Warframe Wyrm Prime
Warframe Wyrm Prime
Warframe Wyrm Prime
The Wyrm Prime is the first Prime Sentinel, a version of the Wyrm Sentinel featuring Orokin styling.
Drop locations
Blueprint Void T2 Exterminate
Cerebrum Void T1 Exterminate
Carapace Void T2 Defense Wave 5
Systems Void T4 Interception Round 3 (and after)
New Void Drop Table:
Get Cheap Cheap Pc Games:
Outtro Music:
Background Music:
About Warframe
They were called
Tutorial Caverao Avenger - Tibia - Wyrm Drefia ( Darashia )
Tutorial Caverao Avenger - Tibia - Wyrm Drefia ( Darashia )
Tutorial Caverao Avenger - Tibia - Wyrm Drefia ( Darashia )
Fala pessoal, beleza? Video dos Wyrm de Drefia. Bom para paladin e kina caçarem. Deixe seu comentário com sugestões e dúvidas, se inscreva no canal e clique ...
Tutorial Knight Tibia - Wyrm Liberty Bay
Tutorial Knight Tibia - Wyrm Liberty Bay
Tutorial Knight Tibia - Wyrm Liberty Bay
## ACESSE O TibiaBR: http://tibiabr.com/
## CURTA O NOSSO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EmulaTV
## LINK PARA O GUIA DE HUNT DOS KNIGHTS: http://forums.tibiabr.com/showthread.php?p=6726268#post6726268
## SE INSCREVA NO CANAL - Não custa nada e você estará sempre recebendo o conteúdo primeiro que os outros!
SKYPE: rafa.emula
## Não deixe de avaliar o vídeo e claro, favorite se você gostou. Ajuda muito no trabalho e PRINCIPALMENTE na divulgação!
## Acesse também:
Tibia - Hunt - Wyrm - level 80+ - Liberty Bay
Tibia - Hunt - Wyrm - level 80+ - Liberty Bay
Tibia - Hunt - Wyrm - level 80+ - Liberty Bay
Mostrando o respawn de Wyrm em Liberty Bay. Boa Area de Hunt.
Wyrm - Necrotoxic (2012)
Wyrm - Necrotoxic (2012)
Wyrm - Necrotoxic (2012)
This is an official promo track for our new album "Rune Rider" artist: Wyrm (http://www.wyrm.cz) title: Necrotoxic album: Rune Rider release date: April 2012...
After 37 lava strykewyrms - Wyrm Heart (new item)
After 37 lava strykewyrms - Wyrm Heart (new item)
After 37 lava strykewyrms - Wyrm Heart (new item)
You need level 94 Slayer to kill them.
19.2.2010 Pod lampou WYRM
19.2.2010 Pod lampou WYRM
19.2.2010 Pod lampou WYRM
Como Chegar Hunt Wyrm Darashia
Como Chegar Hunt Wyrm Darashia
Como Chegar Hunt Wyrm Darashia
Como Chegar Hunt Wyrm - Darashia.
Caminho Wyrm Drefia
Caminho Wyrm Drefia
Caminho Wyrm Drefia
Assita em 1080p!
Ajude na divulgação clicando no "gostei"!
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/NaoMeFalta
Smite - Void Wyrm Kukulkan (Assault)
Smite - Void Wyrm Kukulkan (Assault)
Smite - Void Wyrm Kukulkan (Assault)
*Insert disturbing honking sound here*
Tibia Vandura Wyrm Cave Summer Update 2015.
Tibia Vandura Wyrm Cave Summer Update 2015.
Tibia Vandura Wyrm Cave Summer Update 2015.
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kastitv
►Twitch: http://pl.twitch.tv/kastitv
►Instagram: https://instagram.com/kamilkastitv/
►Koszulki: https://www.kastitv.cupsell.pl
Zapraszam do subskrypcji mojego kanału.
Hearthstone: Gimmicks vs Naxxramas Frost Wyrm Lair
Hearthstone: Gimmicks vs Naxxramas Frost Wyrm Lair
Hearthstone: Gimmicks vs Naxxramas Frost Wyrm Lair
TotalBiscuit weighs his gimmick deck against the newly released Frost Wyrm Lair of the Naxxramas expansion. Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter: http://twitter.co...
Wyrm - Live Plzeň
Wyrm - Live Plzeň
Wyrm - Live Plzeň
Descent, 2nd Edition: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Descent, 2nd Edition: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Descent, 2nd Edition: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at one of the expansion for Descent, 2nd Edition
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
Warframe Guía para conseguir a Wyrm Prime
Warframe Guía para conseguir a Wyrm Prime
Warframe Guía para conseguir a Wyrm Prime
Suscribete Pincha aquí http://goo.gl/wob62P
Guía de warframe para conseguir el centinela Wyrm prime , en el vídeo explicamos donde sale cada pieza de la Wyrm prime. Este vídeo es toda una serie destinada a que sepáis donde se consiguen todos los Prime, tanto armas como Warframes
Suscripciones, Likes , comentarios y cualquier otra cosa que queráis, son más que bien recibidas!!!!
Juega con MMOToda, SUSCRÍBETE http://goo.gl/wob62P
Gameplay en español de Warframe con Milindres y Tanchan, El Juego Warframe es un shooter (FPS) gratuito( Free 2 play), están disponibles la versión de Warframe PC, warframe PS4 y warframe Xbox One. Warframe de lo p
Tibia Hunt de Wyrm Drefia - Elder Druid
Tibia Hunt de Wyrm Drefia - Elder Druid
Tibia Hunt de Wyrm Drefia - Elder Druid
Video Teste. Amera - Tibia.
FFXIV OST - Midgardsormr Theme (Keeper of the Lake Final Boss)
FFXIV OST - Midgardsormr Theme (Keeper of the Lake Final Boss)
FFXIV OST - Midgardsormr Theme (Keeper of the Lake Final Boss)
The theme for the last boss of the keeper of the lake dungeon, Midgardsormr (damn, it's hard to type). He seems related to the heavensward storyline, and we'll probably hear more of him in Ishgard.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2015 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
SMITE Gameplay: Kukulkan, Void Wyrm (1080p 60FPS)
SMITE Gameplay: Kukulkan, Void Wyrm (1080p 60FPS)
SMITE Gameplay: Kukulkan, Void Wyrm (1080p 60FPS)
Hello Everybody!!! The RainKing here with some SMITE action, here today we play Kukulkan and this game is mainly to show off the Void Wyrm skin but we also do very well. We even manage to make up for our solo Vulcan, though our duo in this game helps tremendously in accomplishing this.
● And also, if there is a specific god or role you want me to play, leave a comment.
● Download SMITE and be a noodly Wyrm as well: http://www.hirezstudios.com/smite/nav/game-info/download-game
The music for this video:
● TeknoAXE, Smooth Moves on the Street
● TeknoAXE, Take Me to the Skies
● TeknoAXE, Transistors and Rain Droplets
Tibia: Zonas de Caza - Wyrm Mountain Liberty Bay [Premium Zone]
Tibia: Zonas de Caza - Wyrm Mountain Liberty Bay [Premium Zone]
Tibia: Zonas de Caza - Wyrm Mountain Liberty Bay [Premium Zone]
LEER DESCRIPCION AMIGOS!! - Bienvenidos!!! Os traigo pues que ya toca.. una zona de caza de Liberty Bay infestada de Wyrm y Energy Elemental. No hay que subestimar su poder así que lo que recomiendo es ir probando de uno en uno hasta que agarres el buen ritmo para subir rápido y con seguridad.
Tema magos cuidado no estoy del nada seguro de que nivel seria el adecuado.. Eso es todo amigos, hasta pronto!! :)
- Compra tu Tibia Premium Time al mejor precio en: http://www.tibiamexico.com.mx/
- Grabar y hacer broadcasts de Tibia en: https://www.tibiacast.com/
- Visita la pagina web de TibiaHispano: http://www.tibiahispano.com/
- Sígueme
Descent: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Descent: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Descent: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at the first expansion for the second edition of Descent the board game Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more revie...
Mage Arena 2.0: Mana wyrm of DOOM!
Mage Arena 2.0: Mana wyrm of DOOM!
Mage Arena 2.0: Mana wyrm of DOOM!
Live Stream: www.twitch.tv/applejacked
Twitter: www.twitter.com/applejackedtv
Facebook: www.facebook.com/applejackedtv
Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com/applevlogz
Warframe 154 Lets Build Wrym Prime
Warframe 154 Lets Build Wrym Prime
Warframe 154 Lets Build Wrym Prime
As of update 13.7 the parts for this can be found:
is a shame it dont come with prime weapon for it but still looks awesome either way.
tried to fit in as much footage of wyrm as i could, hence no normal build phase to video as sentinels are hard to get footage of them working.
Intro video made for us by SkillCraftFTW (http://www.youtube.com/user/awesomegandalfgaming)
intro/outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)
SMITE: Limited Edition "Void Wyrm Kukulkan" Skin Review
SMITE: Limited Edition "Void Wyrm Kukulkan" Skin Review
SMITE: Limited Edition "Void Wyrm Kukulkan" Skin Review
Download Smite Free: https://account.hirezstudios.com/smitegame/default.aspx?referral=8048279&utm;_campaign=email
Watch me LIVE - http://Twitch.tv/LetsGoGamingUK
Follow on Twitter - http://Twitter.com/UrbanTheGamer
Subscribe an leave a LIKE if you guys enjoyed the video!
If you guys want to see more of this or something different please let me know in the comments and I'll see about doing some videos in the future.
Warframe Wyrm Prime
The Wyrm Prime is the first Prime Sentinel, a version of the Wyrm Sentinel featuring Orokin styling.
Drop locations
Blueprint Void T2 Exterminate
Cerebrum Void T1 Exterminate
Carapace Void T2 Defense Wave 5
Systems Void T4 Interception Round 3 (and after)
New Void Drop Table:
Get Cheap Cheap Pc Games:
Outtro Music:
Background Music:
About Warframe
They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.
The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you.
Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.
Come Tenno, you must join the war.
wn.com/Warframe Wyrm Prime
The Wyrm Prime is the first Prime Sentinel, a version of the Wyrm Sentinel featuring Orokin styling.
Drop locations
Blueprint Void T2 Exterminate
Cerebrum Void T1 Exterminate
Carapace Void T2 Defense Wave 5
Systems Void T4 Interception Round 3 (and after)
New Void Drop Table:
Get Cheap Cheap Pc Games:
Outtro Music:
Background Music:
About Warframe
They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.
The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you.
Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.
Come Tenno, you must join the war.
- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 2092
Tutorial Caverao Avenger - Tibia - Wyrm Drefia ( Darashia )
Fala pessoal, beleza? Video dos Wyrm de Drefia. Bom para paladin e kina caçarem. Deixe seu comentário com sugestões e dúvidas, se inscreva no canal e clique ...
wn.com/Tutorial Caverao Avenger Tibia Wyrm Drefia ( Darashia )
Fala pessoal, beleza? Video dos Wyrm de Drefia. Bom para paladin e kina caçarem. Deixe seu comentário com sugestões e dúvidas, se inscreva no canal e clique ...
Tutorial Knight Tibia - Wyrm Liberty Bay
## ACESSE O TibiaBR: http://tibiabr.com/
## CURTA O NOSSO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EmulaTV
## LINK PARA O GUIA DE HUNT DOS KNIGHTS: http://forums.tibiabr.com/showthread.php?p=6726268#post6726268
## SE INSCREVA NO CANAL - Não custa nada e você estará sempre recebendo o conteúdo primeiro que os outros!
SKYPE: rafa.emula
## Não deixe de avaliar o vídeo e claro, favorite se você gostou. Ajuda muito no trabalho e PRINCIPALMENTE na divulgação!
## Acesse também:
wn.com/Tutorial Knight Tibia Wyrm Liberty Bay
## ACESSE O TibiaBR: http://tibiabr.com/
## CURTA O NOSSO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EmulaTV
## LINK PARA O GUIA DE HUNT DOS KNIGHTS: http://forums.tibiabr.com/showthread.php?p=6726268#post6726268
## SE INSCREVA NO CANAL - Não custa nada e você estará sempre recebendo o conteúdo primeiro que os outros!
SKYPE: rafa.emula
## Não deixe de avaliar o vídeo e claro, favorite se você gostou. Ajuda muito no trabalho e PRINCIPALMENTE na divulgação!
## Acesse também:
- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 1215
Wyrm - Necrotoxic (2012)
This is an official promo track for our new album "Rune Rider" artist: Wyrm (http://www.wyrm.cz) title: Necrotoxic album: Rune Rider release date: April 2012...
wn.com/Wyrm Necrotoxic (2012)
This is an official promo track for our new album "Rune Rider" artist: Wyrm (http://www.wyrm.cz) title: Necrotoxic album: Rune Rider release date: April 2012...
- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 1471
Caminho Wyrm Drefia
Assita em 1080p!
Ajude na divulgação clicando no "gostei"!
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/NaoMeFalta
wn.com/Caminho Wyrm Drefia
Assita em 1080p!
Ajude na divulgação clicando no "gostei"!
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/NaoMeFalta
- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 643
Tibia Vandura Wyrm Cave Summer Update 2015.
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kastitv
►Twitch: http://pl.twitch.tv/kastitv
►Instagram: https://instagram.com/kamilkastitv/
►Koszulki: https://www.kastitv.cupsell.pl
Zapraszam do subskrypcji mojego kanału.
wn.com/Tibia Vandura Wyrm Cave Summer Update 2015.
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kastitv
►Twitch: http://pl.twitch.tv/kastitv
►Instagram: https://instagram.com/kamilkastitv/
►Koszulki: https://www.kastitv.cupsell.pl
Zapraszam do subskrypcji mojego kanału.
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 1828
Hearthstone: Gimmicks vs Naxxramas Frost Wyrm Lair
TotalBiscuit weighs his gimmick deck against the newly released Frost Wyrm Lair of the Naxxramas expansion. Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter: http://twitter.co...
wn.com/Hearthstone Gimmicks Vs Naxxramas Frost Wyrm Lair
TotalBiscuit weighs his gimmick deck against the newly released Frost Wyrm Lair of the Naxxramas expansion. Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter: http://twitter.co...
Descent, 2nd Edition: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at one of the expansion for Descent, 2nd Edition
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
wn.com/Descent, 2Nd Edition Lair Of The Wyrm Review With Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at one of the expansion for Descent, 2nd Edition
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 3866
Warframe Guía para conseguir a Wyrm Prime
Suscribete Pincha aquí http://goo.gl/wob62P
Guía de warframe para conseguir el centinela Wyrm prime , en el vídeo explicamos donde sale cada pieza de la Wyrm prime. Este vídeo es toda una serie destinada a que sepáis donde se consiguen todos los Prime, tanto armas como Warframes
Suscripciones, Likes , comentarios y cualquier otra cosa que queráis, son más que bien recibidas!!!!
Juega con MMOToda, SUSCRÍBETE http://goo.gl/wob62P
Gameplay en español de Warframe con Milindres y Tanchan, El Juego Warframe es un shooter (FPS) gratuito( Free 2 play), están disponibles la versión de Warframe PC, warframe PS4 y warframe Xbox One. Warframe de lo puedes descargar de forma gratuita (free to download) de su web oficial warframe.com
Síguenos en google+ http://goo.gl/ytTRXI
También Directos en Twitch http://goo.gl/W53TfG
No dejes de visitarnos en http://www.MMOToda.com.
También estamos en https://twitter.com/mmotodagaming y https://www.facebook.com/mmotoda.gaming
Juega con MMOToda, SUSCRÍBETE http://goo.gl/wob62P
wn.com/Warframe Guía Para Conseguir A Wyrm Prime
Suscribete Pincha aquí http://goo.gl/wob62P
Guía de warframe para conseguir el centinela Wyrm prime , en el vídeo explicamos donde sale cada pieza de la Wyrm prime. Este vídeo es toda una serie destinada a que sepáis donde se consiguen todos los Prime, tanto armas como Warframes
Suscripciones, Likes , comentarios y cualquier otra cosa que queráis, son más que bien recibidas!!!!
Juega con MMOToda, SUSCRÍBETE http://goo.gl/wob62P
Gameplay en español de Warframe con Milindres y Tanchan, El Juego Warframe es un shooter (FPS) gratuito( Free 2 play), están disponibles la versión de Warframe PC, warframe PS4 y warframe Xbox One. Warframe de lo puedes descargar de forma gratuita (free to download) de su web oficial warframe.com
Síguenos en google+ http://goo.gl/ytTRXI
También Directos en Twitch http://goo.gl/W53TfG
No dejes de visitarnos en http://www.MMOToda.com.
También estamos en https://twitter.com/mmotodagaming y https://www.facebook.com/mmotoda.gaming
Juega con MMOToda, SUSCRÍBETE http://goo.gl/wob62P
- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 1257
FFXIV OST - Midgardsormr Theme (Keeper of the Lake Final Boss)
The theme for the last boss of the keeper of the lake dungeon, Midgardsormr (damn, it's hard to type). He seems related to the heavensward storyline, and we'll probably hear more of him in Ishgard.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2015 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
wn.com/Ffxiv Ost Midgardsormr Theme (Keeper Of The Lake Final Boss)
The theme for the last boss of the keeper of the lake dungeon, Midgardsormr (damn, it's hard to type). He seems related to the heavensward storyline, and we'll probably hear more of him in Ishgard.
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2015 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 646
SMITE Gameplay: Kukulkan, Void Wyrm (1080p 60FPS)
Hello Everybody!!! The RainKing here with some SMITE action, here today we play Kukulkan and this game is mainly to show off the Void Wyrm skin but we also do very well. We even manage to make up for our solo Vulcan, though our duo in this game helps tremendously in accomplishing this.
● And also, if there is a specific god or role you want me to play, leave a comment.
● Download SMITE and be a noodly Wyrm as well: http://www.hirezstudios.com/smite/nav/game-info/download-game
The music for this video:
● TeknoAXE, Smooth Moves on the Street
● TeknoAXE, Take Me to the Skies
● TeknoAXE, Transistors and Rain Droplets
● The Day I Die
● The Okinawa Dance
wn.com/Smite Gameplay Kukulkan, Void Wyrm (1080P 60Fps)
Hello Everybody!!! The RainKing here with some SMITE action, here today we play Kukulkan and this game is mainly to show off the Void Wyrm skin but we also do very well. We even manage to make up for our solo Vulcan, though our duo in this game helps tremendously in accomplishing this.
● And also, if there is a specific god or role you want me to play, leave a comment.
● Download SMITE and be a noodly Wyrm as well: http://www.hirezstudios.com/smite/nav/game-info/download-game
The music for this video:
● TeknoAXE, Smooth Moves on the Street
● TeknoAXE, Take Me to the Skies
● TeknoAXE, Transistors and Rain Droplets
● The Day I Die
● The Okinawa Dance
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 12
Tibia: Zonas de Caza - Wyrm Mountain Liberty Bay [Premium Zone]
LEER DESCRIPCION AMIGOS!! - Bienvenidos!!! Os traigo pues que ya toca.. una zona de caza de Liberty Bay infestada de Wyrm y Energy Elemental. No hay que subestimar su poder así que lo que recomiendo es ir probando de uno en uno hasta que agarres el buen ritmo para subir rápido y con seguridad.
Tema magos cuidado no estoy del nada seguro de que nivel seria el adecuado.. Eso es todo amigos, hasta pronto!! :)
- Compra tu Tibia Premium Time al mejor precio en: http://www.tibiamexico.com.mx/
- Grabar y hacer broadcasts de Tibia en: https://www.tibiacast.com/
- Visita la pagina web de TibiaHispano: http://www.tibiahispano.com/
- Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/TibiaEsp/
- Pagina de Tibia: http://www.tibia.com/news/
Music used: Dance of the pixies (Machinimasound.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License | https://machinimasound.com/license
wn.com/Tibia Zonas De Caza Wyrm Mountain Liberty Bay Premium Zone
LEER DESCRIPCION AMIGOS!! - Bienvenidos!!! Os traigo pues que ya toca.. una zona de caza de Liberty Bay infestada de Wyrm y Energy Elemental. No hay que subestimar su poder así que lo que recomiendo es ir probando de uno en uno hasta que agarres el buen ritmo para subir rápido y con seguridad.
Tema magos cuidado no estoy del nada seguro de que nivel seria el adecuado.. Eso es todo amigos, hasta pronto!! :)
- Compra tu Tibia Premium Time al mejor precio en: http://www.tibiamexico.com.mx/
- Grabar y hacer broadcasts de Tibia en: https://www.tibiacast.com/
- Visita la pagina web de TibiaHispano: http://www.tibiahispano.com/
- Sígueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/TibiaEsp/
- Pagina de Tibia: http://www.tibia.com/news/
Music used: Dance of the pixies (Machinimasound.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License | https://machinimasound.com/license
- published: 01 May 2014
- views: 1111
Descent: Lair of the Wyrm Review - with Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at the first expansion for the second edition of Descent the board game Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more revie...
wn.com/Descent Lair Of The Wyrm Review With Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel takes a look at the first expansion for the second edition of Descent the board game Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com Find more revie...
Mage Arena 2.0: Mana wyrm of DOOM!
Live Stream: www.twitch.tv/applejacked
Twitter: www.twitter.com/applejackedtv
Facebook: www.facebook.com/applejackedtv
Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com/applevlogz
wn.com/Mage Arena 2.0 Mana Wyrm Of Doom
Live Stream: www.twitch.tv/applejacked
Twitter: www.twitter.com/applejackedtv
Facebook: www.facebook.com/applejackedtv
Vlog Channel: www.youtube.com/applevlogz
- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 3014
Warframe 154 Lets Build Wrym Prime
As of update 13.7 the parts for this can be found:
is a shame it dont come with prime weapon for it but still looks awesome either way.
tried to fit in as much footage of wyrm as i could, hence no normal build phase to video as sentinels are hard to get footage of them working.
Intro video made for us by SkillCraftFTW (http://www.youtube.com/user/awesomegandalfgaming)
intro/outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)
wn.com/Warframe 154 Lets Build Wrym Prime
As of update 13.7 the parts for this can be found:
is a shame it dont come with prime weapon for it but still looks awesome either way.
tried to fit in as much footage of wyrm as i could, hence no normal build phase to video as sentinels are hard to get footage of them working.
Intro video made for us by SkillCraftFTW (http://www.youtube.com/user/awesomegandalfgaming)
intro/outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)
- published: 14 Jun 2014
- views: 296
SMITE: Limited Edition "Void Wyrm Kukulkan" Skin Review
Download Smite Free: https://account.hirezstudios.com/smitegame/default.aspx?referral=8048279&utm;_campaign=email
Watch me LIVE - http://Twitch.tv/LetsGoGamingUK
Follow on Twitter - http://Twitter.com/UrbanTheGamer
Subscribe an leave a LIKE if you guys enjoyed the video!
If you guys want to see more of this or something different please let me know in the comments and I'll see about doing some videos in the future.
wn.com/Smite Limited Edition Void Wyrm Kukulkan Skin Review
Download Smite Free: https://account.hirezstudios.com/smitegame/default.aspx?referral=8048279&utm;_campaign=email
Watch me LIVE - http://Twitch.tv/LetsGoGamingUK
Follow on Twitter - http://Twitter.com/UrbanTheGamer
Subscribe an leave a LIKE if you guys enjoyed the video!
If you guys want to see more of this or something different please let me know in the comments and I'll see about doing some videos in the future.
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 677