...
published: 05 Mar 2011
author: TheScarySnowman
Kiss the Fake snowman Funny Prank
Subscribe to our new pranks channel www.youtube.com PrankBros & Scary Snowman Behind the scenes www.youtube.com Season 1 Episode 7 Exclusive Videos & Pictures www.facebook.com Google+ plus.google.com T-shirts www.districtlines.com Official YouTube Channel www.youtube.com Watch as Freaky sits perfectly still as unsuspecting people attempt to give him a kiss for St. Patricks Day, they get a sudden surprise. Stalk Freaky www.twitter.com Freaky the snowman was inspired while Jay from RIPFILMS who was having a conversation with Tom from ExtremeCostumes. Jay wanted to create a screamer video involving a snowman. Tom insisted on building a snowman costume, and after some brainstorming we came up with this crazy and funny idea. We knew right away that Brian from RedHeadFlute was perfect to pull off the prank. We give you Freaky the Scary Farting Snowman. Freaky The Scary Snowman www.youtube.com Follow RipFilms www.twitter.com Like RipFIlms on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com Learn how Freaky the snowman was built www.youtube.com Follow Extremem Costumes www.twitter.com Like Extreme Costumes on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com The Farting Snowman www.youtube.com Follow REdHeadFlute www.twitter.com Like RedHeadFlute on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com Free Download Here! Do you guys want to help spread the word about Freaky The Scary Snowman? Feel free to upload this video to your YouTube Channels! Free Download link in the description! www.zshare.net Music by Incompetech.com Sugar Plum Dark Mix Genre ...
- published: 05 Mar 2011
- views: 863451
- author: TheScarySnowman

Funny - Epic Snowman Scare Prank California 2 of 2 (Season 2 Episode 19)
Subscribe to our new pranks channel www.youtube.com PrankBros & Scary Snowman Behind the s...
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: TheScarySnowman
Funny - Epic Snowman Scare Prank California 2 of 2 (Season 2 Episode 19)
Subscribe to our new pranks channel www.youtube.com PrankBros & Scary Snowman Behind the scenes www.youtube.com Exclusive Behind the scenes on FaceBook www.facebook.com We went to Vidcon in Anaheim California and had the most amazing time ever. If you ever have the opportunity to go to Vidcon we highly suggest going! In this episode John jumps in the snowman along with Jack Vale, Check out their prank channels for some great laughs. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com YouTubers Spotted in this video mombuscus www.youtube.com www.youtube.com retardedpoliceman www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- published: 14 Jul 2012
- views: 358707
- author: TheScarySnowman

Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff - Assassin's Creed Ep. 1
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Skate 3 Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff 3 (Skate 3 Ma...
published: 11 Apr 2012
author: machinima
Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff - Assassin's Creed Ep. 1
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Skate 3 Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff 3 (Skate 3 Machinima) Assassin's Creed Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff Machinima director Ben Buja's funny series debuts in the Assassin's Creed games. DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com The music licence in this video: is purchased from royaltyfreemusic.com Visit the NEW Inside Gaming Blog! bit.ly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you: How to glitch Assassin's Creed Revelations How to glitch out of the map How to slide on a guards body How to knock out 1000 pedestrians How to epic fail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ANIMATIONS & SHORTS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high Ubisoft Montreal Annecy Massive Quebec Singapore Bucharest Microsoft Windows PC "PlayStation 3" PS3 "Xbox 360" Xbox360 Altair ibn La-Ahad Ezio Auditore da Firenze Desmond Miles Constantinople Istanbul Constantin Beyazid Imperial Galata Templars templar Masyaf Assassins Third-person action adventure open world sandbox Singleplayer multiplayer machinima "how to" Glitch Glitches Stunt Stunts Bloopers Mods Crazy Funny Hilarious Crash Compilation Accidents Blood BenBuja Ultra Ben Buja
- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 429376
- author: machinima

Break's Top 10 - Scares
We've saved up quite the collection of scares since last October. Think you can do better?...
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: break
Break's Top 10 - Scares
We've saved up quite the collection of scares since last October. Think you can do better? Prove it. Upload your scare video to brk.to and tag it with the keyword "Halloween2011". If we like your video, you could earn $1000 and a spot in next year's Top Ten Scares. Check out Break's Halloween spotlight brk.to Like to stomp Zombies on the go? Zombie Parkour Runner is for you: brk.to Or get the app directly: iPhone - brk.to iPad - brk.to For the funniest videos breaking online, visit Break.com - brk.to More Break approved videos: Break Originals - brk.to MadeMan.com - brk.to GameFront - brk.to Break gets social: Facebook - brk.to Twitter - brk.to Break goes mobile: iPhone / iPad free app - brk.to Android free app - brk.to What will come out on top.... watch and find out - These are your Top Ten Scares since last Halloween. For the funniest videos breaking online, visit Break.com - brk.to More Break approved videos: Break Originals - brk.to MadeMan.com - brk.to GameFront - brk.to Break gets social: Facebook - brk.to Twitter - brk.to Break goes mobile: iPhone / iPad free app - brk.to Android free app - brk.to
- published: 05 Oct 2011
- views: 2663344
- author: break