
Former Satanist shows everyday occultism.
Former Satanist, speaks of everyday occult objects and practices. The Prophecy Club...
published: 23 Apr 2011
Author: kwcgladius
Former Satanist shows everyday occultism.
Former Satanist, speaks of everyday occult objects and practices. The Prophecy Club

Nazis - The Occult Conspiracy - Complete
For more great documentaries visit www.DocumentaryList.NET and c1ick an ad to support the ...
published: 25 Jun 2011
Author: docufans
Nazis - The Occult Conspiracy - Complete
For more great documentaries visit www.DocumentaryList.NET and c1ick an ad to support the site

What is Occultism?
Do you feel bored? Understimulated? Different? Why not try a carreer in Occultism! Contact...
published: 24 May 2010
Author: anamnesismedia
What is Occultism?
Do you feel bored? Understimulated? Different? Why not try a carreer in Occultism! Contact higher intelligences! See through material appearances to the non-phenomenal source of all manifestation! Transcend time AND space! Attain full realization and aid all sentient beings everywhere! Thats right, even YOU can learn the secret arts and hidden mysteries of the great prophets, saints, magicians and seers that were once reserved for the few! Magick! Mytsicism! Mystery! Union with the Source of all Existence! Let Jesus Christ himself personally guide YOU through the Ancient Mysteries of Human Evolution and the creation of the Cosmos in a fun, clean, and entertaining manner, all the while aiding you in the alchemical transformation of your biological apparatus- eventually leading to full Awakening and attainment of the Rainbow, Ressurection Body! We live in a time of unprecendented change, when all knowledge which has been kept secret since the beginning of time is finally being revealed to all, that as a whole planet we might Wake Up and journey together into the future. Watch out for imposters! Accept no substitute! Always check to make sure that your knowledge is verified by the Source of Light within yourself. If it aint got Love, it ain't got Liberation! All comments are questions are greatly appreciated to better serve you in all your spiritual and occult needs! (We are not held responsible for any loss of sanity that may be incurred while practicing the magical arts <b>...</b>

68. Theories Lecture: Occultism, Vamachara, Right-Left Hand Path
published: 22 Apr 2011
Author: drjasonjcampbell
68. Theories Lecture: Occultism, Vamachara, Right-Left Hand Path

The Occult History of the Third Reich - Part 1: The Enigma of the Swastika part 1
The Occult History of the Third Reich, starring Patrick Allen and directed by Dave Flitton...
published: 09 Oct 2010
Author: omarstar1980
The Occult History of the Third Reich - Part 1: The Enigma of the Swastika part 1
The Occult History of the Third Reich, starring Patrick Allen and directed by Dave Flitton, is a 1991 four-part History Channel documentary regarding the occult influences and history of Nazi Germany and early 20th century Germany. The documentary was originally shown and released in four parts in 1991. 1 * The Enigma of the Swastika 2 * The SS Blood and Soil 3 * Adolf Hitler 4 * Himmler the Mystic Synopsis The documentary contains mainly black and white as well as some color archival footage, with narration explaining the influences of alternative belief systems (occult, paganism, mysticism, etc) on the Nazi ideology and Hitler's personal philosophy. It also documents the history and development of ideas and symbols and of the eugenics movement. In the early 20th century, the young Adolf Hitler was just one of many German-speaking people attracted by a new Germanic mythology that combined ancient legends and esoteric cosmologies with cutting-edge theories of genetic science. In the hands of the Nazis, the result was a new ideology that saw racial purity as the key to human destiny. This was a belief-system of arcane rituals and potent symbols, with the ancient swastika appropriated for the Nazi cause. By the time of the Third Reich, Hitler and the Nazis had evolved an entirely new faith, complete with holy book, venerated relics and a priestly elite in the form of Himmler's SS. It was a religion based on obedience, power, and the cult of the leader, with Hitler himself <b>...</b>

Freemasonry, occultism & world power (1 of 2)
My starting point in answering this question is a look at the symbol of the pyramid & ...
published: 24 Feb 2010
Author: darrylsloan
Freemasonry, occultism & world power (1 of 2)
My starting point in answering this question is a look at the symbol of the pyramid & all-seeing eye from the Great Seal of America, its Freemasonic origins, its usage by British Intelligence MI5, and the Freemasons' connection to the occult. What are the implications of joining these very obvious dots?

Solomon Hexagram Occult "Star Of David" Alchemic Symbols Exposed
HERE IS A SUMMARY OF information on the HEXAGRAM, or six-pointed star and elements which b...
published: 29 Nov 2010
Author: KooKooCahooYouFoo
Solomon Hexagram Occult "Star Of David" Alchemic Symbols Exposed
HERE IS A SUMMARY OF information on the HEXAGRAM, or six-pointed star and elements which bear relationship to our subject... The star was mentioned and condemned by the God of Israel in Amos 5:26 and it was called by Him, `the star of your god, Moloch' or otherwise called `Chiun'. Reference to Amos 5:26 and the Israelites having it in the wilderness was also made in Acts 7:43. Here it was called the Star of Remphan. All these names refer to the `god' Saturn. The foregoing verifies that it was therefore in existence long before the time of Solomon. He took this symbol upon himself when he went into idolatry, and it became known as the `Seal of Solomon' in Arabic magic and witchcraft. There was no usage of it in Jewish circles until the 17th century when the cabalist, Isaac Luria, introduced it in Germany. Mayer Amschel Bauer then used it in Germany to identify his address, consequently changing his family name to Rothschild, meaning `Red Shield', and depicting the red hexagram hanging on his door. He later incorporated it into his family coat of arms. The six-pointed star or hexagram became the insignia of Zionism. Hitler rose to power, using it as a badge of shame, forcing all Jews to wear it during the Nazi regime. It arrived at the Knesset of the newly formed State of Israel. It became the logo of the Jewish `Red Cross' called the Magen David Adom. It became the centerpiece on the flag of Israel. Surreptitiously, it has become the international symbol of the Jewish <b>...</b>

CoastToCoastAM - The Occult & Bohemian Grove - Coast AM - 1 September 2012
Watch *NEW* Forensic Evidence Here!: www.youtube.com The word occult comes from the Latin ...
published: 03 Sep 2012
Author: Forensic Evidence
CoastToCoastAM - The Occult & Bohemian Grove - Coast AM - 1 September 2012
Watch *NEW* Forensic Evidence Here!: www.youtube.com The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden". In the medical sense it is used to refer to a structure or process that is hidden, eg an "occult bleed" may be one detected indirectly by the presence of otherwise unexplained anemia. The word has many uses in the English language, popularly meaning "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable", usually referred to as science. The term is sometimes popularly taken to mean "knowledge meant only for certain people" or "knowledge that must be kept hidden", but for most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences. The terms esoteric and arcane can have a very similar meaning, and the three terms are often interchangeable. The term occult is also used as a label given to a number of magical organizations or orders, the teachings and practices taught by them, and to a large body of current and historical literature and spiritual philosophy related to this subject. Occultism is the term used to describe the study of occult practices including (but not limited to) magic, alchemy, extra-sensory perception, astrology, spiritualism, and divination. Interpretation of occultism and its concepts can be found in the belief structures of religions such as Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Theosophy, Wicca <b>...</b>

Effigy Magic - Satanism and Occult
What is Effigy Magic? How Can it be used? It can be used against someone, or for someone, ...
published: 14 Dec 2010
Author: VenusSatanas
Effigy Magic - Satanism and Occult
What is Effigy Magic? How Can it be used? It can be used against someone, or for someone, to harm or to heal. It can also be used to signify something in your life that you want to solidify with magic. For reference, see: en.wikipedia.org

Esoteric occultism
May 7, 2011. Etnografiska museet, Stockholm, Sweden. "Konst, rituali & andligt ka...
published: 12 May 2011
Author: indysatan
Esoteric occultism
May 7, 2011. Etnografiska museet, Stockholm, Sweden. "Konst, rituali & andligt kapital" - a discussion featuring Jens Näsström, Carl Abrahamsson, Henrik Bogdan and David Beth. Moderated by Roberto N Peyre and John Cussans. Approaching the concept of mind. The secrets of secrecy in Western esoteric occultism. The psychology of religion. The effect of globalization in Western esotericism. The importance of training your mind. The spiritual power in art objects. Nigerian oath prostitution... ;) And more...

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Part 1 - 1:5
Nazis-the occult conspiracy is a documentary about how Hitler and the Nazis made use of oc...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: MadMooseMedia
Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Part 1 - 1:5
Nazis-the occult conspiracy is a documentary about how Hitler and the Nazis made use of occultism to win the war, and to remind the Germans that they were the best humans on the planet, the master-race. There are better documentaries around, but this is a solid documentary. There are many rare pictures from Nazi-Germany to be seen here, and you get to learn more about the religous beliefs of nazi-leaders like: Hitler, Goebbles, Göring, Hess and Himmler. Narrator: Malcolm McDowell Total Duration of film: 48 mins.

Watchman Broadcast Mike Hoggard Play List www.youtube.com Bethel Church - Prophetic Resear...
published: 14 Mar 2012
Author: BereanBeacon
Watchman Broadcast Mike Hoggard Play List www.youtube.com Bethel Church - Prophetic Research Ministry 1233 American Legion Drive Festus, Missouri 63028 Email: info@kingjamescode.org pastormike@kingjamescode.org Phone: (636) 931-3999 Christian Rock Exposed www.av1611.org Did you know that much Contemporary and Rock music being played right now in Christian Churches are heavily laced with Luciferian occultism? Pastor Hoggard will literally blow your minds as he reveals how churches are regularly being inundated with occult values, doctrines, and symbols, without anyone ever understanding! Hoggard lays a Biblical foundation for the kind of music which is proper for worship. He illustrates how much of today's CCM comes from Rock and Voodoo and shows symbols used in CCM videos that are occult Pastor also shows the sensual worldly nature of this music and why it is not worthy to be played in the House of God! This warning is BADLY NEEDED during this time of unbelievable End Times apostasy threatening to engulf the Christian Church -- you and your family are being affected if you are attending churches playing this kind of music. A MUST SEE video for every Christian, but especially Pastors and Deacons. The contemporary music so beloved by young people in your church may be straight out of the Abyss! www.cuttingedge.org Mythology of Nazi occultism "The Modern Mythology of Nazi Occultism" is the title of Appendix E of the Oxford historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's seminal work <b>...</b>

Dark Occultists are trying to break our Spirits. Mark Passio Former Priest of The Church Of Satan
March 20 2012. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you're reading this at gueril...
published: 21 Mar 2012
Author: MRNEWSguerillamedia
Dark Occultists are trying to break our Spirits. Mark Passio Former Priest of The Church Of Satan
March 20 2012. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you're reading this at guerillamedia.co.nz click "Original Article" for the video. For Blushield products that protect you from wireless radiation click here: www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Vinny's NUTShell: Mark Passio www.whatonearthishappening.com Talks about the main tenants of Dark Occult and satanism and how they now have huge amounts of power over the people and institutions through moral relativism, meaning there is no objective right or wrong. This interview will blow your mind. Please buy a dvd! www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Watch this video and please share it around! Listen to the whole show here: www.guerillamedia.co.nz www.americanfreedomradio.com http www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com http

Deist Occultism
This is the way that I interpret the occult...
published: 06 Sep 2010
Author: BespokeGroupUK
Deist Occultism
This is the way that I interpret the occult
Youtube results:

Hitler and the Occult (1/5)
published: 27 Mar 2010
Author: lastcallforfreedom1
Hitler and the Occult (1/5)

1/5: Politician Adrian salbuchi: on the occult, vatican, illuminati, elite, h1n1 flu, depopulation
Part 1/5: Edward Alexand Maggador interviews Adrian Salbuchi on topics from global elite, ...
published: 10 Dec 2009
Author: pleiadiantalk
1/5: Politician Adrian salbuchi: on the occult, vatican, illuminati, elite, h1n1 flu, depopulation
Part 1/5: Edward Alexand Maggador interviews Adrian Salbuchi on topics from global elite, monetary system, bankers, economics, the coming 2012 times, new world order, the vatican, false religions, ancient history, myts, paganism, depopulation plats, deceit

Nazis - The Occult Conspiracy - Part 1 of 10
Astrology. Reincarnation. A new blood religion. In this chilling yet fascinating glimpse a...
published: 11 Jun 2008
Author: theanswerman69
Nazis - The Occult Conspiracy - Part 1 of 10
Astrology. Reincarnation. A new blood religion. In this chilling yet fascinating glimpse at recent historical events, discover how Nazi beliefs were based on a perversion of ancient myths, pagan lore and the occult. In their quest to create an Aryan superace, the Nazis left no myth or religion unexploited � using astrological forecasts to plan battles; pendulums to locate allied battleships; the prophesies of Nostradamus to frighten the Allies, and sacred symbols, such as Nordic runes, to inspire their warriors to battle. Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy explores the disturbing ways the Third Reich linked occult practices with political aims and created a reign of terror unparalleled in history.

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Part 1 - 2:5
Nazis-the occult conspiracy is a documentary about how Hitler and the Nazis made use of oc...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: MadMooseMedia
Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Part 1 - 2:5
Nazis-the occult conspiracy is a documentary about how Hitler and the Nazis made use of occultism to win the war, and to remind the Germans that they were the best humans on the planet, the master-race. There are better documentaries around, but this is a solid documentary. There are many rare pictures from Nazi-Germany to be seen here, and you get to learn more about the religous beliefs of nazi-leaders like: Hitler, Goebbles, Göring, Hess and Himmler. Narrator: Malcolm McDowell Total Duration of film: 48 mins.