
Stutthof Concentration Camp
Occupation and destruction:Germany/Poland // Israel/Palestine // China/Tibet: History will...
published: 12 Apr 2008
author: nevilleanimusic
Stutthof Concentration Camp
Occupation and destruction:Germany/Poland // Israel/Palestine // China/Tibet: History will teach us nothing

Stutthof Concentration Camp
Stutthof Concentration Camp, Gdansk, Poland...
published: 24 Sep 2010
author: LouisePark1
Stutthof Concentration Camp
Stutthof Concentration Camp, Gdansk, Poland

Stutthof Concentration Camp
Stutthof concentration camp in Poland. 1st concentration camp created by the Nazis outside...
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: Roxytrend
Stutthof Concentration Camp
Stutthof concentration camp in Poland. 1st concentration camp created by the Nazis outside of Germany. Terribly sad.

Przebrno sub camp of Stutthof concentration camp
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com www.ceepackaging.com twitter @ceepackaging Przebrno is a...
published: 28 Jul 2008
author: alanheath
Przebrno sub camp of Stutthof concentration camp
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com www.ceepackaging.com twitter @ceepackaging Przebrno is a village on the Vistula Spit in northern Poland. Administratively it forms part of the town (urban gmina) of Krynica Morska. The village has sandy beaches on the shores of the Bay of Gdańsk on the northern side of the spit, and the Vistula Lagoon on the southern side. During the Second World War it was the location for the German concentration camp Pröbernau, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof. Stutthof was initially a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. In November 1941, it became a "labour education" camp, administered by the German Security Police. Finally, in January 1942, Stutthof became a regular concentration camp. The original camp was surrounded by barbed-wire fence. It comprised eight barracks for the inmates and a "kommandantur" for the SS guards, totalling 120000 m². In 1943, the camp was enlarged and a new camp was constructed alongside the earlier one. It was also surrounded by electrified barbed-wire fence and contained thirty new barracks, raising the total area to 1.2 km². The camp staff consisted of SS guards and after 1943, Ukrainian auxiliaries. In 1942 the first female prisoners and female German guards arrived in Stutthof, including aufseherin Herta Bothe. A total of over 130 women served in the Stutthof complex of camps. 34 female guards, including Gerda Steinhoff, Rosy Suess, Ewa Paradies and Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, have been <b>...</b>

Stutthof Concentration Camp
Stutthof was the first Nazi concentration camp built outside of 1937 German borders. www.s...
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: tost7
Stutthof Concentration Camp
Stutthof was the first Nazi concentration camp built outside of 1937 German borders. www.stutthof.pl

All images by mrrobo1013...
published: 07 Aug 2011
author: MrROBO1013
All images by mrrobo1013

KZ Stutthof - Concentration Camp
www.druhasvetovavalka.cz Pagesshow pictures and videos of the day taken at places connecte...
published: 28 Nov 2008
author: DSVCZ
KZ Stutthof - Concentration Camp
www.druhasvetovavalka.cz Pagesshow pictures and videos of the day taken at places connected with the World War II (Second World War) mail: info@druhasvetovavalka.cz TomTom POI of that place you can download here www.druhasvetovavalka.cz tento bod zajmu do vasi navigce TomTom si muzete stahnout zde: www.druhasvetovavalka.cz

Concentration Camp www.stutthof.pl...
published: 14 Aug 2006
author: bubele
Concentration Camp www.stutthof.pl

The Holocaust: A Survivor Speaks (Part 1 of 4) in HD
83-year-old Renee Tully, a survivor of the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp during the Wo...
published: 12 May 2009
author: mitchtvnet
The Holocaust: A Survivor Speaks (Part 1 of 4) in HD
83-year-old Renee Tully, a survivor of the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp during the World War II Holocaust, speaks about everything from being taken to the camp, the soup recipe, being liberated, and today. Please comment and rate!

The Holocaust: A Survivor Speaks (Part 2 of 4) in HD
83-year-old Renee Tully, a survivor of the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp during the Wo...
published: 12 May 2009
author: mitchtvnet
The Holocaust: A Survivor Speaks (Part 2 of 4) in HD
83-year-old Renee Tully, a survivor of the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp during the World War II Holocaust, speaks about everything from being taken to the camp, the soup recipe, being liberated, and today. Please comment and rate!

The Holocaust: A Survivor Speaks (Part 3 of 4) in HD
83-year-old Renee Tully, a survivor of the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp during the Wo...
published: 14 May 2009
author: mitchtvnet
The Holocaust: A Survivor Speaks (Part 3 of 4) in HD
83-year-old Renee Tully, a survivor of the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp during the World War II Holocaust, speaks about everything from being taken to the camp, the soup recipe, being liberated, and today. Please comment and rate!

Child Holocaust survivor describes escape from mass execution
Solomon (Sjema) Feigerson was born in 1930 in Liepaja, Latvia, the middle of three sons. H...
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: YadVashem
Child Holocaust survivor describes escape from mass execution
Solomon (Sjema) Feigerson was born in 1930 in Liepaja, Latvia, the middle of three sons. His older brother Hanoch was killed in June 1941, in defense of the town against the Germans. His father, Yaakov, was murdered in July 1941, and his mother and younger brother Josef were murdered at the Skede execution grounds in February 1942. Solomon escaped that and another murder operation in April by running away, despite being shot by Latvian guards. In July 1942, the Jews of Liepaja were herded into a ghetto. Solomon lived in one room with 20 other orphaned boys. On Yom Kippur (October) 1943, the ghetto was liquidated and Solomon was deported to the Kaiserwald labor camp. There he met and bonded with Lina Goldblatt, a prisoner from Hamburg, and her daughter, Rosa. She was like a mother to me, he recalls, she even sewed me a shirt and a pair of pants. In August 1944 Solomon was transferred to the Stutthof concentration camp, and in April 1945 he was put on one of four ships carrying 500 inmates, sent into the Baltic Sea to die. Solomons ship eventually sailed into Neustadt on 3 May 1945. German sailors on the shore shot at the survivors. A British soldier found him, exhausted and ill, clutching a loaf of bread. After the war, Solomon went to Riga. He studied engineering and started a family. While in Riga, he campaigned with Holocaust survivors and others to emigrate to Israel. He arrived in Israel in 1971 where he worked as an engineer and volunteered with a number of <b>...</b>

Obrona Poczty Gdańskiej 1939
Defense of the Polish Post Office in Danzig 1939. 16 wounded prisoners were sent to the Ge...
published: 29 Aug 2010
author: bagnowka7
Obrona Poczty Gdańskiej 1939
Defense of the Polish Post Office in Danzig 1939. 16 wounded prisoners were sent to the Gestapo hospital, where six subsequently died (including the 10-year old Erwina). The other 28 were first imprisoned in the police building and, after a few days, sent to Victoriaschule, where they were interrogated and tortured. All the prisoners were put on trial in front of a kangaroo court: first the 28 imprisoned in Victoriaschule on 8 September, and then the 10 who recovered in the hospital, on 30 September, without any defence lawyer. All were sentenced to death for being partisans, under the German special military penal law of 1938. The sentence was demanded by the prosecutor Hans Giesecke, declared by presiding judge Kurt Bode, and signed by General Walther von Brauchitsch, after just few hours. (A similar fate awaited 11 Polish railway workers south of the city after they foiled a German attempt to use an armoured train, and were executed by the SA along with their immediate families.) The prisoners were mostly executed by firing squad led by SS-Sturmbannführer Max Pauly (later commandant of the Neuengamme concentration camp) on 5 October. One, Leon Fuz, was later recognised and murdered in the Stutthof concentration camp in November. Four defenders who managed to escape and hide survived the war. Families of the postmen were also repressed.

Stutthof - Dark Endless
National Socialist Black Metal Hellenic Scene Band: Stutthof Year: 2004 Album: Beyond the ...
published: 09 Mar 2009
author: FreezingMoon1488
Stutthof - Dark Endless
National Socialist Black Metal Hellenic Scene Band: Stutthof Year: 2004 Album: Beyond the Forest Of Infernal Devastation (split) Track: Dark Endless

SS-Aufseherin Jenny-Wanda Barkmann Bestia W Spódnicy
Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, nadzorczyni w kobiecej części obozu w Stutthofie. Ze wzgl&...
published: 26 Apr 2011
author: IIIRzeszaTV
SS-Aufseherin Jenny-Wanda Barkmann Bestia W Spódnicy
Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, nadzorczyni w kobiecej części obozu w Stutthofie. Ze względu na urodę i okrucieństwo otrzymała przydomek "Piękne Widmo" Skazana na karę śmierci, przed przed Specjalnym Sądem Karnym w Gdańsku, w tzw. pierwszym procesie personelu obozu Stutthof. Wyrok wykonano przez powieszenie 04.07.1946 roku w Biskupiej Górce pod Gdańskiem.

One Man's Escape- Based on a Nesse Godin's story
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED Shows a story from the life of Nesse Godin, a Lithuania...
published: 27 Sep 2010
author: Fritzenvoltaire
One Man's Escape- Based on a Nesse Godin's story
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED Shows a story from the life of Nesse Godin, a Lithuanian survivor from the Stutthof Concentration Camp.

Schuricke-Terzett sings Italian hit "E' stata una follia", 1940
E' stata una follia (Hörst du das Lied der Geige?) (Do You Hear That Violin's...
published: 30 Nov 2009
author: 240252
Schuricke-Terzett sings Italian hit "E' stata una follia", 1940
E' stata una follia (Hörst du das Lied der Geige?) (Do You Hear That Violin's Tune?) (Musik: Marf, Vittorio Mascheroni /Text Richter) Großes Tanzorchester Adalbert Lutter, Refraingesang: Schuricke-Terzett, Telefunken 1940 NOTE: Gian Vittorio MASCHERONI (Milano, 1895 - Milano, 1972) was an Italian composer, author of numerous hits presented by most popular Italian singers of pre-and post WW2 Italian generations. He often composed with "Marf" - a pseudonym of a pharmacy graduate and a composer, Mario Bonavita. In 1942 their charming slow-fox "E' stata una follia" (composed in 1939) was included into the repertoire of Trio Lescano, the most popular Italian girls vocal group of the 1930/40s. Here, it is presented by German male-trio Schuricke-Terzett (Rudi Schuricke was the most prolific refrain-singer in Nazi Germany) accompanied by Adalbert Lutter's dance orchestra. See on the records label - which opens the clip the tag of the German record store in the city of Bromberg. Bromberg is the German name of the Polish city Bydgoszcz - which happens to be my birth place. As it reads, the store was run by a certain Johann L. Kranz - who was either a German merchant, who - just after the German invasion on Poland in September 1939 arrived into occupied Polish city to take over some Polish business - or a local Volksdeutsch. In Bydgoszcz, which then used to be Poland's western borderline town, German minority before September 1939 was huge and strong. They played insidious and <b>...</b>

On This Day - January 31 - A Chimp Returns From Space And Justin Timberlake Was Born
This was the day that a chimp returned safely after a journey into space and Justin Timber...
published: 31 Jan 2012
author: onthisday
On This Day - January 31 - A Chimp Returns From Space And Justin Timberlake Was Born
This was the day that a chimp returned safely after a journey into space and Justin Timberlake was born.

Stutthof - In The Fields Of The Stars
National Socialist Black Metal Hellenic Scene Album: Towards Thy Astral Path Track: In The...
published: 09 Mar 2009
author: FreezingMoon1488
Stutthof - In The Fields Of The Stars
National Socialist Black Metal Hellenic Scene Album: Towards Thy Astral Path Track: In The Fields Of The Stars Year: 2003 Band: Stutthof (Worship/Acherontas)

Konzentrationslager Stutthof
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: Dietrichflade
Konzentrationslager Stutthof

NO MORE WAR: The Second World War Legacy in Gdansk (We've Had Enough by Michael Jackson)
The Second World War in Gdansk World War II began in Danzig, with a bombardment of Polish ...
published: 03 Jan 2010
author: yakiakuma
NO MORE WAR: The Second World War Legacy in Gdansk (We've Had Enough by Michael Jackson)
The Second World War in Gdansk World War II began in Danzig, with a bombardment of Polish positions at Westerplatte by the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein, and the landing of German infantry on the peninsula. Outnumbered Polish defenders at Westerplatte resisted for seven days before running out of ammunition. Meanwhile, after a fierce day-long fight(1 September 1939), defenders of the Polish Post office were murdered and buried on the spot in the Danzig quarter of Zaspa in October 1939. To celebrate the surrender of Westerplatte, the NSDAP organized a night parade on Sep 7th along Adolf-Hitlerstrasse that was inadvertently attacked by a Polish hydroplane taking off from Hel Peninsula. The city was officially annexed by Nazi Germany and incorporated into the Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia. Most of the Jewish community in Danzig were able to escape from the Nazis shortly before the outbreak of war. Nazi secret police had been observing Polish communities since 1936, compiling information, which in 1939 served to prepare lists of Poles to be captured in Operation Tannenberg. On the first day of the war, approximately 1500 ethnic Poles were arrested, some because of their participation in social and economic life, others because they were activists and members of various Polish organizations. On September 2, 1939, 150 of them were deported to the Stutthof concentration camp some 30 miles from Danzig, and murdered. Many Poles living in Danzig were deported to Stutthof or <b>...</b>

Jasenovac, the cruelest death camp of all times, part 4/6
Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Cr...
published: 04 May 2008
author: Hot4Truth
Jasenovac, the cruelest death camp of all times, part 4/6
Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they concealed from you for decades, playing the vital role in the recent developments in the region, along with the ruthless executioneres world has ever known, in the cruelest death camp of...