한국에는 타케시마를 그린 고지도는 존재할까?: 일한 고지도의 비교
한국인은 역사의 마지막까지 세계의 모든 장소에서 "독도는 우리땅"라 외치지 않으면 안 되는 것인가. 그들의 자손도 그것을 영원히 계속하지 않으면 안 되는 것인가....
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: GloriousJapan
한국에는 타케시마를 그린 고지도는 존재할까?: 일한 고지도의 비교
한국인은 역사의 마지막까지 세계의 모든 장소에서 "독도는 우리땅"라 외치지 않으면 안 되는 것인가. 그들의 자손도 그것을 영원히 계속하지 않으면 안 되는 것인가. 한국에 필요한 것은 「임금님은 알몸이야」라고 정직하게 입에 댈 수 있는 용기 있는 아이는 아닌 것인가. 진실만이 그들을 자유롭게한다. What is "Usanguk?" What is "Usando?" Some Koreans seem to be confused with two terms "Usanguk" and "Usando," so I must explain about them here. Please not that Usanguk and Usando are two different things. A. Usanguk 于山国 (Country of Usan) "Usanguk" (Country of Usan) is the name of the country which existed on the Ulleungdo Islands and was annexed by Silla in 512.Korean oldest historical record, Samguk Sagi described this incident and said as follows. "Usanguk is another name of Ulleungdo." In Samguk Sagi, no other islands are mentioned. So we must conclude here that "Usanguk" was "Ulleungdo." B. Usando 于山島 (Island of Usan) In later Korean historical records and maps, two islands came to appear, namely Ulleungdo and Usando (Island of Usan.) Most old Korean maps depicted these two islands, though the place of Usando was always random. Especially, we can read the following famous description in Sejong Silok. (I was amazed to find that some Koreans didn't know these Korean historical records were written in Chinese language, not Korean. When I quoted these original text, some Koreans said that it is Chinese translation. ) "于山、武陵二島在縣正東海中。【二島相去不遠, 風日淸明, 則可望見 ...
published: 25 Jun 2011
views: 351
Inconvenient True History of Korea 【英語版】日本と朝鮮半島の古代史
Original video www.youtube.com Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: saburaix
Inconvenient True History of Korea 【英語版】日本と朝鮮半島の古代史
Original video www.youtube.com Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan. However, the history books of East Asia (even a history book of Korea) show that Wa (Japan) had strong influence on the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Why do they misunderstand it? Because the S.Korean government has been hiding inconvenient information from them for a long time. For example, there is the Independence Gate in Seoul, S.Korea. Most Koreans believe that the gate was built when Korea became independent of Japan. However, the gate was built in 1897. At that time, Korea was still in there. For a long time, the S.Korean government has been hiding that Japan made Korea become independent of Qing China. (Please read the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", Article 1) Surprisingly, Koreans say to Japanese people, "Don't distort history!". What a joke!
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: saburaix
views: 2253
동해! 日本海ではない! The Sea of Japan is a Colonialist Name, Must Go!
bundangbear discusses the naming dispute between the "East Sea" and the "Sea of Japan," an...
published: 05 Dec 2008
author: bundangbear
동해! 日本海ではない! The Sea of Japan is a Colonialist Name, Must Go!
bundangbear discusses the naming dispute between the "East Sea" and the "Sea of Japan," and he articulates that the "Sea of Japan" is an entirely colonialist name and must go! According to historical records, East Sea has appeared in Korean maps since BC 37. East Sea has been used for East Sea eight times through Samguk Sagi (三國史記History of Three Kingdoms, published in 1145 during the Corea Dynasty) and Samguksa-Jeolyo (三國史節要A Summary of the History of Three Kingdoms, published in 1476 during the Chosun Dynasty). They are BC 37, 256, 416, 639, and July and September 699 of the lunar calendar. Since then, even China has mainly called the sea East Sea and Japan has named it the North Sea. Historically, from the 17th century to the mid 19th century, many countries used to mark the sea as East Sea or Sea of Korea (Corea). Therefore, East sea or Sea of Korea was a commonly used indication not only domestically but internationally as well from the beginning. Even Japanese maps called it Sea of Chosun. For example, A Complete Map of Asia (亞細亞全圖) drawn by Katsurakawa (桂川國端) of Japan in 1794, A World Map (新訂萬國全圖) of 1809 and Japans Boundary Map (日本邊界略圖) of 1810 by Takahashi (高橋景保), who was the leader under the Edo bakufu (江戸幕府1603-1868), and A New World Map (新製輿地全圖) by Kisaku (箕作省吾) in 1844, Earth World Map (Chikyubankoku zenzu 地球万國全図) by Matsuda Ryokuzan (松田緑山) in 1855, and Revised Meiji World Map (Meiji kaitei bankoku ...
published: 05 Dec 2008
author: bundangbear
views: 22141
Isolated Korea's History
Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan. However, the history books of...
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: LoliconPianist
Isolated Korea's History
Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan. However, the history books of East Asia (even a history book of Korea) show that Wa (Japan) had strong influence on the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Why do they misunderstand it? Because the S.Korean government has been hiding inconvenient information from them for a long time. For example, there is the Independence Gate in Seoul, S.Korea. Most Koreans believe that the gate was built when Korea became independent of Japan. However, the gate was built in 1897. At that time, Korea was still in there. For a long time, the S.Korean government has been hiding that Japan made Korea become independent of Qing China. (Please read the "Treaty of Shimonoseki", Article 1) Surprisingly, Koreans say to Japanese people, "Don't distort history!". What a joke! ++++++ About Copyrights ++++++ THIS VIDEO IS NOT INFRINGING ON ANY COPYRIGHTS. If somebody reports infringement of copyrights, please ask me FIRST. Opening & ending tune: 閉ざされた世界www.hmix.net Opening & ending images: Tokyo National Museum Image courtesy of Tokyo National Museum www.tnm.jp Narrator: iSpeech (US English male & female) www.ispeech.org Photographs: I got most photographs from Wikipedia, and the photographs had already been released into the public domain. As for other photographs, I was given license to use them by the owner. Paintings: I made the paintings using Lightwave3D and Photoshop.
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: LoliconPianist
views: 2136
KORE TARİHİ Koguryo Krallığı (MÖ 37 -- 618) 2/8 eng
Goguryeo veya Koguryo (Korece:고구려) eski bir Kore krallığı günümüz Kore yarımadasının güney...
published: 20 May 2012
author: 승원 제
KORE TARİHİ Koguryo Krallığı (MÖ 37 -- 618) 2/8 eng
Goguryeo veya Koguryo (Korece:고구려) eski bir Kore krallığı günümüz Kore yarımadasının güney Mançurya, ve güney Rusya Denizi'nin kuzeyinde ve güneyinde bulunmuştur. Kurucusu Jumong'dur. Kendisi efsanelere konu olmuş usta bir okçu ve savaşçıdır. Kurduğu Goguryeo (Koguryo , Goguryo) 705 yıl bugün ki Kore'de hüküm sürmüştür. Beakje ve Silla, Goguryeo ile birlikte üç Kore Krallıklarından biriydi. Goguryeo Kore yarımdasındaki toplumlarının sayesinde Çin ve Japonya'da politik ve dişişleri ile ilgili büyük bir güç haline geldi. MS 12. yüzyılda yazılmış ve Kore Tarihi ile ilgili bir taslak haline gelmiş olan Samguk Sagi'ye göre Goguryeo MÖ 37 yılında Buyeo'lu bir prens olan Jumong tarafından kurulmuş olduğunu gösterir. MÖ 2. yüzyılda Han Hanedanı'nın baskısı ile Antik Joseon krallığının tarih sahnesinden çekilmesiyle birlikte halkı çeşitli ülkelere ve kabilelere göç etmiştir. Jumong bu dağılan ve Han zulmunde kalan halkı birleştirip tek sancak altında toplamış, Mançurya ve Kuzey Kore'yi işgal etmiş, Goguryeo krallığını kurmuştur. Goguryeo Kuzeydoğu Asya'da önemli bir bölgesel güç olmasından Tang Hanedanı ile rakabetine kadar geçen zamanda güçsüz ve bitkin bir krallık haline gelmiştir. Bununla birlikte 668 yılında Tang ve Silla itifakıyla Hanedan devrilmiş böylece tarih sahnesinden çekilmiştir. Goguryeo yenilgisinden sonra toprakları Tang Hanedanı,Silla ve Balhae arasında bölünmüştür. Goryeo, Goguryeo nun devamı olarak bilinmektedir. Goryeo nun kurucusu Taejo dur.
published: 20 May 2012
author: 승원 제
views: 804
多くの朝鮮人が、古代の朝鮮人が日本を支配したと妄信しています。 しかし、東アジアの歴史書(朝鮮の歴史書でさえ)は、倭(日本)が朝鮮半島の南部に強い影響を持っていたことを示しています...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: LoliconPianist
多くの朝鮮人が、古代の朝鮮人が日本を支配したと妄信しています。 しかし、東アジアの歴史書(朝鮮の歴史書でさえ)は、倭(日本)が朝鮮半島の南部に強い影響を持っていたことを示しています。 なぜ彼らは誤解するのでしょうか? なぜなら韓国政府が、彼らから不都合な情報をずっと隠しているからです。 例えば、韓国のソウルには独立門があります。 ほとんどの朝鮮人は、朝鮮が日本から独立した時に、その門が建てられたと信じています。 しかし、その門は1897年に建てられました。 当時、まだ朝鮮は存在していました。 韓国政府は、日本が朝鮮を清から独立させたことを、ずっと隠しています。(下関条約第1条を読んでください) 驚いたことに、朝鮮人は「歴史を歪曲するな!」と日本人々に言います。 笑っちゃうね。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 著作権に関して +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ このビデオは、いかなる著作権をも侵害していません。 もし誰かが、著作権の侵害を報告したならば、最初に私に問い合わせて下さい。 オープニング&エンディングテーマ: 閉ざされた世界www.hmix.net オープニング&エンディングイメージ: 東京国立博物館画像提供:東京国立博物館www.tnm.jp ナレーター: iSpeech (US English male & female) www.ispeech.org 写真: 私はほとんどの写真をWikipediaから得ており、それらの写真は使用が許可されています。 その他の写真については、所有者から使用許可をもらっています。 絵図: 絵図は私が Lightwave3D と Photoshopで作成しました。 +++++ THIS VIDEO DOESN'T HAVE ANY PROBLEM ABOUT THE COPYRIGHTS!!! +++++++ このビデオを作製したのはAmetsuchinoKazuutaです。 朝鮮人は自分たちにとって都合が悪いビデオを消そうとしますので、私(AmetsuchinoKazuuta)は ...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: LoliconPianist
views: 64049
ブルーインパルス 2010浜松 超近接通過 Blue_Impulse Super near Passing
見ていてこわい! Takeshima is Japanese island! 三国史記 삼국사기 Samguk Sagi 1145 ●韓国が根拠にする「三国史記1145年刊」には竹...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: kaztima109
ブルーインパルス 2010浜松 超近接通過 Blue_Impulse Super near Passing
見ていてこわい! Takeshima is Japanese island! 三国史記 삼국사기 Samguk Sagi 1145 ●韓国が根拠にする「三国史記1145年刊」には竹島の記述は無い"" NOT mentioned about Liancourt Rocks(Now-Takeshima). 삼국사기SamgukSagi1145が言うには、512年(檀君紀元단군기원Dangun-giwon2845)にウサン国が服属した。この国は江原道の東の島国で別名は鬱稜島。 kunasiri ・Kunashir → Japan tweetmap.info
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: kaztima109
views: 151
Balhae - Wiki Article
Balhae occupied southern parts of Manchuria (Northeast China) and Primorsky Krai, and the ...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
Balhae - Wiki Article
Balhae occupied southern parts of Manchuria (Northeast China) and Primorsky Krai, and the northern part of the Korean peninsula. It was defeated by the Khitans in 926, and most of its northern territ... Balhae - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Historiographer Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: pressapochista Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:Creative Commons ASA 3.0, This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: tjfriese Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:Creative Commons ...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
views: 3
Peach - Wiki Article
each, Prunus persica, is a deciduous tree, native to China and South Asia, where it was fi...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
Peach - Wiki Article
each, Prunus persica, is a deciduous tree, native to China and South Asia, where it was first cultivated. It bears an edible juicy fruit also called a peach. The species name persica refers to its wid... Peach - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:Creative Commons ASA 3.0, Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License., GNU Free Documentation License, This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown I...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
views: 91