- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 43548
- author: AtheistClone

8. The Living Planet - Sweet Fresh Water
Broadcast 15 March 1984, this programme focuses on freshwater habitats. Only 3% of the wor...
published: 13 Jan 2012
author: AtheistClone
8. The Living Planet - Sweet Fresh Water
Broadcast 15 March 1984, this programme focuses on freshwater habitats. Only 3% of the world's water is fresh, and Attenborough describes the course the Amazon, starting high up in the Andes of Peru, whose streams flow into the great river. Young rivers are by nature vigorous and dangerous: they flow fast and form rapids, thick with mud and sediment. They accumulate sand and gravel en route, and this erodes all but the hardest surrounding rocks. The Yellow River of China carries the most sediment of any river. By the time it has settled down and fallen over its last cascade, the water becomes tranquil and rich with nutrients from its banks. It begins to form lakes, and where the water flows into basins created by geological faults, they can be immense. When water reaches such areas, it loses its impetus and drops its sediment, potentially making it very fertile. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest: 1500 metres. In addition, 80% of its inhabitants are unique, including the Baikal Seal. There are many examples of creatures that thrive in such an environment. Predators lie in wait above the surface (kingfishers), below it (turtles), on it (water boatmen), and at its edge (fishing spiders). In its final stages, a river's tributaries are liable to burst their banks and flood. However, some have made a virtue of this: the Marsh Arabs of Iraq construct their buildings on rafts of reeds. This allows fish, pelicans and humans to flourish in a single community
- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 43548
- author: AtheistClone

Pet Fish : How to Set Up a Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank
Setting up a freshwater tropical fish tank means keeping it out of direct sunlight, using ...
published: 01 Jun 2009
author: eHow
Pet Fish : How to Set Up a Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank
Setting up a freshwater tropical fish tank means keeping it out of direct sunlight, using 1 pound of gravel per gallon and making sure to have enough of the proper chemicals. Discover how aquarium salt can help to reduce stress in a fish with help from the owner of a pet store in this free video on freshwater tropical fish tanks. Expert: Mike Mavro Contact: www.Orvees.com Bio: Mike Mavro is the owner and operator of Orvee's Pet Center in St. Petersburg, Fla. He has dedicated more than three decades to the care, maintenance, health and well-being of fish and furry animals. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
- published: 01 Jun 2009
- views: 56719
- author: eHow

Aquatic Biomes Freshwater | Biology | Ecology
Purchase this DVD here www.greatpacificmedia.com Segment from the program: Aquatic Biomes:...
published: 03 Jan 2010
author: greatpacificmedia
Aquatic Biomes Freshwater | Biology | Ecology
Purchase this DVD here www.greatpacificmedia.com Segment from the program: Aquatic Biomes: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, and Wetlands. DVD Description Our Aquatic Biomes DVD begins by looking at the characteristics common to all aquatic environments. The program then examines the littoral, limnetic and profundal zones of freshwater lakes, the seasonal cycling of O2 and nutrients, and the difference between oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes before observing how life changes along the course of rivers and explaining the ecological importance of wetlands. The photic, aphotic, and benthic ocean zones are then described and marine habitats such as tide pools, kelp forests, coral reefs, and vent communities explored.
- published: 03 Jan 2010
- views: 15427
- author: greatpacificmedia

Freshwater Natural Aquarium Documentary
Subscribe! www.youtube.com Or contact me at: Website: www.mikolji.com Facebook www.faceboo...
published: 09 Mar 2009
author: fishfromvenezuela
Freshwater Natural Aquarium Documentary
Subscribe! www.youtube.com Or contact me at: Website: www.mikolji.com Facebook www.facebook.com Documentaries: www.mikolji.com THE ENTIRE DOCUMENTARY NOW AVAILABLE AT: www.mikolji.com
- published: 09 Mar 2009
- views: 79894
- author: fishfromvenezuela

Planet Earth - Fresh Water HD
Planet Earth Fresh Water HD. Subscribe for more to come....
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: ThePlanetEarthShow
Planet Earth - Fresh Water HD
Planet Earth Fresh Water HD. Subscribe for more to come.
- published: 23 Feb 2010
- views: 48062
- author: ThePlanetEarthShow

TAKE ME FISHING 101: Texas Freshwater Fishing [Official]
Meet some Texas freshwater fish and get tips for catching them. Learn how to fish with Tex...
published: 05 Jun 2009
author: TexasParksWildlife
TAKE ME FISHING 101: Texas Freshwater Fishing [Official]
Meet some Texas freshwater fish and get tips for catching them. Learn how to fish with Texas Parks and Wildlife's "Take Me Fishing 101" series for beginning anglers. For more information, including free fishing events in your area, visit www.LifesBetterOutside.org.
- published: 05 Jun 2009
- views: 44324
- author: TexasParksWildlife

Freshwater Shrimp Aquarium
Freshwater aquarium housing Red Cherry, Crystal Red & Black shrimps. Hope you enjoy this v...
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: Aquaticstory
Freshwater Shrimp Aquarium
Freshwater aquarium housing Red Cherry, Crystal Red & Black shrimps. Hope you enjoy this video. Please visit us at www.aquaticstory.com.
- published: 09 Feb 2011
- views: 76173
- author: Aquaticstory

Angels Falls - Planet Earth - ep 3 Fresh Water 720p HD DVD
A MAGIC SCENE - Angels Falls in South America, the biggest waterfall in the world en.wikip...
published: 11 Mar 2009
author: pinkdiamond82
Angels Falls - Planet Earth - ep 3 Fresh Water 720p HD DVD
A MAGIC SCENE - Angels Falls in South America, the biggest waterfall in the world en.wikipedia.org This is a cut from the "Planet Earth - ep 3 Fresh Water 720p HD DVD" The Planet Earth documentary is created by BBC. It is considered the greatest nature documentary created till now. More info: www.imdb.com en.wikipedia.org
- published: 11 Mar 2009
- views: 268915
- author: pinkdiamond82

Planet Earth - Fresh Water - Remake
I had found a cool song that would go good with clips from planet earth, so I took the 5 v...
published: 18 Apr 2007
author: Diamndzngunz
Planet Earth - Fresh Water - Remake
I had found a cool song that would go good with clips from planet earth, so I took the 5 videos of Planet Earth Fresh Water, to make one small video. I hopefully plan on making a better one with a mix from all the Planet Earth episodes
- published: 18 Apr 2007
- views: 39428
- author: Diamndzngunz

my jellyfish tank (freshwater)
yes those are my freshwater jellyfish i have them in my room :) for questions just send me...
published: 20 Feb 2011
author: Ozzy Mazu
my jellyfish tank (freshwater)
yes those are my freshwater jellyfish i have them in my room :) for questions just send me a msg or leave a comment. thx
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 51641
- author: Ozzy Mazu

Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
This is a video and photo journal of breeding my freshwater angelfish. This is just a litt...
published: 16 Dec 2009
author: ecuacura
Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
This is a video and photo journal of breeding my freshwater angelfish. This is just a little project I started and have documented along the way. Hope you enjoy!
- published: 16 Dec 2009
- views: 80362
- author: ecuacura

Pet Fish : How to Start a Freshwater Aquarium the Right Way
When starting a freshwater aquarium, keep the aquarium out of areas of excessive sunlight,...
published: 01 Jun 2009
author: eHow
Pet Fish : How to Start a Freshwater Aquarium the Right Way
When starting a freshwater aquarium, keep the aquarium out of areas of excessive sunlight, and use 1 pound of gravel per gallon of water. Check with a local pets shop to find out what chemicals should be used to treat the water with help from the owner of a pet store in this free video on freshwater fish aquariums. Expert: Mike Mavro Contact: www.Orvees.com Bio: Mike Mavro is the owner and operator of Orvee's Pet Center in St. Petersburg, Fla. He has dedicated more than three decades to the care, maintenance, health and well-being of fish and furry animals. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
- published: 01 Jun 2009
- views: 81027
- author: eHow

worlds largest freshwater fish
Tropic Zone at the Vancouver Aquarium can transport you south to a warm climate even on a ...
published: 06 Nov 2009
author: JCVdude
worlds largest freshwater fish
Tropic Zone at the Vancouver Aquarium can transport you south to a warm climate even on a rainy November day in Vancouver. Many species of fish from all over the world are on display including an impressive - and massive - display dedicated to the worlds largest freshwater fish from the Amazon basin.
- published: 06 Nov 2009
- views: 47169
- author: JCVdude

The Fight for California's Fresh Water: America's Water Crisis (Part 3/3)
In the Golden State of California, freshwater in the San Joaquin Valley is on the brink of...
published: 15 Nov 2012
author: vice
The Fight for California's Fresh Water: America's Water Crisis (Part 3/3)
In the Golden State of California, freshwater in the San Joaquin Valley is on the brink of disappearance. Governor Jerry Brown's proposal for a peripheral canal is reigniting centuries-old battles over water rights, and environmentalists, citizens, and billionaires alike are all vying for control over California's water supply. In the final episode of a three part series, Emerson Rosenthal gets his inner Erin Brockovich on as he investigates a water war that could potentially destroy access to California's drinking water for millions. Welcome to California, ground zero of America's water crisis. Watch the rest here: Part 1: bit.ly Part 2: bit.ly Check out more VICE documentaries: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com
- published: 15 Nov 2012
- views: 45623
- author: vice
Youtube results:

Documentary - Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish - Part 1 of 2
This is the first of a 2 part documentary about Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish (Pteroph...
published: 10 Apr 2009
author: Jazzy78910
Documentary - Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish - Part 1 of 2
This is the first of a 2 part documentary about Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum Scalare). The documentary covers everything, from Finding Angel Pairs, to water conditions and feeding Fry. Enjoy! - Jarrad
- published: 10 Apr 2009
- views: 179412
- author: Jazzy78910

10 Gallon Aquarium Freshwater Cleaning Demo
Parrots cichlids were only in here temporarily...they get too large for a 10 gallon tank. ...
published: 25 Nov 2010
author: styx1981
10 Gallon Aquarium Freshwater Cleaning Demo
Parrots cichlids were only in here temporarily...they get too large for a 10 gallon tank. Snails are called Gold Mystery Snails or Glad Snails...lots of folks ask. Hey friends...I just started an aquarium-only channel! TroyFishBoy. Be sure to check it out! Lots of cool stuff coming! A step-by-step demonstration on how to clean a small freshwater aquarium.
- published: 25 Nov 2010
- views: 106457
- author: styx1981

Documentary - Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish - Part 2 of 2
This is the final section of a 2 part documentary about Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish ...
published: 11 Apr 2009
author: Jazzy78910
Documentary - Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish - Part 2 of 2
This is the final section of a 2 part documentary about Breeding the Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum Scalare). The documentary covers everything, from Finding Angel Pairs, to water conditions and feeding Fry. Enjoy! - Jarrad
- published: 11 Apr 2009
- views: 133261
- author: Jazzy78910

55 Gallon Freshwater Planted Community Aquarium 2011
This is a movie of my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium. It is a community tank with a variety...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: wonderboy2402
55 Gallon Freshwater Planted Community Aquarium 2011
This is a movie of my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium. It is a community tank with a variety of semi aggressive and community fish. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me or leave your comments! The water quality has a PH of around 6.7 and is hard. Water changes made about ever 3-4 weeks. I have had alot of luck with breeding my Tigerbarbs (3rd generation), guppies, mollies and cories (2nd generation). My cherry barbs also produce eggs weekly but they are always low in quantity and impossible to get out before the other fish eat them. Same with my tiger-barbs. My cories also will produce eggs on water changes. No CO2 or liquid fertilizers are used for the plants, as I like to keep water quality free of chemicals. The amazonicus does have fertilizer sticks as they are heavy root feeders. I also think having a heavily stocked tanks provide abundant nutrition and C02. Overall, I would say my tank is overstocked with fish but I run an extra filter and I have not lost a fish in a very long time. So seems balanced. Fish in this aquarium: Semi Aggressive species ----------------------- Tiger barbs (6) Albino Barbs (6) Red Tailed Shark (1) Community friendly species Include: -------------------------------------------- Bronze Cory (15+?) Pepper Cory (4) Spotted Cory (3) Misc. Unknown Rescue Cory (2) Cherry Barbs (6) Opaline gourami (3) Oto cats (6) Common Pleco (1) Platinum Molly (2 adult, Fry?) Black Lyertail Molly (2 adult, Fry?) Dalmation Molly (3 adult, fry ...
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 20147
- author: wonderboy2402