Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part A Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a.AVI
Also see
Smart Meter Intimidation
Tactics Part B Sp-Ausnet
Melbourne Feb 2013b.
AVI at .
No matter WHAT these
Electricity Distributor representatives say to you, remain calm & collected even when they threaten pulling your electricity fuse, or quote "mandatory" legislation, or threaten heavy fines, or note you as an "arrogant customer" as was done in this video, or even when they bluff dialing
000 (see part b in the shop next door).
It's all intimidation & co-ercion bullying tactics. A recent quote "just install the meter damn it, our investors are fuming!!!" - for this over $
100 million dollar company listed on
EDGAR Company Search. Just keep reminding them that they do not have consent to install a Smart Meter or any electronic equipment that could potentially transmit radio frequency information. They are trespassing if they do not leave when asked in which case call the police immediately. Even if they produce a
Work Order or
Warrant backed up with police presence, make it clear that this is not a police matter but a commercial one, ask to see the legislation that makes the action "mandatory" & that it will be referred to legal service immediately if enforcement is attempted.
Call the support groups immediately for help
. If the representative cannot produce documentation that verifies them as a qualified electrical technician, their tampering under the guise of "maintenance" is illegal.
Next stop is a combination of
Human Rights,
Trade Practices & Securities & Investments commission enquiries if the harassment continues.
Does anyone personally know this individual, can he be named?
Sp-Ausnet have informed us, in writing, that "every customer in
Victoria has been paying for the Smart Meter since
January 2010. It has been incorporated with the
Service &
Property Charge on your electricity bill." This means we've been paying for something & forced to do business with them without consent - & they could not provide a detailed breakdown of these costs, referring us to the energy retailer who also could not provide detail. Further harassment of us & the general public could therefore result in an action to claim back this inappropriate charge for every customer on the electricity network. Any or all of us can initiate this action, we have organised groups ready to take up the cause.
Send these videos worldwide to show support to our sisters & brothers in other countries.