- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 2922
- author: Zorro11144

Why the Byzantine empire was a Greek empire
The Byzantine empire was the ark of the ancient Greek knowledge, the empire had a Greek ch...
published: 11 May 2011
author: Zorro11144
Why the Byzantine empire was a Greek empire
The Byzantine empire was the ark of the ancient Greek knowledge, the empire had a Greek character, while the official language was the Greek from the 7th century AD. The name Hellas and Graecia never stopped to be mentioned both in Byzantine and Western documents, While the theme of Hellas was founded at 687 AD. For the eastern people the Eastern Roman empire was considered as a Greek empire. For the Armenians, Georgians and other people of the near and middle east the byzantines were called as yoni, Javan and yavani, which means Greeks. In many islamic sources the Byzantine empire is also called Ighrigiyah and yunaniyun. In one passage of the history of Ibn Zabala which was written at 814 AD it is mentioned that the king of the Greeks sent to Αl-Walid help, for the reconstruction of Mohamed's mosque in Medina. The Arab historian and Geographer Ali al-Mascuch reffering to the period of Emperor Romanus Lekapenus and his policy, he characterizes the empire as homeland of the Greeks and the emperor as king of the Greeks. Al-Tabari calls the Byzantine emperor as lord of the Greeks.At the same period , the Arab geographer Shams ad Din, also known and as Mukaddasi, writes "we will exclude now the description of Tarsus city and its periphery because for now is at the hand of the Greeks".Tarsus was capured by Emperor Nikiphorus Phokas at 965 AD. For Pope Gregory the great, Gregory of Tours, Isidore of Seville, Liutprand of Cremona, Paul the Deacon the chronicler of the lombards ...
- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 2922
- author: Zorro11144

Пиза. Pisa 3
Пиза третья часть. Пи́за (итал. Pisa) — итальянский город и коммуна в регионе Тоскана, на ...
published: 07 Dec 2010
author: irianosova
Пиза. Pisa 3
Пиза третья часть. Пи́за (итал. Pisa) — итальянский город и коммуна в регионе Тоскана, на расстоянии 10 км от Лигурийского моря, административный центр одноимённой провинции. Неофициальный символ города — Падающая башня, с 1986 г. вместе с площадью, собором и баптистерием имеющая статус объекта всемирного наследия Покровителем города считается святой Райнерий (англ. San Ranieri). Праздник города 17 июня. Ancient times Pisa's origins remained unknown for centuries. The city lies at the junction of two rivers, the Arno and the Serchio in the Ligurian Sea forming a laguna area. The Pelasgi, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Ligurians have variously been proposed as founders of the city. Archeological remains from the 5th century BC confirmed the existence of a city at the sea, trading with Greeks and Gauls. The presence of an Etruscan necropolis, discovered during excavations in the Arena Garibaldi in 1991, allowed to clarify its Etruscan origins. Ancient Roman authors referred to Pisa as an old city. Servius wrote that the Teuti, or Pelopes, the king of the Pisei, founded the town thirteen centuries before the start of the common era. Strabo referred Pisa's origins to the mythical Nestor, king of Pylos, after the fall of Troy. Virgil in his Aeneid states that Pisa was already a great and developed centre by the times described; the foundation of the city in the 'Etruscan lands' has been credited to settlers from the Alpheus coast. Old half of Pisa (view from Leaning Tower ...
- published: 07 Dec 2010
- views: 1869
- author: irianosova

Leo the mathematician
Leo the mathematician 790-869 AD Leo the Mathematician was a Byzantine Greek. He was a phi...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: Zorro11144
Leo the mathematician
Leo the mathematician 790-869 AD Leo the Mathematician was a Byzantine Greek. He was a philosopher, he had a very good knowledge in astrology and in poetry and he was a polymath. He has been called a "true Renaissance man". He was archbishop of Thessalonica and later became the head of the Magnaura university in Constantinople, where he taught Aristotelian logic. en.wikipedia.org Liudprand of Cremona in his memoirs of his trip to Constantinople in 949 tells us : In front of the emperor's throne was set up a tree of gilded bronze, its branches filled with birds, likewise made of bronze gilded over, and these emitted cries appropriate to their species. Now the emperor's throne was made in such a cunning manner that at one moment it was down on the ground, while at another it rose higher and was to be seen up in the air. This throne was of immense size and was, as it were, guarded by lions, made either of bronze or wood covered with gold, which struck the ground with their tails and roared with open mouth and quivering tongue. Leaning on the shoulders of two eunuchs, I was brought into the emperor's presence. As I came up the lions began to roar and the birds to twitter, each according to its kind, but I was moved neither by fear nor astonishment ... After I had done obeisance to the Emperor by prostrating myself three times, I lifted my head, and behold! the man whom I had just seen sitting at a moderate height from the ground had now changed his vestments and was sitting ...
- published: 21 Jun 2011
- views: 457
- author: Zorro11144

Papst Johannes XII.
Graf Alberich II. von Spoleto -- ein Sohn der Marozia -- ließ auf dem Sterbelager Papst Ag...
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: TheSwamprocker
Papst Johannes XII.
Graf Alberich II. von Spoleto -- ein Sohn der Marozia -- ließ auf dem Sterbelager Papst Agapitus II. und den römischen Adel per Eid verpflichten, seinen Sohn Octavian nicht nur zum Princeps von Rom und damit zu seinem Nachfolger zu machen, sondern auch nach dem Tod des Papstes ihn zu dessen Nachfolger zu wählen. Nach dem Tod Agapitus II. wurde Octavian am 16. Dezember 955 im Alter von 16 Jahren (nach anderen Quellen mit 18) als Johannes XII. zum Papst gewählt. Dabei war er völlig ungebildet und beherrschte nur die Vulgärsprache. Er war der fünfte und letzte Papst, der auf Befehl Alberichs -- hier noch über dessen Totenbett hinaus -- gewählt wurde. Johannes wird in den Quellen als eine der erbärmlichsten Figuren beschrieben, die je in der Geschichte Roms und der Kirche eine Rolle gespielt haben. Der zeitgenössische Geschichtsschreiber Bischof Liutprand von Cremona berichtete ua von Mord, Verstümmelungen, Ehebruch, Inzest, Simonie, Jagd- und Spielleidenschaft, Meineid und Gotteslästerungen. In seinem Laster kannte Johannes keine Grenzen. Er soll heilige Gefäße an Prostituierte verschenkt haben. Einmal ließ er angeblich sogar einen Diakon in einem Pferdestall weihen. Berengar II. von Ivrea und sein Sohn Adalbert glaubten, die Lage in Rom ausnutzen zu können, und drangen mit ihren Truppen in Richtung Rom vor, um es zu besetzen. Der Papst rief deshalb -- möglicherweise durch Kreise der Cluniazensischen Reform gezwungen -- König Otto I. um Hilfe. 961 erschien dieser mit seiner ...
- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 50
- author: TheSwamprocker