- published: 24 Jun 2013
- views: 6193
- author: ReasonTV

EFF Sues NSA, DOJ Over Secret Surveillance Program
"If there's one thing that [the National Security Agency (NSA)] values, it's secrecy," say...
published: 24 Jun 2013
author: ReasonTV
EFF Sues NSA, DOJ Over Secret Surveillance Program
EFF Sues NSA, DOJ Over Secret Surveillance Program
"If there's one thing that [the National Security Agency (NSA)] values, it's secrecy," says Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) staff attorney Mark Rumold. ...- published: 24 Jun 2013
- views: 6193
- author: ReasonTV

GTA IV RCMP Clan - INSET - Terrorist Surveillance, Take Down, and Arrest!
This is a sequel to this patrol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRIVHcDkcwI The Integrated...
published: 08 Jun 2013
author: XxRaNgErScOpExX1
GTA IV RCMP Clan - INSET - Terrorist Surveillance, Take Down, and Arrest!
GTA IV RCMP Clan - INSET - Terrorist Surveillance, Take Down, and Arrest!
This is a sequel to this patrol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRIVHcDkcwI The Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) do surveillance on an E...- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 72169
- author: XxRaNgErScOpExX1

NSA Whistleblowers: "All U.S.Citizens" Targeted By Surveillance Program, Not Just Verizon Customers
Mirrored from http://www.youtube.com/user/democracynow http://www.democracynow.org - A lea...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: ConspiracyScope
NSA Whistleblowers: "All U.S.Citizens" Targeted By Surveillance Program, Not Just Verizon Customers
NSA Whistleblowers: "All U.S.Citizens" Targeted By Surveillance Program, Not Just Verizon Customers
Mirrored from http://www.youtube.com/user/democracynow http://www.democracynow.org - A leaked court order has revealed the Obama administration is conducting...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 17819
- author: ConspiracyScope

Does the NSA Record Phone Calls? Glenn Greenwald on Warrentless Domestic Surveillance (2007)
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy (AKA "Warrantless Wiretapping") concerns surv...
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: The Film Archives
Does the NSA Record Phone Calls? Glenn Greenwald on Warrentless Domestic Surveillance (2007)
Does the NSA Record Phone Calls? Glenn Greenwald on Warrentless Domestic Surveillance (2007)
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy (AKA "Warrantless Wiretapping") concerns surveillance of persons within the United States during the collection ...- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 443
- author: The Film Archives

The NSA Is Watching You Now
PRISM is a top secret controversial electronic surveillance program that is run by the Uni...
published: 08 Jun 2013
author: EdgarMetro
The NSA Is Watching You Now
The NSA Is Watching You Now
PRISM is a top secret controversial electronic surveillance program that is run by the United States National Security Agency (NSA).- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 417
- author: EdgarMetro

George W. Bush speaks about the Illegal Terrorist Surveillance Program
published: 26 Jan 2012
author: thezeronewz
George W. Bush speaks about the Illegal Terrorist Surveillance Program
George W. Bush speaks about the Illegal Terrorist Surveillance Program
- published: 26 Jan 2012
- views: 55
- author: thezeronewz

Obama Defends NSA Surveillance Program, Says It's 'Transparent'
President Barack Obama further defended the National Security Agency's collection of phone...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: TheNewzRoom868
Obama Defends NSA Surveillance Program, Says It's 'Transparent'
Obama Defends NSA Surveillance Program, Says It's 'Transparent'
President Barack Obama further defended the National Security Agency's collection of phone and other electronic records to PBS' Charlie Rose, calling the pro...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 72
- author: TheNewzRoom868

Douglas Kmiec | The Terrorist Surveillance Program: Constitutional or Impeachable?
Professor Douglas Kmiec of Pepperdine University discusses the constitutionality of the te...
published: 30 Oct 2013
Douglas Kmiec | The Terrorist Surveillance Program: Constitutional or Impeachable?
Douglas Kmiec | The Terrorist Surveillance Program: Constitutional or Impeachable?
Professor Douglas Kmiec of Pepperdine University discusses the constitutionality of the terrorist surveillance program. He recently testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in regard to the program. Recorded on April 11, 2006. Appearing: Douglas Kmiec (Pepperdine University), speaker.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 4

NSA warrantless surveillance (2001--07)
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy concerns surveillance of persons within the ...
published: 12 Nov 2013
NSA warrantless surveillance (2001--07)
NSA warrantless surveillance (2001--07)
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy concerns surveillance of persons within the United States who were in contact with "terrorists" during the collection of foreign intelligence by the U.S. National Security Agency as part of the war on terror. Under this program, referred to by the Bush administration as the "terrorist surveillance program", part of the broader President's Surveillance Program, the NSA was authorized by executive order to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity , text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S. Critics, however, claimed that the program was in an effort to attempt to silence critics of the Bush Administration and their handling of several hot button issues during its tenure. Under public pressure, the Bush administration ceased the warrantless wiretapping program in January 2007 and returned review of surveillance to the FISA court. Subsequently, in 2008 Congress passed the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which relaxed some of the original FISA court requirements. During the Obama Administration, the NSA has officially continued operating under the new FISA guidelines. However, in April 2009 officials at the United States Department of Justice acknowledged that the NSA had engaged in "overcollection" of domestic communications in excess of the FISA court's authority, but claimed that the acts were unintentional and had since been rectified. Overview All wiretapping of American citizens by the National Security Agency requires a warrant from a three-judge court set up under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. After the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the Patriot Act, which granted the President broad powers to fight a war against terrorism. The George W. Bush administration used these powers to bypass the FISA court and directed the NSA to spy directly on al-Qaeda in a new NSA electronic surveillance program. Reports at the time indicate that an "apparently accidental" "glitch" resulted in the interception of communications that were purely domestic in nature. This action was challenged by a number of groups, including Congress, as unconstitutional. The exact scope of the program is not known, but the NSA was provided total, unsupervised access to all fiber-optic communications going between some of the nation's largest telecommunication companies' major interconnected locations, including phone conversations, email, web browsing, and corporate private network traffic. Critics said that such "domestic" intercepts required FISC authorization under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The Bush administration maintained that the authorized intercepts were not domestic but rather foreign intelligence integral to the conduct of war and that the warrant requirements of FISA were implicitly superseded by the subsequent passage of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF). FISA makes it illegal to intentionally engage in electronic surveillance under appearance of an official act or to disclose or use information obtained by electronic surveillance under appearance of an official act knowing that it was not authorized by statute; this is punishable with a fine of up to $10,000 or up to five years in prison, or both. In addition, the Wiretap Act prohibits any person from illegally intercepting, disclosing, using or divulging phone calls or electronic communications; this is punishable with a fine or up to five years in prison, or both. After an article about the program, (which had been code-named Stellar Wind), was published in The New York Times on December 16, 2005, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales confirmed its existence. The Times had posted the exclusive story on their website the night before, after learning that the Bush administration was considering seeking a Pentagon-Papers-style court injunction to block its publication. Critics of The Times have alleged that executive editor Bill Keller had withheld the story from publication since before the 2004 Presidential election, and that the story that was ultimately published by The Times was essentially the same as reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau had submitted in 2004. In a December 2008 interview with Newsweek, former Justice Department employee Thomas Tamm revealed himself to be the initial whistle-blower to The Times. The FBI began investigating leaks about the program in 2005, with 25 agents and 5 prosecutors on the case. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Public domain image source in video- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 0

The NSA Has 20 TRILLION Digital Transactions From American Citizens!?!
In his first television interview since he resigned from the National Security Agency over...
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: TheDailyConversation
The NSA Has 20 TRILLION Digital Transactions From American Citizens!?!
The NSA Has 20 TRILLION Digital Transactions From American Citizens!?!
In his first television interview since he resigned from the National Security Agency over its domestic surveillance program, William Binney discusses the NS...- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 1641
- author: TheDailyConversation

Defending the NSA's Terrorist Surveillance Programs - America's Survival TV - Live 6/19/13
June 19, 2013 - Trevor Loudon, Cliff Kincaid and Larry Grathwohl talk about the NSA securi...
published: 20 Jun 2013
author: americassurvival
Defending the NSA's Terrorist Surveillance Programs - America's Survival TV - Live 6/19/13
Defending the NSA's Terrorist Surveillance Programs - America's Survival TV - Live 6/19/13
June 19, 2013 - Trevor Loudon, Cliff Kincaid and Larry Grathwohl talk about the NSA security leaks live on America's Survival's Roku channel. Your life may d...- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 69
- author: americassurvival

Glenn Beck blasts Michele Bachmann's Support NSA spying, I tell you why Govt Does mega-Surveillance
NSA Glenn Beck Michele Bachmann veto 1st of all, do I look like Anderson Cooper to YOU? Co...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: Everybody
Glenn Beck blasts Michele Bachmann's Support NSA spying, I tell you why Govt Does mega-Surveillance
Glenn Beck blasts Michele Bachmann's Support NSA spying, I tell you why Govt Does mega-Surveillance
NSA Glenn Beck Michele Bachmann veto 1st of all, do I look like Anderson Cooper to YOU? Congress Votes To Continue NSA Spying On "EVERY PHONE CALL OF EVERY A...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 301
- author: Everybody

News of Mass Internet Spying Explains NSA Whistleblower Resignation, Ashcroft Hospital Room Showdown
http://www.democracynow.org - The latest disclosures from NSA documents leaked by Edward S...
published: 28 Jun 2013
author: democracynow
News of Mass Internet Spying Explains NSA Whistleblower Resignation, Ashcroft Hospital Room Showdown
News of Mass Internet Spying Explains NSA Whistleblower Resignation, Ashcroft Hospital Room Showdown
http://www.democracynow.org - The latest disclosures from NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden to The Guardian show the U.S. government collected bulk "met...- published: 28 Jun 2013
- views: 1661
- author: democracynow

Snowden's Father Blasts Congress/Intelligence Leaders for Unconstitutional NSA Surveillance Programs
07/26/2013 The father of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden on Friday blasted U.S. lawmakers...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: LeakSourceNews
Snowden's Father Blasts Congress/Intelligence Leaders for Unconstitutional NSA Surveillance Programs
Snowden's Father Blasts Congress/Intelligence Leaders for Unconstitutional NSA Surveillance Programs
07/26/2013 The father of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden on Friday blasted U.S. lawmakers for not reining in the U.S. electronic spy program made public by ...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 1697
- author: LeakSourceNews
Youtube results:

America NEW extension of Patriot Act Provisions to terrorist surveillance passed.flv
Its over folks 5/26/2011 Patriot Act gets extended until 2015 privacy and freedoms gone to...
published: 27 May 2011
author: johnnyy311
America NEW extension of Patriot Act Provisions to terrorist surveillance passed.flv
America NEW extension of Patriot Act Provisions to terrorist surveillance passed.flv
Its over folks 5/26/2011 Patriot Act gets extended until 2015 privacy and freedoms gone to hell unconstitutional law Judge breaks it down Earlier this week, ...- published: 27 May 2011
- views: 319
- author: johnnyy311

OBAMA defends NSA Spying PRISM program. Taps into data of Apple, Google, Skype, Verizon & others
SUBSCRIBE for more on PRISM program and how to can stay ANONYMOUS online - http://www.yout...
published: 08 Jun 2013
OBAMA defends NSA Spying PRISM program. Taps into data of Apple, Google, Skype, Verizon & others
OBAMA defends NSA Spying PRISM program. Taps into data of Apple, Google, Skype, Verizon & others
SUBSCRIBE for more on PRISM program and how to can stay ANONYMOUS online - http://www.youtube.com/829SPEEDY OBAMA defends Massive NSA Spying PRISM program. Taps in to user data of Apple, Google, Skype, Verizon & others President Obama on Friday defended a pair of recently disclosed surveillance programs as striking the "right balance" between national security and civil liberties following a speech Friday in California. "You can't have 100 percent security and also have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience. We're going to have to make some choices as a government," Obama said. "You can complain about Big Brother and how this is a potential program run amok, but when you actually look at the details, I think we've struck the right balance." The administration acknowledged Thursday that the National Security Agency (NSA) had monitored domestic telephone data and international Internet traffic from tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Facebook. Obama stressed that every member of Congress had been briefed on the phone monitoring program and that the relevant Intelligence committees were aware of PRISM — the code name of the NSA's secret program to monitor Internet traffic. He also noted that federal judges had to sign off on data-gathering requests. "If people can't trust not only the executive branch but also don't trust Congress and don't trust federal judges to make sure we're abiding by the Constitution, then we're going to have some problems here," Obama said. Critics of the program have said that the courts and Congress have had little real oversight of the programs. Congressional leaders say confidentiality restrictions have limited their ability to publicly voice their concerns, and the administration has not provided court rulings under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for their review. They also say the administration has aggressively over-interpreted what is authorized to do under the law. Civil liberties groups have also dismissed the administration's assurances that each surveillance program undergoes FISA judicial review, blasting the court as a rubber stamp. In a letter sent earlier this year to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Attorney General Eric Holder said the court approved 1,788 of 1,789 applications for electronic surveillance; the government withdrew the one remaining petition. The president went on to say that the White House believed the programs played an important role in preventing terror attacks. "My assessment and my team's assent was they help us prevent terrorist attacks, and the modest encroachments on privacy that are involved ... on net, it was worth us doing. Some other folks may have a different assessment of that," he said. president obama spy spying privacy anonymous online values u.s. "united states" leak surveillance american official nsa security telecom verizon sprint at&t; criminal activity "phone call" phone mobile "cell phone" program prism internet google facebook skype youtube tracking track activity intelligence popular trendy trending consumer europe british government freedom defense control slave corporate liberty terror world global agency rights law 2013 constitution tax money investigation news media china unseen forces 829speedy police state russia today rt infowars david icke lindsey williams glenn beck gerald celente farrakhan truth freedom wake up elite mafia bilderberg bohemian grove illuminati new world order agenda 21 1776 1984 clinton bush alex jones 829speedy After The Guardian outed the NSA and its unprecedented violations of the Fourth Amendment, members of Congress took to the limelight to defend the government's tyrannical behavior. "I read intelligence carefully, and I know that people are trying to get to us," she said during a press conference following a super-secret Intelligence Committee meeting. "This is the reason why we keep TSA doing what it's doing. This is the reason why the FBI now has 10,000 people doing intelligence on counterterrorism. This is the reason for the National Counterterrorism Center that's been set up in the time we've been active. It's to ferret this out before it happens. It's called protecting America." Feinstein neglected to say that, in fact, the TSA has never foiled a single terrorist plot and never will. As for the FBI, it specializes in creating fake terrorist plots and entrapping witless patsies, a fact pointed out by none other than The New York Times The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian. The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program called Prism, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, the document says.- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 9682

The Obama administration sued over NSA surveillance
Members of Congress are now stepping up to rein in the NSA: Republican from Michigan Justi...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: RTAmerica
The Obama administration sued over NSA surveillance
The Obama administration sued over NSA surveillance
Members of Congress are now stepping up to rein in the NSA: Republican from Michigan Justin Amash announced over Twitter his plans to defund the NSA's spying...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 5332
- author: RTAmerica

Olympic Guardian (2-3) anti-terrorist surveillance helicopter over Essex during London 2012
The Navy's here - welcome over Essex you hearts of oak of the Senior Service!! The Sea Kin...
published: 25 Jul 2012
author: NorwaySpitfireHeroes
Olympic Guardian (2-3) anti-terrorist surveillance helicopter over Essex during London 2012
Olympic Guardian (2-3) anti-terrorist surveillance helicopter over Essex during London 2012
The Navy's here - welcome over Essex you hearts of oak of the Senior Service!! The Sea King Mk7 Airborne Surveillance and Control -- known throughout the Nav...- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 640
- author: NorwaySpitfireHeroes