- published: 21 Mar 2010
- views: 40039
- author: markdcatlin

Cuyahoga River Pollution Ohio 1967
I grew up in Akron, Ohio on the Cuyahoga River in the 1960s and recall the foaming soap su...
published: 21 Mar 2010
author: markdcatlin
Cuyahoga River Pollution Ohio 1967
I grew up in Akron, Ohio on the Cuyahoga River in the 1960s and recall the foaming soap suds (before phosphates were removed from detergents), smell and the pollution. On June 22, 1969 a river fire in Cleveland captured national attention. This event helped spur an avalanche of pollution control activities resulting in the Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and the creation of the federal and state Environmental Protection Agencies. The 1969 fires was not the first. Fires plagued the Cuyahoga River beginning in 1936 when a spark from a blow torch ignited floating debris and oils. The largest river fire in 1952 caused over $1 million in damage to boats and a riverfront office building. By the 1960s the lower Cuyahoga River in Cleveland was used for waste disposal, and was choked with debris, oils, sludge, industrial wastes and sewage. These pollutants were considered a major source of impact to Lake Erie, which was considered dead at the time. The 1969 fire has been the subject of several songs, including Randy Newman's 1972 song "Burn On", REM's 1986 song "Cuyahoga", and Adam Again's 1992 song "River on Fire". Over the past 40 years, the river has made a remarkable recovery. The Cuyahoga's story is a particularly apt example for future environmental efforts, because the once burning river can't just be cleaned up and "set aside" as a pristine wilderness park - it runs right through Cleveland, and like most American rivers, the Cuyahoga has to serve ...
- published: 21 Mar 2010
- views: 40039
- author: markdcatlin

Randy Newman - Burn On (1972) "Sail Away" [Major League Intro]
There's a red moon rising On the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Cleveland to the lake There's...
published: 13 Jul 2009
author: Miguel Avalos
Randy Newman - Burn On (1972) "Sail Away" [Major League Intro]
There's a red moon rising On the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Cleveland to the lake There's a red moon rising On the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Cleveland to the lake There's an oil barge winding Down the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Cleveland to the lake There's an oil barge winding Down the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Cleveland to the lake Cleveland, city of light, city of magic Cleveland, city of light, you're calling me Cleveland, even now I can remember 'Cause the Cuyahoga River Goes smokin' through my dreams Burn on, big river, burn on Burn on, big river, burn on Now the Lord can make you tumble And the Lord can make you turn And the Lord can make you overflow But the Lord can't make you burn Burn on, big river, burn on Burn on, big river, burn on ___________________ For "Major League" fans out there, this song was also used as the introduction to the 1989 movie with Charlie Sheen, Bob Uecker etc.
- published: 13 Jul 2009
- views: 7735
- author: Miguel Avalos

Cuyahoga River Restoration
WFN Green examines the 40-plus years of clean up the has been done on the Cuyahoga River s...
published: 27 Jan 2010
author: WFNvideos
Cuyahoga River Restoration
WFN Green examines the 40-plus years of clean up the has been done on the Cuyahoga River since the river caught on fire. For more green info and videos visit www.wfn.tv
- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 14543
- author: WFNvideos

The Cuyahoga River Fire: "Don't Fall in the River"
Tim Donovan recalls working on the Cuyahoga River the day that it caught fire in 1969. To ...
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: csudigitalhumanities
The Cuyahoga River Fire: "Don't Fall in the River"
Tim Donovan recalls working on the Cuyahoga River the day that it caught fire in 1969. To learn more about the Cuyahoga River fire, visit: clevelandhistorical.org To download the Cleveland Historical smart phone app, go to: app.clevelandhistorical.org
- published: 06 Aug 2010
- views: 12168
- author: csudigitalhumanities

The Return of the Cuyahoga
THE RETURN OF THE CUYAHOGA A co-production of Florentine Films/Hott Productions Inc., WVIZ...
published: 15 Feb 2008
author: digarey9
The Return of the Cuyahoga
THE RETURN OF THE CUYAHOGA A co-production of Florentine Films/Hott Productions Inc., WVIZ-Ideastream, Cleveland, and America's River Communities, Inc. For centuries, the Cuyahoga River has been on the frontier. When the United States was a new nation, the river literally marked the western frontier: beyond it, all was unclaimed land -- Indian territory. The Cuyahoga was the place where "civilization" ended; but civilization had it in for the river. By 1870, the river was on a frontier of a different kind: the industrial frontier. For on the river's banks sprouted the country's pride and joy -- a burgeoning, spouting multitude of factories, a booming display of what was called progress. But the river, as it flowed through Cleveland, became a foul-smelling channel of sludge, with an oily surface that ignited with such regularity that river fires were treated as commonplace events by the local press. But then, in 1969, the river burned again, just as a third kind of frontier swept across the nation: an environmental frontier. And the Cuyahoga River became a landmark on this frontier too -- a poster child for those trying to undo the destruction wrought by progress in America. The Return of the Cuyahoga is a one-hour documentary about the death and rebirth of one of America's most emblematic waterways. In its history we see the end of the American frontier, the growth of industry, the scourge of pollution and the advent of a political movement that sought to end pollution ...
- published: 15 Feb 2008
- views: 6675
- author: digarey9

Lake Erie Pollution Problem 1970
By the 1960s the lower Cuyahoga River in Cleveland was used for waste disposal, and was ch...
published: 15 Dec 2008
author: markdcatlin
Lake Erie Pollution Problem 1970
By the 1960s the lower Cuyahoga River in Cleveland was used for waste disposal, and was choked with debris, oils, sludge, industrial wastes and sewage. These pollutants were considered a major source of impact to Lake Erie, which was considered dead at the time. On June 22, 1969 a river fire captured national attention. Time magazine described the Cuyahoga as the river that "oozes rather than flows" and in which a person "does not drown but decays." This event helped spur an avalanche of pollution control activities resulting in the Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and the creation of the federal and state Environmental Protection Agencies. For more information on the past problems and current state of Lake Erie, go to the TEACH site at www.great-lakes.net . TEACH is a project of the Great Lakes Commission through a grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency - Great Lakes National Program Office.
- published: 15 Dec 2008
- views: 23471
- author: markdcatlin

The Sam Laud on the Cuyahoga river.
The Great Lakes Steamship Sam Laud waits for the Center Street bridge to rotate open so th...
published: 01 Mar 2008
author: tremontarama
The Sam Laud on the Cuyahoga river.
The Great Lakes Steamship Sam Laud waits for the Center Street bridge to rotate open so that it can continue up the river.
- published: 01 Mar 2008
- views: 1314
- author: tremontarama

Cuyahoga River burning, 1969: My experience
This last fire (6-22-1969) on Cuyahoga River lasted just thirty minutes, but it did approx...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: rhmooney3
Cuyahoga River burning, 1969: My experience
This last fire (6-22-1969) on Cuyahoga River lasted just thirty minutes, but it did approximately $50000 in damage -- principally to some railroad bridges spanning the river. It is unclear what caused the fire. Prior fires occurred on river in 1868, 1883, 1887, 1912, 1922, 1936, 1941, 1948, and in 1952. The 1952 fire caused over $1.5 million in damage. Photos: csudigitalhumanities.org www.wviz.org - www.wviz.org www.returnofthecuyahoga.com Also see: Lake Erie blooming algae and bacteria -- something not to see or be near to www.youtube.com --- Having the river on fire for my high school graduation in June 1969 seemed fitting and not surpising. My father, the general counsel of a chemical company, fretted several years earlier when a company plant discharge had completely blocked the flow of the Cuyahoga with its gypsum (Calcium Suflate) content, but it happened during a weeked and a bulldozer opened a channel through it be government agencies reopened the next Monday. I grew up read 1899 Rivers and Harbors Act case law as a result of my father's work. Through that law the US Army Corps of Engineers was sole regulator of water pollution before the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972 established the US EPA. In 1972, while doing a class project with Bob Baker at The State University, we did an interview with the Ohio Department of Health in Columbus and had to provide them with a copy of the CWA since I had it from my father before they had gotten it. My childhood (1956-1969) was ...
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 10757
- author: rhmooney3

The Decemberists: "Cuyahoga" (REM cover live on KCRW)
The Decemberists performed a cover of REM's "Cuyahoga" on KCRW's "Morning Becomes Eclectic...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: Chris Lawson
The Decemberists: "Cuyahoga" (REM cover live on KCRW)
The Decemberists performed a cover of REM's "Cuyahoga" on KCRW's "Morning Becomes Eclectic" program, 10th February 2011.
- published: 11 Feb 2011
- views: 17837
- author: Chris Lawson

Cuyahoga River Film
Pairs of students in the Ecological Biology class chose topics from the field of conservat...
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: TheshipleySchool
Cuyahoga River Film
Pairs of students in the Ecological Biology class chose topics from the field of conservation biology to explore through the medium of digital documentaries.
- published: 22 Nov 2010
- views: 4302
- author: TheshipleySchool

RED RIVER. (Cuyahoga).
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: fluteplayerful
RED RIVER. (Cuyahoga).
"HONOR THE FALLEN WOLVES TAKE CARE OF THE WOLVES WHO LIVE". FluteSong of the Event on Facebook. 25/26 December. RED RIVER. (Cuyahoga). www.facebook.com " WATER IS LIFE " and the Wolf Stands for Water..! (Totem of the four directions at the South,Native American Medicine Wheel). WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE,THIS IS MINE. CLEAN WATER ALL OVER THE WORLD. WHAT DO YOU SEE..!..WHAT DO YOU WANT..!..TAKE A LOOK..! VIRTUAL WATERDAY."WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR".22 March 2013. www.facebook.com AWARENESS FOR CLEAN DRINKWATER ALL OVER THE WORLD. Words from the facebook-Page "Native American Indians Music". www.facebook.com Cuyahoga River - Crooked River, [A non-Indian] said that he was really sorry about what had happened to Indians, but that there was good reason for it. The continent had to be developed and he felt that Indians had stood in the way and thus had had to be removed. "After all," he remarked, "what did you do to the land when you had it?" I didn't understand him until later when I discovered that the Cuyahoga River running through Cleveland is inflammable....How many Indians could have thought of creating a flammable river? ~ Vine Deloria Jr., Standing Rock Sioux ,,, en.wikipedia.org Timber Wolf Story The water, trickling over stones... The sound music to his ears, in many different tones. His paws sliding, silently over the slipery wet rocks... He glances at the moon, that can tell time better than any clock. He slinks closer, wanting but one little drink... He observes ...
- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 625
- author: fluteplayerful

Cuyahoga River Can Catch Fire 1969 Ohio
The pollution of our waterways became a national issue in June of 1969, the day that the C...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: markdcatlin
Cuyahoga River Can Catch Fire 1969 Ohio
The pollution of our waterways became a national issue in June of 1969, the day that the Cuyahoga River, flowing through Cleveland, Ohio, on its way to Lake Erie, caught on fire because it was so polluted. Although this was not the first time that the Cuyahoga River had been in flames, the 1969 fire caught the attention of the nation and the fight began for increased water pollution controls, which eventually led to the Great Lakes Water Quality Act and Clean Water Act in the 1970s. In the late 1960s, pollution was so pervasive on the river that cleanup crews weren't called unless there was an oil slick or other known industrial spill of more than 2000 gallons. "The river was always dirty, that was the way it was," said a cleanup worker. "And it never froze, there was so much heat in the water coming from the cooling waters of the steel mills." The pollution included everything from fats and grease from slaughterhouses and rendering plants along the river to acids used in steelmaking or dyes from paint plants -- along with much of the raw or partially treated sewage from the entire Cleveland-Akron area. For more, go to blog.cleveland.com This is clipped from the 1969 film titled Problems of Conservation -- Water by the Encyclopedia Britannica films. The entire film describes communities and localities which have water supply problems, and shows the pollution of the Great Lakes and other areas. The film inquiries into the problems of water shortage, drought, increased ...
- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 126
- author: markdcatlin

2012 November Towpath Trail & Cuyahoga River Restoration update
2012 November update from Scranton Road Peninsula of the Towpath Trail/Cuyahoga River Rest...
published: 06 Nov 2012
author: CuyahogaCounty
2012 November Towpath Trail & Cuyahoga River Restoration update
2012 November update from Scranton Road Peninsula of the Towpath Trail/Cuyahoga River Restoration Project.
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 526
- author: CuyahogaCounty

Cuyahoga River Tour 2009
Once Gray, Now Green Cuyahoga River Tour. Celebrating 40 years of Cleaning up the Cuyahoga...
published: 15 Jul 2009
author: CuyahogaCounty
Cuyahoga River Tour 2009
Once Gray, Now Green Cuyahoga River Tour. Celebrating 40 years of Cleaning up the Cuyahoga River since it caught on fire. This Boat tour of the Cuyahoga River had numerous public, private and non profits who believe health the Cuyahoga River is important to the Greater Cleveland area for many reasons.
- published: 15 Jul 2009
- views: 1755
- author: CuyahogaCounty
Vimeo results:

Kayaking Eastern Cuyahoga River August 2010
Three friends and I did a 10 mile run down the Eastern Cuyahoga. We were shuttled by Camp ...
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: Jason Bowling
Kayaking Eastern Cuyahoga River August 2010
Three friends and I did a 10 mile run down the Eastern Cuyahoga. We were shuttled by Camp Hi Canoe Livery, and enjoyed varied scenery as the river changed from wide and gentle to mild rapids at the end. It was a great trip, highly recommended if you're looking to paddle for a half day in northeast Ohio.
Video was shot with a Flip HD in an enclosure mounted to the decks of the boats with a low tripod, under the deck bungees. Downsampled to 640x480.
Video footage by Will Sebastian, Scott Cooper, and myself. Thanks, guys.
Music by "Reasoner" on www.newgrounds.com

Meditation Minute: Cuyahoga River in winter
This video is in HD. You may have to let it load fully before playing. (c)2011 Om Sweet ...
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: Be Zensational
Meditation Minute: Cuyahoga River in winter
This video is in HD. You may have to let it load fully before playing. (c)2011 Om Sweet Om - Zensational Living www.zensationalliving.com/blog
Youtube results:

Roll on Cuyahoga - Cuyahoga River Water Trail
Roll on Cuyahoga - Visit the scenic beauty of the headwaters of the Cuyahoga River as it t...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: jkerr221
Roll on Cuyahoga - Cuyahoga River Water Trail
Roll on Cuyahoga - Visit the scenic beauty of the headwaters of the Cuyahoga River as it travels 100 miles to the confluence with Lake Erie. You have the opportunity to pass through quaint rural Geauga and Portage Counties crossing historic towns of Mantua and Kent. See dramatic whitewater of the 250 foot plunge around Cuyahoga Falls before entering the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Greet the cultural heritage of industrial valley near Cleveland before entering Lake Erie. This is the Cuyahoga River Water Trail.
- published: 13 Jun 2011
- views: 1000
- author: jkerr221

Canoeists River Run of the Cuyahoga River Featuring Will Reeves Video by dale briggs
Cuyahoga River July 29, 2012 Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA B. Broad Blvd to Front St Upper Gorge nea...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Canoeists River Run of the Cuyahoga River Featuring Will Reeves Video by dale briggs
Cuyahoga River July 29, 2012 Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA B. Broad Blvd to Front St Upper Gorge near Sheraton Section This stretch of river consists mainly of three distinct drops. The Dam, which is a typical low head structure and very dangerous, can be portaged on the left if the level permits. After the dam work your way left and surf the wave adjacent to the diversion dam which is just below the cantilevered restaurant. Make sure to wave at the diners while surfing this spot! After the wave you drop over a small ledge and follow the main flow toward river right which sets you up for the first waterfall. The lead in to Rookie Drop has a pourover which likes to backender the unwary. As you head down the shallow channel, aim for the roostertail and set up to boof the 8-footer at Rookie Drop. At this point, it is always nice to savor the view of the hotel and the gorge which is no longer like the insult in the above photo. Next up is the last drop known as Staircase. The lead in takes you through a riverwide hole where a flip will make for a very bad day! After the hole, follow the tongue toward river left and stay tight to the wall. Staircase is a 15-foot narrow slide into a hole right above a narrowing of the river. The bottom drops out as you go over the lip, and the water accelerates you down. AW write up from: www.americanwhitewater.org
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 546
- author: Dale Briggs-Whitewater Open Canoe Paddler

Raw: Ohio's Cuyahoga Overflows From Sandy Rain
Rain from Sandy sent the Cuyahoga River over its banks, flooding areas near Cleveland on T...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: AssociatedPress
Raw: Ohio's Cuyahoga Overflows From Sandy Rain
Rain from Sandy sent the Cuyahoga River over its banks, flooding areas near Cleveland on Tuesday. Strong winds knocked down trees and thousands lost power. (Oct. 31)
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 4559
- author: AssociatedPress

"The Bathroom tapes"...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: james cleveland
"The Bathroom tapes"
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 65
- author: james cleveland