
Professor Emerita Joan Gussow
http://www.tc.columbia.edu/125/moments.asp Once upon a time, "organic" referred to genuine...
published: 17 Feb 2013
author: TeachersCollege
Professor Emerita Joan Gussow
Professor Emerita Joan Gussow
http://www.tc.columbia.edu/125/moments.asp Once upon a time, "organic" referred to genuinely healthy food. Emeritus Professor Joan Dye Gussow, hailed as the ...- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 419
- author: TeachersCollege

C.K. Gunsalus - Professor Emerita of Business Administration
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: illinoisbusiness
C.K. Gunsalus - Professor Emerita of Business Administration
C.K. Gunsalus - Professor Emerita of Business Administration
- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 78
- author: illinoisbusiness

Intervju med Professor emerita i historia Birgitta Odén
Äldre genom tiderna. Åldrande och äldrepolitik som en historiker ser det....
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: Michael Palmgren
Intervju med Professor emerita i historia Birgitta Odén
Intervju med Professor emerita i historia Birgitta Odén
Äldre genom tiderna. Åldrande och äldrepolitik som en historiker ser det.- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 266
- author: Michael Palmgren

Helene Joseph-Weil, Professor Emerita of Music
Helene Joseph-Weil, professor emerita of music at Fresno State, talks about her teaching e...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: fresnostate
Helene Joseph-Weil, Professor Emerita of Music
Helene Joseph-Weil, Professor Emerita of Music
Helene Joseph-Weil, professor emerita of music at Fresno State, talks about her teaching experience at the university.- published: 29 Mar 2011
- views: 192
- author: fresnostate

Carleton Professor Emerita Elizabeth Whitmore discusses the benefits of community service learning
Elizabeth (Bessa ) Whitmore is a Professor Emerita at Carleton's School of Social Work and...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: Carleton University
Carleton Professor Emerita Elizabeth Whitmore discusses the benefits of community service learning
Carleton Professor Emerita Elizabeth Whitmore discusses the benefits of community service learning
Elizabeth (Bessa ) Whitmore is a Professor Emerita at Carleton's School of Social Work and has been teaching the fourth-year undergraduate Capstone seminar (...- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 289
- author: Carleton University

STEM Interview: Helen Quinn - Professor Emerita of Physics, Stanford University
Helen Quinn, Professor Emerita of Physics at Stanford University, was interviewed at the C...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: CaSTEMLearning
STEM Interview: Helen Quinn - Professor Emerita of Physics, Stanford University
STEM Interview: Helen Quinn - Professor Emerita of Physics, Stanford University
Helen Quinn, Professor Emerita of Physics at Stanford University, was interviewed at the California STEM Summit 2012 in San Diego where she was asked "What m...- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 34
- author: CaSTEMLearning

Brownbag Clip: "The Massacre of Polish POWs..." Anna Cienciala (Prof. Emerita, History) 1/29/2008
Brownbag Clip: "The Soviet Massacre of Polish POWs in Spring 1940: Motives, Timing, and a ...
published: 15 May 2013
author: KUCREES
Brownbag Clip: "The Massacre of Polish POWs..." Anna Cienciala (Prof. Emerita, History) 1/29/2008
Brownbag Clip: "The Massacre of Polish POWs..." Anna Cienciala (Prof. Emerita, History) 1/29/2008
Brownbag Clip: "The Soviet Massacre of Polish POWs in Spring 1940: Motives, Timing, and a Half Century of Lies," Dr. Anna Cienciala (Professor Emerita, Histo...- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 8
- author: KUCREES

Dr. Káich Katalin professor Emerita címet kapott
A Professor Emeritus-Emerita címet azon kevés nyugalomba vonult rendes egyetemi tanár kaph...
published: 04 Feb 2012
author: Vajdasági Rtv
Dr. Káich Katalin professor Emerita címet kapott
Dr. Káich Katalin professor Emerita címet kapott
A Professor Emeritus-Emerita címet azon kevés nyugalomba vonult rendes egyetemi tanár kaphatja meg, aki az oktatás, a tudományos és társadalmi munka területé...- published: 04 Feb 2012
- views: 68
- author: Vajdasági Rtv

Samtal med professor emerita Bodil Jönsson om tidspress inom åkerinäringen
Svensk Åkeritidning Webb-TV intervjuar bland annat professor emerita Bodil Jönsson, känd f...
published: 12 Mar 2010
author: SvenskAkeritidning
Samtal med professor emerita Bodil Jönsson om tidspress inom åkerinäringen
Samtal med professor emerita Bodil Jönsson om tidspress inom åkerinäringen
Svensk Åkeritidning Webb-TV intervjuar bland annat professor emerita Bodil Jönsson, känd från TV-programmen Svar i Lund och Fråga Lund och bland annat förfat...- published: 12 Mar 2010
- views: 1189
- author: SvenskAkeritidning

Brownbag Clip: "Poland and World War II..." Dr. Anna Cienciala (Prof. Emerita, History). 9/1/2009
Brownbag Clip: "Poland and the Outbreak of World War II: Could War Have Been Avoided?" Dr....
published: 15 May 2013
author: KUCREES
Brownbag Clip: "Poland and World War II..." Dr. Anna Cienciala (Prof. Emerita, History). 9/1/2009
Brownbag Clip: "Poland and World War II..." Dr. Anna Cienciala (Prof. Emerita, History). 9/1/2009
Brownbag Clip: "Poland and the Outbreak of World War II: Could War Have Been Avoided?" Dr. Anna Cienciala (Professor Emerita, History). 9/1/2009.- published: 15 May 2013
- views: 14
- author: KUCREES

Prof. Emerita Sylvia Wynter - IOJ Induction of Fellows Audio Response
Institute of Jamaica "Induction of Fellows" Ceremony 2012 Audio Response by Professor Emer...
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: instituteofjamaica
Prof. Emerita Sylvia Wynter - IOJ Induction of Fellows Audio Response
Prof. Emerita Sylvia Wynter - IOJ Induction of Fellows Audio Response
Institute of Jamaica "Induction of Fellows" Ceremony 2012 Audio Response by Professor Emerita Sylvia Wynter.- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 213
- author: instituteofjamaica

Lifetime Achievement Award - Boston College Graduate School of Social Work - Video
Elaine Pinderhughes received the Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: BCGSSW
Lifetime Achievement Award - Boston College Graduate School of Social Work - Video
Lifetime Achievement Award - Boston College Graduate School of Social Work - Video
Elaine Pinderhughes received the Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education Award from the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Pinderhugh...- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 93
- author: BCGSSW

The Question of Color - Distinguished Faculty Lecture
Professor Emerita Karen K. De Valois, a renowned vision scientist, gave the Distinguished ...
published: 13 Nov 2013
The Question of Color - Distinguished Faculty Lecture
The Question of Color - Distinguished Faculty Lecture
Professor Emerita Karen K. De Valois, a renowned vision scientist, gave the Distinguished Faculty Lecture on Wednesday September 25, 2013 at 4 pm about her research and her career. A former Chair of Psychology, Professor De Valois held appointments in both Psychology and the School of Optometry.- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 141
Youtube results:

Oral History Interview with Emerita Music Professor Frances Bedford
Emerita Music Professor Frances Bedford talks about her connections to music and the Unive...
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: uwparkside
Oral History Interview with Emerita Music Professor Frances Bedford
Oral History Interview with Emerita Music Professor Frances Bedford
Emerita Music Professor Frances Bedford talks about her connections to music and the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.- published: 03 Nov 2010
- views: 224
- author: uwparkside

Faculdade Bagozzi - Prof Emerita LINDA
Trabalho dos alunos de ADM do 1 Ano da faculdade Bagozzi - Curitiba - PR...
published: 01 Jun 2011
Faculdade Bagozzi - Prof Emerita LINDA
Faculdade Bagozzi - Prof Emerita LINDA
Trabalho dos alunos de ADM do 1 Ano da faculdade Bagozzi - Curitiba - PR- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 87

Elaine Pinderhughes & Vincent Rougeau on Diversity - Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
Elaine Pinderhughes, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work Professor Emerita, and ...
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: BCGSSW
Elaine Pinderhughes & Vincent Rougeau on Diversity - Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
Elaine Pinderhughes & Vincent Rougeau on Diversity - Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
Elaine Pinderhughes, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work Professor Emerita, and Vincent Rougeau, Dean of Boston College Law School, discuss the evo...- published: 16 Jul 2012
- views: 396
- author: BCGSSW