Ernst Bloch - Gespräch (1961)
"Wir haben keine Zuversicht, wir haben nur Hoffnung." Gespräch mit dem Philosophen Ernst B...
published: 11 Aug 2012
author: thinkingchannel
Ernst Bloch - Gespräch (1961)
Ernst Bloch - Gespräch (1961)
"Wir haben keine Zuversicht, wir haben nur Hoffnung." Gespräch mit dem Philosophen Ernst Bloch (1885-1977) über u.a. den Jahrmarkt, Märchen, Karl May, Utopie...- published: 11 Aug 2012
- views: 1214
- author: thinkingchannel
port-royal - ernst bloch
another stunning video by jack lane/jason fox of the acclaimed song "ernst bloch" from "ma...
published: 04 Jul 2009
author: uptheroyals
port-royal - ernst bloch
port-royal - ernst bloch
another stunning video by jack lane/jason fox of the acclaimed song "ernst bloch" from "magnitogorsk" split album, out in september 2008. check www.myspace.c...- published: 04 Jul 2009
- views: 6292
- author: uptheroyals
Ernst Bloch (1/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: RichardDavidPrecht
Ernst Bloch (1/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
Ernst Bloch (1/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 15336
- author: RichardDavidPrecht
Ebraismo e cristianesimo in Ernst Bloch
Intervista alla Prof.ssa Patrizia Cipolletta (Università Roma Tre). Servizio di Nicola Ale...
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Nicola Alessandrini
Ebraismo e cristianesimo in Ernst Bloch
Ebraismo e cristianesimo in Ernst Bloch
Intervista alla Prof.ssa Patrizia Cipolletta (Università Roma Tre). Servizio di Nicola Alessandrini e Cinzia Carantoni.- published: 01 Mar 2012
- views: 134
- author: Nicola Alessandrini
Meditation Hebraique - Ernst Bloch
Sandra Martinez, a Music Education Major and cello student of Dr. Gary Hardie, performing ...
published: 23 Apr 2008
author: Kurt Roehm
Meditation Hebraique - Ernst Bloch
Meditation Hebraique - Ernst Bloch
Sandra Martinez, a Music Education Major and cello student of Dr. Gary Hardie, performing in Meadows Recital Hall at Baylor University ... with Philip Howard...- published: 23 Apr 2008
- views: 11185
- author: Kurt Roehm
Ernst Bloch - Interview (1/4)
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: RichardDavidPrecht
Ernst Bloch - Interview (1/4)
Ernst Bloch Schelomo, Jiří Hošek
Ernst Bloch Schelomo Hebrew Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra Jiří Hošek Violoncello Prague...
published: 02 Jan 2011
author: harpsichordRB
Ernst Bloch Schelomo, Jiří Hošek
Ernst Bloch Schelomo, Jiří Hošek
Ernst Bloch Schelomo Hebrew Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra Jiří Hošek Violoncello Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra Vladimír Válek Conductor Rec.: 1992 at th...- published: 02 Jan 2011
- views: 1795
- author: harpsichordRB
Ernst Bloch: Prayer
Antonio Lysy....
published: 04 Jul 2010
author: messer citraz
Ernst Bloch: Prayer
Ernst Bloch Schelomo for Cello and Piano
Ernst Bloch, Schelomo, performed at the Meadowmount School of Music, July 8, 2012 by Ben S...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: MeadowmountSchool
Ernst Bloch Schelomo for Cello and Piano
Ernst Bloch Schelomo for Cello and Piano
Ernst Bloch, Schelomo, performed at the Meadowmount School of Music, July 8, 2012 by Ben Solomonow, cello, Alex Maynegre, Piano. Schelomo Ernst Bloch (1885-1...- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 1239
- author: MeadowmountSchool
Bloch: Das Prinzip Hoffnung (1/2)
Ernst Bloch Das Prinzip Hoffnung....
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: SocioPhilosophy
Bloch: Das Prinzip Hoffnung (1/2)
Bloch: Das Prinzip Hoffnung (1/2)
Ernst Bloch Das Prinzip Hoffnung.- published: 24 Aug 2011
- views: 1748
- author: SocioPhilosophy
Der Philosoph Gerd Irrlitz. Zum 120. Geburtstag von Ernst Bloch.
http://www.zeitzeugen-tv.com/dossier/person/146/irrlitz_gerd.html Wissenschaftliche Ration...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: zeitzeugentv
Der Philosoph Gerd Irrlitz. Zum 120. Geburtstag von Ernst Bloch.
Der Philosoph Gerd Irrlitz. Zum 120. Geburtstag von Ernst Bloch.
http://www.zeitzeugen-tv.com/dossier/person/146/irrlitz_gerd.html Wissenschaftliche Rationalität als Vernunft, das Mensch-Natur-Verhältnis, Historisierung de...- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 280
- author: zeitzeugentv
Ernst Bloch (3/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: RichardDavidPrecht
Ernst Bloch (3/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
Ernst Bloch (3/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 3372
- author: RichardDavidPrecht
Ernst Bloch - Wir wissen noch nicht was der Mensch ist
Ernst Bloch, neomarxistischer Philosoph....
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: Schroederinho
Ernst Bloch - Wir wissen noch nicht was der Mensch ist
Ernst Bloch - Wir wissen noch nicht was der Mensch ist
Ernst Bloch, neomarxistischer Philosoph.- published: 25 Jun 2011
- views: 1578
- author: Schroederinho
Ernst Bloch (2/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: RichardDavidPrecht
Ernst Bloch (2/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
Ernst Bloch (2/4) Gespräch mit einem Philosophen
- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 4742
- author: RichardDavidPrecht
Vimeo results:
AGF - The Generations 1 (Eila Kivikk'aho 1961)
Piece taken from album: Kuuntele
published: 23 Jan 2014
author: Antye Greie-Ripatti
AGF - The Generations 1 (Eila Kivikk'aho 1961)
Piece taken from album: Kuuntele
more: http://kuuntele.poemproducer.com/
"Eila Kivikk'aho (1921–2004) is the most lyrical of these poetesses. Words and nature in unison, visual and auditive worlds as a united entity participating in the birth of the poems. Especially important is her collection Away from the Meadow (1951). In this CD she is represented with the poem "Generations" from the collection The Flock (1961). War water has filled trenches and a steel helmet left in the field... AGF has chosen the first part of Kivikk'aho's poem; can the young generation conquer the elder one, overrun by the war? Can you win the defeated one? The principle of defeat (varying Ernst Bloch's "Das Prinzip Niederlage") is repeated from generation to generation and perhaps by AGF's radical interpretation also dragged into the 21st century in the light of environmental rethinking."
Kari Sallama (Doctor of Philosophy, Fellow for literature, University of Oulu; Fellow for didactics of literature, University of Helsinki; President of the Association of Finno-Ugric Literatures; specialist in Ethnofuturism and Finno-Ugric literatures; poet and essayist)
momenti films (2010)
In the beginning of 2010 I read a book by Dutch writer/philosopher Joke Hermsen called 'St...
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: weeveepee
momenti films (2010)
In the beginning of 2010 I read a book by Dutch writer/philosopher Joke Hermsen called 'Stil de tijd - pleidooi voor een langzame toekomst' with essays about time (roughly translates to ‘Still the time - plea for a slow future’). In one of the essays she writes about German philosopher Ernst Bloch (1885-1977). He wondered what motivates people in life. Briefly summarized he said people strive for Utopia, which we will never reach, but pursuing it is what life is about, what makes us go, what makes us move forward. And although we never reach it, every now and then we can catch a glimpse of this Utopia, for instance when we hear music, relive a memory, smell something, are in love, are in ‘a flow’. At these moments we forget all about linear time but experience time in our own, personal way. At these moments, he claims, we can experience true happiness, therefore we have to aim for these moments. So Bloch said 'Carpe aeternitatum in momenti' or 'seize eternity in the moment'. When I read this, I realized I’ve been trying to do this for years, I only had not found the words to describe it yet.
In december 2010 I graduated at the Photoacademy in Amsterdam. My graduation project consisted of three parts, each with a different experience of time and a different way to explore this theme.
I presented these three elements as a whole at the exhibition ExtraVers2010 in De Overkant in Amsterdam in December 2010. These films were played on 8 separate 8" screens, as part of the installation.
See: http://www.weeveepee.nl/pluk-ogenblik/pluk/ for the whole project.
Matkalla Korundiin
Dokumenttielokuva kertoo Jenny ja Antti WIhurin rahaston lahjoittaman noin 500 teoksen tai...
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: Rovaniemen kaupunki
Matkalla Korundiin
Dokumenttielokuva kertoo Jenny ja Antti WIhurin rahaston lahjoittaman noin 500 teoksen taidekokoelman siirtymisestä Helsingistä Rovaniemelle kulttuuritalo Korundiin ja NATURE FORTE -avajaisnäyttelyyn. Dokumentissa seurataan myös Lapin kamariorkesterin muuttoa uusiin tiloihin ja heidän ensikosketusta akustisesti huippuluokkaiseen konserttisaliin.
Kulttuuritalo Korundin rakentuminen on upea tapahtuma koko Rovaniemelle. Kun Rovaniemen kaupunki lupautui 1980-luvulla rakentaa Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahaston taidekokoelmalle taidemuseon, tehtiin tuolloin historiallisen luova ratkaisu. Taidemuseo sijoitettiin vanhaan, 1930-luvulla rakennettuun postiautovarikkoon. Rovaniemen kaupunki teki tuolloin kauaskantoisen sitoumuksen, joka sai komean päätöksensä toukokuisena torstaina. Kun vanha postiautovarikko sai ensimmäisen uuden elämänsä yli 25 viisi vuotta sitten; toisen elämän se sai vuoden 2011 toukokuussa.
Elokuvan pituus: 11 minuuttia 21 sekuntia.
Tuotantoyhtiö: Forest Camp Entertainment
Ohjaaja, Kuvaaja; Panu Pohjola
Tuottaja, Leikkaaja: Jani Johansén
Äänisuunnittelu: Janne Huotari
Kamera-assistentti: Ismo Ollila
Grip: Leon Nyström
Dolly Grip: Linn Nyström
Tilaaja: Rovaniemen kaupunki / kulttuurijohtaja Marja Widenius
Rahoittaja: Jenny ja Antti Wihurin säätiö
Musiikki: Ernst Bloch: 4 Episodes (1926)
Esittäjä: Lapin kamariorkesteri, johtajanaan John Storgårds
Radical Oration 01: Henry Giroux, "When Hope is Subversive"
Excerpted from Henry Giroux, "When Hope is Subversive"
published: 23 Mar 2008
author: jbeau
Radical Oration 01: Henry Giroux, "When Hope is Subversive"
Excerpted from Henry Giroux, "When Hope is Subversive"
[S]ome theorists have suggested that democratic politics as a site of contestation, critical exchange, and engagement has come to an end. We must not give up so easily. Democracy has to be struggled over, even in the face of a most appalling crisis of educational opportunity and political agency. Cynicism breeds apathy—not the reverse. The current depressing state of our politics and the bankruptcy of our political language issues a challenge to us to formulate a new language and vision that can reframe questions of agency, ethics, and meaning for a substantive democracy.
Crafting such a new political language will require what I call “educated hope.” Hope is the precondition for individual and social struggle. Rather than seeing it as an individual proclivity, we must see hope as part of a broader politics that acknowledges those social, economic, spiritual, and cultural conditions in the present that make certain kinds of agency and democratic politics possible. With this understanding, hope becomes not merely a wistful attempt to look beyond the horizon of the given, but what Andrew Benjamin, in Present Hope, calls “a structural condition of the present.”
[The philosopher Ernst Bloch] argues that hope cannot be removed from the world. Hope is not “something like nonsense or absolute fancy; rather it is not yet in the sense of a possibility; that it could be there if we could only do something for it.”
In this view, hope becomes a discourse of critique and social transformation. Hope makes the leap for us between critical education, which tells us what must be changed; political agency, which gives us the means to make change; and the concrete struggles through which change happens. Hope, in short, gives substance to the recognition that every present is incomplete.
[...] hope is more than a politics, it is also a pedagogical and performative practice that provides the foundation for enabling human beings to learn about their potential as moral and civic agents. Hope is the outcome of those educational practices and struggles that tap into memory and lived experiences while at the same time linking individual responsibility with a progressive sense of social change. As a form of utopian longing, educated hope opens up horizons of comparison by evoking not just different histories but different futures. Educated hope is a subversive force when it pluralizes politics by opening up a space for dissent, making authority accountable, and becoming an activating presence in promoting social transformation.
The goal of educated hope is not to liberate the individual from the social—a central tenet of neoliberalism—but to take seriously the notion that the individual can only be liberated through the social. Educated hope as a subversive, defiant practice should provide a link, however transient, provisional, and contextual, between vision and critique on the one hand, and engagement and transformation on the other. That is, for hope to be consequential it has to be grounded in a project that has some hold on the present. Hope becomes meaningful to the degree that it identifies agencies and processes, offers alternatives to an age of profound pessimism, reclaims an ethic of compassion and justice, and struggles for those institutions in which equality, freedom, and justice flourish as part of the ongoing struggle for a global democracy.
Youtube results:
Ernst-Bloch-Chor Tübingen (BlochChorHP3)
Ernst-Bloch-Chor Tübingen....
published: 09 Apr 2012
author: Alexander Schnapper
Ernst-Bloch-Chor Tübingen (BlochChorHP3)
Ernst-Bloch-Chor Tübingen (BlochChorHP3)
Ernst-Bloch-Chor Tübingen.- published: 09 Apr 2012
- views: 204
- author: Alexander Schnapper
Bebenhausen Bebt - Station 09 - Ernst Bloch Chor - Flüsse
Bebenhausen Bebt - Station 09 - Der Ernst Bloch Chor, Tübingen, singt auf der Goldersbach-...
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: Wolfgang G Wettach
Bebenhausen Bebt - Station 09 - Ernst Bloch Chor - Flüsse
Bebenhausen Bebt - Station 09 - Ernst Bloch Chor - Flüsse
Bebenhausen Bebt - Station 09 - Der Ernst Bloch Chor, Tübingen, singt auf der Goldersbach-Brücke Flüsse VID 00025 20130707 1916 I created this video with the...- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 57
- author: Wolfgang G Wettach
Ernst Bloch, un professore completamente atipico
Intervista ad Arno Münster (Professore emerito -maître de conférences honoraire- di filoso...
published: 16 May 2012
author: Nicola Alessandrini
Ernst Bloch, un professore completamente atipico
Ernst Bloch, un professore completamente atipico
Intervista ad Arno Münster (Professore emerito -maître de conférences honoraire- di filosofia moderna e contemporanea all'università degli Studi di Amiens -U...- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 243
- author: Nicola Alessandrini
Ernst Bloch - Das Prinzip Hoffnung
Vortrag zu grundlegenden Konzepten der Philosophie Ernst Blochs Musik: "Funk about Heimat"...
published: 01 May 2012
author: nemetico
Ernst Bloch - Das Prinzip Hoffnung
Ernst Bloch - Das Prinzip Hoffnung
Vortrag zu grundlegenden Konzepten der Philosophie Ernst Blochs Musik: "Funk about Heimat" Tut- und Blasorchester Maimont. GEMA - Frei!- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 218
- author: nemetico