California Republican lawmakers want more for dental care program

Edit Sacramento Bee 06 May 2016
The letter also noted a December 2014 state audit’s conclusion that more than 5.1 million low-income children enrolled in Denti-Cal never received services and that some counties lack enough dentists willing to take Denti-Cal payments....

David Bowie’s 100 Favorite Books, the CounterPunch Connection

Edit CounterPunch 06 May 2016
Back in 2013, David Bowie posted a list of his 100 favorite books to his Facebook page. A couple of days ago a mutual friend told me that Bowie was at least partially inspired to do this after having read the lists that Alexander Cockburn and I concocted (with vicious internal debates) our of 100 favorite books. , , and . This revelation came as a nice surprise, but it was not entirely shocking ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... by Alberto Denti di Pirajno....

MSU announces candidates for graduation at May 7 ceremony (Montana State University)

Edit Public Technologies 02 May 2016
(Source. Montana State University). The following list includes candidates for degrees at Montana State University's 124 spring commencement, which is set for 9 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Saturday, May 7. The university expects approximately 1,464 undergraduate students, 240 master's students and 40 doctoral students will receive degrees, according to Tony Campeau, MSU registrar ... COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ... Daniels, Timothy William Denty*, Savanna K....

Bringing smiles to developmentally disabled children: Guest commentary

Edit LA Daily News 23 Apr 2016
The majority sign up for Denti-Cal, which is Medi-Cal for dental treatment ... But fewer and fewer dentists are willing to participate in state-run programs such as Denti-Cal ... There are a number of factors contributing to this problem, but perhaps the main reason why so many dentists do not accept these patients is that the Denti-Cal program offers only reimbursement rates that hover around 30 percent of the national average....

CDA Cares Ventura delivers $1.5 million in care (CDA - California Dental Association)

Edit Public Technologies 18 Apr 2016
(Source. CDA - California Dental Association) ... In addition to providing dental services at no charge to Californians who experience barriers to care, CDA Cares educates the public and policymakers about the importance of good oral health and the need for an adequately funded dental safety net, which includes a well-functioning Denti-Cal program ... 'It's a great feeling to know you've helped someone by relieving their pain or infection....

Visit the #CDACares Ventura social media hub (CDA - California Dental Association)

Edit Public Technologies 15 Apr 2016
(Source. CDA - California Dental Association). The CDA Cares volunteer dental event in Ventura opens its doors this weekend and attendees and non-attendees can view photos and stories from the Ventura County Fairgrounds at the CDA Cares 'Social Hub.' ... CDA Cares educates the public and policymakers about the importance of good oral health and the need for a state Denti-Cal program that works....

Report calls for "reboot" of Denti-Cal (CDA - California Dental Association)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Apr 2016
CDA is urging the state to take immediate steps to improve its Medi-Cal dental program, Denti-Cal, after the release of a highly critical report by the Little Hoover Commission, an independent state oversight agency. The report, Fixing Denti-Cal, ranks the Denti-Cal program among the state government's 'greatest deficiencies,' and calls for a complete reboot....

CDA urges action on "dysfunctional" Denti-Cal program (CDA - California Dental Association)

Edit Public Technologies 07 Apr 2016
CDA is urging the state to take immediate steps to improve its Medi-Cal dental program, Denti-Cal, after the release of a highly critical report by the Little Hoover Commission, an independent state oversight agency. The report, Fixing Denti-Cal, ranks the Denti-Cal program among the state government's 'greatest deficiencies,' and calls for a complete reboot....

California's Dental Safety Net Fails Most Clients, Report Says

Edit National Public Radio 06 Apr 2016
The program, Denti-Cal, ranks among state government's greatest deficiencies, according to the released last week by the Little Hoover Commission, an independent oversight agency. One third of the state's population is eligible to use Denti-Cal for subsidized dental care, including more than half of the state's children. The department that runs Denti-Cal draws only part of the blame, according to the report....

Little Hoover Commission report slams California Denti-Cal shortcomings

Edit Business Journal 05 Apr 2016
Calling Denti-Cal among California government’s “greatest deficiencies,” the state’s Little Hoover Commission has published a report saying the Medi-Cal dental program falls disastrously short of its goal of providing dental care to the underserved ... The bipartisan commission slammed Denti-Cal for its low reimbursement rates, which don't make it worthwhile for dentists to… ... ....

Fake funerals and sing-alongs: the most bizarre workplace stress-busting ideas

Edit The Guardian 05 Apr 2016
Can lying in a coffin and cuddling office pets actually reduce stress, or are they gimmicks that fail to address the underlying problem?. Supported by. Deloitte. @CharlotteSeager. What’s more stressful than ill health, debt or relationships? For most of us, it’s work ... “I realised I’ve made lots of mistakes ... Office sing-alongs ... Related ... “Stroking a dog is surprisingly calming,” says Chloe Denty, senior account executive for the company ... ” ... ....

Monty Confidanté: ‘While Piggy’s away, Tray takes over Chequers for the Easter break’

Edit The Guardian 28 Mar 2016
This week. our society columnist reveals what happened when the Camerons left the country, and joins a crowd of mournful hacks saying farewell to the Indy. Theresahead ... Spoke of “much Cobra-related groundwork to be done” and sighed for effect ... Newsround. To Fleet Street’s oldest pub, the Lung and Prostate, where a small mournful crowd gathered to “spank out” the final print edition of the dear old “Denty” after 30 glorious years. So sad ... ....

Budget Subcommittee SPOTLIGHT: March 18, 2016 (California Senate Republican Caucus)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Mar 2016
(Source ... Subcommittee #1 (Education) ... California's Denti-Cal program, which provides dental care to Medi-Cal enrollees, has increased efforts to monitor and improve delivery of dental services following a scathing 2014 state audit ... Senate Republicans believe a state fiscal priority should be to keep promises to vulnerable people who use programs such as Denti-Cal, and promote access to care through adequate reimbursement is essential....