- published: 18 Apr 2011
- views: 2319
- author: helpwithsong1
Long Live Catholic Europe
Featuring: Generalissimo Francisco Franco (Spain), Miguel Primo de Rivera (Spain), Jose Pr...
published: 18 Apr 2011
author: helpwithsong1
Long Live Catholic Europe
Featuring: Generalissimo Francisco Franco (Spain), Miguel Primo de Rivera (Spain), Jose Primo de Rivera (Spain), Antonio Oliveira de Salazar (Portugal), Philippe Petain (France), Leon Degrelle (Belgium), Engelbert Dollfuss (Austria), Dr. Jozef Tiso (Slovakia), Andrej Hlinka (Slovakia), Dr. Ante Pavelic (Croatia), and "Il Duce" Benito Mussolini (Italy), with special appearances by Adolf Hitler (Germany). Music used: - Isuse Moj (Tiho Orlic, Ivo Separovic and Bljesak) - Crusaders (Medieval 2 Soundtrack) - Light of a Dead Sun (Puissance) - Requiem For a Dream (Clint Mansell)
- published: 18 Apr 2011
- views: 2319
- author: helpwithsong1
Bundeskanzler Dr. Dollfuß tot
Im Zuge des NS-Putsches am 25. Juli 1934 wird Kanzler Dollfuß getötet, das Begräbnis zum A...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: DiesundDasaus Oesterreich
Bundeskanzler Dr. Dollfuß tot
Im Zuge des NS-Putsches am 25. Juli 1934 wird Kanzler Dollfuß getötet, das Begräbnis zum Ausgangspunkt für eine Art "Märtyrerkult". Bei den Trauerfeierlichkeiten spricht Bundespräsident Wilhelm Miklas.
- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 1837
- author: DiesundDasaus Oesterreich
Heldenkanzler Trailer
Trailer for Benjamin Swiczinsky's "Heldenkanzler", a short animation film about the Austri...
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: Igor S.
Heldenkanzler Trailer
Trailer for Benjamin Swiczinsky's "Heldenkanzler", a short animation film about the Austrian Dictator Engelbert Dollfuss.
- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 2357
- author: Igor S.
Engelbert Dollfuss funeral 1934
Engelbert Dollfuss funeral 1934...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: 80omar80omar80
Engelbert Dollfuss funeral 1934
Engelbert Dollfuss funeral 1934
- published: 31 Aug 2011
- views: 747
- author: 80omar80omar80
Der blutige Februar 1934
Die Dokumentation zeichnet die politischen Zangenbewegung gegen die Sozialdemokratie nach,...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: GeschichteWelt
Der blutige Februar 1934
Die Dokumentation zeichnet die politischen Zangenbewegung gegen die Sozialdemokratie nach, die den Weg in die Diktatur des autoritären, christlichen Ständestaats ebnen sollte. Heimwehrführer Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg, Bundeskanzler Engelbert Dollfuß und Sicherheitsminister Emil Fey sind die politisch Hauptverantwortlichen für die Ausschaltung von Demokratie, Parlamentarismus und Sozialdemokratie in der Ersten Republik. Der Kampf gegen die sozialdemokratische Opposition gipfelt im Parteienverbot nach dem Bürgerkrieg vom Februar 1934 und führt zur tiefen Fragmentierung und irreparablen Spaltung der Gesellschaft.
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 1072
- author: GeschichteWelt
Dollfuß - Österreich
Dollfuß spricht über die geistesgeschichtliche Entwicklung Österreichs von Beginn/Mitte de...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: Watzslaw
Dollfuß - Österreich
Dollfuß spricht über die geistesgeschichtliche Entwicklung Österreichs von Beginn/Mitte des 19ten Jahrhunderts bis 1934.
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 3927
- author: Watzslaw
Dictadura de Dollfuss en Austria (1932)
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: Hemerotecadelbuitre
Dictadura de Dollfuss en Austria (1932)
- published: 01 Aug 2011
- views: 748
- author: Hemerotecadelbuitre
Österreich I - Abschied von Österreich (1934-1938)
Österreich I (6) - Abschied von Österreich ORF Serie von Hugo Portisch und Sepp Riff Kaum ...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: GeschichteWelt
Österreich I - Abschied von Österreich (1934-1938)
Österreich I (6) - Abschied von Österreich ORF Serie von Hugo Portisch und Sepp Riff Kaum ein Datum in der Geschichte Österreichs hat die Geister mehr geschieden, das Volk mehr entzweit als der 12. Februar 1934. Der Tag, an dem der Bürgerkrieg ausbrach, als Österreicher auf Österreicher schossen. Es war der Beginn eines tragischen Irrweges. Wenige Monate später gab es den zweiten Bürgerkrieg, als Nationalsozialisten den Bundeskanzler Dollfuß ermordeten. All diese Ereignisse werden in dieser Folge von "Österreich I" in wirklichkeitsnaher Dramatik rekonstruiert. Danach wurde vom neuen Bundeskanzler Schuschnigg das austrofaschistische Regime, der Ständestaat etabliert. Doppelt geschwächt, vermag sich Österreich jedoch weder aus der wirtschaftlichen Not, noch aus der tödlichen außenpolitischen Umklammerung zu retten. Der Weg zum Anschluss 1938 ist geebnet.
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 4744
- author: GeschichteWelt
Engelbert Dollfuss - Discurso
Pequeño fragmento de un discurso de Engelbert Dollfuss, canciller austriaco dentro del rég...
published: 24 Aug 2008
author: brigantazgo
Engelbert Dollfuss - Discurso
Pequeño fragmento de un discurso de Engelbert Dollfuss, canciller austriaco dentro del régimen conocido como "Austrofascismo" (inspirado en el fascismo mussoliniano y en la doctrina social católica), miembro del Partido Social Cristiano, después fusionado con otras organizaciones en el Frente Patriótico (Vaterländische Front). Asesinado en 1934 por agentes nacionalsocialistas dentro del Putsch de Julio que, sin embargo, fracasó debido a la intervención de la Heimwehr y de Mussolini, quien envió tropas a la frontera austriaca en apoyo del régimen austriaco.
- published: 24 Aug 2008
- views: 1496
- author: brigantazgo
Österreich unser Jahrhundert 1900 - 1945 Teil 3/3.
Der 3. Teil zeigt wie im Februar 1934 Österreicher auf Österreicher schießen, Bürgerkrieg....
published: 05 Jul 2009
author: MrThaliman
Österreich unser Jahrhundert 1900 - 1945 Teil 3/3.
Der 3. Teil zeigt wie im Februar 1934 Österreicher auf Österreicher schießen, Bürgerkrieg. Engelbert Dollfuß wird ermordet. Alle Parteien werden verboten. Kurt Schuschnigg versucht noch einmal Österreich zu regieren, ohne Erflog. Am 12. März 1938 marschieren die Deutschen in Österreich ein und erreichen nach zwei Tagen Wien. Der Terror beginnt. Juden müssen Parolen von den Straßen waschen, Nachbarn dementieren Nachbarn. Jüdisches Eigentum wird geplündert. In Linz werden die Hermann Göring Werke eröffnet. In Steyer werden Waffen hergestellt. Der 2. Weltkrieg hat schon längst begonnen. Im Kampf um Stalingrad verblutet die 6. Deutsche Armee. Österreich wird Bombardiert und Befreit. Im Video ist auch die Neujahrsansprache von Leopold Figl. Sehen Sie wie es weiter geht in „Österreich unser Jahrhundert 1945 - 1999" www.youtube.com
- published: 05 Jul 2009
- views: 21565
- author: MrThaliman
The German Machtergreifung (power seizure) in pictures, with a twist to it. Enjoy! = )...
published: 27 Feb 2010
author: pajfarfar
The German Machtergreifung (power seizure) in pictures, with a twist to it. Enjoy! = )
- published: 27 Feb 2010
- views: 380
- author: pajfarfar
(English Subtitles) Mussolini's speech against Germany ,Bari 1934.wmv
Mussolini's speech against german theories of racism and pangermanism, September 6,1934. I...
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: bvrncb
(English Subtitles) Mussolini's speech against Germany ,Bari 1934.wmv
Mussolini's speech against german theories of racism and pangermanism, September 6,1934. In 1934 Benito Mussolini supported the independence of Austria from Germany. In an attempt to realise his goal , the Anschluss( = union) with Austria, Hitler was determined to destabilise Austria and undermine its independence. The Austrian Chancellor, Dollfuss, a personal friend of Mussolini, who had created in Austria a corporatism inspired by fascist Italy, tried to crack down on the Socialists and Nazis - political factions that he thought were tearing the country apart. Dollfuss banned the Nazi party. In 1934, Hitler ordered the Austrian Nazis to create havoc in Austria. This turned into an attempt to overthrow the government. Chancellor Dollfuss was murdered but the attempted coup failed because the Austrian military intervened to back up the government. In 1934, Italy had an agreement with Austria that it would protect Austria from outside aggression. The Italian dictator, Mussolini, honoured the agreement and moved Italian troops to the Austrian border to deter Hitler from invading.
- published: 16 Jun 2012
- views: 5653
- author: bvrncb
Vimeo results:
HELDENKANZLER is based on the true story of Engelbert Dollfuss, who tried to inforce his f...
published: 19 May 2011
author: Neuer Trickfilm Österreich
HELDENKANZLER is based on the true story of Engelbert Dollfuss, who tried to inforce his fashist dictatorship in Austria in the 1930ies.
The film features the voices of famous Austrian actor Erwin Leder (Das Boot, Schindlers List, ...), Philipp Hochhauser and Benjamin Swiczinsky himself.
Chitrakatha '11 International Student Animation Festival: Jury Special Mention
Anerkennungspreis der Kulturpreise des Landes Niederösterreich 2012
Content Award Vienna 2011: 1. Platz in der Kategorie "Shorts"
FIRST STEPS: Nominierung in der Kategorie "Kurz- und Animationsfilme"
DOK Leipzig 2011: Preis für den besten Deutschen Animationsfilm
kurzundschön: Bester Animationsfilm in der Kategorie Kurzfilm
FUTURE FILM SHORT 2012 - Premio Provincia di Bologna
ITFS 2012 - Lotte Reiniger Förderpreis
Copyright 2011
www.neuer-trickfilm.at www.filmakademie.de www.animationsinstitut.de
Youtube results:
Die Februarrevolte 1934 in Wien
Die Februarrevolte bzw. der Bürgerkrieg in Wien im Februar 1934 in Originalaufnahmen: Die ...
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: DiesundDasaus Oesterreich
Die Februarrevolte 1934 in Wien
Die Februarrevolte bzw. der Bürgerkrieg in Wien im Februar 1934 in Originalaufnahmen: Die Regierung unter Bundeskanzler Dr. Dollfuss bekämpft mit Hilfe des Bundesheeres und der Polizei einen Aufstand des sozialdemokratischen Schutzbundes.
- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 1352
- author: DiesundDasaus Oesterreich
Eustace Mullins (RIP) about Zionists, Holocaust, Rothshild, Israel, Judaism
Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews - so...
published: 21 Apr 2010
author: account4reUploadings
Eustace Mullins (RIP) about Zionists, Holocaust, Rothshild, Israel, Judaism
Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews - source: youtube.com More true history exposed. The word Nazi is a combination between the National Socialist Party and the Zionist Party. Na Zi The same people are running "Israel" now and trying to start a war with Iran. Please see also "Adolf Hitler founded Israel" youtube.com (again that Video is not available in Germany) I PAID HITLER — Fritz Thyssen — Farrar & Rinehart It has often been rumored that Hitler is partly Jewish. Thyssen gives plausible reasons for believing that, if Hitler does have Jewish blood, it comes from a distinguished family: "According to the published records, Hitler's grandmother had an illegitimate son, and this son was to become the father of Germany's present leader. But an inquiry once ordered by the late Austrian chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, disclosed that the Fuhrer's grandmother became pregnant during her employment as a servant in a Viennese family. . . . And the family . . . was none other than that of Baron Rothschild." Of course, no matter where she was employed, any plowboy might have fathered Hitler's grandmother's son. But Thyssen says that Hitler's spies told him of the existence of the document, that it was probably a factor in Dollfuss' assassination, that Hitler later wrested it from Schuschnigg. Thyssen also heard that a copy of it was "in the hands of the British Secret Service." Another eye-opener is evidence that Adolf Hitler was not ...
- published: 21 Apr 2010
- views: 10394
- author: account4reUploadings
Nazi Zionists Are The Only Political Party In The World Today - International Zionist Socialism
{48:14-58:14} The Secrets of The Federal Reserve, lecture by Eustace Mullins in Salmon Arm...
published: 20 Jul 2010
author: MadManMarvin
Nazi Zionists Are The Only Political Party In The World Today - International Zionist Socialism
{48:14-58:14} The Secrets of The Federal Reserve, lecture by Eustace Mullins in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, August 2000. A Wes Mann, Preferred Network Production. A copy of this two hour lecture on dvd can be purchased at www.preferrednetwork.com TIME Magazine, Monday, Oct. 13, 1941: www.time.com I PAID HITLER — Fritz Thyssen — Farrar & Rinehart ($2.75). It has often been rumored that Hitler is partly Jewish. Thyssen gives plausible reasons for believing that, if Hitler does have Jewish blood, it comes from a distinguished family: "According to the published records, Hitler's grandmother had an illegitimate son, and this son was to become the father of Germany's present leader. But an inquiry once ordered by the late Austrian chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, disclosed that the Fuhrer's grandmother became pregnant during her employment as a servant in a Viennese family. . . . And the family . . . was none other than that of Baron Rothschild." Of course, no matter where she was employed, any plowboy might have fathered Hitler's grandmother's son. But Thyssen says that Hitler's spies told him of the existence of the document, that it was probably a factor in Dollfuss' assassination, that Hitler later wrested it from Schuschnigg. Thyssen also heard that a copy of it was "in the hands of the British Secret Service." Another eye-opener is evidence that Adolf Hitler was not only Jewish, but the great grandson of a Rothschild. During World War II, A Psychological Analysis of Adolph ...
- published: 20 Jul 2010
- views: 3546
- author: MadManMarvin
Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews ?
The word Nazi is a combination between the National Socialist Party and the Zionist Party....
published: 21 Apr 2010
author: 91177info
Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews ?
The word Nazi is a combination between the National Socialist Party and the Zionist Party. Na Zi The same people are running Israel now and trying to start a war with Iran. Please see my previous upload where it was infact Adolf Hitler who infact founded Israel- www.youtube.com I PAID HITLER — Fritz Thyssen — Farrar & Rinehart It has often been rumored that Hitler is partly Jewish. Thyssen gives plausible reasons for believing that, if Hitler does have Jewish blood, it comes from a distinguished family: "According to the published records, Hitler's grandmother had an illegitimate son, and this son was to become the father of Germany's present leader. But an inquiry once ordered by the late Austrian chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss, disclosed that the Fuhrer's grandmother became pregnant during her employment as a servant in a Viennese family. . . . And the family . . . was none other than that of Baron Rothschild." Of course, no matter where she was employed, any plowboy might have fathered Hitler's grandmother's son. But Thyssen says that Hitler's spies told him of the existence of the document, that it was probably a factor in Dollfuss' assassination, that Hitler later wrested it from Schuschnigg. Thyssen also heard that a copy of it was "in the hands of the British Secret Service." Another eye-opener is evidence that Adolf Hitler was not only Jewish, but the great grandson of a Rothschild. During World War II, A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler: His Life and ...
- published: 21 Apr 2010
- views: 17827
- author: 91177info