Wednesday, 31 October 2012
한국에는 타케시마를 그린 고지도는 존재할까?: 일한 고지도의 비교
한국인은 역사의 마지막까지 세계의 모든 장소에서 "독도는 우리땅"라 외치지 않으면 안 되는 것인가. 그들의 자손도 그것을 영원히 계속하지 않으면 안 되는 것인가....
published: 25 Jun 2011
Korean Martial Arts: Why and How They Steal Other Countries' Martial Arts
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: tmme1234
Inconvenient True History of Korea 【英語版】日本と朝鮮半島の古代史
Original video Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: saburaix
동해! 日本海ではない! The Sea of Japan is a Colonialist Name, Must Go!
bundangbear discusses the naming dispute between the "East Sea" and the "Sea of Japan," an...
published: 05 Dec 2008
author: bundangbear
Isolated Korea's History
Many Koreans are convinced that ancient Koreans ruled Japan. However, the history books of...
published: 21 Feb 2012
KORE TARİHİ Koguryo Krallığı (MÖ 37 -- 618) 2/8 eng
Goguryeo veya Koguryo (Korece:고구려) eski bir Kore krallığı günümüz Kore yarımadasının güney...
published: 20 May 2012
author: 승원 제
多くの朝鮮人が、古代の朝鮮人が日本を支配したと妄信しています。 しかし、東アジアの歴史書(朝鮮の歴史書でさえ)は、倭(日本)が朝鮮半島の南部に強い影響を持っていたことを示しています...
published: 02 Mar 2012
ブルーインパルス 2010浜松 超近接通過 Blue_Impulse Super near Passing
見ていてこわい! Takeshima is Japanese island! 三国史記 삼국사기 Samguk Sagi 1145 ●韓国が根拠にする「三国史記1145年刊」には竹...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: kaztima109
Balhae - Wiki Article
Balhae occupied southern parts of Manchuria (Northeast China) and Primorsky Krai, and the ...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
Peach - Wiki Article
each, Prunus persica, is a deciduous tree, native to China and South Asia, where it was fi...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays