- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 113
- author: akinsey3460

The Littoral Zone Rap
J Ray...
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: akinsey3460
The Littoral Zone Rap
J Ray
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 113
- author: akinsey3460

Stream Features in the Littoral Zone
Sedimentary features in the littoral zone of the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada....
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: blunosr
Stream Features in the Littoral Zone
Sedimentary features in the littoral zone of the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- published: 12 Sep 2011
- views: 283
- author: blunosr

littoral zone survey
this memorial day weekend, our local beaches are jam packed, shoulder to shoulder, with lo...
published: 29 May 2011
author: floydstinkyboy
littoral zone survey
this memorial day weekend, our local beaches are jam packed, shoulder to shoulder, with local residents. littoral zone is fancy scientific lingo which means "beach". found some interesting things at low tide (a usable fishing lure, retail $5.99) and two sea anemones. our anemones do not have stingers on their tentacles; but they do have suction cups. when you touch them, they latch onto you and attempt to drag you into their mouth, so you can be eaten. fortunately, they are only three inches wide and not three feet!
- published: 29 May 2011
- views: 197
- author: floydstinkyboy

Vlog at Tidal Pool
Watching a snail, sea anemone and crab go about their business in a tidal pool at the beac...
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: David August
Vlog at Tidal Pool
Watching a snail, sea anemone and crab go about their business in a tidal pool at the beach. www.davidaugust.com music Gioachino Rossini - William Tell Overture: Finale Victor Symphony Orchestra - Rosario Bourdon, conductor Recorded July 15, 1926 via archive.org
- published: 14 Nov 2011
- views: 91
- author: David August

littoral zone video Sam vs Wild.avi
My friend sammy and i made this video for our field biolegy class. it was filmed in late n...
published: 07 May 2010
author: blacklabel472
littoral zone video Sam vs Wild.avi
My friend sammy and i made this video for our field biolegy class. it was filmed in late november at hampton beach. this is by far the most realistic survival video you will ever see.
- published: 07 May 2010
- views: 245
- author: blacklabel472

Bear Lake Shoreline Conference - Amanda Sweetman - Wetland and Littoral Zone Functions.mp4
Bear Lake Shoreline Conference Amanda Sweetman, USU Wetland and Littoral Zone Functions...
published: 24 May 2011
author: ziffman76
Bear Lake Shoreline Conference - Amanda Sweetman - Wetland and Littoral Zone Functions.mp4
Bear Lake Shoreline Conference Amanda Sweetman, USU Wetland and Littoral Zone Functions
- published: 24 May 2011
- views: 54
- author: ziffman76

Littoral Zones
published: 03 Jul 2011
author: Astrose512
Littoral Zones
- published: 03 Jul 2011
- views: 27
- author: Astrose512

Cutting Plants in Stony Lake - Littoral Zone Encroachment
Cleaning the Miniwanca Swimming Area with Pond Shark...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: Samolian777
Cutting Plants in Stony Lake - Littoral Zone Encroachment
Cleaning the Miniwanca Swimming Area with Pond Shark
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 12
- author: Samolian777

Montage Exposition "The Littoral Zone" Marc Quinn
Marc Quinn au Musée océanographique de Monaco Du 12 mai au 15 octobre 2012, le Musée consa...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: Musée océanographique de Monaco
Montage Exposition "The Littoral Zone" Marc Quinn
Marc Quinn au Musée océanographique de Monaco Du 12 mai au 15 octobre 2012, le Musée consacre une exposition majeure à l'artiste anglais Marc Quinn. A cette occasion, de nombreuses œuvres, peintures, sculptures et installations sont dévoilées dans les salles du Musée, son grand parvis, et sa terrasse panoramique. Marc Quinn at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco From May 12 to October 15, 2012, the Museumwill open a major exhibit dedicated to the British artist Marc Quinn. On this occasion, several pieces, paintings, sculptures, and installation arts are unveiled throughout the halls of the Museum, the front courtyard and on the terrace panorama. Plus d'informations : goo.gl Website / Le site internet du Musée oceano.org Join us on Facebook Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter / suivez-nous sur Twitter twitter.com Subscribe / Abonnez-vous à la chaîne MonacoOceano goo.gl
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 238
- author: Musée océanographique de Monaco

Première d'une série de correspondances établissant un pont entre Toulouse et Oran, les de...
published: 07 Oct 2012
Première d'une série de correspondances établissant un pont entre Toulouse et Oran, les deux villes étant à l'honneur du projet de 10VERS, ZONE DE TRANSIT 2.0, dont la sortie est prévue prochainement. C''est KONIC (Bim Bam Prod) qui ouvre le bal, sur une prod de LOK, récent vainqueur du Drop The Beat 2012. Le tout est réalisé par DEFLIMZ. Enregistré au studio GLOCK 16 par DIKY THE KID. Mixé et masterisé au studio MAR E SOLE par TEKNIKO. Produit par 10VERS et la BIM BAM PROD. Tourné à Oran et à Toulouse. www.bimbamprod.com twitter.com www.facebook.com bimbamprod1.bandcamp.com
- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 4479
- author: BIMBAMPROD

FISH 4 FISH Interview about Mediterranean Littoral zone Aquarium
published: 26 Mar 2009
author: Ray Caruana
FISH 4 FISH Interview about Mediterranean Littoral zone Aquarium
- published: 26 Mar 2009
- views: 615
- author: Ray Caruana

Montage de l'oeuvre "Planet" le bébé de Marc Quinn pour "The Littoral Zone"
©Marc Quinn Planet (2008), est un bébé en apesanteur de 4 mètres de haut, plus de 9 mètres...
published: 09 May 2012
author: Musée océanographique de Monaco
Montage de l'oeuvre "Planet" le bébé de Marc Quinn pour "The Littoral Zone"
©Marc Quinn Planet (2008), est un bébé en apesanteur de 4 mètres de haut, plus de 9 mètres de long et 6 tonnes de bronze peint en blanc. Une planète qui dérive dans l'espace et provoque l'émerveillement. Il est installé sur le parvis du Musée océanographique pour l'exposition "The Littoral Zone" du 12 mai au 15 octobre 2012 Plus d'informations : goo.gl Website / Le site internet du Musée oceano.org Join us on Facebook Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter / suivez-nous sur Twitter twitter.com Subscribe / Abonnez-vous à la chaîne MonacoOceano goo.gl
- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 772
- author: Musée océanographique de Monaco

ケータイ狂想曲 烏田晴奈
烏田晴奈「ケータイ狂想曲」 "Cellphone caprice" by Haruna Karasuda *MUSICIANS* Clarinet:本濱寿明 Nobuaki Mot...
published: 20 Nov 2008
author: Haruna Karasuda
ケータイ狂想曲 烏田晴奈
烏田晴奈「ケータイ狂想曲」 "Cellphone caprice" by Haruna Karasuda *MUSICIANS* Clarinet:本濱寿明 Nobuaki Motohama Guitar&Voice;:堤博明 Hiroaki Tsutsumi Soprano:我妻和枝 Kazue Azuma ContraBass:井手永孝介 Kousuke Idenaga
- published: 20 Nov 2008
- views: 293727
- author: Haruna Karasuda
Vimeo results:

Littoral Zone by Victoria Uris (2009)
James Graham created this commercial for The Ohio State University, Department of Dance.
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: James Graham
Littoral Zone by Victoria Uris (2009)
James Graham created this commercial for The Ohio State University, Department of Dance.
Littoral Zone, Choreographed by Victoria Uris, was presented in the Resident and Visiting Artist Concert, Chocolate and Conversation, in Autumn 2009.

Marenegato - volevo solo fare un tuffo
"Marenegato - volevo solo fare un tuffo" é un progetto di film documentario che racconta i...
published: 07 Jun 2010
author: marenegato
Marenegato - volevo solo fare un tuffo
"Marenegato - volevo solo fare un tuffo" é un progetto di film documentario che racconta il rapporto tra Palermo e il suo mare.
Lungo i ventisei chilometri della costa, da Est a Ovest, il mare si coglie per frammenti, tra cumuli di rifiuti, case abusive, capannoni industriali, divieti di balneazione, discariche e club nautici riservati.
Lungo un'esile striscia di terra, offesa dall'intervento dell'uomo, vivono e lavorano persone che hanno dedicato la loro vita a un mare che, giorno dopo giorno, muore.
Ruggero Di Maggio e Matilde Incorpora si sono imbarcati!
MARENEGATO – I just wanted to swim is a documentary project created from the need to narrate the personal and collective relationship between the city of Palermo and its sea.
Matilde, last descendant of the Fotografia Incorpora, starts a journey through time and space. She is searching for a lost sea through the images of the Incorpora Historical Picture Collection, the old 8mm, the Super8 and the evidences of people that have seen the coast, the beach and littoral zone of Palermo deteriorate over time, slowly but inexorably.
Along the 26 Km of coast, from the East to the West side, we can catch just fragments of the sea, between piles of trash, illegal buildings, industrial sheds, “no bathing” signs, dumping grounds and private beach clubs. A thin strip of land damaged and disfigured by man’s activities. A land where people live and work, people who devoted their lives to a sea that day after day dies.
Musiche HC-B, Oursvince, Ehma, Real Rice

Underwater Visual Census of Newquay Bay, UK - Take 1
This is a low-res first draft of a collection of clips from a trial run of our underwater ...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: SubLittoral Films
Underwater Visual Census of Newquay Bay, UK - Take 1
This is a low-res first draft of a collection of clips from a trial run of our underwater camera. We had simply attached it to a wire cable to try it out and hope it was waterproof to 50m! In future, we will be attaching it to a dedicated cradle for less juddery footage and more controllability. The intention is to film the whole of the bay. Newquay and the nearby Gannel Estuary has been proposed as a Marine Conservation Zone, the UK's proposed equivalent of a Marine Protected Area.
The opening clips have too much overlay information but later clips have less as we'd sussed out how to remove the additional lines! A higher res version was created but unfortunately I put copyright restricted music on it to make it more appealing for a presentation for my day job! (Music from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, if you are interested. Probably not...) Therefore, this film is a placeholder and I will replace it with the higher res version once I have stripped the music off it and replaced it with a narration track.
The footage was, as stated, a trial run and was recorded with students enrolled on the second year of the Foundation Degree in Marine Conservation at Cornwall College Newquay. If you put in a search for this course, web details should be available. We were demonstrating the use of underwater cameras using a technique called an Underwater Visual Census. It was part of the modules Fish Ecology and Marine Invertebrate Biology.

Zone neutre
Zone neutre ou un homme qui dort. Vidéo 7'30
La zone neutre c’est l’incertaine évolution...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: Léopold Guillemin
Zone neutre
Zone neutre ou un homme qui dort. Vidéo 7'30
La zone neutre c’est l’incertaine évolution d’un littoral en transition face au détroit de Gibraltar, dernière frontière avant l’Europe. C’est aussi la mer comme spectacle devant laquelle l’homme s’arrête, immobile dans un étrange contemplation.
(Les Voix sont extraites du film Un homme qui dort de Georges Perec)
Youtube results:

"Littoral Love" Tide Pool Trip at Montana de Oro
Marine Bio trip to the tide pools at Montana de Oro. Song:"Littoral Love" by Maureen Silva...
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: Brandy Machado
"Littoral Love" Tide Pool Trip at Montana de Oro
Marine Bio trip to the tide pools at Montana de Oro. Song:"Littoral Love" by Maureen Silva
- published: 17 Dec 2009
- views: 636
- author: Brandy Machado

Tanganyika Littoral Zone Aquarium
published: 11 Nov 2011
author: mooneatert
Tanganyika Littoral Zone Aquarium
- published: 11 Nov 2011
- views: 321
- author: mooneatert

Montage Cédric ALVAREZ - Exposition "The littoral Zone" Marc Quinn
1er montage réalisé sous Final Cut pro (MAC) pour l'exposition "The littoral Zone" de Marc...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: 0606ced
Montage Cédric ALVAREZ - Exposition "The littoral Zone" Marc Quinn
1er montage réalisé sous Final Cut pro (MAC) pour l'exposition "The littoral Zone" de Marc Quinn - Que vous pourrez retrouvez au Musée océanographique de Monaco Réalisé durant un stage au Service Photo / Vidéo au Musée Océanographique de Monaco
- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 114
- author: 0606ced

Monaco : 200.000 visiteurs pour l'expo « The Littoral Zone » de Marc Quinn
Ouverte au public depuis le 12 mai dernier, l'exposition « The Littoral Zone » de Marc Qui...
published: 10 Aug 2012
author: France3Cotedazur
Monaco : 200.000 visiteurs pour l'expo « The Littoral Zone » de Marc Quinn
Ouverte au public depuis le 12 mai dernier, l'exposition « The Littoral Zone » de Marc Quinn a franchi le cap symbolique des 200.000 visiteurs. Il vous reste jusqu'au 15 octobre 2012 pour la découvrir au Musée océanographique de Monaco. Plus d'infos sur france3cotedazur.fr
- published: 10 Aug 2012
- views: 32
- author: France3Cotedazur