- published: 31 Aug 2010
- views: 42276
Ludwig Senfl (born around 1486, died between December 2, 1542 and August 10, 1543) was a Swiss composer of the Renaissance, active in Germany. He was the most famous pupil of Heinrich Isaac, was music director to the court of Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, and was an influential figure in the development of the Franco-Flemish polyphonic style in Germany.
Senfl was probably born in Basel around 1486, and lived in Zürich from 1488 until 1496, when he joined the choir of the Hofkapelle of Emperor Maximilian I in Augsburg. Apart from one brief visit in 1504 he appears never again to have lived in Switzerland.
In 1497 he followed the Hofkapelle to Vienna, and between 1500 and 1504 he probably studied in Vienna for three years, the standard practice for choirboys whose voices had broken, as part of the normal training for the priesthood. During this period he studied with Heinrich Isaac, serving as his copyist by 1509; he is known to have copied much of the older composer's Choralis Constantinus, an enormous work which he was later to complete after Isaac's death.
Ludwig may refer to:
Albrecht Dürer (/ˈdʊərər, ˈdjʊərər/;German: [ˈalbʁɛçt ˈdyːʁɐ]; 21 May 1471 – 6 April 1528) was a painter, printmaker and theorist of the German Renaissance. Born in Nuremberg, Dürer established his reputation and influence across Europe when he was still in his twenties, due to his high-quality woodcut prints. He was in communication with the major Italian artists of his time, including Raphael, Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo da Vinci, and from 1512 he was patronized by emperor Maximilian I.
His vast body of work includes engravings, his preferred technique in his later prints, altarpieces, portraits and self-portraits, watercolours and books. The woodcuts, such as the Apocalypse series (1498), retain a more Gothic flavour than the rest of his work. His well-known engravings include the Knight, Death, and the Devil (1513), Saint Jerome in his Study (1514) and Melencolia I (1514), which has been the subject of extensive analysis and interpretation. His watercolours also mark him as one of the first European landscape artists, while his ambitious woodcuts revolutionized the potential of that medium.
Ludwig Senfl "Es hett ein Biedermann ein Weib"
Ludwig Senfl ´Unsäglich Schmerz´
Stadtpfeiffer (Ludwig Senfl set to Renaissance paintings)
Ludwig Senfl, Das G'läut zu Speyer, Albrecht Dürer
Im Maien - Ludwig Senfl
Ludwig Senfl, De profundis clamavi (score)
"Ave Maria gratia plena" by Ludwig Senfl
Ludwig Senfl ´Es taget vor dem Walde/Ach Elslein
compagnia musica renai : lust hab ich ghabt zur musica - ludwig senfl
Ludwig Senfl (born around 1486, died between 1542/43) was a Swiss composer of the Renaissance, active in Germany. Was music director to the court of Maximilian I, and was an influential figure in the development of the Franco-Flemish polyphonic style in Germany. Senfl was the most significant representative of Netherlands-German motet and lied composition in German-speaking regions during the Reformation. His music, which includes seven masses, eight Magnificats, numerous Latin motets and German lieder, four-voice Latin odes and a few instrumental pieces, forms both the climax to the old German music and a highpoint of the new styles at the beginning of the Reformation. His motet style is based on that of Isaac and Josquin. He developed a wide range of techniques, above all in his polypho...
Tore Tom Denys, tenor Ensemble ´La Caccia´ dir. Patrick Denecker Wim Maeseele, lute Thomas Baeté, viols Piet Stryckers, viols Frank Liégeois viol, cittern Peter De Clercq, recorders Bernhard Stilz, recorders Patrick Denecker, recorders, clavecymbalum & direction www.musica-ficta.com
Three recorder pieces by Ludwig Senfl (Was wird es doch des wunders noch, T'andernaken, and Patientiam meuß ich han) set alongside a variety of Renaissance German paintings, mostly portraits. Best viewed full-screen and in 1080p.
Ludwig Senfl (ca. 1486- 1543), Das G'läut zu Speyer, The King's Singers', Madrigal History Tour. Fresco by Albrecht Dürer (1471- 1528).
Live performance by Cantores Musicæ Antiquæ, Jeffery Kite-Powell, director, on December 10, 1995, St. Thomas More Co-Cathedral. Members of the ensemble: Solveig Fretheim, Rebecca Lister, Alice Tillotson, sopranos David Walker, countertenor Ron DeStefano, tenor Thomas Barnes, Joey Grubbs, Siegwart Reichwald, basses CANTORES MUSICÆ ANTIQUÆ [Singers of Early Music] was formed in the fall of 1989 with the intent to perform music from 1200-1650 in a historically informed manner. The group consists of eight to twelve singers, often one on a part, and includes undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students. Some students are voice majors, while others study music education, choral conducting, theory, or musicology. After our inaugural concert, my friend and colleague, Douglass Seaton, sent...
Tore Tom Denys, tenor Ensemble ´La Caccia´ dir. Patrick Denecker Wim Maeseele, lute Thomas Baeté, viols Piet Stryckers, viols Frank Liégeois viol, cittern Peter De Clercq, recorders Bernhard Stilz, recorders Patrick Denecker, recorders, clavecymbalum & direction www.musica-ficta.com
das erste eigene konzert der compagnia musica renai am 23. oktober 2011 in weitramsdorf
ES HETT EIN BIEDERMANN EIN WEIB Un hombre honesto tenía una esposa de Ludwig Senfl AQUEL TROVAR Delia Agúndez, canto Antonio Torralba, cornamuse José Ignacio Fernández, gittern Daniel Sáez Conde, rabel 19 de febrero de 2017 Audio: Capilla de Escribanos del Archivo Histórico Provincial (gracias a todo el equipo y, en especial, a Ana Chacón) Vídeo: Bodegas Campos (gracias a todo el equipo y en especial a Pepe Campos) Un vídeo de Rafael Herrera
Concert at St John the Evangelist Cathedral in Cleveland, OH February 17, 2008
Concert at St John the Evangelist Cathedral in Cleveland, OH February 17, 2008
Concert at St John the Evangelist Cathedral in Cleveland, OH February 17, 2008
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Donderdag 24 mei 2012 vierde de AVRO de 'Dag van het Vinyl' in alle AVRO radioprogramma's.Dit werd live uitgezonden vanuit het Vondelpark in Amsterdam. Bekijk hier een sfeerimpressie! Voor meer informatie over de Dag van het Vinyl: http://dagvanhetvinyl.avro.nl Jan-Willem Roodbeen, Hans Schiffers, Gerard Ekdom, Maartje van Weegen, Jeanne Biessen, Jan Steeman en Sherill Samson draaiden de hele dag alleen maar muziek vanaf vinyl op Radio 2, 3FM, Radio 4, Radio 5 Nostalgia en Radio 6 Soul & Jazz. Geheel ter ere van de Dag van het Vinyl was het Vondelparkpaviljoen omgetoverd tot vinylparadijs.
http://deklassieken.radio4.nl Maartje van Weegen maakt met Rob van den Broek een uitzending van De Klassieken op Radio 4 vanuit Rob's huis. Van den Broek is vormgever van (strijk-)instrumenten, muziektheater, meubelen en objecten. Drie uur lang laat hij zijn favoriete klassieke muziek horen. Uitzending 30 maart 2012 Bekijk alle uitzendingen van De Klassieken Thuis op http://deklassieken.radio4.nl/videoarchief/1/ AVRO De Klassieken is het ochtendprogramma op Radio 4. Elke werkdag van 9-12 de mooiste muziek uit de muziekgeschiedenis. Op de halve uren De Aubade, Het Klassieke Hart en Variaties op een Thema. Presentatie: Maartje van Weegen.
Flutissimo 2014 participants and guest artists discuss highlights of this festival's inaugural year. www.flutissimo.uga.edu
Blijf op de hoogte van De Weg Over Rozen - de nep-soap van Nederland! Website: http://www.DeWegOverRozen.nl/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dewegoverrozen (@DeWegoverRozen) Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/DeWegOverRozen Hyves: http://DeWegOverRozen.hyves.nl/ Welkom op Middelbare School "De Rozenstruik", waar liefde, drugs en boulimia de orde van de dag zijn. In deze web serie volgen we de avonturen van verliefde, verwaande en verslaafde tieners bij hun zoektocht naar geluk. Vanaf 13 februari, elke maandag een nieuwe aflevering. Hou de website in de gaten voor een blik achter de schermen, foto's, filmpjes en leuke extra's. Fan? Abonneer op ons kanaal, en volg ons op Twitter, Hyves en Facebook!